Sep 20, 2017


If you are about to give up now... always remember your pain from the past, always remember what you suffered for, remember the sacrifice and negative emotions that you endure only to give up now. You already come so far, you already did a lot of work so giving up now and going back is not the best option available for you.

You have no choice but to keep going if you want to succeed. Giving up is easy but it will make your life hard in the end because you will feel a lot of regrets, you will always think what could have happen if you didn't give up.

Remember the blood, sweat and tears just to get into your level now. Remember all the sleepless nights, the hunger that you endure, the difficult challenges that you conquer... try to remember all of them and you will learn that you don't have the right to give up. You will learn that you don't deserve to lose and you deserve more in this life.

Are you just going to waste the pain that you tasted in the past for nothing? are just going to waste all of your efforts? you have to keep going and fight for what you think you deserve.

If you can remember all of the pain you experienced then you will remember how strong you are. You will remember that what you are feeling now is nothing to what you have felt in the past.

You're already strong, you've been battle tested already so there is no point in giving up. You already have a lot experience and those experiences is what made you a better person.

You're just frustrated because you're not succeeding yet but you will not succeed even more if you will give up now. You already tasted defeats, you're already in pain so keep going.

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