Mar 31, 2018


To others, greatness has a very deep meaning, the complicate it too much, they think that it's very hard to achieve and they need a lot of greatest achievements to get it. But greatness is that so simple, greatness is simply doing something everyday even if you don't want to do it. Because if you do this style... you're already on the path of being great, you're great already. Just don't break the momentum and your greatness will never stop.

For example, if you're practicing everyday... you will become great at it, you will become superb. Nothing will stop you, you will improve everyday. Greatness never stops so you must never stop, you don't even know if you're already great, you need to focus on taking actions and just keep getting better everyday.

Greatness has no limits so you should do it everyday even if it hurts so bad, even if you feel too lazy... you need to do it, never stop until you can't do it anymore. Greatness is not about being the best, it's all about giving your best every single day of your life, you push yourself and you never get tired of pushing for more, you just keep pushing and pushing until you can't push anymore.

Once you have that momentum, once you feel that it's working... never stop, never settle, always stay hungry and keep pushing for more... it's like madness, you don't feel the limits, you don't care if you're super tired.

If you want to become great then stop looking to become one, just focus on taking actions, focus on taking risks that has rewards, never think about losing nor winning, focus on learning and feeling good. It feels good to push hard right.. you feel invincible, you feel really great because not all people can push hard like you use to.

Keep that fire burning, if it already died then try to revive it, keep that hungriness alive... never get complacent, always look for what is possible, always look for the next level of momentum.

It's ok to struggle, it's ok to taste defeats but never let that momentum die forever. You still have some momentum even if you're losing, for as long as the vision is there are you're working hard... the momentum is still alive.

Mar 30, 2018


You wanna know why you keep on losing again and again? because you don't wanna be called a loser. You are always trying to prove yourself to others. If you're losing in gambling let's say you already lost a hundred thousand bucks on a single night... your ego is eating you, it is controlling your mind, you don't want to give up that's why you will use all of your money and play it... the result is... bankruptcy. You want to impress people, you don't want them to call you a loser that's why you keep fighting a fight that is not worth fighting for.

Your rich and fake friends have this and have that, you got jealous, you will also buy the things that you really don't need just to avoid them calling you a loser, the result is you don't have budget for food and bills anymore, you will borrow some money from different people... and later your fake friends will learned that you're drowning in debt. You're a loser and you keep losing because you're trying to win in an easy way, you're trying to win in a wrong way.

If you want to become a winner then accept that you're losing in life, stop impressing people, stop looking like a winner even thought you're really not.

If you don't have anymore money then stop fighting, stop trying to impress people because you will look like a loser even more in the end. Stop fighting if you don't have means, accept that you're losing and try to win the hard way.

Try to win by working hard and climbing the mountain slowly, try to build a reputation of not giving up but fighting until the end.

The right mentality will destroy any adversity, if you will just be patient then you will win in life, just keep struggling and embrace the grind... you will become a winner if you will accept that you're a loser now and do the right things to make your future bright.

Just be yourself, swallow your ego, never try to impress people because that's inviting poverty in your life.

Mar 29, 2018


The more you practice delayed gratification the more you will become successful, you will become big, you will experience a lot of things that you though were not possible.

It's hard, it's painful, you will become hungry, you will become thirsty but what are you suppose to do? if you will avoid useless temptations then you will prosper, you will make significant amount of progress, you will see  a different side of your life, you will see a better version of yourself.

Broke people can't become rich because they always practice instant gratification, when they have money they spend it, when they see an opportunity to have fun... they will have fun even if they have some more important things to do, they simply can't resist temptation that's why they are having a miserable life.

Stop yourself from buying stupid things just to impress people, save your money, try to make it grow again and again, repeat the process... one day you will see yourself already rich. It's not that you will not spend for the rest of your life, the point here is never spend your money for useless stuffs like shopping even if you don't need anything, gambling, buying food even if you're not hungry etc.

Practice delayed gratification and you will see all the rewards in the end, things will become more great.

A lot of people wants the easy way. They want to feel good right away which is not good if you're pursuing success, you will not be able to get what you want if you always want comfort and fast success.

