Aug 31, 2018


You're not there yet so don't be arrogant. You still have a long way to go, just a little success shouldn't make you soft. A small win shouldn't change you. You should keep pushing for your goal, never relax, never think that you already made it. Keep trying hard everyday because that is what it's all about.

Even if you're already too close and you're only a few steps away from success... still push, maintain that pace and never stop. If your pace is fast then be fast, never slow down because the moment you relax and become complacent... that will be the start of your falter.

The truth is... once you're very close from it... it will become harder each day so you don't have the luxury to relax. You need to work harder even more, you need to become hungrier even more.

A lot of people can't make it because they think that they have enough, they think that what they get is the only thing that they get, they give limits to themselves, they never push themselves to the very end, all they know is that they were happy getting that small success.... that mediocre success.

You can go even further, you can do better than that, push yourself to the limits so that you will know your full potential.

Be humble, a little success should not make you arrogant, it should even make you more motivated because you're making results.

Always think that there is still a lot of work needed to do, never think that you have the luxury to take it easy because you're almost there. If it is not in your hands yet then keep pushing.

Aug 30, 2018


Just shut up and do it, the reason why you can't do it is because you talk a lot, you're making excuses a lot, you always find reasons why you can't do it. It's not that you don't have the skills, it's not that you are not blessed, it's not that you lack the resources... you just don't have the willpower to do it. Willpower can be trained, willpower can be strengthen, you simply need to do it and stick with it, never stop until you're done. Even if you have to die for it... so be it.

It doesn't feel good to have a weak willpower right? it feels weak if you can't finish something or can't even start something.

So quit talking now and just do it, whatever step you can do... do it. Shut up and do it, control your mind, enforce your will, make a stand and never stop until you get what you want, it's ok if you can't focused but never do anything else other than what you're doing, it's ok if you are slow but never switch task, never change your goal. It's ok if you make a lot of mistakes but don't ever quit once you start something... stay with it even if it's too painful.

Become a machine, forget about how you feel, forget if you feel the pain... just do what you need to do, do it even if you don't know how to do it.

Look at yourself... you're making a lot of excuses every now and then, you're always in trouble, you're always on a bad spot because you let your mind control you, you never control your mind, you can only control your mind if you're always taking actions every now and then.

Aug 29, 2018


If you want something... get it, if you need to do something... do it no matter what. What makes life harder for you is you're always thinking about excuses, you're always focusing on what you can't do and what you don't want to do. You're psychology is in control, the formula for success is very simple... just take massive actions, it's not about the quality, it's about the volume.

Can't you see? some products are selling even if it is not good, it's because it has a large number of volume, the owner of it is taking super massive actions... he is bombarding the crowd with his products. He is not stopping nor quitting, he is pushing forward no matter what.

You can succeed in any field that you are in. Just make sure you will work the hardest and you will give your best every single day, success is easier than being a failure. All you have to do is move and you will become successful, all you have to do is be relentless and forget about what other people are saying. It's that easy if you will try, it's not hard... just try it and you will find out all of your potential.

Destroy all your excuses, destroy all the thoughts that are blocking you from being successful. If you can do something then do it now, stop holding yourself back. Be patient. Brick by brick, step by step, inch by inch, never mind if you have a slow pace, for as long as you're moving forward... you will be alright.

Destroy your lazy habits, destroy your unhealthy habits that are not even productive. Winning is a habit so as losing. You keep losing because you have those bad habits that are not giving you anything, your life is bombarded with ugly habits that are making you broke and inefficient.

If you want to change your life... do it no matter what, even if it's late, even if it's uncomfortable.

Know what you really want, was it sleep or was it success? you have to choose. Was it day dreaming or was it money? was it change or was it being stuck? you have the power to choose.

Aug 28, 2018


People were so afraid of pressure they don't know that it's a blessing, they don't know that it's an opportunity to become mentally tough. Pressure is not there to kill you, it's there to make you grow.

It will make you mentally tough, it will make you tougher than yesterday. Face as much pressure as you can and you will live a better life. You will no longer be afraid of anything, you will enjoy your life even more. You will go to places that you haven't seen, it's like leveling up everyday. You're like a game character and you keep leveling up everyday.

Pressure is just a feeling, if you will always think that you have nothing to lose and you will keep moving everyday then you will become a winner... as simple as that.

