Oct 29, 2019


You hold the key to your success and nobody else other than you. So stop blaming other things if things weren't going on your way, you're the one who's responsible for your own success. You have your strength, you have your knowledge, you have everything you need. All you need to do is work hard and believe in yourself a little bit more. Stop asking for millions if your effort is only for thousands, stop asking for greatness if your effort is only for mediocrity. You're the number one reason for your failure, and the good thing is... you will also be the number one reason for your reign. It is what it is, nothing is going to be easy, you really have to do whatever it takes to become successful. So stop complaining now and do the right thing. Stop looking for a person to help you, stop waiting for an opportunity and crate your own opportunity. You need to become fast here, remember that success is the name of the game, you need to be speedy and not slow because you will only get those opportunities if you're fast and doing the right thing.

Think about greatness and make an effort for greatness, do whatever it takes to win in life. Don't just watch life pass you by and not experiencing the things that you wanted to experience. There is always a way, there is always something you can do to become successful. All you have to do is do it and never stop. Just do it, start it now and just do it, never hold yourself back, never make excuses why you cant do it. Stretch yourself and always go further. You can do something, you can improve, you can get what you want if you will just force yourself to take actions every now and then.

Just doing it will get the job done, stop thinking, stop thinking about what might went wrong, stop thinking about the future and just do it. Make it a habit to focus on the actions that will bring you success. You hold the key to your success, if you will let other people and circumstances dictate the outcome of your life then you're simply wasting your life. You better think the right way and do the right things before it's over. Never give away your power to somebody else. You have the power to make it, you have the power to create. Just do it, do it over and over again and that's it. Never mind the outcome, just stick with the process and the results will be attracted in the end. It will even come sooner than expected. So whenever you feel like a failure today, ask yourself what are you doing that is keeping you from being a failure? Are you always looking for someone to help you, or are you doing it your way? decide now if you will just become a follower or a doer. You have what it takes to become successful, all you have to do is do it and never give up. 

Oct 25, 2019


What you constantly think is what you will become. If you keep thinking about losing then you will lose, if you keep acting like a victim then you will become a victim... as simple as that. You have to saturate your mind with greatness, fill your mind with the most wonderful thoughts that you can ever have.

Think about great thoughts, think about success, think about hustle and grind and hard work. Never think about laziness or failures. Just keep thinking about great thoughts and bring it into existence. You can do it of you are focus, you have no idea what you can do with the POWER OF FOCUS. You will simply think about what you want and work hard for it and you will get it. It may take months or years or decades but for sure you're going to get it.

Most people can't succeed because they fill their minds with worries, fears and doubts. But if you will fill your mind with the most successful thoughts you can ever think of then for sure you're going to succeed and change your life. The key here is to be aware if you're being controlled by your mind, you will know it if you're entertaining fears a lot. You can only control your mind by putting it into a  neutral state and then letting the positive thoughts come in. Make it a habit to stay positive all the time, make it a habit to become appreciative and thankful of your life... that's how the transformation of your life from being a bum to great will begin.

Think about millions, think about winning, think about being the number one and never put pressure on yourself on how to get it. You will get it on the right time if you hold on to that vision for so long. It will take a lot of work but that work will be lessen if you will enjoy your work and take it one step at a time. Feel every step, enjoy every thought, have fun with your dream.

So once you find your mind thinking about negativity, poverty or sickness... STOP. Take a deep breathe and put your mind on a meditative state. Stay calm, stay slow, be still and let the positive and winning thoughts enter. Success begins on your mind, if you can see it and you believe it then you will have it, as simple as that. So decide now which side are you willing to do, is it the positive side or the negative side? it's all on you. The content of your mind will be the outcome of your life. 

Oct 21, 2019


If you're not confident now... it means you're not making any sacrifices. It means all you want is success but you're not making an effort to do the right thing. Some people were born with confidence and some were not. Your environment plays a major role to what level of confidence you have right now. If your environment is always pulling you down and not supporting you then there is a big chance that you will have a low self esteem, but if your environment is very supportive and allowing you to become free and be more creative then your confidence will soar high, you will become an achiever, you will reach greater heights.

