Jun 30, 2018


If you have the power to change it then change it, if you can do something about it then do something about it. But if you don't have the courage to take actions or you can't do something about it anymore then just deal with it. Sometimes you don't need to do something all you have to do is deal with it and accept it. Things will change naturally, it's better if you will take actions but what if it's already a hopeless case and the more you push things gets worse? just deal with it. Endure it, accept it and persevere.

Most people can change something, everything can take actions but they are not moving, I don't know they were completely in a state of shock or something. But the worse thing is... they will make dramas, they will complain about it and will try to get sympathy. They don't know that they are only making their situation worse by doing a lot of dramas.

Stop complaining if you have no plans of taking actions, you will only become worse by doing that. Just accept it and focus your eyes on some other things, just ignore it if you can't change it.

It's uncomfortable looking at it, it really feels bad having it in your life but if you will not take actions, if you will not move forward then it will be in your life forever.

All you have to do is try, push yourself and never stop until it changes. Your situation will change if you have a positive mind. Never give up, once you start it... finish it. Never care if you're tired, never care if there is no small progress... just kick the door until it opens. There will always be a break through, there will always be a change. Just trust the process and everything will work out in the end.

Being a diva, being lazy and sensitive will never work nowadays, it never worked before and it will still not work up to now. If you want to change something then change it, never look at it, never watch it... just change it.

It's all about facing it and see what is behind it, feel it's power and make it powerless, feel it's danger and make it harmful, study the risk and make it meaningless to you. Change your perspective towards it and it will become weak.

You have nothing to lose if you will move, why are you so afraid of doing it? Moving will give you direction, it will change your bum life, don't be afraid of executing a small step, that step will be the key to your freedom.

You feel sick if you can't change something right? you feel weak if you know what to do and you're not doing it. What are you waiting for? change it now, you have a lot of time, you have a lot of power in your body. If you will not do something about it then just accept it.

Jun 28, 2018


If you don't have any direction in life and you don't know what to do, if you're completely lost and you feel that everything is falling apart... choose one thing, choose something to do, make sure it is positive and establish a point of attraction there. Have you ever wonder why are there some people getting successful in something that they are doing? it's because they establish a point of attraction there. If you're focused on one thing and you're giving your best to make it successful then it will become successful, as simple as that. 

If you have a channel in you tube and you want to make it grow then simply post videos everyday and try to do everything you can to make it grow, it will grow for sure... your channel is the point of attraction, people will go there, products and money will revolve there. What you're doing is your point of attraction, if you are giving your best and you're serious about it then positive things will be attracted towards you. If you can't become successful in anything that you do it only means you're not serious about it, you're not thinking about it 24 hours a day. 

So if you hate what you're doing then you will never attract good things there, it will be seen in your work, it will be seen in your face and body language. You really need to feel good in anything that you do so you will be able to forge positive outcomes. 

Your goal, business, thought, doing right now is your point of attraction. A lot of things will be attracted to you so be careful about anything that you are doing and putting inside of your head. That's why scammers never win, they will only get money in the beginning because they were doing good and offering good in the beginning, that's their point of attraction in the beginning but their point of attraction changes in the end, it's because they will try to escape and people will learn that they are a fraud, their point of attraction changes from positive to negative. They were saying positive words in the beginning but they will do negative actions in the end which is not doing what they told people and trying to scam the money, the result is... a lot of negative things were coming to them.

So if your intention is good and you're really giving your best... that is your point of attraction, good things will come into your life automatically. 

Establish a point of attraction that you will enjoy from the start up to the end, that's the key how to become successful.

No matter what you are doing, may it be big or small... it will attract something. It will give you anything that you want if you will take it seriously and do everything to make it grow.  

Jun 26, 2018


Everyday you developed a pattern thinking that is solely responsible for the outcome of your life. In every simple situation, there is a pattern of thinking that is running inside of your head. If there is something bad that is happening to your life right now you will think of it as something negative, you will never think that everything happens for a reason, you will never look for its real meaning. But if you will create a different pattern of thinking and just think that it happens because something good is about to happen then you will have a different life.

It's your mind that controls everything, when something bad happens at you... you always panic, you are always looking for something to blame.

