Sep 30, 2017


Don't get something, build something. Whatever it is that you wanted to build... build it. It can be a business, a philosophy, a music album, a technique, a fraternity, a school, a religion, a book, a love story or anything that you are passionate about.

Build something, just build it, forget about how to build it and stop thinking about whether you're going to become successful or not. Just put something there and be consistent everyday. Make it grow everyday, make it expand. Be patient and make a 100 percent commitment to it.

That is the best way to entertain yourself. Instead of entertaining yourself with bullshit things that will only make you poor and broke... build something that will last for a long time, something that will give you achievement and memories. This is a unique way to entertain yourself. While most people are all doing the same, you are doing different. Most people entertain themselves with party, vacation, shopping, watching movies a lot and the truth is they don't feel anything after those activities, it only made them empty and unfulfilled. They are not satisfied, they want more and more and their happiness cannot be found. They think they are happy but in the end they are looking for more.

If you are building something, not only you are learning you are also gaining something. You are making yourself better, you can also earn money from it, you can become rich. How good was that? you entertain yourself and you can also make a fortune from it.

You will also be able to express yourself and find the real freedom from your project. You can freely do whatever you want, be whatever you want and push yourself to the limits. You make your own rules, you define your own standards.

This is fun, really really fun. You will discover how big you can be, you will learn that you have unlimited potential.

You will become motivated, excited and pumped up everyday. You will wake up early and do something for your project. This will change your life, it will put you on the right direction. You will know the real meaning of your life and discover the things that really makes you happy.


There is no positive nor negative if you have a clear vision in your head. It's like you set a target and you try to hit it no matter what. You keep on hitting it, you try and try again and again until you hit it.

If there is something bad that happens to you... you don't care, you just keep moving forward and focus on your goals. You don't care about the challenges and the difficult obstacles of life, you just don't care at all, you just do what you need to do and wait for the results to come in.

Positive or negative... it's the same, you move despite of the hardships of life, you also move and take actions even if the odds were on your favor, you don't relax you just keep on trying to hit your target.

Because you shouldn't see any negative things in your life if you want to become successful so fast, you should have a laser like focus and your energy should be placed on taking actions.

Most people were easily bothered by small negatives in their surroundings. They were bothered by noises, gossips, news, the latest trending online etc. They lose their focus once an interesting topic come across their attention. They were not aware that they are losing a lot of time.

They were also bothered easily if there is a positive thing that is happening in their lives. A small success makes them weak, they think that they can relax because they made a right move or a good break happens to them. They think that they can have a long break so they play around and take it easy a little bit. That makes them lose their momentum, their habits were broken, they feel a little lazy and they can't find their rhythm anymore.

If someone praises you... don't let it go inside of your head, treat it like nothing. Appreciate it but don't feel anything about it too much. Be happy but don't let it make you slow down, don't ever think that you're already great because you're not successful yet. Remember that there is no positive nor negative, it's only all about actions.

Same as if someone criticized you... you should not feel anything about it. Don't fight that person, don't invest any emotion. Just keep moving forward, you should not label anything as positive nor negative. Treat everything as normal,  no matter what bad or good happens to you, live like it's just another ordinary day.

Having this kind of mindset will make you unstoppable because you will just move no matter what, nothing can slow you down, your vision is very clear and you know exactly what to do.


Most of you are entering battles that are not worth fighting for. You are engaging in a battle that has no benefits in the present nor future. You love battles that will only make your life hard just to feed your ego and prove to other people that you are the better person, just to prove them that you are always right and can never be wrong.

You fight with your neighbor whose dog is shitting in front of your house, you almost got a fist fight with him. Is that battle worth fighting for? are going to become rich by doing that?

You fight the trolls on the internet that criticized your post on social media. You waste your time and energy, both of you are even exchanging death threats, is that a good thing to do? are you really going to look smart and brave by fighting on the internet?

We all have battles in life, some are battling dangerous sickness, some are having financial battles and some are having stupid battles. It is up to us what battles are we going to choose.

If you will choose a battle make sure it is worth fighting for, make sure you will become happy in the end if you win. Do you think you will really become happy if you punch someone in the face and prove everyone that you're strong?

I have my own battle too, I am battling with myself because I am forcing myself to work hard, I am pursuing a goal and I am also battling with different obstacles and challenges that are derailing me from being successful. It's a hard battle, it's a long and grueling battle but I am very sure that if I win in the end... I will become very proud and happy of myself.

Make sure you are going to become proud of yourself if you win your current battle, are you going to become proud if you punch your neighbor's face? are you sure you can tell it to your kids and wife with a smile on your face? are you sure that your enemy will stop and not make a revenge? are you sure you are going to have a peace of mind after battling some stupid battles?

Remember the real battle, it is bettering yourself and trying to improve your current situation, it is doing whatever it takes to win in life and have no regrets in the end.


If you're screwing up your life right now... you're a big dumb because you only have one life. Who are you to not make something out of your life? your life is not yours, it will be taken away from you anytime soon so don't relax and pretend that tomorrow you can change your life right away so you have the luxury to take today for granted.

There is no second chance, once you have the chance now... grab it and treat it like your life depends on it... that is they only way to become successful. A lot of you thinks that there is a second chance that is why you can waste the opportunity presented now, that is not how success works. Once you have the chance to become successful... grab it and never let go of it.


1. Because they are so comfortable with their situation right now. They think that their situation will never change. They are not feeling the sense of urgency, they feel like everything is alright and it is ok to not work hard because their life is stable and they have this illusion that everything is under control. They take an opportunity for granted, they don't treasure it.

2. They are getting some support from somewhere. They knew someone will always give a helping hand when they screw up, they are not taking things seriously because somebody will clean up their mess. They have their rich parents that are spoiling them, they have supportive friends and relatives that will pamper them when they fail.

3. They are not serious with their goals. They think they want it but when things gets hard and they think they have no chance... they will give up, they will make excuses and do something else that is very easy. Or maybe they will try again next time because they think that they will do better next time only to find out that they let the best chance go away.

Sep 29, 2017


Why you should start now? because today maybe the only opportunity you can get. You may not get it tomorrow nor next day. Now is powerful because it means you're living in the moment. If you will think about tomorrow or later then you are throwing your power away.

You will become tired later or tomorrow, now you still have the energy, now you are still motivated. Tomorrow you will feel lazy again, you will feel tired again, you will make another set of excuses again. Now is the best time to start, no matter how you feel... start now because for sure you will never start later or tomorrow.

You have the momentum now even if you think that you don't have. Now is the chance don't let it escape from your hands. You should start now before it's too late.

Don't be like others who have idea on their heads, they have good plans and dreams but they can't make it come true because they were so afraid to start. They were waiting for that something that they don't know before they begin. They were waiting to become motivated first before they make a move and that time never come so they grow old and die without even starting.

Start now even if you don't feel right because the right feeling will never come, start now even if you are scared because you can only become brave once you're moving. You will become courageous once you begin traveling your journey.

Someone might steal your dreams and ideas if you don't start now, you will regret it in the end if someone who stole it become successful and you didn't.

Now is the perfect time, draw the first blood and never stop until you succeed.


Life is unfair, it is true that is why you shouldn't be complaining if you've been treated unfairly. Life is unfair but you will always get what you deserve. If you can't get what you want it only means that you don't deserve it yet. 

You have to show them that you are deserving, you have to show success that you are deserving so it will come to you as fast as possible. Work like an animal, be hungry so that you can do impossible things. 

If your work is not enough then it means you're not deserving, it means you need to do more. success will not come to you if you're not deserving, no matter how much you wish for it... it will never come, the right amount of work is the only way to bring success into your life. 

Show them that you're not a joke, show them that you're doing a serious business so they will believe you and give you what you want. If people can't see something extraordinary from you then you will never have the chance to  become a winner. 

Show them that you're the real deal and you mean business. Give everything you got and go all out. If you're deserving then you will get something, it's impossible that you can't become successful. 

Work harder than anyone else, outwork everybody, exhaust yourself like never before. Die for your dreams and do whatever it takes to take your shit to another level. 

A lot of people thinks they are deserving but the truth is they are not, if you think you are deserving then you shouldn't be complaining because you know that success will come into your life in just a matter of time. 

There is no other way around to become deserving, you have to work like hell and do things that are not doable by normal people. Leave no room for excuses, make success can't ignore you. 


Who wants to work longer? only few. Most people are looking for shortcuts because they were so afraid of the process. They want an easy work, the reason for this is because they don't know how to enjoy the process, all the want is results that is why they freak out and get crazy if they can't get it.