But it's ok, it doesn't matter if your circle is good or bad, the good news is you can build confidence on your own. Sacrifice, work hard, practice, study, practice delayed gratification. The more you work hard and abstain from instant gratification... the more confident you will become. Sacrifices alone will make you big, it will turn you into a different animal, the more you sacrifice... the more you will believe in yourself, as simple as that. So if you feel that you're not confident today and you also feel that your confidence will not go up... make sacrifices, be the hardest worker, isolate yourself and train as much as you can, train your mind, visualize yourself becoming successful... as simple as that. It's going to be hard but the more you face difficulty... the more you will become confident with your own abilities mentally and physically, you will never doubt yourself, you will always feel confident every time you try something.

A talented individual will be overtaken by a simple person that can work hard and make sacrifices. That lazy talented individual will lose trust in himself, he will not take matters into his own hands. It's because he is losing his edge already, some guys who works harder than him were becoming better than him.

So if you think you're already talented and that you don't need to make sacrifices anymore... you're in big big trouble, you will lose your grip, you will fail so fast that you don't even know it. The best thing to do is be humble all the time and make sacrifices as much as you can. If you want to become confident with your health then sacrifice the junk food, if you want to become confident with your skills then sacrifice going to parties and hone your craft, if you want to become confident with your

Just one sacrifice at a time, you know if you're doing the right thing or not, you know if you're progressing or not, just make sacrifices and that's it.

So don't feel bad whenever you're making sacrifices, don't ever think that you're depriving yourself and you're not living your life to the fullest. The truth is, you're the one who's living your life to the fullest because not all people can make sacrifices. Everyone can eat burgers, everyone can go to a vacation, everyone can stop studying, everyone can afford to feel lazy, everyone can fool himself. But you, you are different, you are doing something that most people doesn't want to do and that is why you're living your life to the fullest.

Making sacrifices will make you see who you really are, you will uncover your true colors, your confidence will soar high above the roofs. 

Oct 18, 2019


Big or small dream, big or small opponent, big or small money, big or small dream... the size doesn't matter. What matters is the size of your heart and the size of your effort. Are you willing to go all out for it or are you just going to exert a weak effort like everyone else? The size of your belief, the size of your effort is all that matters and nothing else. It doesn't matter how big the price is... you can get it if you really want it and willing to go all in every single day. Big or small is not an issue, the issue is how hungry you are? how much are you willing to give for your dream? are you all in or are you half heart committed? do you really think you can win no matter what or is your heart filled with fear and doubts? Remember, the difficulty of the situation is not the issue here, the issue is are you willing to give everything you've got to make your dreams come true? Don't look on the external, look on what's inside of you, what are you made of? is your heart made of steal? or is it made of cotton candy? you will know how tough you are when you're thrown to the hottest fire. You will know what you are made of once you face a very difficult challenge.

So erase all of your doubts, erase all of your worries and fears because it will not help you at all. You must be mindful of how you feel, you must be aware if you're scared or not because sometimes when fear is there... you don't know that you're already being controlled by it. Focus on your strengths and stop being too emotional, stop letting your mind get used by different circumstances. Focus on what really matters and that is your ability to take action. The truth is... you can still move even if it is so difficult, you can still hustle even if you keep failing all the time, the power is yours, it all depends on how you use your abilities. Forget if your dream is too big and impossible to achieve, just remind yourself that you need to go all in and have a laser like focus if you really want to make your dreams come true. It's all or nothing, how bad do you want it? if you really want it then you will forget all the things that are stopping you from taking actions, you will focus on the process, and for me that is the real strength... focusing on what you can control.

Because you don't know what may happen next, the only think you have power of is yourself, your thoughts and actions. It's really up to you if you will get intimidated with the big challenge in front of you. Remember... it doesn't matter if it is big or small, what matters is you doing whatever it takes to win. 

Oct 11, 2019


You're strong before but suddenly you become weak because you relax too much, it's time to take the power back now, do whatever it takes to get on top. Just pull the trigger and push yourself to the limits, there is nothing wrong for being a little bit greedy, there is nothing about focusing too much. If you're sick and tired of being weak for a long time, if you're sick and tired of being a slave of your own mind... then it's time to take the power back now, do whatever it takes to focus, do whatever it takes to finish something great.

If you need to tie up yourself into your chair in front of your computer then do it. If you need to live int he gym for 7 months then do it, if you need to ignore your girlfriend for years then do it, if you need to stop eating junk foods for 28 straight decades then do it, whatever can give you a momentum and power... do it. It feels so weak and hopeless being weak right? Sacrifice is only what it takes to take your power back, without pain and sacrifice then you're a rat forever, do you want that? focus on one thing and do whatever it takes to get it, as simple as that. Stop thinking about anything else, stop thinking about negative thoughts.... just do what is needed, do what is necessary because you never know... you might be very close form your goal but you're not taking actions anymore that's why you can't get it. Never lose your focus, make your hunger stronger, always be hungry everyday... that's how to get it done.