It's all about using the thoughts that will serve you, be good in manipulating your mind because it's the most powerful weapon that you have. If your life is not in good place right now... change your pattern of thinking, study how your mind behaves and try to tweak it a little bit. Change your beliefs, change your perspective and way of thinking, always believe that something good is about to happen even if you're struggling, always believe that your situation now is just temporary and better things is waiting for you.

Think differently, you don't need to think different than others, you just need to think different than your old self. That old pattern thinking of yours is not working anymore, you need to think about different things this time. Think more positively, stop thinking about negative things, stay away from negative people because they are only making your life difficult. Instead of worrying why not take actions? instead of drowning in fears why not give your best to make things happen? you will only progress if you will stop holding yourself back and keep believing in yourself.

Produce a different pattern of thinking to change your reality. This is an effective way, your thoughts is your reality, you can change your life by simply adjusting how your mind behave and entertaining thoughts that are healthy for your system.

Jun 25, 2018


That is the break you are waiting for, you think it's not the one because it's difficult, you think it's not the right timing because you are being threatened, you don't trust yourself. You've been waiting  lot for the break to come at you, you're always looking for it, now that there is an opportunity to do something why are you not grabbing it? it's the break that is for you.

Don't lose motivation when you see that you can't do anything about it, of course there is something you can do about it, all you need to do is start taking actions now.

What you are doing now... maybe it's the break that you are waiting for, the problem with you is you are looking too far once you feel that you're in big trouble, you are wishing for an easy way out once there is a resistance. For example, you just started and a business and it's not doing well, you will think that it's not the business for you, you will start to think about starting a new business. That's a bad perception, that's a bad decision... you have to wait for a few more months before you quit. If you can still survive it then survive it, you need to persevere. Sometimes the opportunity is disguised with challenge, you think that you can't do it but once you face all the obstacles and difficulties you will see that it's not hard, you will see that it's the right one for you.

It's all about finding a way how to become successful, just because the opportunity is right there in front of you doesn't mean it's going to be easy, of course it's not going to be easy, you still need to pay the price, you still need to work and take massive actions.

Just do it, just keep moving forward, find a way how to do something while you're struggling, that's what it is all about, that's how to devour a break. An opportunity will only become successful if you will work hard for it and make it your slave, let it follow you, command it, dictate the momentum and never stop until you're successful.

The problem with you is you're too picky, you're too soft, just a small problem and struggle is making you change direction.

Never change direction, if an opportunity is in front of you... go and attack it relentlessly.

Jun 23, 2018


Stop looking for the secret to success because there is no really secret to success, all you have to do is work the hardest, stay focused and committed. There is no other way, why will you look for the secret? all you have to do is work. Set a target and aim for it... as simple as that, be relentless and be serious about it. Stop being a joker, there is no time for clowning here, this is a serious business, stop looking for excuses... if you can take an action now then take an action now, as simple as that. Make the process simple... just work hard, look for what is working and keep doing it over and over again, never stop until you become successful. It will really take a very long time but it is what it is, if you will not be patient the you will never become successful. Just wait and work and wait and work... that's how to get it done, work while waiting fr success.

Your're always looking for something to help you, you're always looking for a short cut but did it show up for you? you're always looking for an easy way that's why you can't have it. Just accept that it will be a pile of hard work, just accept that you will really have to grind because there is no other way around, no one is excuse here... everyone who wants to become successful must really work hard and give his best.

So stop attending seminars that will teach you to become successful, start working now and never stop. This is a journey, you will learn while you're on the way, you will learn while you're making mistakes. All you have to do is try again if you fail, be resilient, have that mentality of trying again if you fail.

Success will come if you really deserve it, if you know in yourself that you are giving your best every single day then success will be attracted to you, you will get it if the amount of work is already enough to really deserve it. So stay focused, stay committed... never stop until you get it. You are suppose to have it on the right time so don't ever give up, stop looking for the secret and start working now, whatever work you can produce... do it.

Jun 22, 2018


I don't care what process are you going to use, I don't care about how you feel, I don't care what your situation is... just win. Do whatever it takes to win and never hold back, if there is a small idea inside of your head... use it, don't be conservative, don't make excuses... just do it.

You can do a lot of things, you can become very creative here. You can become playful while striving to win, it's all about giving your best, there is nothing hard with it.