No shortcut is effective, it may work or a short period of time but it will fail you in the end, shortcut is a bogus way of working for something.

Because what will happen is you will always look for shortcut, you will try it and then it will fail you then you will look for another shortcut again and it will fail you again. The cycle will never end, you keep on trying something that will never work, your work is getting longer even more, and the funny thing is you weren't able to notice it.

The goal must be to look for a process that maybe hard but will give you long term effects, something that will work for sure in the future and will give you forever success.

Looking for shortcuts means you're lazy and you really don't want to become successful. Success requires patience and time, don't look for something that will give you success instantly. You need to work and sweat for success, don't  wish that it is easier because that kind of mindset will only fail you.

A good example is the robbers, they rob banks, cars, people etc. They don't want to work, they want it fast that is why they also go to jail fast. They're life gets even harder. They need to serve their sentence for a very long time. The mentality of wanting to get something fast will lead you to a wrong path. You need to be patient and take your time. Earn success slowly, take it step by step, don't rush because you have a lot of time in the world.

Shortcuts will destroy your work ethic, it will make you very lazy and unfocused. Your will power will become very weak, you will no longer have the energy to finish until the end.

Sep 28, 2017


The only challenge is yourself, it is only you that is making your life difficult. You know why? because it is you that is making the decision if you're going to face the challenge or not. It doesn't matter if the challenge is big or not, it is never an issue if it is impossible or not. The only question is... are you going to face the challenge? are you willing to process it from start to beginning?

Are you willing to challenge yourself?. The challenge is in your decision if you are willing to face what is infront of you. It becomes difficult because you are hesitating, you are thinking twice if you're going to face it. You are always questioning the challenge, once you learned that it is difficult, once you felt that it is a long and grueling process then you will never face it anymore, you will look for another easier challenge that you think is doable and very easy.

So forget if the challenge is difficult or easy, focus on yourself, ask yourself if you are really committed on taking the challenge, are you really willing to give your all and conquer it? Any challenge can become very easy if you will accept that it is hard and simply enjoy the process.

If you are decided that you are going to do it then it will never be hard. You will just do it and forget if you're going to succeed or not. You face the challenge and you will just give everything you can to conquer it.

YOU ARE STOPPING YOURSELF. Realized that you are the only one who's stopping yourself. You let fear immobilize you, you never give yourself a chance to try and win the challenge. All you gotta do is move and push until the end.

Never look at the challenge itself. Look at yourself, harness your power and just start right away.

Once you face the challenge then it's over, you already won. Trying means winning, keep taking actions until the challenge is over.


Everyone wants a winner, who loves a loser? maybe the loser too. If you want to have a lot of followers, believers or ass kissers.. strive to become a winner. You will get a lot of perks, praises, money and opportunity. That is the only way.

If you're ugly, strive to become a winner and you will look pretty, you will become likable even  if you're unlikable. Being a winner will change your value, they will like you, they will become interested with you. You will be able to control everything if you're a winner, you always have a special treatment waiting for you.

So if you're an outcast now, if no one loves you and everyone is bullying you... strive to become a winner, be the best in something but always stay humble, just laugh and celebrate on your mind. Dominate the competition, be the best that you can be. Any skill that you master will make you a winner.

Being a winner is easier than being a loser. Winning will always make you feel good, it will give you a very strong momentum, your life has a direction and you will be in total control of your life. On the other hand... being a loser will only give you misery, you will always think but not take actions.

Being a winner will make you an attention getter, you're always on the spotlight. People will treat you with respect, life will become easier and happier.

It's really easy how to win. Associate your life with winners, have a winning mentality and never quit in life. Work the hardest and be the best you can be.

It's your choice if you want to become a winner or not, you are the one taking actions, you are the one who is control of your life. Start winning now if you don't want to become a loser forever.


Be aware of yourself, be aware of your thoughts, actions and words. That is one of the best way to make an impact in your life.

If you're sick and tired of your habits then be aware, be mindful, always ask yourself why are you doing it. If you find yourself procrastinating or doing some stupid stuffs... ask yourself why are you doing it, does it have benefits in the long run? is it going to make you better or badder? Are you going to become rich by doing it? answer yourself honestly and when you found out that there is no good benefits from doing it... STOP IT.

It is hard to get rid of bad habits because it always happens automatically. You don't even know that you're already procrastinating, you don't even know that you're already watching TV 12 hours straight, you don't even know that you're already gossiping, you don't even know that you're smoking again. It happens so fast, you can't even think before doing it.

The only way to stop it is be mindful about it, raise your awareness and ask yourself if there are some benefits for doing it. If there is none then why do you keep on doing it?

You can control yourself if you are aware of yourself. Don't be on an auto pilot mode where you just do your bad habits without even thinking.


Life will be so much easier if you know that everything will go away. Nothing is permanent in this world. Pain, suffering, hardships - these things will go away so if you are experiencing one of these emotions, don't worry because it will go away, nothing in this world will stay forever.

If you know that any emotions will go away it will never be a big deal to you if you are feeling bad. You will just wait for that negative emotion to go away, you will endure it, you can even have fun while feeling it. A lot of people including me sometimes is not aware that any emotions will go. No matter how hard that emotion is... it will go away, it is not here to stay. Have you seen a man who is happy for the whole year? even the kindest, richest and most spiritual man will never become happy for one straight year. Emotions will always change and that is the reality.

So if you are feeling sad now, if you are stressed or depressed... don't worry because your emotions may change later or tomorrow. Just continue to feel it and never amplify it. Never do things or entertain thoughts that will make it worse. Just let the time pass, it will be over in a while.

Let's say you have a house, you have this big beautiful house but suddenly your subdivision becomes a passage for public vehicles because the government commanded it for making the traffic lighter. Of course you will feel bad, you save a lot of money for that house then suddenly public vehicles will just pass by in front of your house. You will experienced a lot of smoking and noisy vehicles. You will feel bad because you think that your house was destroyed. Don't think that way, it is just a house, it is just a thing, your life will go away anytime soon. You will not be able to bring that house with you forever, so don't ever feel bad even if that happens. You can feel bad for a short period of time but don't make it a habit, don't be depressed. It is just a house and nothing more than that. Even if you will still live for about 40 plus years, you will still not be able to bring that house with you. Don't feel bad and let go. Nothing is yours, you come into this world with nothing on your hands, you will go away into this world empty handed too. Anything will go away, your life will go away so take away the pressure and sadness and bitterness that you are feeling right now because nothing is permanent.

All you can do is enjoy what you have at the moment, appreciate that you are living. Appreciate that you have this and have that but don't get attached with anything because nothing will stay in this world forever.


This is what I always say to life... "STOP ME IF YOU CAN". Because life is tough and it will become tougher if you will not move. Life will give you challenges and obstacles and if you're not ready for it... you will crumble, you will act like crazy because of the uncomfortable emotions that you are feeling.

Provoke life, tease it, treat it like a bitch. Have a mindset that you can't be stopped. The truth is you will always feel good even if you feel bad if you keep moving forward. The negative emotions will be contradicted with hope and motivation if you keep on taking actions. You will forget your pain and problems if you keep moving and putting yourself on a better position.

Just move forward no matter what. If something bad happens to you, you move forward, if something good happens... you keep pushing through. That is what life is all about, moving forward and growing everyday. If you're not growing then you're probably dying.

No one can stop you if you keep on taking actions, you are the only one who can stop yourself. If you decided to become unstoppable then probably you will.

People stop because they think that there is no more hope, they think that there is no chance. The reality is.. moving forward is your only chance, it is your key to happiness. Don't ever think that you must stop today because it is the most rational thing to do. If you are pursuing an impossible dream... stopping should be not on your option.

Stop stopping, you can't get what you want because you keep on stopping. If you can just do it and move forward despite of making mistakes, rejection and humiliation then you will do good in life. You just do it and do it and do it. No more thinking, no more hesitating.

So set your eyes in front of you. Keep taking baby steps until you get there. Keep moving despite of pain, heartaches and failures. Always remember that only you can stop yourself.

Sep 27, 2017


Look for a goal and pursue it. Give your 85-90 percent time for it. Don't stop, don't complain just do everything you can to get it.

Let's start with the money, if you want to change your life then set a particular number. Let's say 100 thousand bucks. Is 100 thousand bucks impossible to get? of course not. Everyone can get it if he will work hard. Pursue it and your life will change. Don't spend, just work, don't party just grind. Don't buy shits, don't associate your life with people who are spenders and users. Walk alone if you need to, that is how you change your life. Very simple yet people can't do it because they don't want to change, they think they want, they say they want but the truth is they still want to live their life like a bum.