Focus is a very powerful thing, it's like a water that can break any kind of rock no matter how big it is, once you created a momentum and you keep focusing... nothing can stop you from being powerful. It's ok if you're feeling bad now, just keep pushing forward and you will be alright. You can take the power that was been stolen from you, you can become great again if you will only choose to. It's just a matter of deciding to become great again and making yourself really unstoppable. It's all in you, you can never trust others to help you, it's on you if you will take your power back and get back your life again.

The reason why you're weak is because you're not moving just take actions and you will feel the power again, it's all in your hands, you're just one decision away from success. Start now and finish strong and you will see how powerful you are, you will become confident again. Do whatever it takes to get that power back and show them who you really are and what you can do. Stop being afraid, never doubt yourself if you can do it or not because you can really do it if you will give yourself a chance.

Start fast, never think and just do... that's it. Overthinking will make you weak and slow, it will freeze you, if you will just do something now and forget the future may hold then you will make results for sure, it's all bout forcing and getting back on rhythm, once you force then you will create a momentum that will serve as a bride to succeed. 

Oct 9, 2019


To make life easier and have more fun... look for something to play, a game that you will enjoy, a game where you can be good at. It can be any kind of game, it can be anything, you can even create you own game. It's your rules, it's your kingdom, how good was that?

What is the game that you want? make sure you will make it your game, make sure you're going the be the best player, meaning you will give your all, you will become the mater of it. This type of perspective or approach will make you become entertained so much in your life. Looking for something to play will make you forget all of your problems. You will become a master of something and your life will become much better and better.

Me, personally my game is pushing myself and chasing big goals, I do whatever it takes to get my goals, I really push and push and push and I never stop. I keep on making my beliefs stronger everyday by taking massive actions and millions of affirmations. I do it everyday, it's my game and that's why I am really good at it. I am attracting circumstances and situations that are helping me to achieve my goals. I keep on pushing through discomfort, I never stop, I just fall in love with the process and I really keep going further even if I am tired. This is my game, it's my domain, it becomes part of my life and that is why I am unbeatable in this game. Nobody even want me to challenge in my own game because they knew they're not going to win.

Strengthen your belief, strengthen your faith while playing your game. Whatever game you choose... make sure you're serious about it or else you won't win. If your game is to sell fake CDs so be it, if your game is to make money so be it, if your game is about fight business then be passionate about it. If your game is about being the number one in your chosen game then do it, chase that status, it's ok, for as long as you're chasing something and you have something to become busy about... that's good, that will entertain your mind, it will stop you from thinking about some other things that causes the destruction.

Because if you have something to focus on then your life will change dramatically, you will feel much better. You will forget that you have a disease, you will forget that you have a problem, you will forget all of the things that are making your life difficult. Just focus on something, be good at it and have a lot of fun. Make it your life, make it part of your system. Start now, start your own journey and forget the rules of others, create your own rules, push forward as much as you can and try to become the biggest winner that you can be. 

Oct 7, 2019


There's no secret to success, people who were asking for your money so they will tell you how to become successful fast is just a joke, they were just fooling you and trying to get your money. There's no really secret to success, it's just hard work and focus  and belief and that's it. If you can become relentless then you're already there. Stop believing that there is a shortcut to success because there no really is, you really have to suffer for it, I've been searching my whole life on how to become successful fast and I can't even see its shadow, you are only fooling yourself if you really believe that there is an easy route to success. The only way to make success easy is to enjoy every process of it. Enjoy every step may it be hard or easy... that's the only way to become successful.

Don't be afraid to suffer, don't be afraid to fail... that's the secret to success. Always remember that there is a small success and a big success. Keep getting those small success until it multiply and yo will experience a larger success. So stop looking for a secret to success, and even if someone told you his secret to success... his secret might not work on you, you might not like it and you will stop doing it. Create your own secret, discover your own technique. It's just a matter of believing in yourself and doing whatever it takes to become successful. Once you build that rhythm... it will be easier to become successful. All you need to do is work hard, work harder and harder each day, never let that fire go away, keep it burning, keep pushing. Build your own burning desire if it is not happening yet, draw your own emotional state.