If you will only go crazy and feel like you have nothing to lose then you will win... that is guaranteed. You will never win if you will never do something out of the box. You have to be a little bit insane here, you have to do whatever it takes even if it is uncomfortable. You don't know what the exact timing is, you don't know what the exact process is but you will be able to do it... as simple as that. Because you will never give up, you will keep plodding no matter what.

Believe that you can find a way, believe that you can do it no matter what. It will be hard, it will not be easy but if you're so focused on winning then you will win... as simple as that, you can invent any kind of technique, you can try anything you want, make sure you will never listen to them, make sure you will listen to your instincts and work as hard as you can.

Winning is for everyone, are you just going to let your life pass by without succeeding? aren't you going to take your part? Success is for everyone, take a slice, take a bit... it's free.

Just feel free doing anything you think will work, never hold back, never think twice... just do it and have zero regrets when you fail. Try again and never stop until you become successful.

Just win baby win!

Jun 21, 2018


You want a lot of things but you're not willing to work for it, that's a pussy move. If you want something then work for it, don't wish for it, don't cry for it... work. Take massive actions, I cannot stress this enough that you need to really work hard to get the things that you want, there is no other legit way. Scamming will not work, taking short cuts will not work, begging will not work... hard work is the only thing that will work and no other else.
You want a lot of things but you don't want a lot of work, who are you fooling? you think you can get away with that kind of thinking? you think you can succeed by simply wishing? you will never get anything if you will not work hard and almost kill yourself just to get some pretty cold cash. Wake up kid, there is no free in this world. If you want it then work for it, as simple as that.

Nobody is going to give it to you, nobody is going to work for you. If you want bling bling, if you want cars and money then work. Work is the only thing that will solve your problem. Not your ideas, not your daydreaming, not your plan, not your wonderful wishes... only work will give you what you want. If you're not willing to work then you don't have the right to dream, you're just wasting your time, you will only get depressed. Hard work is the answer for all your wishes, not a genie nor a lottery ticket. Stop wishing for luck because the more you wish for it the more you get unlucky, things will not come to you if you're just wishing for luck, luck is for losers, work is for winners.

It's ok to want something big but make sure that you will work for it, don't just want it... work for it and never stop until you have it.

Jun 20, 2018


You feel bad... feel it, don't resist it, don't fight it... just feel it, you need to feel it so it will go away. The more you resist it the more it will go stronger. You need to be ok feeling any kind of emotion and stop amplifying it by thinking about negative things. If you feel it then just feel it, don't give it another negative meaning, don't try to make dramatic scenes about it, don't ever feel that you're a victim, don't ever feel that there is something wrong with you. It's life, you are suppose to feel different kind of emotions, that's the beauty of life, you have the ability to feel, that makes it exciting even more.

Feel the pain, don't try to resist it, don't try to get some attention from it, just feel it and you will learn that it's not that bad. Stop making excuses, stop trying to get sympathy from other people, it's there not to make you weak... it's there to make you strong, you only become weaker because you don't have the right perspective about pain. If you can only know the real meaning of it then you will be fine. A lot of people were quitting because of pain because they are making it a big deal, they don't know that it's really part of their life. If you're not feeling any pain then you're not living anymore, as simple as that.

It's all about feeling it, it's all about appreciating any kind of emotion because that builds mental toughness, that builds emotional immune system that you can use in the future to become successful. Every time you endure and embrace any negative emotion... you become stronger and wiser, your ability to adapt to any place or situation is going to a different level. Because life is all about toughness, life is all about having the ability to play with any kind of emotions and thriving of it.

It's just a feeling, try to think about it, it will never kill you, it will never hurt you... all it can do is make you feel bad. Don't dwell on it too much and never try to make it a big deal, feel it and try to take actions despite of feeling it. Never give it any importance, it's just a feeling, it doesn't even matter at all.

Let that emotions run in your system, the moment you accept it is the moment it will become weaker, if you can just be ok with feeling any negative emotion then you will become unstoppable, nothing will hurt you anymore, of course you will still feel bad in any given time but you will be able to manage it easily. You will be able to make adjustments and think the right way.

