Aug 24, 2018


The reason why you are scared is because you're always seeking for a help from other people. The reason why you're not successful and great is you always ask from help from different people, you are needy, you don't believe in yourself.

What if you stop asking help from them? what if you ask help from yourself? what do you think will be the outcome of your life? greatness is self reliance, it's trusting your own powers, it's giving yourself the freedom to move and accept all the consequences that might happen.

Real power is being independent, it's carrying yourself and not asking help from anybody, it's being free from other people's arms, it's not being needy and always seeking for assistance. Help is for the weak, it's for people who has no confidence in themselves.

Because the truth is... you're the only one who can help yourself, you're the only one who can produce results and make a progress for your own life. Not him, not her... it's you. So what are you waiting for? take actions now, make a move, do something for your life.

If you have a problem then solve it, if there is a challenge then face it. Don't be afraid of any friction, don't be afraid of any tension and pressure. If there is pain then there is growth... as simple as that.

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