Is your life going to become boring? of course yes. Is your life going to become painful? of course yes, there is a pain in change, it is a slow and boring process. It is hard, you need to make a lot of sacrifices. But that is what change is all about. It is not a one time effort and you can expect to have a change in your life.

Changing your life is pursuing a goal and giving your energy and time for it. You don't think about anything else other than your goal. If you want to change your health and have a sexy and oozing body... you need to start now. Just walk, stop thinking about food, stop thinking about resting... just walk. Walk for a few months then let's see if your body doesn't change. You may get little results but it is not about getting results... it is about doing it. And when you got bored walking then it's time to jog or run. Do it again, do it over and over again. That is how to change your life. The key here it to stop looking for results, do it even if your pace is slow. Trust the process even if it is not giving you success. Do it even if you think that it's not working.

Change is not a complicated process, a lot of people can't change because they think that change means being successful right away. They think that they need to look perfect and flawless. They want to feel good while changing. Let me tell you this once again... change is painful and boring. You will feel a lot of stress but once you get the momentum going... you will feel good, you will feel proud of yourself. So set a goal now, stop thinking and simply pursue it, dedicate your time for it, don't think about what other people say... just do it, do it bitch!


Don't ever say that you hate your life because the truth is you love it. If you have a fucked up life right now... it simply means you love fucking up your life, you love destroying your life and wasting it. Don't ever make an excuse that the economy is down, that you don't have a good parents that is why your life sucks. Those things are nothing, the decision is still yours. Your lifestyle is your life.

If your lifestyle everyday is looking at negative circumstances and spreading negativity then that is your life. If your life is all about blaming, being lazy, cursing your environment and the people around you then that is your life. You think you hate them but you love them, you love that lifestyle because if you don't love it then why are you still doing it? why are you thinking about it everyday? You must only focus on what you love and not on what you don't love.

You stay in love with your lifestyle everyday that is why you keep on getting it, even if you don't admit it... the truth is you love it because if you really hate it then you will do some other things, you will not talk about the ugliness of your life. If you really want to have a change in your life... Change your thinking, change your behavior and activity. Focus on what you can control and that is your actions and thoughts. You can think about positivity, you can think about improving your life, you can change your lifestyle completely.

Don't ever say that you hate your life and you wanted to change because if you really hate it then why do you still keep talking about it? why do you still do the things that put you down?

The best thing to do is stop living your lifestyle. If you are poor then stop having a poor mindset, stop doing poor activities such as being lazy and spending all of your money for shits that doesn't make an impact in your life. If you want to have a changed life then admit that you love your life, admit that you love laziness, poor activities, gossips, hatred then stop loving it. Stop talking about it, stop doing it. Talk about abundance, stop complaining, work hard and simply give your best.


What is your life all about? it is impossible that your life has no meaning, it is impossible that your life is not focused into something.

Me, my life is all about not caring. I don't care about what people say, I don't care if I am tired, I don't care if I am failing and losing, all I know is I have to move forward and make the right decisions in life. I don't care about my situation, all I know is I have to become successful and earn money as much as I can. I don't care about the news, they have their own life, I have my own life and my joy was based on being myself each and every day.

Is your life all about gossiping and being jealous with others? it is all about procrastination and not doing what you're suppose to do?. Or is it about winning and making your life better? is it about success and taking massive actions?

Your life is all about something, there is a major thing that is happening with your life. It is either you are doing something bad or doing something good. 90 percent of your life was based on your thoughts and actions. Watch your thoughts and actions... that is your life is all about.

You can make your life meaningful and epic or you can make it depressed and useless. It is all up to you, make sure your focus is on the right direction. Be something you wanted to be, do something you wanted to be. You only have one life and you must give it the best definition that you can give.

Your life is your choice so don't ever complain if you have an ugly life. Your life is made up of small actions and small decisions from the past.

It is easy to have a good life, just focus your thoughts and actions to what you want and results will manifest in just a matter of time. Just be focus, patient and never let any destruction ruin your game plan. Focus on your dreams and goals, make actions... that is how to live a good life.


If you want to become successful the you must only mind your own business. Never look at the business of other people. Don't be jealous with other people who are doing better than you, it will only drain your energy, it will produce bitterness that will lead to inaction and wrong decisions.

There is a tendency that you will copy the same decisions that other people are making if you see them succeeding. You will copy their style, actions and strategies, you want to become successful like them so you will never trust your own intuition, and that is very bad for your business. You will lose your spontaneity and being genuine. You will never enjoy your business anymore because you are just doing it for the sake of money.

Forget about what other people is achieving, mind your business and just focus on how to make your business better each day. Your level of focus will be your level of success. The more you focus about your business and do something to make it better then the more success will come fast into your life. You've got to have an insane focus, your life must revolve only in your business and work hard to achieve a certain level of success.

A lot of people can't become successful because they don't mind their own business, they were always comparing themselves, they always compare their success to others.

Remember that success is not a competition, if you always compare yourself to others then you will never win because it will become a habit. Every time you see someone succeeding, you will compare yourself if you are richer or better. And what is the point of comparing yourself to to others? it will only hurt you, it will only make you feel bad every time you see someone better than you.

Focus on your life and you will enjoy life. It doesn't matter if your business is not doing well what matters is you survive it everyday and you are giving your best. You are doing everything to win.

One day you will become successful, just have faith that everything will work in the end. Don't get jealous with the success of others because it will only destroy your motivation, it will only produce a negative energy that will stop your from succeeding.


Most people if not all still thinks that success is every easy. They thought that all they have to do is work for a couple months or weeks then they will see immediate results. The still didn't get it, success is freaking hard, it will make you quit, it will punish you and test your will.

I thought before like many that success is just a matter of dreaming, planning and doing. You get excited to become successful, you tell your plan to your friends and family, they get excited too and wish you best luck but after a couple of months... you go nowhere. You're still the same person before you start the first step. What did just happen? after working hard and dedicating yourself you're still not successful?

It is what it is, success is really difficult, you don't know when your suffering will end. It feels like forever chasing something, it feels like the journey will never end.

You have to realize that success is all about punishment, grind and a lot of sacrifices. If you wish for something... you will really work hard for it, you even have to die for it.

So if you want to become successful forget about an easy life, forget about the word "relaxation" it doesn't exist in the world of successful people. Success is a forever grind, it is a like making yourself crazy and doing impossible things. You have to have a relentless pace and continuous progress. There is no rest allowed nor hiatus allowed, it's like dying while living. But don't worry because even if you died chasing success... success will revive you later, it will give life to you again.

The idea of being successful is like surrendering your life to your dream. You can't just be like working for 2-3 hours each day and expect success. You're only fooling yourself by taking that kind of approach.

You have to work like hell and expect that everyday is going to be hard.


If you want to become somebody, you will have hard time figuring out how to become one, you will be lost, you will experience a lot of traumatic experiences and challenges. You will even think about quitting, if you do that then it is over for your journey.

What you need to do is be a portion of it and you will be it. If you want to become a millionaire, act like a millionaire. You will say to me that you don't have millions so you can't act like one right? That is why you only need to become a portion of it until you become completely it. Just copy the work ethic of millionaires, copy their mindset, don't spend like them because you don't have money like them. Just be the portion of the life of a millionaire. You can't spend like them but you can think like them and make decisions like them. Copy the things that you can copy from them until you become completely them. What are the things that you can copy from them? these are thoughts, actions, behaviors, habits. Everything that has no connection with money.

If you want to become a professional singer then be a portion of a professional singer. Of course you're not popular yet so you can only copy the actions of a professional singer. Sing everyday, practice your look on the stage, make your voice better each day until someone discovers you and give you a break. You have to copy some of their traits so you can be like them one day.

You can be anyone you wanted to be, all you need to do is do something that the person you wanted to be like does. Copy his traits, habits, actions, beliefs, lifestyle. There is nothing wrong with that, it is the best way to become successful. It is the surest way to become victorious.


Your subconscious mind is stronger than your conscious mind, it is a habitual thoughts, they are recorded based on what you are always thinking, seeing and feeling.

It is hard to think about money and success, you think it is easy right? if it is easy then why are people always thinking negatively? why are people not talking about abundance and prosperity? instead they talk about bad news, gossips and nonsense things.

It is because their subconscious mind is defaulted to negative. They think a lot of negative things in the past and that is why they talk about it without being aware of it.

When something bad happened to you like your wallet was lost, what will you think? you will think about the worst things that will happen right? you will think that your family will get hungry, you have not food to eat tomorrow, you have no money to use to go to your work etc. etc. The default of your subconscious mind is negative that is why you will worry a lot instead of making solutions.