Just don't panic and just give your best... that's the only way to thrive in life, never panic if you're still alive because you can do everything to change your situation.


1. Breathe. Just breathe and try to slow things down. Remember that you don't need to make progress or become successful right away. Learn to breathe, learn to stop. Sometimes it's not all about moving forward, it's all about reading the situation first and planning what you need to do next.

2. Let go. Let go of expectations, let go of winning, let go of everything that you want. Just learn to let go but still move forward, learn to let go but still keep giving your best. Pressure gets higher because you are expecting a lot, you want everything to become perfect. Once the had work is done... there is no need to think about negative things anymore.  What will happen will happen but just keep giving your best.

Aug 27, 2018


The perfect time is now, not later nor tomorrow... it is always now. If you're too tired already and you haven't started yet it means you become lazy all day.

Don't wait, never do that, that style is for losers, that's style is for the weak people. You have to take matters into your own hands now, you have to do it, you have to grind and hustle all day because that will make you avoid regrets in the end.

It doesn't matter if it is a bad start, it's not how you start, it's how you finish. You need to move now and take actions. Make as much mistakes as you can and never look back, correct it if you can but if you can still move forward then just ignore it and go to the next level already.

Great moments happen during times of discomfort so don't be afraid to feel bad, don't be afraid to get pressured... you will be able to overcome all of those emotions once you push forward and do the very best that you can.

The clock is ticking, tic tac tic tac, it will never wait for you. The time is running out, you need to move faster than that, you need to make a move and free yourself from fears and doubts. Embrace the stress, face the challenge. Greatness is not all about perfection, it's about execution during tough times, it's about fighting the emotions that are stopping you from taking actions. What are you waiting for? the time is now... move!

Aug 26, 2018


Sometimes you are too much under estimating yourself, you think you can't do it that's why you can't make it. You already quit just even before you start. You don't want to give yourself a chance to become successful... that's why you keep on losing everyday, that's why you can't make it in life. You will always have a hard time if you will never set yourself free, you have to do something different this time or else you will keep getting the same results over and over again.

Instead of under estimating yourself why not over estimate yourself? why not try to become confident just for once. Try to believe in yourself and try to push yourself to the limits, see what you can do, see what you can achieve.

A lot of successful mediocre arrogant people were becoming successful and popular even though they don't have the skills, they just have a thick skin.

The key to success is to be fast in execution, never hesitate, never procrastinate... just do it if you need to do it, just do it if you want to do it. Your mind should not worry, it should be occupied with excitement and eagerness t win. You should be hungry everyday.

Winning is a habit so as losing. That's why losers keep losing everyday... they don't have the mind of just doing it and giving themselves a chance, all they do is scare themselves thorough over thinking and procrastination.

Life is so short. You need to take the chance now, you need to give yourself a chance now. Not later, not tomorrow, not next year. Don't be arrogant like others who thinks that they have a lot of time so they give themselves the luxury to become lazy and relaxed.

Stop relaxing, always stay in an uncomfortable place because that is where success is.

If you're too comfortable with your life then it means you are losing, it means you're going down. Success is hard to achieve but it's harder to maintain it.

So try everything, make yourself an experiment, don't be afraid of rejection nor failure, you will fail no matter what, even if you're the greatest... you will still fail. The only difference is... great people still feel confident even though they fail a lot.

Aug 24, 2018


The reason why you are scared is because you're always seeking for a help from other people. The reason why you're not successful and great is you always ask from help from different people, you are needy, you don't believe in yourself.

What if you stop asking help from them? what if you ask help from yourself? what do you think will be the outcome of your life? greatness is self reliance, it's trusting your own powers, it's giving yourself the freedom to move and accept all the consequences that might happen.

Real power is being independent, it's carrying yourself and not asking help from anybody, it's being free from other people's arms, it's not being needy and always seeking for assistance. Help is for the weak, it's for people who has no confidence in themselves.

Because the truth is... you're the only one who can help yourself, you're the only one who can produce results and make a progress for your own life. Not him, not her... it's you. So what are you waiting for? take actions now, make a move, do something for your life.

If you have a problem then solve it, if there is a challenge then face it. Don't be afraid of any friction, don't be afraid of any tension and pressure. If there is pain then there is growth... as simple as that.

Aug 23, 2018


It's your fate accept it... it's your fate to work hard, it's your fate to grind and stay focus because you are chasing success, it's your fate to become a believer, it's your fate to give your very best every single day. Because if you will not do it... you will remain a failure forever.

