You need to reverse the equation in your life if you want to get different results. It is changing the percentages in different areas of your like to give yourself the advantage to win.
If everyday you use 80 percent of your time for procrastination... reverse it, use 80 percent of your time for production and only 20 percent for procrastination. Do that for months and see the difference. It's pretty much the same, you can still procrastinate because you love doing it but you will only do it for lesser amount of time.
If you are in a huge debt because you spend 90 percent of your money for useless things and only ten percent for things that does matter... reverse the equation. Use 90 percent of your money for more important things and only ten percent for luxuries and stupidities. Doing this will turn your life around, you will slowly get rid of your debts and manage your financial status better.
If you're always using your energy for more negative things and thoughts, let's say 70 percent of your energy for negativity... reverse it. Use your energy for 70 percent positive things and 30 percent only for negative things. You can't use all of your energy for positive things because you're just a human. There are also a lot of negative things in your surrounding so it's really hard to become pure positive. Do this technique and let's see what will happen to your life.
You don't need to get rid of your bad habits right away because it's hard to do that, but you can minimize it and give it a lesser equation and focus.
Your life is your focus, as simple as that. The more energy you give for something... the more it will manifest into your life.
So do the basic step... reverse the equation and see the transformation.
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