But it is possible to think positively during bad situations, it is still possible to have a good perspective in life. Few people, these are the successful and happy people doesn't mind having a bad luck because they knew it is not a bad luck. They trained their subconscious mind to think properly during stressful situations. They can still smile despite of having a bad day.

Which do you think is better? thinking positively during negative situations or thinking negatively during negative situation? which one do you think will produce solutions fast?

Subconscious thoughts are the thoughts that pops out automatically through different situations. It is your thoughts that commands how you will react at any given situation.

If you can train your subconscious mind to still smile despite of stress then you will have a happier life. If you can train your subconscious mind to still think positively despite of pain then life will be easier for you.

It is very easy, just think about what kind of life do you wanted to live and connect it with the thoughts that will be helpful to achieve that kind of life.

If you want to become rich then think about abundant thoughts... everyday. Think about it over and over again until you embed it completely in your system.

If you want to become kind then imagine yourself being kind everyday. Think about the people who hurts you but you are still being kind to them.

Programming your subconscious mind is simply dreaming and imagining. You dream the life you wanted to live and associate it with the thoughts paralleled to it.


There is a possibility that you can win, there is a possibility that you can become great and extraordinary. Never count yourself out because you're swimming in an ocean of possibilities. Never lose hope because if you keep trying then you will start winning. A lot of people underestimate the power of perseverance. You may look stupid for trying so many times but one day the time will come and you will get what you deserve because you work so hard and you did the best you can do.

Everyday is a chance, it is a possibility. You may not become successful right away but it can be your starting point to change your life, you can make something out of today and make it a stepping stone. It is always possible if you will try, what makes it hard is because you think a lot, you're hesitating, you're thinking twice and you're selling yourself short, you don't believe in yourself anymore.

Have fun in failing, this is the best way to become successful. Keep trying and trying until success submit itself to you. You will get it, all you got to do is be a single minded individual and know what you really want.

The generation today is the most easy generation. There is no more slavery, no more racism, no more excessive abuse of powers. You can thrive at any given time if you will only think that everything is possible. You can become successful, you can become glorious.

The information is free. There is you tube, there is torrent, there is the internet. You can download any information you want and become good at something. You can become genius through informal education. The possibilities are endless, you can even work online, there are lot of millionaires online who didn't even study in college.

Just look around you and devour the closest opportunity presented. Don't ever make an excuse that you didn't finish high school or college. Your will and open mindedness is the question, do you have it? do you have what it takes to do whatever it takes?do you really want it?

It is possible, always possible, it is impossible that it is not possible.. There is an opportunity everywhere, just look hard to find it, success is for everyone. Sometimes it is already infront of your face and you can't see it.


Th greatest motto ever is "NO REGRETS" why? because I said so, just like this, I say what  I say, it can make me feel bad later but I will have no regrets because it is the best thing to do. It is what will give me progress.

IT WILL MAKE YOU CONFIDENT. It will make you try things and move despite of fear. Saying to yourself that you will have no regrets will make you free. You will feel invincible because you will not be afraid of making a mistake anymore. Because when you fuck up in the end... you will feel no regrets because it is your motto in life, it is your philosophy, it is you world and belief. You will never feel anything bad if you fail, because just like I said "no regrets"

YOU WILL BE ABLE TO MOVE FAST. You are not scared of making decisions fast because you know that every decision is the right decision. Yes, maybe you will also make wrong decisions but it will look like nothing, it will not make an impact to your life because you promise yourself that you will never feel regretful no matter what.

IT'S LIKE FREEDOM. You make everything epic, you just do your best and forget about the results. You don'ta care about making a mistake because you will have no regrets in the end. It's a win win situation for you.

You lose, you fail, you make a mistake, you work hard and gain nothing, you give your all and still fail... you will have no regrets, you will feel no emotions to anything. You are just moving and not putting any pressure on yourself. You're a risk taker, a maniac and a freeman. Even if you lose everything in your life... you will have no regrets. You are just living in the moment and trying to strive, trying to enjoy, trying to have fun and gain a lot of experience in life.

Because that is what matters to you... the experience and not the outcome. You just live your life the way you wanted to live it, you never hold back and follow the rules of others.

What you believe is what you will do, you are not afraid to give your all because you have the best motto in life - "NO REGRETS". 


If you got traded to a team that you don't like, don't take it personally. Your boss may not like you, your coach may not like you but the main reason for that is business. They feel like they can't see progress in your personality anymore, they think that you can never become part of a success. Again, don't take it personally because it is all just business. The bosses knows what is best for them, if they think that you no longer have high value and your contribution is too low... the will get rid of you without even asking if you like it or not. You have no choice but to follow them. Can you do something? can you stop them?

Every company wants to win, every company wants to earn money, if they cut you out it only means you are no longer serving them, it means they don't want to pay you anymore, it means they are not happy with your service anymore and they don't want to see your face again.

Don't take it personally because if you are the boss the you would have done the same. That's what bosses do... they use their power to get something better.

It's all your fault why you are being eliminated, if you're only so good then people will like you, if you're a workhorse then you will have a higher value. Don't blame them because they are only doing what they think is best for them. They are only doing what is the best for the business.

If you will take it personally then you will never be able to move on and start a new life. You will be stuck in the past forever. You will become so sad that you will never work hard again, you will be stuck in a rut that you can't escape.

All you can do is become better again so it won't happen to you again. Make yourself so strong and powerful so that people can't kick you out just like that.

If you got fired from a job, got rejected, not chosen or ignored... don' feel bad because it's all just business. Money and success is the priority of people nowadays, not being nice, friendly or kind. If they can't get something from you then you are simply nothing. Again, this is just a game and if you can't play it then you will feel bad forever, it's all business so don't take it personally.

Sep 26, 2017


How to be in the moment? how to be really in the moment and stop thinking about the future or past? How to be aware of what is going on and simply enjoy the present moment? the answer is very simple... face the pain and don't delay.

People don't want to be in the moment because they are feeling the discomfort now, that is why they want to jump into the future or some other time to end the suffering now. Doing that will only increase the pain, it will only make the suffering even more. For example, if they have a problem now... they want to end it as fast as they can, they don't want to be involve with the process. They want to jump into the future and go to the most comfortable place that they can be, they don't want to face the pain.

If you want to be in the moment don't think about the future, face the pain, face the process, don't wish that your suffering will end so fast. If you do that then your problems will become even bigger. Face it and don't wish for a comfortable life, being in the moment means you will embrace all the feelings and what is going on with your life now. You will never ask for a more comfortable position, you will never complain about how you feel. You will never try to escape nor try to hide, you will embrace everything including the baddest emotion that you can ever feel.

Another cause of not being in the moment is DELAY. You delay things because you don't want to think about your problems. For example, you have a task that you must do, the deadline is so tight and your client is really mad. Instead of doing it right away, you find excuses to not do it. Excuses such as you have a headache, there is no internet, your dog got sick and any other funny excuses that is only making the situation worse. You think you are lessening the pain by doing it, the truth is you are only extending the pain, you think you're going to do it later or tomorrow... there is a big chance that you will still not do it because you already think that you're excused.

Being in the moment means facing every problem, challenges or discomfort in life. You don't think about the future, you don't try to delay things. You will just do it now, face it now and solve it now. No excuses are accepted.

One more truth is... you are only in the moment if you are happy, you are losing your mind and not attentive when you have a problem.

If you are happy, you see things, you hear things and you don't want to fast forward the time. You even want to stop the time and stay with the moment.

But if you have a problem, your mind is flying, you don't want to be in the moment anymore, you want to go to another place or jump into another time. So the key here is... just try to be happy while solving your problems, just find the happy thoughts while you are in pain.


Counting how many times you repeat something and not getting results will make you sick and tired of it, you will entertain the thought of quitting. You will think that you deserve the success because you worked a lot, you will get frustrated and depressed.

The key here is to stop counting and keep going. Focus on the feeling and not about winning. Focus on how you feel god by just sticking with the process, enjoy taking actions and making progress.

If you are counting how much money you invested in your business yet you are not getting successful yet... there is a big chance that you will stop your business. You will feel so tired because it is energy draining to keep working yet the results were not showing. Stop counting the money you wasted, keep continuing your business and just enjoy the process. If you will not count the money loss then you will never feel that your business is going down, you will never feel tired. Keep persevering and one day your business will boom.

Same as running a marathon, if you will count the kilometers you already run.. you will feel tired, especially if you've got a long way to go. Stop counting and just keep running, enjoy the feeling of running so you will have more energy.

Counting means asking for results that is not even there yet, counting means you already want to finish. It means you're tired and you wanted to stop.