If you can enjoy boredom then you're on the right path, you will succeed in just a matter of time, practice delayed gratification. Always do the right thing, never think about wanting to feel good by doing unimportant things. You know what is right and you have to do it.

Mar 27, 2018


Sometimes you have to believe even if it looks unbelievable, being delusional is being negative. It is better to believe in yourself rather than contradicting your own ideas because it is hard. If you're delusional then you will take actions even if it is hard, you will do impossible things, you will do something that not all people can do, you will eat shits if needed, you will eat fire if needed, you will simply do whatever it takes to win in life, you will never stop until you win.

But if you're a negative minded person... the moment you entertain negativity is the moment you end your journey, your journey will stop there because you will not take actions anymore. You will simply complain, do nothing and make excuses in life.

Keep believing and never stop, if you're taking actions then you're not delusional, a real delusional person is someone who is waiting for something but doing nothing. You are only delusional if you're dreaming about big things but you're not willing to do whatever it takes to get it.

Believe in yourself even if other people is telling you that you're delusional, if you're taking actions then you're on the right path, they can't believe that you're pursuing it because they cannot see it, they don't know how to start their own dream so all they do is hate someone who is trying.

Never stop... ever, even if the world is against you, even if they are mocking you because your dreams were to impossible... never stop, your time will come, they will kiss your ass one day. Endure all the criticisms and keep moving forward, ignore all the haters and be an action taker.

Any movement will create improvement, whatever you are doing now... it is working, you may not see any results yet but you have to be patient, you have to give everything you got until you win in life.

Being delusional is better than being negative because at least you're taking positive actions unlike others, at least you are doing something for your life, you are not taking your life for granted like everyone else.

Mar 26, 2018


If the mentality is still there then you're alright, there is nothing to worry about. You only need the right mentality in life, if you're mentally strong then everything else will follow, you will do the right thing, you will still work hard even if you're losing a lot. It's your mindset that you must develop if you want to become successful in life. Some people have the skills, they have the talents and resources but they have the wrong mindset that's why they can't win in life.

So forget about your situation, forget if you're winning or losing, just make sure that you have the right mentality and you will be alright, you will thrive in life, you will make it work later.

Invest in your mind, forget about what is going on, if you can make your mind tougher then nothing can stop you, you will never quit until the end. Have fun in failing, just laugh at it, enjoy rejections, enjoy failing and you will see that you have nowhere else to go but on top.

Cut the weak mentality, what is it? thoughts about failing, thoughts about not being able to stand up again. If you will try again, if you will not be afraid to try again and again then for sure you will make a come back, being down is not permanent, if you keep fighting then for sure you will thrive in the end... that is guaranteed.

So keep working, keep hustling... that's all you can do, stop thinking anymore, it's just a waste of time. Never be scared to fail, never be scared to get rejected again... that is part of the process.

If you still have the mentality to try again and fight again then you're already secured, there is nothing to be scared of anymore.

So guard your thoughts, what are the thoughts that you are entertaining? what are the thoughts that are running inside of your head, if your mind is crowded with negativity then it's time for you to change your mindset, think positively and go all out.

Mar 24, 2018


There is always a reason to be happy, even if your situation really sucks... there is still one good reason to be happy and it's your duty to find it.

If you're blind be happy because you can still walk and talk, I know I'm not on the position to say this because I'm not blind but what else can you do? make dramas and beg? you have to be brave if you don't want to get bullied, you have to be happy in order to have a positive life.

If you lost your house because the bank pulled it... be happy because you still have a car, you can still live in your car and continue your life. You can be happy with some other things, you can smile on the other side.

For sure you can find something to be happy about, all you have to do is appreciate your situation and appreciate everything that you can hold, you still have a lot of things, you are still living, life will be better to you next time. But for the meantime... learn to dance in the rain, learn to fake a smile, learn to control your emotions because that's the only thing you can do.

If you will make dramas and keep looking for sympathy then you will only look stupid, you will look like a beggar, you are not born to become a cry baby, you're born to be a fighter, a hustler and an appreciator of life.

Appreciate life, appreciate that you are still breathing, if air is the only thing that you have in your life then be happy about it.

It all starts in being positive, if you have a positive outlook n life even if your life sucks then there is a big chance that you will be able to change your life.