Don't be scared of any emotions, it's only giving spice to your life, it's only giving you a challenge that will make you stronger once you overcome it, it's making you remember the importance of life. It's showing you the right perspective about life... life is about embracing everything no matter how bad it is.

Jun 19, 2018


Everyday you developed a pattern thinking that is solely responsible for the outcome of your life. In every simple situation, there is a pattern of thinking that is running inside of your head. If there is something bad that is happening to your life right now you will think of it as something negative, you will never think that everything happens for a reason, you will never look for its real meaning, that's the pattern of your thinking, it's negative and not hopeful. But if you will learn how to change your thoughts about something then you will get a different result. If something negative happens to you, just think that it's just a challenge, it's part of your life and there is something better that will happen next.

If something is disturbing you, you are getting mad right away instead of focusing on the task ahead of you, you are letting your day be ruined by something that is not even important. If you will only think that it's a signal to work even harder then you will feel better. You are associating your thoughts with everything you see, hear or experience. If you feel that the task is hard you will think that it's time to quit or rest a little bit instead of pushing harder and using more energy to finish it fast. If the economy is down you feel threatened and you are thinking negatively instead of being hopeful and trying to find ways how to make your life even better and secured. If there is a sale item at the mall you will buy it fast without even thinking if you need it or not, if your business is going down you're head is hot, you feel problematic instead of looking for a solution to make it strong again, if you will just think that earning a little or nothing at all is just a part of business and all you have to do is work harder to survive it then your business will never die.

You have to associate the right thinking pattern with every negative situation so that you will produce a more positive outcome. Not all  negative situations are bad, it looks bad because you perceive it as something bad, if you will only think deeper and hope stronger then you will become a winner in life.

What do you think when you saw a cake in the refrigerator? eating it right? what if you just think that it's just a garbage and it will only make you fat, do you think you're going to eat it? build a different pattern of thoughts about something so that you will be able to think right and make the right decision that will put you on a better position.

Jun 18, 2018


A real leader's vision is always to win, it's always to get the job done, he is ok not being appreciated by people but he will give his very best and will do whatever it takes to make a certain type of group succeed. He has this extreme will, he doesn't care if he is tired, he is leading the group and showing them the way, he doesn't mind if it is impossible.

A great leader will always provide, he will give everything for his team even if his team can't see it. He will show the way, he will lead the pack to a right path. He never care about recognition or clapping hands from people, he just knew his job and he will do it regardless if people like him or not. Even if some of his members doesn't agree with him he will still do what he think is right. He leads by example, he is not all about talk.

He is not afraid to take the blame, he is not afraid if his members were all blaming them, he just knew that he can cover up all of his mistakes with hard work and simple corrections. He is not afraid to fail and make a mistake, he will take risks and put his team to the best position that it can be.

The real leader will give hope to his team, if all of the members were getting tired... he will provide the stamina and energy, he will inspire them to work harder because he works the hardest. His will never decrement during those darkest moments, he can find that belief or thought that will make his team stay on the game. He knew that once he show weakness or hopelessness to his team then it will be over.

He never get bored, he keeps on working and working until he find the way, he inspire his members through his relentless work ethic and unparalleled will. He has this undying spirit, he will stick with his team and believe in them until the end.

Jun 17, 2018


If you want to have a security, I mean a legit and real security then keep working hard. Hard work will attract opportunities, hard work is the answer for every problem in the world. Hard work will make you a valuable asset, you will be heard, people will appreciate your work ethic.

If you are working hard then you will never doubt yourself anymore, if the good habits were already installed in your system then there is nothing else to worry about. You know you can move when things are not going well. A failure keeps failing because he is so stunned when bad things happened to him, he can't move at all when he needs to move and make adjustments to his life. A great example is an employee that got fired because of his laziness... he doesn't know what to do because he is not committed to working hard, he don't have any game plan, he doesn't have any personal philosophy that will save him and put him back on the right track.

But if hard work is your philosophy... you will never be fazed by any random event. Even if you lost a large amount of money, even if the company you are working in got bankrupted... you know hard work will save you in any given day, you know that the moment you work harder then a brand new opportunity will come to you without begging for it.

You will get recommendation, people will talk about you, the big bosses would love to have your service. They can't resist you because you are so good and you can produce results at any given moment. Hard work will be your savior, if you have that reputation of working hard then people will love you even more, money will never pass on you, it will come to you. Money loves hard working people, it submit itself to people who can work without expecting anything in return. Money is looking for people who are beasts when it comes to work.