Just accept it, it's ok, there is nothing wrong with it, you will get tired but you will feel a sense of fulfillment.

You are dreaming big right? then who are you to complain? it's hard and you have to deal with it, you have to accept it or else nothing will happen to you. Just keep moving forward and everything will be alright, just keep moving forward and good things will happen to you.

Make hard work as a life style, know your potential, know your limits but you will discover in the end that you are unlimited.

What if you change your complaining attitude to a hard working attitude? what do you think will happen? It's all about changing your mind and habits, that's the best way to turn things around, that's the best way to change your life.

Every action is the right action.... keep that in mind, every positive action that has a very good intention will play an integral part for the realization of your dream. Dream big and do big... that is the formula for success.

It's your fate to punish yourself, it's your fate to sacrifice, there is no easy route for success, it's always hard, you have to admit that there is no shortcut, you have to admit that you have to pay the price, there is no easy way... it's always the hard way.

Aug 22, 2018


Being stuck in a mud is a difficult thing, it sucks because you want to move, you want to make a progress but you can't. You know what to do but you simply can't do it, you can't move, you can't take actions for whatever reason. There are some things you can do if you're stuck in a mud, most of it has a lot to do with your mind, here are they:

1. Never think about perfection. If you will always think about perfection then you will never make any progress. Don't be too picky, don't be choosy, don't ever think that everything must be perfect before you take an action. Just do it and have no conscience in doing it.

2. Be in the moment. Never rush anything, never seek for comfort, never think that you need to escape your situation, just stay there and try to make baby steps, take it one step at a time. Be in the moment even if it's hard, be in the moment even if it's easy. Some people will relax when everything is easy and that is their biggest mistake. If you are too relaxed then nothing will happen, you will still become stuck in a mud. Do the process and gradually evolve, you can be slow.

3. Be ready to face the consequences for doing it. Be ready to face all the consequences, if you will try to improve your life then be ready to take the punishment, be ready to suffer. If you're trying to level up then you will feel the resistance, you will feel that there is something stopping you but you have to fight it if you really want to make your situation better, you have to be brave.

4. Never allow your mind to think. Just do it, never allow your mind to think because it will only entertain fears and worries, it will go blank, you will get mental blocked. You will be stunned, you will be mentally stifled. Remember that life is a mind game but never use your mind for so long, use it for so short, just think what you need to do and do it... as simple as that.

5. Be willing to push as hard as you can. This is the most effective play that you can ever do... just push as hard as you can, do something, go hard... never hold yourself back. You can produce something if you are willing to push, go all the way... go harder than ever before.

6. Just give your very best. Giving your best is the solution to every problem, just give your best and success will come automatically. No need to worry, no need to entertain fears, give your best and the universe will reward you for sure. No need to become needy, no need to become bored waiting, keep giving your best and the reward will come on the right time.

7. Be optimistic. Always stay positive, be optimistic because the moment you get negative... that will be your end. That will be the end of your journey, always stay positive even if no progress is going one, stay positive even if your pace is too slow. Having a positive mindset is already a big advantage so don't be afraid to always think positive. I guarantee you... it is better than thinking negative.

8. Imagine that your life is in danger. Think that you're going to die if you don't move, always think that there is a knife in your throat and you're going to get killed if you become lazy. If you have that kind of mindset then you will start to move, you will move fast, you will be in a state of urgency.

Aug 21, 2018


This is the reality of life... more money more life. If you don't have money then you will feel dead, you will become weak. If you have a lot of money then you will become more creative and free, you will be more flexible, you will feel powerful.

Poor people are always telling the world that they can become happy without money then why are they so jealous with rich people? why are they committing crimes just to get money?

It's true that money is not the key to happiness but driving a BMW is better than just walking alone and smelling the smokes from other vehicles.

So earn money as much as you can, it's better than ding nothing at all. It's not bad to aspire for more money, if you're working hard then there's nothing wrong with that. All you have to do is look for something that is working and find a way how to do it faster. It's all about massive actions and proper mindset. You can have a lot of money if you will always think about it and do something about it. It will all be attracted to you.


The formula is very simple... try to earn as much as you can and try to keep as much as you can. It's better to be saving than to be spending. It feels good to keep rather than to waste. Once you have that mentality of saving money and trying to multiply it... you will become a money magnet. Money will come to you easily. Opportunities to make millions will show itself to you, it will become an automatic.

