Sep 24, 2017


All of us will experience a survival mode, we just need to survive the day. The situation is really difficult, you don't even know if you're going to survive tomorrow. Of course you will, as long as your faith is still there.. you will survive any given day.

If you're in a survival mode, don't try to thrive because that will only make your situation worse. For example, you are surviving your budget for the week, don't thrive in buying the foods that you want. Tighten your wallet and just buy cheap foods so that you will not be short in your budget. Just thrive if you're already comfortable that you can buy expensive food without suffering in the end.

If you're just surviving your business then again... don't thrive. Don't shine yet, don't act like you're already a millionaire and you can treat your friends in a fancy restaurant. You can do that later when you're already successful.

Know when to survive and when to thrive. If you don't have the means yet for thriving then just keep surviving, your glory will come later. Be humble and learn to endure the uncomfortable situations. If you will act like you're already successful then you will just suffer in the end. You will regret the wrong decisions that you made.

Stop showing off and letting the people know that you're alright and making it. If you need to look poor then look poor, don't buy clothes just for the sake of covering your real situation. If you don't have money for the moment then just spend what your money can afford. Never use your money to just look good but in the end you will pay the price for being arrogant.

The time for thriving is when you're already succeeding, you can show your riches if you really have riches. For the meantime, if you're still on a survival mode then just keep surviving.

Your time will come, there is nothing wrong in surviving. You need to survive for today so you can thrive for tomorrow.

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