Hard work alone can make you successful, I don't know what else are you looking for. It's too simple, it maybe hard but it's really that simple. Just work hard and stop thinking, focus on taking action, focus on your vision and make yourself closer and closer to success. You can do it if you will stay committed, you can do it if you will believe in yourself and stop entertaining fears and doubts. Hard work can get the job done, hard work can make the impossible possible. Yes, it 's a hard path but the harder the journey the sweeter the victory, you can celebrate for the rest of your life once you become successful. It's ok if you're slow, it's ok if your progress is not that unbelievable.

Just do it, just get it, just chase it, never stop until you get it. That's what it is all about... getting it relentlessly and giving your all out effort. There's no secret here, all you have to do is stay focus and be the hardest worker in the world and that's it. Keep moving forward, keep feeling the pain, keep sacrificing... it's too simple if you will believe and go all out. 

Oct 4, 2019


Why will you cry for something you can't have? why will you make dramas and complain about your life? Life is simply like that, you can't have it all, there is no perfect life, there is no completion, you will still always look for what is missing in your life. It's alright if you can't have it all, no life is perfect, no life is easy. So what if you can't have it? that doesn't mean you're not good and you didn't live your life to the fullest. What matters is you give your very best to get it, once you gave your best... there is nothing else to talk about. If you can proudly say to yourself that you go all out for something then you will have no regrets in your life.

You're not a king who can get everything he wants, you're just an ordinary person, all you can do is make your life special by trying so hard and doing whatever it takes to get what you want. It's ok if you miss, it's ok if you fail, it's ok if you can't get it, sometimes not everything will be given to you, and you are not suppose to get everything, if that's the case then your life will become very boring.

Just give your best, just give everything you can and stop making dramas if you fail. Stop whining, stop cursing your life and living in the past. What is done is done, what is over is over, if you can't change it anymore then let it go. 

Oct 3, 2019


So if you're cleaning your room right now then you're a cleaner, if you're studying your books now then you're a student, if you're hating the people around you now then you're a hater, if you're scared tight now then you're a coward and a loser, if you're taking care of your family then you're a good father right now. What you are feeling now, what you are doing now, what you are agreeing now is your identity, it's your life and the more you do it and feel the same way... the more you will live that way. The good thing about identity is you can change it anytime you want to. You can only have one identity at a time, you can never have two identities. What you are doing now, what you are thinking now is your identity, the question is... are you happy with your identity?

Change your identity now, if you're a slow worker in the past, if you're lazy yesterday then be a hardworker now, as simple as that. It's too easy, this is not a complicated thing, you can do it if you want it. So if you want to become rich now then change your identity to rich, stop the poverty mindset, stop the dramas and complaints, stop being lazy. Do what rich people do and you will become rich. If you want to have a better life now then start getting serious, do what you need to do, you know it right? you know it well so what are you waiting for? You can change, the moment you change your thoughts and actions then you already changed, as simple as that. So don't ever think that it's very hard to change, it's hard because you're not controlling your thoughts, you're simply going with the flow, you're letting something dictate your life.

Your Character can be changed in an instant, it all depends on how much you use your willpower. Just because you're lazy yesterday doesn't mean you're lazy forever. Just because you're useless for years doesn't mean you're useless forever, your identity can change in an instant. Stop believing your emotion, stop believing the people around you telling you you're useless, stop remembering the past about how well you failed and how well you take your life for granted. You have to create a new belief now, this can be done. Most people can't change because they don't want to get uncomfortable. Change is just a matter of embracing discomfort and forgetting your old identity, forget your bad and lazy memories, forget everything that happened. Change your thoughts, change your actions, start a new beginning.

So whatever is happening right now... don't let it fool you, don't let it make you stupid decisions. You can always change your life, you can always change your identity. So if you're a beggar a few seconds ago and then you decided to do it your way and try to become rich by your own terms... you're already rich. Just make sure you will never go back to that beggar mentality. Once you decide to change your identity... never go back to your old self, completely leave it forever. 

Oct 2, 2019


Once you feel it, once you show that you are ok with it... it will go away. Pain and fear only becomes worse because you don't want to feel it. That is why the best talent in the world is the ability to endure and handle pain, if you are good on it... you will become invincible, you will become successful, you can be anything you wanted to be. Just feel it and you will learn that it can never do anything to you, it is nothing, it's just a simple emotions that is frightening you because you don't want to feel it. But if you learn how to be in the moment, once you learn how to stop rushing things then you will be tougher and stronger, you will become wiser and most of decisions you made will be right.