Broke people become broke because they spend like they're rich, they feel unlimited but their source of income is too limited, they want more but they are working less, they feel proud but they don't have anything to be proud of.

So if you want to live your life to the fullest... earn more money, work hard and never give up on your dream. It's easy if you will try, all you have to do is be patient and work as hard as you can, dream about big things because it's not a sin to do so.

Aug 20, 2018


Being successful is not that hard, it can be achieved with the proper mindset and attitude. Success takes time so you need to become patient, work hard while waiting for it. Actually, you don't need to wait for it, you need to go for it. Success is all in the mind and all in the work, the more you visualize yourself becoming successful and you work hard for it... the more it will become faster to have it.

1. Define your own success. Nobody should define it for you, you should define your own success. The reason why you can't become successful is because you let other people judge your life, you were so affected with their opinions. A small critic from them is affecting you that's why you can't become successful.

2. Don't look at other people's success. Focus on your own life, focus on your own journey, being jealous with other people will slow down your progress. Focus on your own growth, focus on your on problems. Look at the inside not on the outside. Even if your enemy is becoming successful don't get jealous, just ignore him. Focus on your own life and you will find success one day.

3. Make progress each day. Be consistent, never miss a day, stay disciplined. You need to make small progress each day, it may not be so attractive but that small progress each day will accumulate in the end, it will become a huge success. Just enjoy the journey and never look back. 

Aug 19, 2018


If you're uncomfortable now then it means change is taking place. It means you're transforming into a different animal, change will only take place during those uncomfortable moments, it will never happen if you feel so good. If you want some real change then you better prepare yourself to feel really bad, because that is what it's all about, that is what success is all about.

If you really want a changed life then change your mind, change your habits, change your thoughts and actions... that is what it is all about.

Change will only happen if you will focus on the now, focus on what's going on, focus on what's happening inside of your system.

The motivation is you, the change is you, it's all you. It's not them, it's not the situation around you... it's on you. Are you going to let the outside influences affect you? are you going to let the annoying things outside of you control your mind?

Always remember that the power is always in your hands, you have the power to choose. Are you going to choose the negative thoughts or the positive ones?

Aug 18, 2018


You wanna know what you really are? you wanna know what you are mad of? look at yourself, what are you doing now? what are you thinking now? that's who you are.

If you're thinking about negative then you're a negative person, you will attract negativity, you will attract bad situation in life. If you're thinking about positivity then you're a guy full of hope, you're going to succeed no matter what. You will become triumphant, you will do whatever it takes to win in life.

Simple look at what you're doing, if you're quitting now, if you're starting to think about quitting then you're a quitter, you're a loser... as simple as that.

So if you are working hard now then it means you are success, you are victory, it's just a matter of time before you get it, keep working hard and you will find what you want in life. Hard work is the answer to all problems. Hard work pays off, keep that in mind and you will become successful one day.

So look at your life, look at your activity, study your mind, what are you thinking? what are you doing? that is you, you don't need to look for an identity, you don't need to look for validation. You will know who you really are based on what you're doing now.

So if you want to change, if you want to have a better life, do something that is related to what you want. If you want to have more money then do something to have more money, work harder, think about money, think about abundance instead of poverty.

It's too easy what you focus upon is your life, it's your reality!

Aug 16, 2018


Sometimes people are over thinking that's why they can't produce results, you know what? it's not about how great you are, it's about how big of a progress you can get. You can become great at something, you can really really become great because you think you are working hard and suffering but if you're not producing results then that greatness is still nothing. It's like making a huge product and exerting all of your efforts there but if it's not giving you any money then that effort is useless, yo u will feel bad in the end, you will feel that there is something missing.

Greatness is nothing if you're not getting what you want, you better do something else, try something else that will give you results.

Results is what matters the most, results is what people want. Greatness will look like nothing if you can't prove to the world that you can produce results.

So don't chase for greatness, chase for results, that's the truth about life. You can be great at something but if you're not satisfied with it then it's still not greatness.

Aug 15, 2018


The birth of courage is today, remember this date, this is your time. All those years you were so afraid, maybe it's time to become brave and claim what is rightfully yours. Demand, praise yourself, think of yourself as someone who can do it. Don't get intimidated by pretenders, don't get intimidated by fakes, you are the real deal here.