Mar 23, 2018


Have your own and you will be in full control. Have your own car, own house, own goal, own money, own business... that's the best way to be in full control. Because if you have a boss, if someone will support you, if you will always borrow something from someone then you will lose your power. You don't have any choice but to follow others because they are more powerful than you, they have what you need, they have what you want so they will be the one to control you.

But if you have your own resources, if you have your own project then you will focus on your own life, you don't need to ask for permission, you're simply in control.

A person becomes weak because he is so dependent, he doesn't know how to stand on his own feet.

But if you will take full responsibility of your life then nobody can control you, you will control your own life, you will own your future.

Stop borrowing a car from your brother, force yourself to buy your own. Stop living in your parents' house... you will not be able to make your own decision if you do that.

Everything must be your own... own rules, own personal things, own dreams, own power... never borrow from anybody because that's the start of your weakness.

Have you seen someone who looks like a property of somebody? he is always following, he is always borrowing, he is always worrying about his future because he can't stand using his own feet, he feel weak and powerless. He can't make a decision on his own, that's what will happen if you will always rely your future from other people... you will look like a tamed dog.

Own your life, never let something control you, you have a power, you have the strength to dream.. do whatever it takes to own your life.

Mar 21, 2018


It's ok to have a strong endurance, it's even better to be not a complainer but sometimes you're not complaining about your life, you're not complaining about your old shoes, low salary, not delicious foods, ugly place, broken relationships... you're enduring too much, you need to complain to yourself and take actions. DO something to make your life and situation better, do something to improve your life... as simple as that.

Stop enduring what doesn't need to be endure, you can always improve your life, you can always make the attitude adjustment and do what is needed to become a better person, to have a better life.

If you will just stay with your old mindset then you will have the same life over and over again until you die. You can have the best riches in life, you can have everything if you are willing to bleed for it.

Do whatever it takes to become a winner. What you have is not all you can have, you can have more, stop enduring the ugliest things in life if you can have the most beautiful things in life.

It all depends on how hard you work, if you're working hard and giving your best then you will be the best, you will get the best... as simple as that.

Mar 20, 2018


Accept it, accept that you will get burned, accept that you will become fatigued, accept that you will really become exhausted if you are pursuing something that looks really impossible. You will cry, you will think about quitting, you will think about going home... don't worry because it's normal, every great person experienced that. No on is immune from thoughts about quitting.

Once you feel that you're burning, once you feel that you're mentally and physically tired.. congratulations, you're already on a different level, you're already succeeding. So keep going, keep getting burned, you will see yourself on top in just a matter of time.

Every time you feel tired... keep going, rest if you really need to but don't ever change your belief system, don't ever think about quitting and doing some other things. Only cowards do that, you're not one of them, you have the ability to believe in yourself and trust yourself to the fullest.

What's wrong with being tired? what's wrong with struggling? you need to experience this things in order to become tougher and wiser, you need to travel the rough road so you won't be afraid of big challenges anymore in the future.

If you can't win now, it means you still need to do a lot of improvement, it means you still need to do a lot of work. You can still reach another level, a level that will give you the success that you're looking for. SO keep burning, keep suffering, keep enduring the pain... one day you will become glorious, one day you will see the real meaning of your sacrifices. Never give up so easily because that will never give you anything, just think about it... if you give up then where will you go? there is no other way around but to move forward.

If you're going through hell keep going, that situation is only temporary.

Every effort will be rewarded in the future, every energy that you use have an equivalent reward. You just need to stick with the process until you see success.

Mar 17, 2018


Just look at it and you will learn something, look at it deeply, don't blink. Just simply watching and looking at something will make you learn, look at it closely and be serious. Once you learn something apply it to your life, apply it now right away. Don't hesitate, don't ever think that you're wrong.

You can always learn a lot by just looking at something, you look at it, you watch, you become curious about it and then you try it yourself. Experiment, be playful, use your creative side. You can become very creative here, all you have to do is move and take actions.

Look at it the way you wanted to look at it.

You can learn anything you wanted to learn if you will look at it very closely and take things seriously, put you energy into it, discover, navigate do the trial and error method.