Lazy people are not secured, their lives were always in danger, failure is hunting them, depression is looking for them. Because if you are not moving then you are likely to get depressed, your mind will start to entertain negative thoughts. Thoughts such as failure, gossips, excuses, negativity, recession, cruelty of the world, corruption of the companies and government, zero opportunities etc.

But if you are working hard then you don't need to look for the opportunity because you are the opportunity. People are looking for you because you are the opportunity for them to get a great service. Companies are looking for you because they want to experience a different level of energy when it comes to producing something.  You are opportunity, you are the only one who can give them a great service, it's their lost if they pass on you, it's not your lost because you can always find something that is looking for a great service.  So if you don't want to become scared anymore... commit to hard work and excellence, commit to greatness, nobody can pass on you... they will be for your service.

Jun 16, 2018


It's raining outside, it's a heavy rainfall, it's dangerous to drive, it's logical to stay at home. You feel sleepy because the weather is cold, you just want to sleep. You're thinking that it's just one day and it will never affect the process of being great.

You're wrong, the moment you choose comfort and skip the process for one day... it's all over, the process is destroyed.

It's raining but can't you go even if it's raining? you can still show up even if the road is wet. What you need to do... go for it, a small problem shouldn't change your mindset, it shouldn't change your game plan, you need to show up so that you will never miss a lot of opportunities.

That's the difference between a successful person and a not successful person, the successful one will do whatever it takes to win in life, he will never make excuses, a little rain cannot disturb his rhythm. He's all in, he's lick in, once he knew what to do... he will do it right away.

Stop looking for excuses and start looking for small success. A little rain shouldn't change your mind. Stop being soft and acting like a special individual, you're not successful yet, who are you to make excuses?

Just hustle, just grind and never look at the situation, even if it's hard you still need to do it. Do it now, stop thinking, you're thinking too much, it's just a waste of energy. Just start and do it, you will feel really good if you do it, you will feel great... that is what facing the discomfort is all about, you will feel good because you will feel accomplished in small ways.

Being a spoiled brat will never work, just a little struggle is making you fold and change your mind, it will never produce result.

Show up even if there is an earthquake, show up even if it is raining of fire. Destroy all your excuses and you will change for the better, you will accomplish a lot of things in life. Small success will build your dynasty. It's raining outside? so what, is it going to kill you? stop acting like a bitch and just try to get rich.

Jun 15, 2018


Make a declaration to the world that you will never be the same person again, make a declaration to the world that you will do whatever it takes to win in life. You're sick and tired of your life, you want to change, you want a different outcome, you can only do it if you will commit to a process and never quit until you get what you want. 

Start now, change your habits, change your perspective, only care about the things that my improve your life, stop giving attention to different thoughts and things that will not even make your life great. If you want to become great then you need to go all out, you need to face the pain of being alone, you need to make a war with your old self and try to force the new you to show out. 

Change is hard, if you will not force yourself to do the things that you hate but matters then you will remain the same bum forever, nothing good will happen to your life. 

Make a declaration, start now and do what is necessary to change the outcome of your life. It's all in he mind, if you will just program your mind to enjoy the boring things that produces outcome then you will achieve a different level of success. 

Tell yourself that you will never get the same results as last year, make a declaration. It's independence day, free yourself from laziness and procrastination. Promise to yourself that you will never be the same old lazy person anymore, make a declaration to push yourself to the limits and face the pain of changing. 

Jun 14, 2018


If you don't know what to do, if you don't have that specific skill that will make out thrive in the situation... just use any kind of style that you can think of, learn to adapt, develop a style in a very short period of time. Remember, you want to succeed, you want to own the moment so you need to adapt and improvise, you need to produce something that is effective and might give you small amount of success that you can use for the next sequence of events.  It can be awkward, it can be weird, it can look funny and odd but as long as it is giving you results... use it.

Don't be afraid to use any kind if style, there is no specific style to become successful, there is no particular way to produce something great.  You can lack the knowledge but never lack the heart for trying. It's all about who is willing to show up and embarrass himself just to become successful and great. Don't be afraid to try something, are you just going to stand like that and do nothing? are you just going to let the opportunity escape from your hands, once you need to do something... do something and simply give your best, forget about what might happen next.