Forget about everything else, forget your past, forget what you can't do. It's time to live and amazing life, it's time to experience an out of the body experience, it's time to experience greatness.

You will find a way no matter what, if other people can do it so as you. Don't be scared to fall, don't be scared to try again, it's all about trying again and again and again until you finally get it. Of course you will get frustrated, of course you will feel that you can't do it anymore. It's all normal, it's all part of the game, the universe is only testing you.

If you can only put your mind on the right place, if you can only make yourself believe that you can do it then you will be able to do it, as simple as that. Just endure, just persevere, everything will be alright in the end.

It's all about taking actions, it's all about moving forward. You may feel heavy, you may feel scared but if you move forward then you will get results, you will get something. Don't worry about how will you be able to do it, forget the HOWs, just throw yourself out there and own the moment, own the situation, feel yourself getting courageous and courageous every second.

Face the pain, don't shy away from it, face the reality but try to change it, use your willpower to command the universe. Use you heart if your brain is not functioning well. Sometimes your brain will poison your whole system because it's too crowded with worries. Use your heart, look for what you need to do and immediately do it, look for what you want to get and immediately get it. This is a journey, it is fun to be honest.

You're almost there, you just don't see it yet but the truth is you're very near. You can do something special, you can do something spectacular if you allow yourself to be the person that you needed to be. If you need to be the hardest worker then allow yourself to be the hardest worker, if you need to be the bravest man then allow yourself to be the bravest man. Nothing can stop you really if you will not stop yourself.

It's now, it's always now, it's not later, it's not tomorrow. It's now, make it happen now, regardless of how you feel... move forward and give your best.

The reality is... there are plenty of reason to be happy, what is happening now is only temporary. Things will change if you endure and persevere. All you have to do is fight, never give up the fight, never give up what you think is yours, never give up until the end.

Aug 14, 2018


Stop looking for progress because it is a journey not a destination. So what if your pacing is too slow? so what if you're the last man climbing? you will get there if you really want it, you will become successful if you're really giving everything you've got. So be patient, keep working hard, keep giving your best. Step by step inch by inch... do it, keep moving forward and never stop until you're there. And once you're there already... keep moving forward again, go to another level, reach the higher mountain, never stop because that is what life is all about... conquering every heights that you can see.

Always checking for results will make you feel tired even more especially if you can't see your desired results, you will become fatigued and stressed out even if you're not working hard. It's because you want to get there but you're not doing everything to get there, you simply want to get there without paying the price to get there.

So if you want to enjoy life even more... never look for results, never look for where you are. You were where you are, you don't need to feel bad if you're not in the place where you expected to be. You will get there no matter what, just trust yourself and you will get there, trust that everything will work out.

Checking for results is stupid, checking it will never give you anything, it is what it is, moving is much  much better than checking. If you're taking actions then results will change but if you're jsut checking it then you will only feel bad.

Aug 13, 2018


Work like an animal, be an animal, be something that is braver and hungrier. You have to be an animal like worker if you want to succeed in life. An animal doesn't think he will just do it, an animal isn't afraid of anything... he will just hunt and make things happen.

You have to be more than a human if you want to become successful. The time for being soft and slow is not working nowadays. You need to take your courage and work ethic to another level, you need to be at the edge of your skill, you need to be ruthless and relentless if you want to survive and thrive in this world.

An animal will never quit, an animal will use all of his strength and willpower to win in life, you can kill him but he will fight until the end.

Aug 12, 2018


Don't worry if you have a lot of problems, it's ok, it's too normal. If you created by yourself then it only means you need to solve it, don't shy away from it, face it like a real man, face it like a real warrior. Problems are all part of your life, all it can do is make you a better human being. Don't worry about it, don't cry about it. It's part of your life, you need to face all of it and embrace it, the more you get comfortable with it... the more it will go away from your life.

Problems are just challenges that are testing you if you deserve to get what you want, it will fade away anytime soon, all you have to do is endure and it and be strong every single second. Don't be affected with small problems that doesn't even matter to your life, you have to be selective of the things that is causing you stress. Are you going to choose the stress of being successful? or are you going to focus on the stress that your enemies give to you? it's your choice, there are stress that has benefits and there are stress that are really destructive.

Be happy if you have problems, it means you're living a normal life, some people don't have problems so they created something that will destroy them. Look at the rich celebrities... they don't have problems anymore so they created one. The worse is... they created a problem that they cannot solve, something that is really destructive.