Fear is so scary because you think you will be hurt, you think you will be embarrassed and you think that other people are judging you.

Fear is so scary because you don't know what will happen next, you are so unsure of yourself because you didn't prepare and study the situation. Fear is so scary because you didn't believe in yourself, you don't trust your strength and you just rely on other people's power to save you. In other words.. fear is so scary because you don't have control.

But if you will only understand that fear cannot kill you nor touch you and it is only a feeling... then you will be able to embrace fear, you will not be scared to become scared.

Fear is so scary because it is uncomfortable, people love comfort, they want to feel good every second, they don't want to feel uncomfortable at all. That is the reason why there are only few people who became successful, success requires facing fear and discomfort. You have to embrace a lot of negative feelings if you want to become successful. You must not shy away from uncertainty and not being sure.

Be willing to become scared, that is the only way to diminish the fear, don't be afraid of the moment, embrace it and forget what might happen next. Accept that there are some bad things that may happen but still do what you have to do. Forget about perfection, focus on taking action. Sometimes it may get ugly, sometimes you will be hurt emotionally and physically but it is normal. This is life and life is not all about experiencing easy situations.

Fear will not stay in your body forever, it will go away once you accept it without resisting. Learn to let go, let it fly. Be willing to become scared and just play with fear if you can.

Life is more interesting with fear, without it life will be so boring and plain. Fear can either make you strong or make you weak, it depends on how you use it. Be happy if you are feeling it because it means you're a normal person.


If you want to become popular, if you want attention... the best and surest way to get it is by being successful. You don't need to do stupid things, you don't need to fool the public, just become successful and you will make noise, people will recognize you and respect you. That is the best way to grab attention from anyone.

Failures make noises by annoying people and literally making noise, an unpleasant sound, they were needy of attention, they were acting stupid and low class. Because that is the only thing they can do, they never trust hardwork. All they do is act stupid and force people to notice them by being so noisy and ridiculous. And in the end, they will look stupid even more, people will get disgusted at them, they will look like a failure even more, a loser.

Success will make a noise by not being noisy. The energy behind success, the greatness, the achievements and the wonderful story is what makes success so noisy. People will know your story even if you are not telling it to them, people will get interested at you because you're something, they want to learn from you and hear something from you. Success is making a wonderful sound that everyone wants to hear.

How about a failure and a needy person? he is nothing, he will not make a noise, he will only make a name for himself by having a reputation of being a destruction to the public. He will get attention by being such a destruction.

All you have to do is work hard and that's it, it is hard but very simple. You will make a name for yourself if you become successful. The bigger your success, the louder your noise is. You will not even know how people were able to know about your success. They will even make their own story about you and how you get it if you are very secretive. They will be like a secret fan that admires you, they will always be aware of your presence.


Thinking at the bigger picture will make you make the right decisions in life. All of your decisions will become matured, you will learn to sacrifice, you will learn to become very patient. 

If you have a one hundred dollars in your pocket and you saw a sale item at the mall, are you going to buy it? most people will spend their money even though it is the only remaining money in their pocket, it is because they are not looking at the bigger picture, they want to satisfy themselves right away and feel good for a very short time. Speaking of feeling good... if something is for only temporary pleasure then it is not part of the bigger picture. But if you want to become rich, if you want to have a financial freedom... you will not spend your money, you will save it for a bigger purpose, you will use it for more important things... that is what looking at the bigger picture is all about. 

You can give a different interpretation to a bad situation. If one day you get unlucky, let's say you're fired at your job... don't look at it negatively, always look at the bigger picture. Think of it as a challenge to look for a new job with bigger pay and will treat you differently. Think of it as a sign that better things are coming to your life, that is how to look at the bigger picture. 

Looking at the bigger picture means you are not feeling bad at the moment, you don't get easily tempted to do stupid decisions, you are being patient and you will work or sacrifice to put yourself on a better position for tomorrow. 


Don't talk instead create numbers, create repetition, create money and results. That is the best way to live a life with integrity, passion and happiness.

If you will just create words, promises and expectations for other people then you will never succeed in life, people will never trust you because they know that you're all about talk and nothing more than that. But if you can produce results little by little and incrementing it everyday... people will love you, people will give their trust to you.

Create 100 pushups a day, make it a habit. Stop talking about how hard you work out, instead just work out and create repetition that will give you results. Talking is for the weak people, all they do is talk but they can never prove it.

But if you can create numbers, if you can show an evidence to people.. then you will become successful even more, they will do business with you, they will talk to you and share success with you.

People who creates numbers are far better than people who just create words. Talking is very easy, moving is hard. The harder ones are more reliable than the easy ones. You are only lying to yourself if you keep on talking and not even executing any small step at all.

Anyone can say he is good, anyone can fool people through flowery words but people will guard you until the end, they wan to see if you're the real deal or not. You can fool them once but not twice.

If you want people to trust you, if you want to have a name for yourself... create numbers not words. Show them something to believe in, show them that you're the man and you have the evidence and history to prove how great you are.


It's just marketing, it's an offer that simply wanted to convince you. They will say flowery words, offer you easy money and fast results. It's not true if it's too good to be true.

A lot of products will tell you to invest your money to them and they will double your earnings in just two months. That shit is so crazy, anything that tells you that you will become rich without working is a lie, it is a fraud, it has a hidden agenda and that is to get your money.

You like it because you think it's easy. You like it because it promises guaranteed results without even sweating. You know what? results is only guaranteed if you work your ass off and kill yourself by working hard. There is no guaranteed results without work. The formula is very simple... easy money equals regrets.

Never avoid hardwork, never avoid struggling and being challenged. It is part of success. Don't get fooled by people who promises you a good life if you believe in them. A strategy that is very easy is a bogus, it will never give you the results that you want. It will only make you feel good, it will only make you feel hopeful and excited in the beginning but it will disappoint you in the end.

The only program that you must trust is something that preaches hardwork and pain. People were so afraid of the truth, people were so afraid to suffer that is why they want to believe in something that promises them good life for a short period of time.

Don't be afraid to work, don't be afraid to face the reality. You will only become successful if you will stay very long with the process and let results come to you little by little.

There is nothing wrong in being slow, there is nothing wrong in always being left behind.


IN A NICE AND CORRECT WAY! You can afford to become crazy and wild in a nice way. You need to pursue your dreams and go for it. Be wild, be relentless, raise your energy so high and go for it like your life depends on it.

Sometimes you need to be a little bit crazy and do some things that are not popular to many. Become unrealistic, stretch yourself and push yourself to the limits. Because if traditional processes can't give you results... it's time to do it your way. Make your own judgement, unfollow the crowd. Listen to yourself only and just follow your instincts.

You've been following other people's techniques for so long and it's not giving you result, the worst thing is.. you're not happy with it. So it's time to get wild, go crazy and force results according to your terms.

Play your game, don't play other people's games. Tell your coach to  shut up, tell your guru to stop guiding you. Leave everything behind and create your own name.

If you will not do it now then when? you've been waiting for your time to come. Well, guess what? I think it will not come if you will do the same thing over and over again. It is time for a change, a revolution. Revolutionized yourself and never feel any regrets once you made a mistake.

A decision without any influence from other people is the right decision. If you know in yourself that you can do it and you can succeed then why not follow your heart?

Just push until the end, never stop until you become successful. If there is something you can do for your dream at the moment.. do it. Don't hesitate, don't think twice, once you start... be wild and die for your dreams.


Every path is the right path, every decision is the right decision for as long as you will stand for it and try to make your situation better. Appreciating where you are and the decisions that you did is what will remove regrets in your life. So if you will choose a path that you think is right but will give you nothing but regrets and sadness then it is the baddest choice of path.

But if you want to experience the happiest path, choose the path that will make you feel so free. Choose the path that will make you feel good about yourself, a path that will unleash your creativity and will highlight your value. Don't choose a path that is safe because a lot of people take it and it promises you a good life, you will only have regrets in the end.

Choose something that will make you experience freedom and happiness at the same time, choose something that has less resistance, something that will make you feel that you're powerful.

Take an NBA player who chooses to go to a strong team to become a winner. Because the team that he moves on to has a lot of better players than him.... he was forced to sit on a bench for a long time, sometimes he was not even playing. That makes him mad because he is not able to express himself on the court. He is not free, he feels weak and powerless. So don't choose security over freedom, choose something that will make you express yourself even more, something that will unleash your creativity.

Don't look for popularity, don't join the majority. Choose something that will give you genuine happiness that you don't need to beg for. If something is holding you down, if something gives you stress instead of freedom then that is not the right path for you. You have to choose another path, a path that will let you be yourself.