Mar 16, 2018


Always focus on the present step, be happy with it, feel it and just simply try to survive. It's all about surviving for the moment if you're suffering, enjoy the pain, try to pass the challenge and then focus on the next step. Make the next move, don't be stagnant, remember that it's a journey not a destination, of course destination is really good, it's really fine, it makes you feel good but after that what?

Life is fun if you keep on climbing the mountain, it is hard but if you know how to enjoy the hardships and the struggle then you will be fine, you will become successful one day, you will reach the top. Keep on climbing and climbing and never stop. Life is a process, all you have to do is enjoy the process and you will get there, as simple as that. Just do what you can do at the moment and that is taking the next step.

It's all about evolving, it's all about putting yourself on a better position one day at a time.

Everybody can climb the mountain, everybody can reach the top but not everyone will even try. They always judge themselves that they can't do it. They don't know that perseverance has its own way of making things possible. They don't know that if they don't stop then one day they will see the right path, one day they will see the right process, they will be able to do things correctly and efficiently.

Even if you get lost, even if you feel that there is no more strength left in your body... still make the next step, persist , never quit, never stop.

Forget about how many steps you still need to take, forget about how much time left... just do it.

You are powerful than you thought, you can make it if you will stay positive. Just focus on taking actions and never stop until you get there.

Mar 15, 2018


Everyone of us are scared, fear is bugging us everyday, no matter how much you deny it... fear will visit your life every now and then. It's normal, that's life. If you can admit that you're scared then you will be able to manage that fear, you will be able to control it. A lot of people can't admit that they were scared that's why they're having trouble in dealing with their fears.

Because at the end of the day... we all get scared, everyone will experience fear, what's wrong with admitting it? it only means you're a human, it only means you're normal. A person who isn't scared isn't normal at all, that person has a mental issues.

Admit that you're scared and stay calm, stay still, breathe and think clearly, think about what you need to do. If you can't think of any action then don't take any action, stay calm until you figure out the next move to make.

There will be times when you will be stunned, there will be times when life will surprise you and you don't know what to do, there will be times when you will doubt yourself and you wanted to quit. But that's ok, it's so ok. Admit that you're scared, admit it to yourself and do something about it, don't just let fear paralyze you, you need to take actions and make the best for your life. If you know that you are scared and you admit it... you can become free, embracing fear is freedom.

People who can admit that they are scared are even braver, they are not ashamed to admit their feelings. If you're not shy to admit you're emotions then it means you're a tough person.

Being scared is part of your life so don't feel bad about it, embrace it and just try to process the emotion, try to give it another meaning, treat it as something small and something that cannot even hurt you at all. If it can't kill you then don't be afraid to embrace it.

Some people who are trying to look brave are scared even more. They are faking, they want to look they're not intimidated at all but deep inside they were so scared to death. At some point their style will work but in the long run it will go against them. The best thing to do is to admit your fears and try to think what is the best thing to do about it.

Mar 13, 2018


Practice makes perfect, if you can fall in love with practice then you will become great one day. If you can practice all day long you can perform at the highest level, you will never be afraid of real competition, you will never be afraid of pressure. Not all people wants to practice, some just want to become great right away, they are not willing to undergo the process.

Practice a lot to raise your confidence level, if you practice so hard then you will become almost perfect. Even if you made some mistakes... people will not notice it because you're so confident, you will be able to improvise without looking like you made a mistake.

A man who believes in himself too much doesn't want to practice anymore, he already reached some level of success that's why he told himself that why practice if he can win over and over again. But when the high level of competition is already there... his movements were not fine, he gets tired easily, he gets pressured easily, his body and mind is not following his heart. It only means that being arrogant and lazy will always fail you even if you're already great. You still need to practice even if you think that you're good enough.

Practice very hard and you will never suffer in real life anymore. Once you feel the hardship during practice then any competition or challenges will be easier for you.

If you do good in practice then you will do better in real competition, take your practice seriously and never underestimate anyone. If you will fall in love in practice then you will never have a hard time working. Your work ethic and discipline will be fully developed through practice.

Repeat again and again until you're tired, until you can't move anymore, until you're so fatigued that all you want to do is go home and rest.