All you have to do is live, all you have to do is breathe and that's it. Embrace all of your problems and continue living your life.

Aug 11, 2018


The world will try to change you, they world is mean and will disrespect you in some ways but that's normal, there is nothing wrong about that, the world will try to change you and make you the person they wanted you to be. They don't care if you want the other way, they only care about their hidden agendas. These are the 5 tips that will protect you from being manipulated by other people.

1. BECOME FULLY INDEPENDENT. If you're independent and you know that you can carry yourself no matter where you are then nobody can control you, nobody can told you what to do. If you're independent then you will never ask for anyone's help anymore, they can never be too proud and tell you what they've done in your past, nobody can belittle you anymore because you know you can live without them.

2. WORK HARD AND BE THE GREATEST. If you're working hard then you can produce results, if you're the greatest then nobody can contradict your ideas, they can criticize you but they can never change your mind because you know you're greater than them and you can do and achieve more than them.

3. NEVER LISTEN TO ANY IDEA THAT IS NOT ATTRACTIVE TO YOU. Even if it is a good idea, even if it comes from someone who is prominent... never listen to that idea, especially if it is not attractive to you. You have your own idea, you know you can become successful so what is the point of listening to some other people's ideas? it's a waste of time, you will never use it in the end because you will get rid of it because you're not happy with it.


Aug 10, 2018


If you're going to try... go all the way, go all out or else don't even try at all. That's the only way to avoid regrets, that's the only way to live life the right way. Some people they say the want it until they found out what it takes to get it, they will quit, they will go other way.

Go all the way, what you're doing now is not your very best, you still have a lot to give if you will only push yourself to the limits, never think that you're tired, never think that it's all you can do. You can do more if you will do more.

Just give your very best and forget about the results, just stick with the process, if it's yours then it's yours, focus on what you can control. Sometimes you can never control the outcome, all you can do is focus on what you can control and that is your effort. You have the power, you have what it takes to work hard.

A half hearted effort will never go anywhere, it will not even make you closer to success, you will only see the 1/4 of your capabilities, you need to go all out and push the hardest, you need to make the universe feel that you really want it and you're not going anywhere, you have to make the universe see that you're willing to die for it.

Because if you will not work at the edge of your capabilities... you are just wasting your time, you will never succeed, just go home and do some other things that are easier and will give you lesser than what you originally want.

Aug 9, 2018


The real poison of mind is always looking for perfection and greatness. People always look for perfection, people always look for something that they don't have, they want a better life but they are not working for it. They want cars but the are not working hard for it, they want comfort but all they do is be lazy and stare at their television.

Look at yourself, you're always stopping right? you're always hesitating doubting if you can do it, it's because you want perfection, it's because you're always

Stop thinking that you're entitled of something, stop looking for a special treatment. Stop being soft, slow and too picky. You need to make realistic results here, stop looking for results right away. You need to grind, hustle and do what is needed to make your life really successful.

Greatness and trying to look the best will never help you, taking action is already greatness, not stopping is already greatness. There is no other meaning of it.

So go hard to day and try to give everything you've got, stop trying to look cute and amazing, that will never help you at all, that will only make your life worse. Don't try to be special because it will never give you anything, it will only make your life ugly. You're not something special but you can being the future if you work hard and grind your ass all day long.

Aug 8, 2018


It's very simple, trying to enjoy your life is very simple.... just live it. Give your best and keep moving, don't rush, don't fast forward your life, just live with the moment and never look for what is missing in your life, it's ok to dream about things but never look for what is missing in your life, just appreciate what you have and you will become happier in your life even more.

Stop scaring yourself, stop thinking about negative things, you need to enjoy your life even if you're feeling a little bit of fear.

Life is so simple if you will not complicate it, just do what you have to do. Never do something if you're half hearted about it, never try to impress anyone because that will be the start of your misery.

Life can be more enjoyable if you will just do your responsibilities and try to improve as much as you can, never get complacent, never stop moving because that will be a start of depression.

You need to always stay active so you will be able to forget all the problems in your life. Life is sweet, life is precious if you will know how to use it. It will give you everything you want if you will only do the right things.

Sacrifice first then enjoy later, this formula is very simple yet most people can't do it. It's because they want to enjoy now and then endure the suffering later, the funny thing is... the suffering never ends.

