Dec 23, 2020


What you do not know is your pain is giving you the strength. It's hard, it's painful, it's irritating, it's depressing, it's frustrating, you want to get rid of it right away but why are you still alive? why are you still fighting? why are you still breathing? it only means that that pain is giving you the strength, it's there for a reason, it's there because it's making you a better person. It's already in your life for a very long time but it can't kill you. You feel weak sometimes but the more you accept it the more you get stronger. Your mental game is improving, your tenacity is improving, every time you overcome it... you gain confidence, you feel proud of yourself. 

So let that pain remain in your life for as long as it wants to, never despise it, never get emotionally weak because of it. Don't talk about it, don't complain about it. Let it remain in your life because the moment you accept that pain, it gets weaker and you become stronger. Stop wishing for a perfect life, wish for more strength to endure any kind of pain. It's ok to feel it, it's ok to have it, it's nothing it's just another feeling. Keep going no matter what, push forward as hard as you can and pain will go away. Work, ignore the pain and focus on your goal. The side effect of focusing on what you really want is getting what you want and not feeling the pain anymore. You will never even notice that the pain is gone already. 

Feel it little by little, slowly move forward, focus on doing something, focus on appreciating that you can move. Don't worry about pain, it's not here to stay forever. Be happy because that pain is giving you the power, it's giving you the strength, you just don't know it because you don't want it. But if you will accept it with open arms then that pain will be converted to energy. You can convert any kind of pain into power, use it as a motivation, use it as a fuel to take more actions, let it make you mad and do the right thing, let it be a reminder that you need to become better than yesterday. 

And the truth is... you can push forward despite of pain, you can still live a normal life even if you have it. It's not there to make you weak, it's there to make you more alert and appreciative of your life. It's only making you harder and tougher and wiser in life. Don't give it another meaning, don't give it a weak meaning, see it as a blessing. It's only testing you, it's only preparing you for a bigger challenge. There is no pain that you can't overcome, there is no challenge that you can't face. So open your arms to everything, open your mind and always be ready for everything that may come. Let that pain live in your life for as long as it wants but never complain about it, don't be proud if it, just endure it. Don't brag about it, don't use it as an excuse, don't use it to get sympathy, don't use to to have self pity, just feel it and watch your life transform with it, watch yourself grow and enjoy it as much as you can. 

Dec 20, 2020


The truth about consistency is... if you're really consistent everyday and doing what you are suppose to do then you will become a master of it. You don't need to check if you're improving or not, you already improved the moment you do the first step. There is no such thing as a dumb and stupid person, the only problem is most people were pretending to be ignorant and knows nothing. They don't want to even try, they don't want to train themselves or at least learn a skill. And that's why they can't make a progress. 

There's no secret to greatness, it's simply repetition and willing to work for a long time. There's no secret recipe to success, you just need to move and do what you're suppose to do. Just keep practicing, survive the good habits, stick with the routine and you will become great one day. Time is fast, one year is very fast, and it will become faster if you're enjoying what you're doing. Trust the process, never doubt it for a second, you have to believe it until the end, keep doing it even if it's not giving you any result. 

You don't know when you're going to become successful, the only thing you have control is your actions. It's better to be moving than waiting. Waiting will make you bored, it will make you frustrated, it will make you quit. But if you're doing something positive... you will enjoy your life, time will become faster, you will not even notice that years have passed already. 

Never feel bad if you work hard and yet didn't get anything, it's ok, your character improved, your attitude was so much better not, and that's the most important thing. It's not the result, it's the culture that you have, it's your way of life, it's your philosophy that matters. Look at those people who become successful fast, they don't know what to do anymore when they fail, it's because they don't have a philosophy or belief to use when things gets rough. They were not tested before that's why they were lost when a big challenge is on their lives. 

Just keep working hard, hard work pays off, make it as your culture, make it as your game plan. Keep pushing forward no matter what like ants. Never stop and simply focus on what you want and never focus on what you don't want. Get addicted to taking actions, stop checking for results every now and then because it will only give your frustration and depression. Always remember that it's your attitude that counts. It's your belief that matters, success  is on the way and all you have to do is keep working harder every single day. Stick with the grind, keep hustling and you will get rewarded one day. 