Use what you can use and don't be afraid to lose, keep moving forward, keep producing something, so what if you are wrong, so what if you look like a comedian? if you have the proper amount of will to succeed then you will succeed.  Force it, try it, tweak it, combine it, copy it, do it... don't be afraid to try something new, don't be afraid to imitate and then innovate. Always look at your vision, what are you trying to accomplish?

The key here is try to enjoy what you are doing and push yourself a little bit more, try to look for another way, try to look for another technique, just keep on moving and never get complacent. If you are committed enough and you really wanted to win then you will be able to improvise something or invent something that you can use to make yourself successful. There is nothing wrong in doing it your way, they can mock you or criticize you but they will ask you how did you do it once you become successful.

Start now and use your own style, make it grow, develop it, use it again and again until it gives you little results that you can use everyday to make yourself successful. Don't be afraid to look like a bum, don't be afraid to get laugh at, it's normal for someone who is trying to succeed. Just keep failing and keep trying... you will succeed in just a matter of time.  Always be confident to every action that you are executing, always think that it's right, if it's not working then don't do it again but if it's giving you small results then keep repeating it.  Use it again and again until you reach the level of being a big time.

Jun 12, 2018


A lion is patient too, he is very patient hunting for his prey, he doesn't get frustrated, he never quit. Even if it takes weeks or months hunting... he will still hunt for his prey, even if the prey escape from his setup.. he will still look for it, he will still get the meat until the end. If he fails now he will try again tomorrow, he will never stop, he is relentless.

A lion is always alone, he is never afraid to walk alone, he doesn't mind doing it alone because he trust his strength, he knew he can overcome obstacles, he is not afraid to fight an army, he has a lion heart and he will keep fighting even if he is wounded.

Once he bite the arms or legs of his enemy... he will never let it go, the struggle never ends there, his enemy is fighting too, it's trying to escape from his strength but he will never let go. Even if the prey is bigger than him, he will bite with all his might and kill the enemy even if it takes a very long time to do it.

A lion waits for the perfect time, he will calculate his range very well, he doesn't mind waiting for the right time because he knew he can't attack all the time if the range is not good. He will stalk the prey, guard it for some period of time and then attack when he feels that it's the right time.

A lion is very powerful but he is patient too, patience is a trait that everyone needs, if you want to succeed then you need to be patient, don't whine and complain if you didn't get what you want, it's not the end of the world, you can try again next time. Be a lion, even if he is strong he will keep trying again and again until he get the meat.

Kings are patient, leaders are patient, great people are patient. If you can't learn how to be patient then you will quit all the time.

Copy the lion's attitude... patient and determined, he doesn't mind waiting for a long time just to become successful, he is strong but he knew that it's not all about being strong, it's about being patient and using your strength at the right time.

Jun 10, 2018


Too easy, life is too easy if you will just take actions and focus on your goals, stop thinking about anything else, stop thinking about your stupid neighbor, stop thinking about small problems... just focus on your goal and try to get it as fast as you can. Because it is the best thing to do, it is the only thing that will entertain your mind, you need to keep moving forward and make yourself busy, focus on getting what you want, never focus on what you don't want and you will have an easy life.

People were so focused on what they don't want that is why they are having a hard time living, they were so focused on stupid things that don't really matter. If you want success, if you want big money then simply focus on taking actions and that's it. Stop thinking about other people's problems, stop thinking about what they are doing or thinking... just focus on your own life and try to make it grow everyday.

Life will only become hard if you're not focused, if your mind is crowded with negativity. You are powerful more than you thought of yourself if you will only guide yourself to the right direction.

Work harder and harder each day and you will see that life is too easy. Never think nor give any attention to things that doesn't matter, you have your own journey... focus on what you want to happen not on things that you don't want to see.

Your world will change if you can direct your focus to what you really want to have in life, focus on goals not on problems, focus on action not on inaction. If you really want to have a better life or an easy life then work hard now and try to make your life easy.

Jun 9, 2018


If you want to  become successful... don't wish for strength, don't wish for talents... wish for a willpower. You don't need to become a superman to become successful, all you have to have is an indomitable spirit. All you have to have is the commitment to keep moving forward and do what is best for your life.