But if you will suffer now and really work hard then you will enjoy your life forever.

Aug 7, 2018


You are stuck because you can't move, you are stressed because you want something to happen or you want to finish something but you can't even start or you can't continue anymore.

Just do it so you will feel free, forget about what might happen next. Forget about perfection, forget about being great, forget about finishing fast... just do it so you will feel free. People who can't do something doesn't feel free, they feel they are being stopped. Look at those people who are in jail, they can't do anything, they were so restricted.

Stop restricting yourself, actions is the only thing that will set you free, it will free your mind from worrying, it will make you feel good.

So if you have a goal, if you have a task that must be done... just do it, keep doing it until it's done. Do the steps to accomplished it, that's how simple it was. Taking actions means freedom, it's because you can move, you are putting yourself on a better position in life. If you're not taking actions and simply thinking all day then your fear will amplify, you will go crazy, you will get depressed.

Just try it, try moving, try working hard and giving your best, you will feel stronger than before, you will discover how good you were.

Get addicted in taking actions, stay focused, stay on the grind. You don't need to get motivated before you start, you don't need to feel good before you start something. Just do it now, just start now.

Do it so you will become free, do it so you will become fearless.

Aug 6, 2018


Sometimes your mind is too crowded, it's too busy and you feel so bad, you feel that you're going crazy. If you feel that way, if you feel so lost then it's time to free your mind. DON'T THINK just don't, thinking is not giving you anything, it's ruining your life so don't do it. It doesn't mean that you will never ever think at all, the point here is to stop worrying and just do what you need to do, do what is positive, do what you think is the most right in your life.

Stop thinking about perfection, stop thinking about greatness, stop thinking about success. Just enjoy the journey towards success, just love every step of the way.

Stop expecting too much, detach yourself from anything that will cause some pain. Don't give value to things, never care about the things that doesn't really matter, just care about your life and the live of your loved ones. Care only about breathing and living this day.

You can still pursue your goals, you can still chase greatness... give your best but don't every worry if you can't get it.

Never care if they are laughing at you, never care if they are disrespecting you, never care about what people say. Just enjoy life, enjoy pain, enjoy the struggle and the challenges and always keep moving forward.

Never stop, being busy is better than not doing anything at all. You will go crazy even more if you're not doing anything so do something now so that you will forget all of your problems.

Believe in yourself, believe that you can do it, believe that everything will be alright. Work hard but don't try so hard that you almost got yourself killed, enjoy pushing yourself bit by bit and you will enjoy your life even more.

Aug 5, 2018


If you want to enjoy your life, if you want to have an easier life.. stop thinking too much, just do what you need to do, just get what you want to get and that's it. It will be easier if there are no worries, it will be easier for you if you will not think and just go with the flow. But that doesn't mean that you will become a yes man or you have no direction, of course you have.

It just happens that you will prioritize what you want in life and you will never worry about the things that doesn't even matter. It's like setting yourself free... free as a bird.

THINKING ABOUT WHAT PEOPLE SAY. This will jail you, this will make you feel insecure, you will be scared to express yourself because you want to impress them and please them. Feel free because you are, their thoughts about you doesn't matter, what people think of you is meaningless, go and do what you want and you will feel powerful.

THINKING ABOUT WHAT WILL HAPPEN NEXT. You will always make mistakes if you're doing this, you will not even succeed, you will fail because you are letting fear dominate your brain, you are not enjoying the moment. Forget about what might happen and just do your thing. Just give your best and forget the rest, as simple as that.

Not thinking is a blessing, if you were able to master this then you will have an easier life, you will live better, you will be able to express yourself even more. There will be lesser resistance, you will be able to move fast and accomplish more things in life.

Aug 4, 2018


If you want to have a better life then be reliable, be responsible, do it on your own and do it now. Never let anybody help you before you make a move, you have the power to take actions, you can do something now so stop waiting for the right time, stop waiting for the right timing because it will never come.

Be the king of self reliance, you only trust yourself, you never let anyone control you. You never let anybody control your journey. You need to be someone who can be trusted, if you say something that you're going to do... do it, do it now, do it fast and never hesitate.

Don't be a talker, be a doer. There were already a lot of talkers in this planet, don't join their company. Be someone who can produce results, be someone who can make small progress every now and then that will lead to success. Because it's easy to talk, it's easy to make a promise that you will never fulfill, everybody can do that. Be someone who can do not all people can do, be a doer not just a dreamer, be an executioner not a waiter.

