Sep 20, 2017


Being alive is the most precious gift on earth. Not cars. not money, not houses... being alive alone is a truly wonderful blessing. If you can breathe, walk and do things then you are so lucky my friend. Being alive means you can be anything because you have the ability to move and take matters into your own hands.

So if you are feeling bad today, if negative emotions is playing in your system... don't feel bad, don't get frustrated and feel depressed. It is normal, you're just a human being and you will feel a lot of different emotions. Yesterday you are so happy and today you may feel sad.. it is normal, there is nothing wrong with it.

Being alive is all about emotions, if you can still feel then you should appreciate it because it means you're alive and you can experience more a lot of things. So whether if you are feeling good or bad... still appreciate that emotion because some people in this world cannot even feel anymore.

People make it a big deal if they are stressed, they are freaking out and they think that they are going to die. Stress will kill you slowly but it can't kill you right away. So while you still have a time to change your perspective on things... do it, don't feel bad if you find yourself feeling bad. Cut that emotion right away and never treat it as a big deal.

Successful and strong people are the ones who can still move and think clearly while feeling bad, they were very good in handling stress, they never freak out, they always keep their emotions in check.

If you feel happy then good, if you are experiencing any negative emotion... just relax and stay in control. Never freak out, never become even more angrier.

Any emotion will pass, it will never stay in your system forever. Everything will end and that is the biggest lesson that you must learn.

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