Keep growing, keep pushing yourself to the limits and you will become a superman one day. It's all about consistent improvement, taking one baby step at a time, there is nothing spectacular about the process, there is no secret ingredient for success. All you have to do is take massive actions everyday and you world will change, you will become phenomenal, you will have a really great life.

So stop comparing yourself to others, stop thinking that you're not enough. Even if you're weak, you can still compete, you can still thrive. You have what it takes to become successful, all you have to do is believe in yourself and that's it. Keep working, keep grinding and forget the word impossible, you can do it no matter what and that is a fact not just an illusion.

If you will just give your best and everything you've got then the doors will open, opportunities will be attracted to you, help will come even if you're not seeking for it. Everything around you is pushing you to the top but you have to believe first and be willing to take sacrifices, be willing to work really hard and face all the adversity that will block your way.

You don't need to be the greatest to start, you don't need to look super extraordinary, all you need is to have a mental toughness that will push yourself through the tough times. Remember that tough times never last only tough people do. If you really want to become successful then push yourself to the limits and never give up no matter what.

Jun 8, 2018


Your situation is that simple, what makes it hard is because you're so full of dramas, you're so full of shit that doesn't work, you think your life is hard because you make it so hard, you're so focused on the things that will never give you a better life.

You don't want to admit it but you're always putting yourself in trouble, you're not doing anything that will make you prosper, all you do is look for the things that you think will make you feel good and consume them right away without thinking about the consequences for that decision.

Your life sucks because you always engage into activities and thinking habits that are useless and non beneficial. It's simple... just do the right thing, if you have a problem then solve it, if you have a debt then pay it, if you don't know what to do then just do something positive, life will become easier if you will just take actions and do whatever it takes to succeed in life.

You need some reality check here, everything is hard because you're making it harder, the more you amplify your laziness and bad decision making skills... the more you will have a difficult life, you will not be able to stomach it in the future.

Make your life simple, just do what you need to do and that's it, just give your best and never put yourself on a bad position. It's all about finding the right place and right habits to succeed, it will become easier if you will just do what is necessary.

So try to calm down, it's not over yet, you still have a chance to become successful.

Sacrifice now, work hard and do the right things, your situation is very simple... just do what is needed and you will have a better life tomorrow, stop making excuses, stop making dramas... do something and never stop.

Jun 7, 2018


Everyone is a believer, it only depends on what kind of idea are you going to believe.

You can tell everyone hat you have millions and they will believe it, you can tell everyone that you have a bentley car before and they will believe it, you can even sell them some products that are full of shit and they will still buy it. People's mind to day were so easy to influence. You can tell lies that will work but be careful because that will back fire on you in the end, you will pay for it.

The point here is... what are you trying to believe? you are a believer too, you believe in something, everyone is a believer. Do you believe that you can become successful in anything that you do? or do you believer what other people are saying that you can't do it? it's up to you what are you going to believe.

That's why big companies pay billions of dollars for advertisements, they know that people can be fooled easily, they know that it's easy to get into the heads of people, that's why their products are selling and they make tons of cash... I mean serious cash that you will never even hold for the rest of your life.

What are you believing now? is it helping your life? is it making you a better person? if you will believe in something make sure it will give you something, make sure it will make you successful and will give you a good life, never believe in something that doesn't empower you. Only entertain the thoughts that will give you motivation, never choose to believe weak and negative thoughts.

Even the negative people are believers... they believe in negative things, they believe that they are hopeless, they believe that their failure was caused by other people.

You believe in something, it's either you believe in your dreams or you believe in your fears, it's up to you what are you trying to believe in. Make sure that your belief will give you an advantage not a disadvantage.

Jun 6, 2018


Life will become too easy if you will just move and forget the outcome. People are having a hard time becoming successful because they're always thinking about the outcome, they're always thinking about the rewards. Sometimes the reward itself is the movement, if you love doing it and you're so happy moving then that is the reward itself, you're already successful.

You do something because you think you will become happy once you get it only to find out that it's not the real answer. The real answer is the process, if you're simply happy doing the process then that's good.