If you will trust yourself that you can do it and you're not asking for help then you will have a great life, you will always stay in control, you will feel powerful and great. Nothing can stop you, you will have this unparalleled will that can destroy any obstacles of life.

It is very easy, it is very simple.... if you need to do something do it now, prioritize your growth, prioritize your self improvement, use your time to make your life better, never use it for someone else's life and dreams, you can give assistance but don't be a slave to somebody. Because you are the only one who can make your life successful, not the people around you, not the people who are promising you something. Forget about having that easy reward from other people, you need to get what you want by your own, you can do it if you are committed enough.

Aug 3, 2018


If you want to become a better person, if you want to become stronger, smarter and experience greatness... do it yourself. You need to do whatever it takes and push yourself to the limits until you get it. Because nobody will get it for you, you can ask for help, you can beg, you can have self pity and try to look like a victim but you will never get it. Always remember that nobody will get it for you, nobody will do it for you.

If you want a car go and get it, if you want some money go and get it, if you want to have a good life go and get it. Whatever it takes, how long it takes and no matter how difficult it was.... get it.

Never command anybody, don't like you're entitled of something, don't ever think that one day your life will change even if you have the same attitude as now. You need to think right, you need to force fate and do it yourself. If you want something, go and get it... period. Never care about the effort you need to exert to get it, never care if it is impossible. If you want to make it happen then make it happen before it's too late, you only have limited time in this world, if you will not act now then nothing will happen to you.

Do it because it's your life, it's not somebody else's life so why are you waiting for someone to do it for you? If you still have a little pride left in your body then you need to do it, you need to prove to yourself that you can get it on your own, no excuses, no looking for something as a scapegoat... just do whatever it takes to get what you want, period.

Aug 2, 2018


Why will you worry about something? was it really a big deal? is it going to make your life better? does worrying gonna make you feel good? will it give you ideas? worrying is something that you must avoid because it is ruining your day, it is ruining your life, why will you worry? you can always do something. You can always change your situation now, maybe it's a little harder today but if you will only put your mind on the right place then your worry will soon go away. Worrying is for the losers, it is for the lazy people, instead of worrying why don't you take actions instead? why don't you take one positive action so that your life will become so much better.

Always remember that worrying will never get anything done, it is only making you feel sick, why do it? it is better to do something positive rather than worrying about something.

You can always solve anything especially if you're focusing on the right problem. Some people are focusing on the wrong problem such as trying to make their neighbors kind, trying to control other people, trying to wake up the government, trying to make people believe their beliefs. These are wrong problems because you can never control what other people think, you can only control your own thoughts and judgement.

Don't worry because everything will be fine if you're doing the right thing, you will be good, no need to worry about anything else yet, you're still alive, you can still do something, just focus on what you can control and all of your worries will go away, stop focusing on what you can't control because that's only making your life difficult.

If you will just keep taking actions then all of your worries will go away, as simple as that. Never think about what's going to happen next, just focus on doing the next step and the next one and the next one.

Aug 1, 2018


How many times did you told yourself that you're going to do it later only to find out that it's been days and weeks and you haven't do it yet? You wanted to do it but you can't find the power or urgency to do it. It's because you're not forcing yourself, you need to use a little bit of willpower here.

Laziness is next to ugliness, procrastination will make you broke, if you need to do something now... do it and never stop until you're done. Be a grinder not a talker, as simple as that. Talk is cheap, it never accomplish anything, if you told them them or yourself that you're going to do it then do it, as simple as that. It feels so bad promising something that you know in yourself you're not going to do, it's a weak feeling, it will ruin your day, you will feel heavier, you will become lazier even more.

It's all about in the habits, if you have the habit of telling yourself and other people that you're going to do it later but you will not then it will be embedded into your system forever, nobody will trust you anymore, even you... you will doubt yourself.

Later is for the weak, it is for people who are not reliable, what good does it do to you? nothing right? If you want to accomplish more in life then be a doer not a talker, be an executioner not a promiser. You need to do it now or else you will never do it anymore, that is guaranteed. Never wait for the right timing, never wait for the perfect feeling because those things will never come.

Program your mind to do the things that are urgent, to do the things that really matters to you. Again, stop waiting... just start now and keep the ball rolling. You will have an amazing life if you will take actions very fast.