Great people practiced a lot, they take practice seriously, if you can succeed in practice then you can become successful in real life.

Mar 12, 2018


Not the way of others, not the way of some successful people... you will create your own way. You will be able to find the path that is right for you, and that is if you really want to become successful. Sometimes the way of others will not work for you, even if that way is a way of a master. Sometimes you really need to do it yourself, you need to lean by yourself and succeed by yourself.

Don't rely too much on the way of others, your heart will show you the right way. If you believe other people then you are not believing in yourself anymore.

If you will try so hard and almost got yourself killed... you will find a way, you will create your own way, a way that is very effective for you and will give you an insurmountable success.

Even if you don't know how to create your own way, you will be able to create it because of wanting it so much, you will become a discoverer, you will become an inventor... a scientist and a chemist. You will create your own process and fully believe in it.

So don't be afraid if the right way is not showing now, don't be afraid if you're lost, just keep moving forward and you will create your own way, never stop moving forward, never stop taking the process. It's just a matter of time before you see the way.

Mar 11, 2018


Grow in pain because it's the best place to grow, it's the best place to become the best. Pain is what will make you a tougher person, if you are so accustomed to it then you will never be scared of anything, you will feel fear but once it is there... you will never back down from it. If you will learned how to grow in pain then you can be anything, just like a metal that is molded from the fire, it can form any shape, it cannot be broken once it cooled down.

Some people grow in luxury, the grow in a very comfortable environment, they were spoiled brats that's why they can't grow anymore. They don't know what to do next, they can't stand for themselves. Fire is the best place to grow, grow under pressure, grow under difficulty, grow under comfortable situations because the truth is... you will never grow if you don't face any hardship, you will become soft if everything is easy, you will never see greatness.

If you can grow in pain then nothing can intimidate you anymore, you are ready to face any challenges in life, you are ready to thrive, you can survive anything.

Don't be satisfied with help, support, sympathy, considerations and connections. You will never survive if things gets harder. You need to stand up for yourself and carry yourself every time there is a big obstacle along the way.

Grow in pain so you will never become afraid of pain anymore. People who haven't experience a deep pain yet are so unlucky because the moment they face it... they will go crazy, they will freak out.

Don't be afraid of pain because it is your friend, it will help you, it will make you mentally tough, it will put you on top. Pain will give you anything you wish for, just work hard and push yourself to the limits, make sure you're almost crying, you have to burn before you earn.

Growing in pain means you already made it, it means you're ready to face anything in life, it means you're ready to dominate and become successful.

Mar 10, 2018


Fear is nothing, it cannot harm you nor kill you. But you invented it, you always think about it that's why it's slowly turning into a reality, it's turning into a monster that you cannot control anymore. All your fears are not real but you keep on thinking about it, you keep on attaching emotions into it that's why it's eating you alive. You created your fear by believing it too much, remember that fear it just a feeling and nothing more than that.

You're the creator of your fear, it keeps growing everyday poisoning your mind and making you weak. You feed it everyday, you keep thinking negative thoughts. Your fear is turning into phobia, you can't control it anymore.

The good news is... there is still a solution, you can still destroy your fear. You can ignore it and still move. Just feel it but never believe in it, it's just an emotion, it's not yet real so you still have a chance to win, never be afraid to feel it, once it is there... embrace it into your system, try to stay relax and focus on what you want to happen? if you're feeling it now, try to think... do you want to make results or not? you can only create momentum by moving forward despite of feeling the fear. You can only level up if you embrace that feeling and move anyway, you can become unstoppable despite of feeling fear.

A lot of people were stuck because of fear, they don't know that the only thing that will make them successful is by facing fear, knowing what is behind it, persisting despite of feeling it and being scared. Once you accept that fear will never leave you because you will feel it everyday... that's the time you will experience freedom. Freedom is not feeling, fear, it is being ok feeling fear.

Keep feeling the fear, you invented it so it's your obligation to destroy it, all you have to do is feel it again and again until you become tired of feeling, until you're no longer afraid to feel that feeling. Of course you will become scared again but you're welcoming fear now, you are more educated about it, you know that it can never kill you, all it can do is make you stronger.