Just move and forget about what may happen next. If you need some money then do something to get the money, forget about how much money will you get, just do something to get it and enjoy it as much as you can.

Take the first step, draw the first blood, stop doubting yourself and stop thinking if you're right or wrong, what will happen will happen for sure. Just relax and take it easy, stop thinking about failing, your mindset should be... you're doing the right thing if you're moving forward because you really are.

You feel so heavy because you're always hesitating, you feel so hard because you want to make it right on the first try which will never happen.

Every work is an easy work if you will work and love the process regardless of what might happen. Just try this... do it right away and never stop until you're done, you can make something out of nothing, just give your best and work hard and everything will be alright.

Ignore the mistakes and keep moving forward, that is how to live an easy life. You will become more confident if you will take actions now, not just an action... super massive action. You can find a way how to get things done if you will just move and forget the future, stop worrying too much because it will never give you anything.

You need to find a way how to enjoy your work or else it will not work, you can have fun on it, adjust your attitude and you will find the technique how to trick your mind and make yourself believe that you're loving your work. Because if you will keep on hating your work then you will become stressed even more, you will feel bad, you will not execute the first step. Just play with your work but take it seriously, imagine that you're just playing and you need to finish it or else your boss will kill you.

PERFECTION IS JUST AN ILLUSION. No matter how much you give your best, there will still be flaws in your work, perfection is just an illusion, just give your best and forget what will happen next. Enjoy the ride, enjoy the journey, don't stressed too much on little things that doesn't even matter.

Jun 4, 2018


If you don't focus on yourself and your own journey... you are giving away your power. If you're thinking about what people say and taking actions based on their reactions... you are giving away your power. Stop thinking about what people say because that is only making you weak. If you are doing something for another person... that is giving away your power too, you will become conservative, you will never take risk.. you will simply take the safer route that has no greater things waiting for you.

If you are focusing on other people's strength that is giving away your power too. You are not using your won power, you think about them and you are not focusing on your own skills, you were stunned by other people's power and that keeps you from taking actions that are necessary to become successful.

Focus on your own power, focus on your own strength, just focus on what you can do and never think about what other people can do. Focus on what you can control, never think about the things that are out of your control because that will only make you weak.

Jun 3, 2018


Sometimes there will really be some regrets in your life, sometimes you can't help yourself but think about it. But what can you do? it already happened, you already screwed up, there is nothing you can do about it anymore, the days you wasted were already waste, you can never bring it back anymore.

All you can do is do your best now, all you can do is be the best now, work hard and always live in the moment. NO REGRETS, this should be your motto in life, what you did you can never change it anymore. You can only control what is happening now, you can never control the past nor the future. Live in the moment and just try to make your situation a little bit better, do it one step at a time, never think about fast forwarding the results because it will only make you feel bad, it will only give a lot of pressure to your journey.

You still have a lot of time, you can make it this month or this year or next year, just trust the process and believe in yourself, work as hard as you can and never look back. No more turning back, what you set for yourself... you have to make it real, you have to do whatever it takes to make your dreams come true.

There are more days to come, you can still win in life... just do it now, change now and change the outcome of your life.

Jun 1, 2018


What you want is very hard to get, it is very elusive but it will be yours if you don't give up. Success will hide from you, it will run, it will do everything to make you suffer, it will really wish for you to give up, it's just a matter of time before you give up but if you really want it then you have to fight for it, you have to do whatever it takes to bring it home because it is really hard and you can't complain about it.

All you have to do is never quit, as simple as that, never quit even if the going gets hard, never quit even if it feels like you're burning and hell and you can't do anything about it anymore, if you don't know what to do then just keep enduring, never stop, just take one small action at a time and keep working towards your dreams, it will be easier soon... just push now and learn to face the pain and difficult challenges that is bringing you down to your knees.

Don't give up, you've been down before, this is not new to you, you're in this kind of situation before. You'r still in control, you're still in the game. Never quit too soon, just survive day after day and then do something positive. Embrace the slowness of the pace, it will become faster once you have that momentum.

It's slippery, you can't even see its shadow, it's frustrating and depressing but it is what it is, success is not a one time effort and you will get it. It takes a lot of effort, it takes a lot of endurance. That adversity will be over soon, you will have a good life in just a matter of time. So keep working keep pushing and simply never give up.