Look at those people who are working on a corporate world.. they don't love their job, they feel like their working on hell. They feel like they are jailed, they only become happy during payday, everyday is a struggle for them.

But if you will get a job that you really love then a work will become a play, you will feel free, you will become excited and pumped everyday to go to your work.


NOTHING RIGHT? You always think about the worse thing that could happen if you are in a state of worry and fear but the truth is there is no worse thing that could happen. You are still alright, you're still breathing and living.

You always think about what will your boss tell you if he learned that you are late and when you arrive at the office... your boss will not even talk to you. He is mad but what can he do? nothing right? You're already there, just work and finish the day. If he wants to scold you then let it be, but after being scolded... did you die?

We are all so worried about what will happen next, we forgot how good the present moment is, we forget to appreciate the beauty of the present and how happy we can be if we will only remove the worries in our heads.

According to survey 90 percent of worries doesn't happen all the time. You must not worry because it is not real, if it happens it happens but don't destroy the present moment because of fear. Don't focus on what you can't control rather focus on what you can control and be happy with your situation no matter what.

The only worst thing that could happen is if you will die or go to jail but if not... be happy with your life, always appreciate every second that is happening to you because that is what life is all about... just being joyful that you are alive.

Appreciating your life, appreciating that you are breathing will make everything easier. You will understand that life is all about living and not worrying. You will just breathe, do your best, love the people around you, work hard and that's it.

Don't think about a lot of things, for as long as you are still alive... you are lucky because you can still change your life and experience a lot of things. Never anticipate the next sequence that could happen, just be aware of what is going on, enjoy every second that you are living in this world.


Why is everyone afraid of hardwork? It will not even kill them, it will even make them richer and live a better life. It will make them a better person, hardwork is the simplest solution to every problem in the world. Hardwork will make you forget your problems because you will become very busy, you will be focused on pursuing your goals.

Hardwork will never let you down, it will make you very confident because you will feel good about yourself especially if your hardwork is real and consistent. It will put your state of mind on a different level, you know you have a big advantage from others. It is the pride of working hard that will make you very strong and confident, you know you can't be belittle.

Don't be afraid of it, no one dies from hardwork, no one got sick because of hardwork. It will even make you stronger because your body is improving everyday, it is getting used to working hard that is why it can take any punishment and stress.

If you have a problem... work hard, you will forget all of your problems, they will even be solved. You will be entertained by your work, you will find the joy, you will see your progress and growth.

Embracing hardwork is like welcoming change to your life. It is like welcoming riches, endless possibilities and freedom. You will have a different world, a world that is in your full control.

If you're a lazy person before... hardwork will bring back your life. You will feel alive again, you will have something to hope for.

So if your life have no direction at all... trust hardwork, you will see the right path through it. You will see how good you can become, your life will change and will have a different meaning. You will love life even more. You will become more motivated, you will never give up because you don't want to waste all of your efforts.

Sep 25, 2017


Pretending that you don't know something is the lamest excuse you can ever have. Of course you know what you're doing, you're already a grown man. You know the consequences of your action. Pretending that you don't know what could happen if you do this or do that is the stupidest move you can ever do.

Some fighters uses steroids but when they got caught they will pretend that they are not using it. They will pretend that they don't know that the vitamins they are using is illegal and prohibited by the rules of the higher commission. That is ridiculous, you know if you are cheating or not, of course you know if there is something wrong with the supplement you are using.

No matter how much you pretend that you don't know something to excuse yourself from the stupid move that you did... you will still never be excused. You will still have to pay the price for the irresponsible action that you commit.

The best thing to do is admit that you did it and move on. Face the consequences of your actions, that is the best thing to do. Truth shall set you free, you will never regret it in the end that you told the truth.

Don't pretend that you're ignorant about something, you will only look funny by doing that. People will hate you even more, they will curse you even more and will bash you forever.

You should be responsible from the very beginning and be ready to face the consequences of your actions. Regret is in the end, you may get away in the beginning but you will never escape in the end.

You're already a grown man, you know what you're doing, you know if you will fuck up in the end.


Your problematic about the problems that are not even considered as a real problem. That is why you are having a hard time in your life, all you see is problems, you never see the bright things in life. You are the judge if something is a problem or not. Your perspective is your pain reliever, if your perspective is always positive then pain will not stay longer in your system.

TRIM YOUR PROBLEMS. If something is bothering you, if it is making you feel bad... think deeply if it is a real problem or not. Because sometimes you are the only one who is giving yourself a suffering, you see something as a problem even if it is not a real problem.

CHOOSE YOUR PROBLEMS. Life is not a real life if you don't have a problem, you will experience problems even if you are such a good person. But the good thing is you can choose your problems. You can decide if you will consider a small thing a problem or not. If you will choose a problem that is nonsense and will only derail your success then it's a stupid move but if you will choose a problem that is beneficial such us pursuing a goal and facing the difficulties, helping a friend or relative that is sick then that is a good move because those are more meaningful problems and can make your life or someone's life better.

Trim your problems, you have a lot of problems that doesn't even matter. You think about your noisy neighbor, traffic, unpaid bills, broken shoes, flat tire etc. Those are not real problems because you can make a quick fix out of it.

Life will become easier if you will not make everything that bothers you a big deal. Make your life simple, don't think too much, don't control too much. Any problem can be solved if you will think deeper and recognize its real meaning. Once you give deeper meaning to something then you will know if it's a real problem or not.


Most former champions, MVPs, well know personalities cannot accept that they are not famous anymore, they cannot accept that they are not good anymore. They are having a hard time moving on, they cannot accept that they don't have it anymore, their pride is eating them, they think that they deserve more respect and special treatment than others because they were big stars before.

Some superstar athletes wants to continue their passion even tough they were already aging. But some of them cannot accept that they were no longer superstars, they still want the limelight, attention and power.

What if you're not good anymore? what if the power isn't there anymore? what should you do if you want to continue your passion?

THE ANSWER IS BE WILLING TO BECOME A SMALL TIME. Accept the small roles that the person with authority is giving you. Accept any kind of role, be willing to step down and give the other budding superstar a chance, pass the torch and never force yourself to still do what you can't do anymore.

If you're a fighter and you're fighting from a big organization before, if you're on a losing streak because the power isn't there anymore because of your age... fight on a smaller organization where you can win again. Don't be afraid to do that, it's ok, you need to keep winning in order to keep the passion alive.

Swallow your pride if you want to maintain your passion, don't be afraid of what people say, what matters is you were still able to do what you love to do.


As long as you can do it.. do it. Forget the outcome, free yourself from any judgement. As long as you can do it, as long as it is working... do it.

You don't need to ask yourself about how long you need to do it before you become successful, just do it as long as you can. Push harder, work faster, never mind where you are headed at, just move forward and never stop until you're finished.

You can always work, you can always do something for your dream and make yourself one step closer to your dream, but why are you not doing it? why are you overthinking and complicating things? you will just do what you think is the right thing, you will just move your feet. Very easy, even an elementary student can do it.

If you really want it then you have to do it as long as you can. If it takes forever then do it forever.

You have no right to tell yourself that you've had enough, if you're not successful yet then go back to your work because your time is running out. Don't count the days that you worked, you don't have the right to do that because success will never tell you how many days left before you become successful.

Stop asking, stop wondering if you will still become successful just work as long as you can.

You have a lot of energy left in your tank. I know it is hard, nobody told you that it is going to be easy, nobody guaranteed you success after working for a few months or years, you need to keep working as long as you can.


Don't listen to the voices in your head telling you to give up and do something else. It is telling you that your dream is unrealistic and you should follow the path of majority, don't listen to that voice, it is a liar and it is only guiding you to failure.

Stop listening to the voice telling you that you're already tired. Of course you're not tired yet, you're just bored in what you're doing. Find the joy in your work and your energy will be replenished. That voice is a voice of a quitter, you're not tired yet, you just want to see the finish line, you just want to rush your work that is why you feel so tired.

Don't listen to your critics telling you that you are not good enough, they are full of shits, they were just jealous because you're doing something real. You're doing what they can't do that is why they were so jealous of you. They want what you have so keep going and do your thing, never take your eyes off to your goal. One day you're going to make it, you're almost there so keep moving.

Don't listen to your intuition telling you that you're wrong, not all of your feelings were right. If your feeling is not agreeing with your decision then it is a wrong feeling, it is tricking you and making you stop what you're doing.

Don't listen to your boss telling you that your work sucks. If you did your best then your work is a masterpiece. You know in your self if you become sloppy with your work, if you feel that you give everything you got then be proud of your work and never listen to anyone.