Pain is afraid of someone who can live in the moment, if you can just feel every second of your life no matter how bad it is... your pain will subside, fear will become courage, you will become invincible, nothing can harm you or threaten you. It's simply about feeling that negative emotion and not making it a big deal, feel it little by little, move despite of feeling it, live while struggling, appreciate life so that you can become happier, draw the state from within. You can create a different type of emotion if you will adjust your thoughts from negative to positive, give pain and fear a different meaning, label it as something that will never harm you instead will make you stronger than ever, feel it, embrace it and it will go away. Pain is just a reminder that you need to be in the moment, because it will become stronger if you're rushing to feel good, endure it, swallow it... soon you will feel good, just take your time and never fast forward, it will subside on the right time.

Whatever you are scared of... learn to face it, look at it, you can ignore it but the best way to make it weak is to accept it, accept that it is there, always remind yourself that it can do nothing to you, it has no power over you, you are the one who's  in control here. Having the ability to feel is a good skill, most people doesn't want to feel and that is why they were completely lost. The depressed people doesn't want what they feel, the insane people wants to feel better right away and that is why they go crazy, they want something that they don't know. But if you will just feel life and learn to appreciate it... things will get easier, you don't need anything anymore. You don't need comfort, you don't need doctors, you don't need a body guard, you don't need a hero, all you need is yourself and your mindset that you will feel whatever emotion is present inside of you.

With this kind of mindset you will thrive, you will control more of your emotions, you will make good decisions, you will learn to become more patient, better things in life will come to you. So whatever negative emotion you are feeling right now, may it be anxiety, fear, depression, trauma, guilt or panic attack... feel it, just feel it. You will see more of life if you feel it, you will learn that it is ok to feel bad, you will become tougher and better if you will not look for what is missing, instead just embrace what is going on with your life and never care for what might happen next, never anticipate the future, never wish for a good life... just embrace your life and try to make it a little bit better. 

Oct 1, 2019


At the end of the day, all that matters is you pull the trigger. If there is something you wanted to do... do it, do it now. Stop hesitating, stop holding yourself back... just do it and TRY TO WIN at all cost. It's ok if you don't become successful, you will still feel successful once you go all out and give your very best. It's all about taking the first step and the next one and the next one. Keep moving forward, keep grinding and put yourself on a best position to win. The process of winning is simply taking action, there is nothing more or less than that. The good thing about trying to win is you can become really creative with the process. Just try to win, it's your rules, it's your game, just give your very best and that's it. Trying to win is simply moving, it's not that complicated. Just be consistent and give your very best and that's it.

Don't be afraid to lose, don't be afraid to get tired, don't be afraid to get stressed. It's ok, it's all part of the journey. Don't worry because once you become successful then you will forget all of the hard times you experienced while working towards your dreams. Just try to win, give yourself a chance, feel free to try everything, be patient, learn to wait and learn to delay gratification. It's one sacrifice after another. It's that too simple, who are you to stop yourself? stop acting like you're special because you don't want to move. You're not special at all but you can make yourself special if you work hard and do whatever it takes to succeed. All it takes is the willingness to power through every time things gets hard. Just do it, do it and do it and do it, try to win at all cost. If you don't want to have any kind of regrets in your life then you need to allow yourself to take chances. Embarrass yourself, humiliate yourself by working hard and trying to push past your comfort zone. Because staying in your comfort zone is even more dangerous, there is no growth there, there is no progress... only maintenance and sometimes you're even going down without even noticing it.

Nothing can stop you from trying to win, even the strongest authority can never hold you back. It's a choice. You can find a way out of no way, your willpower is the strongest weapon that you can ever have. Just try to win and never give up, support your beliefs, disregard your limiting beliefs. It's on you, you can do it if you will free yourself from negative thinking. Go all out now, do whatever you can to become closer from your dreams... inch by inch get it, do it and never stop until you have it. There's no room for waiting, there's no room for hesitating. Just do whatever you can with the best of your abilities and make yourself closer and closer from your dreams.

Everyone can try, you too can try. Don't be shy to chase your dreams, it's now or never, time is running... start fast and finish strong.