Dec 11, 2020


Sometimes you want to build a new life on a different place, you want to leave your present home because you feel it sucks and the environment is ugly. Sometimes you want to start a new career on a different company, you think you're not getting enough credit for the hard work that you put in. Sometimes you want to have a new life because you don't like your life anymore, you have everything about your life, you hate yourself and you can't see any beautiful things in your life anymore. But what you do not know is the problem is within you, you're the one who's making your life worse by being unappreciative and complaining too much of what you're getting. You think you deserve more but you're getting less, you think you're better than anyone else but you're not proving it, you think the problem is the people around you but the power is in your hands, you have the power to change your life right away, all it takes is a change of perspective. When you change your life will change, when you start to commit to getting better then your life will become better, as simple as that. 

It all starts with what you have, you can never find a better home if you keep hating your present home. You can never find a better job if all you do is look for some negatives in your company and the people there. You can never change your life if all you do is blame the world. Why not start with what you have and turn into gold what everything you touched? why not fully appreciate your surrounding and the people there? why not fill your world with love? why not try to become better where you are? why not use everything you've got and try to make it big as it can be? the choice is yours, always yours. You have the power to change your life, you have what it takes to make it better. You can make the worse better and the better best. Why not stop complaining and just clean your house, decorate it and make it new? why not just try to work hard and stop complaining about what your company can't give you? why not look for your bad attitude and habits and try turning things around? you feel weak because you have a victim mindset, you feel that everything around you sucks but you deserve better, you can't see the beauty in your place anymore because you're so poisoned with the habit if not appreciating what you have. You know millions of people are dying to have your place, millions of people would love to take your place but they can't because they don't have the resources and skills to do so. And much worse, they lack the support, they can't believe in themselves anymore so all they do is hope. 

You're on a good position right now, you're too lucky but the reason why you're so depressed is because you can't make the things and people around you better. You're taking everyday for granted instead of trying to see what you can do to make your life better. Once you move towards improvement then your life will change right away. Clean your house, love your life, ignore what makes you feel bad, work hard to make some improvements and you will see how your life has dramatically changed. 

It's not about what is lacking in your life, it's about you not seeing what you have that makes you feeling like a loser. Start where you are with what you have and build a better life. There's no need for an instant fix because it's not true, your life will never change right away, the more you force things and become needy the more your life will fall. Do it gradually, be patient, this is a discipline, it takes time but everything is possible. 

Dec 5, 2020


No more thinking, no more doubting, no more over worrying... you just do it. Forget the result and you will be a fast starter, forget the future and you will be able to do a lot of things. Forget about winning or losing and you will be able to express yourself even more, you will feel free, forget that you deserve something and you will never hesitate if you will go all in or not. The reason why you can't move is because you think that life is so long, your time is so limited in this world so you don't need to worry about failing or embarrassing yourself, life is so short. 80 years or 90 years is so fast, even 100 years... it is so fast, people will forget you, people will never care for you. Even if you're a legend or something popular... your name will be forgotten. So forget about looking like stupid, forget about your ego, never mind if you look weak, never mind if people treat you like a junk. It's ok, time will pass, just focus on giving yourself a chance to win, focus on going all out and expressing yourself... that's how to become happier in life, that's how to erase all of your regrets. Give yourself a chance to shine, don't just let life pass by without fighting. 

Because you deserve anything you desire, all it takes is the willingness to take actions and go further. You need to stretch yourself, push yourself to the limits and never give up when things are hard. Keep pushing when the going gets tough, never stop, never settle... go all the way. Be a doer not just a watcher, it's better to be doing something rather than just watching people do their thing. You have your thing too, you have your journey too, never waste your life wasting your time watching other people's journey. It's a disrespect to yourself if you're giving too much of your time to others and not giving quality time for yourself to grow or at least do something that will make your life improve a little bit. Life is to be live, are you living or not? are you doing everything for yourself or not? it's all about investing your time for yourself and not for other people, that's how to live life to the fullest. Be selfish with your time, don't give it too much. 

If you need to do something... just do it, forget about what people say, forget about what other people think and just do it. Allow yourself to fly, be playful, be creative, take risks and don't be afraid to fail... ever. Failing means lining yourself up with winners, if you're failing then it means you're trying. The mist successful people in this world failed big time but they never lose hope, they even got hingrier after failing.