The game of not listening is very cool, it will make you feel invincible, it will keep you going until the end. It will make you a single minded person who is so focus on his goals. It will make you free and move faster than before.

Don't listen to an idea if it is not helping you, don't listen to an information that is pulling you down, once you hear something like that... play the game of not listening.


If you can face stress then it means you are ready for success. Facing stress is really scary and difficult but you have no choice but to face it because behind it is success, you have no choice but to face discomfort because it is the gatekeeper of success.

For example, if you want money then you need to face the stress of applying for a job, you need to face the stress of talking to sarcastic and power tripper people. It is what it is, you have to face it if you want to enjoy life even more. You need to have money in order to buy the things that you need and give your family a good life. You need to become uncomfortable first before you become comfortable.

Discomfort is the requirement of comfort, that is why only few are getting rich, that is why most people are not happy. Most people wanted to become happy right away, they will buy shits that they don't need, they will travel a lot without saving some money, they will shop a lot, eat a lot and time will come when they found themselves on a bad spot. They will discover that they are only fooling themselves for a very long time.

Those who work super hard in the beginning will have more time to relax in the end but those who didn't do anything with their lives will live a miserable life in the end. It is like investing pain for happiness, feel the stress now so you can enjoy life even more in the end.

Have the courage to face it, you think that stress is painful because you are scared, the fear makes the stress stronger even more. You will just move, what is so difficult about it? You will just process the process, what is so difficult about it. Maybe you are not afraid of the stress but rather you are afraid of taking actions, which one is real?

If you want to have a better position in life.. make yourself uncomfortable, face stress, don't shy away from it. Be a grown man or woman who is ready to face anything.

If you want to have a comfortable life... get uncomfortable now.


If you are good in handling your emotions then you will live an amazing and easier life. People do things because of emotions. They do stupid things because they think that it will make them very happy only to find out that they are still not happy in the end.

They will buy new shirts, shoes, bags etc. because it gives them emotions, it makes them happy for a while, they can't control their excitement. It is important for them to feed their cravings even though it will make them broke in the end. They knew they don't have extra money but they still choose to make wrong decisions because it gives them temporary pleasure.

Successful people are very good in controlling their emotions. They don't easily fall into the trap of feeling good at the moment, they can detect temporary pleasures from long term success, they can differentiate what is important and not important.

So don't feel bad if your daddy didn't buy you jordan 11, he knows what is best for you and your family. He is wise and old enough to make the right decisions in life. There are some kids who will cry if their request was not granted and there are also kids who will not cry and accept what was given to them with no resentment in their hearts. Kids who didn't cry are happier, they can control their emotions and they don't feel any form of hatred towards their father, these kinds are likely to succeed in the future because they can handle their emotions with class.

A person who is so angry can kill someone not because he is a killer but because of his bursting emotion, he is so angry he doesn't know what he is thinking of anymore. That is why criminals are losers, that is why they end up in jail... they don't know how to handle their emotions, they let their emotions control them.

Did you ever feel attracted to a woman with sexy body but has not so good looks? you want to court her and take her to your home right? you feel something for her even if she is not that beautiful, that is how strong emotion is... it can make you fall in love it can make you do something that you can't even explain.

That is why politicians were good in convincing people... they make the people emote, they make the people feel something about their speech so they will get a lot of votes. That is why marketers who are really good can earn a lot of money, they will let you feel something about their products so they can easily convince you to buy their products.

Emotion is a powerful thing, it controls everything. If your enemy throws a garbage in your backyard you will get mad, you will explode like a bomb but if your not so close friend throws something at your backyard, you will never feel anything, why is that? it is because you feel something for your enemy, you didn't like him from the very beginning that is why anything that he do makes you really really mad. But how come you didn't get so upset if your friend throws something at your backyard? It is because you do not feel any negative emotion for him from the very beginning.

So if you want to live a better life... try to control your emotions, once you can control your emotions then you can control everything. Don't feel bad for small things that doesn't even make an impact to your success, don't feel bad when someone disrespects you because it is nothing, if it didn't make you feel anything then it will never affect your life.


How fast are you in making decisions? how fast are you in taking actions? that is the biggest question. Speed is the one of the most important ingredient to success.

It's ok if you're not talented, smart, gifted or whatever for as long as you're fast in moving and making decisions, you will be fine, you will make it in life. The incognitive skills are the skills you needed not the cognitive itself. You need to become a hardworker, disciplined, dedicated and your endurance must be on a different level.

Just be fast, no need to think about anything else. Just be fast in passing your project, be a fast worker, be fast in replying to your clients, be fast doing what you needed to do. I am very sure a lot of people will be happy at you because a lot of people loves speed. They want progress and momentum.

If you are fast in taking actions then you will get a lot of opportunities, you will meet a lot of people, you will experience a lot and gain a lot of knowledge.

Be fast in execution, just do as much as you can and never stop even if you're really tired. This world has no room for slow people. You need to be ahead from others and dominate the competition. If you want to go to the top.. you must be one of the fastest people in this world.

It's very easy, just force yourself to take actions, what is difficult about that? just move your feet, hands, fingers and use a little bit of your brain. Keep doing it until you become successful.

How fast can you move on? If someone rejected you, if you've been cut in a varsity team, if your crush breaks your heart... how fast can you move on and forget things. You must also manage your emotions very fast, you be fast in forgetting negative experiences.

Success loves speed, it doesn't necessarily mean that you're like a flash superhero when it comes to moving. You just need to decide fast and move in a pace that is faster than your natural pace.


1. Forget the results, just move and stick with the process. Take it step by step until you're done.
2. Don't strive for perfection, do what you can do with the best of your abilities.
3. Stop taking a break every now and then. People are so unproductive because they can't focus on what they do. They take a break even if they don't need it, they go to comfort room, drink coffee, etc. They always find an excuse to avoid finishing the task.
4. Pretend that you love it. If you can pretend that you love what you're doing then time will fly and you will be able to go home early. You will forget how difficult the task was. And the good thing about it is you will really learn how to love your work, it will become a reality, you are not pretending anymore.
5. Master the skill needed. Once you master something, you can do it even when eyes closed. You will become confident, you will only make mistakes sometimes, your work is almost close to perfect.

Sep 24, 2017


All of us will experience a survival mode, we just need to survive the day. The situation is really difficult, you don't even know if you're going to survive tomorrow. Of course you will, as long as your faith is still there.. you will survive any given day.

If you're in a survival mode, don't try to thrive because that will only make your situation worse. For example, you are surviving your budget for the week, don't thrive in buying the foods that you want. Tighten your wallet and just buy cheap foods so that you will not be short in your budget. Just thrive if you're already comfortable that you can buy expensive food without suffering in the end.

If you're just surviving your business then again... don't thrive. Don't shine yet, don't act like you're already a millionaire and you can treat your friends in a fancy restaurant. You can do that later when you're already successful.

Know when to survive and when to thrive. If you don't have the means yet for thriving then just keep surviving, your glory will come later. Be humble and learn to endure the uncomfortable situations. If you will act like you're already successful then you will just suffer in the end. You will regret the wrong decisions that you made.

Stop showing off and letting the people know that you're alright and making it. If you need to look poor then look poor, don't buy clothes just for the sake of covering your real situation. If you don't have money for the moment then just spend what your money can afford. Never use your money to just look good but in the end you will pay the price for being arrogant.

The time for thriving is when you're already succeeding, you can show your riches if you really have riches. For the meantime, if you're still on a survival mode then just keep surviving.

Your time will come, there is nothing wrong in surviving. You need to survive for today so you can thrive for tomorrow.


It depends on your personality and ambition. If you're a happy go lucky person with no goals and dreams then your lifestyle is messy and has no direction. There is nothing wrong with it if you're really happy with it, keep clowning around, no one will stop you and you should not let anyone do it. Spend all of your money, go to any place you want. Again, there is nothing wrong with that if you really love doing it and you will have no regrets in the end. Just do what you want, forget about your future and be happy as you can be. Just make sure that you will not blame anyone or yourself if something goes wrong.

If you have an ambition or dream then you should have a conservative lifestyle. You should not spend more than you can earn. Your time and energy should be focused upon your dream. You should not party a lot, drink a lot and do stupid things that will deter your progress.


If you want a good health and nice body then your lifestyle should be about fitness. Exercise everyday, be consistent, stay away form unhealthy foods and manage your diet very well. Buy some shoes for jogging, clothes for exercising. Live and breathe like an athlete. Act like you're competing or something. Copy the mindset of fitness instructors and you will have a body and health like them.

If you want to become rich then your lifestyle should be like a businessman. Buy coat and tie, dress like a business man and talk like a businessman. Perform business transactions with different people, save a lot of money and invest a lot of money. Never talk about being broke, speak abundance and work like a hungry wolf. It is very easy, just copy the lifestyle of other people that has the same lifestyle that you want... you will be like them, you will live like them.


Once you feel that magical feeling... never let go of it. Once you have that momentum... keep the ball rolling, don't be shy if you're hot. Keep striking while the iron is hot. That magical moment will never always come into your life so once you feel that it's there.. devour the moment, dominate and conquer what needs to be conquered.

If you feel unstoppable then you should never stop, never hold yourself back and keep pounding until there is nothing left in your tank.

It's called being in the zone or being in the flow. You have the perfect rhythm, your timing is unbelievable, everything is easy and everything is falling into your hands. You feel like a wizard who has a a magic in your hands. Everything you touch turns into gold, success is easy peasy lemon squeezy.

Sometimes you even feel ridiculous and weird, so much excitement is going on in your system. You feel like a God, you feel so hot and you don't even feel that you will make mistakes.

You are so much having fun, while they are having a hard time... it seems like you figured it all out. Continue that feeling, never let go of it because it's once in a lifetime emotion.


Don't be afraid to go hard, don't be afraid to go to the extreme. Don't be afraid to dedicate your life for something because that is the best thing to do. That is what living life to the fullest is all about.

A lot of people thinks that living life to the fullest means taking a long vacation, partying, shopping, touring around the world and experiencing all the luxuries in life. That is not living life to the fullest is all about. It's about experiencing the extreme, discovering how big you can be. Life is not all about fun and games. It is also about challenging yourself and seeing how far can you go, how successful you can be.

Going to the extreme means being so focused and working like an animal. It is like dying for something and beating all the obstacles that is infront of you. It is testing your limits and growing everyday. It is transforming yourself into something you thought was not possible before.

Going to the extreme will give you a different joy that you cannot get from external things, the happiness is free, you don't need money nor other people, you just need your vision and goal. Find what is it that you wanted to get and give everything you've got. Focus your energy and time, never stop until you get it.

Whatever it takes.... do it. Stop making excuses and don't ever think that you don't know what is the next step anymore. You always know the next step you're just hesitant to do it. Always go to the extra mile, don't sleep until you're extremely tired.

If you do everything you can then you will transform into a different person, you will become proud of yourself. People will notice something different from you and they will never locate it. There is a different energy coming from you, they will feel the power.

Going to the extreme will make you forget all of your problems in life, that extreme focus of becoming great will make you blind of the obstacles that are on your way. You will never bother listening to critics and shits that people are throwing at you. You will never consider anything as a problem because you are so focus on your goal.


If your life sucks now it simply means your habit sucks, as simple as that. Your habits is the one that dictates where your life will go. Look at you, what are you doing everyday? be honest with yourself, admit if you have bad habits so that you can change yourself and put yourself on a better position to succeed. 

What are your habitual thoughts? what are the ideas running inside of your head? is there a war inside of your head? what are you thinking of? your habitual thoughts is a big factor of your downfall or rise. If you are thinking negatively then you will attract negative situations but if you are so positive in life then you will become happier, more successful and fulfilled. 

ENGAGE WITH THE HABITS THAT WILL SERVE YOU. It's very basic, simple and bold. You know the right habits, you know what will give you money, success or whatever it is that you like. Your habits is your life, if you are doing activities that are related to broke people then you will become broke one day. If you have the habits of rich people then you will become rich too. Your habits defines your destiny. 

So get rid of at least 80-90% of your bad habits now, you will see a tremendous change in your life. You will see that life is really easy if you will just do what is needed and think the right way. 

You don't need to listen to motivational videos, gurus or pay a fraud coach. Just build the habits of becoming successful and organize the right thought patterns that will make you take massive actions. 

If you have a bum life it is because your habits is for bum, if you have a rich life then your habits is for rich, as simple as that. 

So don't think about what is wrong in your life, don't think about your mistakes, look at your habits and you will see the answer. 


If you want to have a better life... you have to choose a boring life. A boring life is a life that is in control, you own your time, you have full control of your life, emotions, money and happiness. And even if you have a boring life, well at least nobody can tell you what to do. Boring life is defining your own happiness, you never follow the crowd, you put yourself in a position where you are in total control of the outcome of your life. A lot of people will think of you as a boring person but at least you are living your life in your own terms.

1. Party less, do what is needed to succeed. Choose studying or grinding over partying and having fun for no reason. Yes it is so boring to always keep working but what has the bigger benefits? is it partying or grinding? Don't worry because once you fall in love with working so hard and seeing yourself become successful little by little.. you will enjoy working hard, you will choose it over partying. It is just difficult in the beginning, you need to familiarize yourself with the process first, once you make hardwork as a habit... you will love it more than anything else.

2. Have lesser number of friends. If you have lesser friends, you will have lesser activities and that will make your life a little bit boring. But the benefit of having lesser friends is you have more true friends, almost all of the people in your circle are the people that you really want and true to you.

3. Don't work for a boss. Of course not working on a corporate world is boring, you will never meet new people, you are on your own but the good thing about this is you can become successful fast. Unlike in a corporate world.... you need 10-20 years to have a very strong position but if you are on your own... you can become successful in just 3-5 years depending on  how hard you work and how strong is your focus.

4. Choose old school and minimalist life. Lesser stuffs, very simple things, very bold and straight mindset. You will have lesser problems, your mind will be free from toxic thoughts. Happiness is very easy to achieve, your standards in life is very low and that will make life very easy for you.

A lot of people thinks that having this kind of lifestyle is very boring because it has lesser activities and it is very different from the crowd. The truth is.. if you will choose this lifestyle.. you will become more happier and fulfilled, you will achieve goals so fast, you will know how good you are and what is possible for you. You will have lesser problems, true people will be at your side no matter what.

Being simple is cool if you really like it, this is not for everybody, it is just an idea how to live your life simpler, lighter, easier and more successful. Remember that you don't need a lot of things, activities and friends. All you need is know what you really want and get rid of what doesn't serve you.

Sep 23, 2017



People are panicking when they have a problem. It seems like it is the only time that they have a problem. They lose their minds, they go crazy and destructive. They don't know what to do, fear is eating their sanity. They don't know that they already experienced a lot of problems in the past but it didn't even kill them.

It's part of your life, no matter how good of you as a person... you are not immune to experiencing problems. It may show on your life tomorrow or next day. Don't cry if you have a problem, solve it and never complain about it. It will only get bigger the more you complain about it. Just endure it and feel it, never try to run nor try to hide. Your problems will get worse if you are ignoring it and acting like it will go away even if you don't do anything. Trust me, it won't kill you. You will feel even better if you face it and do the process of making it smaller and smaller.


1. Dissect it. First thing to do is face it and just do the first step now, forget about the remaining steps, just do the first step now and dissect it piece by piece. You will feel good by living in the moment and you will see that it's not that hard, you're just a pussy for not facing it that's why it is hard.

2. Fix your emotions. It's your emotions that makes the problem even worse, you feel bad about it, you worried about it. You think that it's the end of the world. If you can find thoughts that will make you happy then your problems will go away in an instant. It's all in your head, it's all in how you feel. Fix your emotions to lessen the burden in your heart.

3. Accept it. If there is nothing you can do about it anymore.. accept it, accept that it's part of your life and your problem is solved. People is having a hard time accepting something that is why they always feel bad. Always remember that you can only control your emotions and thoughts, there is nothing more that you can control beyond them.


If you're sick and tired of what's going on with your life and you badly wanted a change... you need to make something special, you need to make a special push or a special run. You need to make your effort and focus special. Do something that wasn't done before, that is how to make something special. If you will repeat the same shit over and over again then nothing will happen into your life. You will get the same results but your level of frustration will go higher and higher.

Same effort, approach, energy, work and thoughts will never produce something special. You have to feel a different level of stress and anxiety to produce something special.

It is all or nothing, special results needs a laser focus and strong dedication. You need a lot of patience. Make your life epic by dedicating your life for improvement and results. Make a special run, set a time frame and do whatever it takes to change your life.

Push yourself little by little, discipline yourself gradually. Force something but never force everything. Have the courage to change your life and dream for bigger things.

Your life is special and you need to make something special. Don't waste your life watching specialty from other people, you can make your life special too. Give your life a special meaning, make a special work, do a special process.

Always remember that you only have one life, you are just wasting your life if you have no intention of making it special.

Just try, even if you fail... well at least you try a special try.