Mar 9, 2018


Simple skills will give you success, never underestimate the skills that you can't see. Some people are good in sports, business, talking, making money, music, dancing etc.

If you want to become successful... be a master of a simple skill, be single minded. Make sure that skill will become very good to the market so you can earn money as well. Whatever works works. If it is giving you a simple momentum then be happy for it and nourish it, take that skill to another level.

A simple skill that will make your life better, a simple skill that will make you stand out. Be a master of a simple skill that will make you thrive.

Whatever skill that is, whatever skill you choose... be proud of it and make it better everyday. Hone your craft everyday, make sure you will reach the highest level. A skilled person has a lot of advantage, he can become very successful if he will focus on taking that skill to a different level.

And when you think that your skill is not enough... learn another new one, learn something new. You need to learn a lot to become successful a lot.

All you have to do is be curious and study, make sure you are doing everything you can to take your skill to another level. Make sure you are not complacent, always be on a move and never stop until you reach the highest level. And when you think you already reached the highest level... go and practice again, study again, repeat again... never stop until you die.

If you are very skilled then you can play with life, you can play the system, opportunities will be attracted at you, you will become big and successful.

Mar 8, 2018


What most people don't know is they can wait, they can be very patient. They can be very kind, they can stay quiet, weather the storm until they get what they want.

All you have to do is play the waiting game, wait but at the same time you need to work. You need to improve yourself a little bit, you need something to do in order to advance in the game. Of course waiting is really boring but what else can you do? it is proven that lack of patience leads to failure, not learning how to wait leads to tragedy. It's like eating a fruit that is not yet fully ripe. It's like eating a fish that is not yet cooked.

Never underestimate the power of waiting because your mental toughness is being developed under this process. You will see a different side of you if you're waiting, you will see what you are really made of. Quitters are people who can't wait. These are people who wants it fast, they want it tonight, they want it today, they are not willing to wait for one more day, week or month.

That's why a lot of people who wants to become rich so fast never succeed... they want it without having to work for it, they just want it, they don't want to sacrifice and make commitments. 

You can wait on the grocery line, you can wait for the traffic to end, you can wait for your love one who is on abroad, you can wait for your time to become successful. You can wait on anything, be patient and you will know that waiting is better than quitting.

The most successful people have the ability to wait, they are willing to fail a million times just to succeed once, they are willing to get humiliated for a million times just to be appreciated once. They never get tired of waiting. That's the richest people does... they wait, they wait for their stocks to get higher, they wait for their business to become successful, they wait for the right timing, they wait for everything. They are not rushing because they know that they have a lot of time, they just simply enjoy the process of becoming successful.

If it's not your time yet then wait, if it's not the right time to eat the dessert yet then wait, if it's not the right time to talk then wait. You have a lot of time to wait so keep your cool and stay calm until the right timing is there.

Because no matter how hard you try... there is still a possibility that you might fail, success is not guaranteed even if you work the hardest, sometimes you really need to wait while working super hard. Those who are willing to wait will make it in life, they will become successful one day because life is not a race, it is a marathon. Those who are willing to wait and work forever will succeed.

Mar 7, 2018


Stop competing with other people. It doesn't matter if they are better than you. It doesn't matter if you look weak, if you will just focus on your work and focus on giving your best then you will be alright. Competing with other people will put a huge pressure on your shoulders. It will make you work harder than what you can do, it is alright to work hard but if you are doing it for other people then you're on the wrong path my friend. Work hard for yourself, compete with yourself, that's the best thing to do to achieve greatness in your life.

If you are competing then you will always care about your reputation, you will always care about being great, you will always care about what people will say.

Greatness should be natural, you should not look outside of you to achieve it. Look inside of yourself, feel happy working hard and giving your best, push yourself to the limits and beat your record yesterday.

If you're not competing then there will be less pressure on your side, you will not look at other people anymore and always check how they are doing. Competing against other people is useless, it will make you suffer for nothing, it will take away your peace of mind.

Greatness is hard to achieve, it is possible but if you're comparing yourself to others then it means you're not focused, it means other people are part of your journey, they are distracting you. You should own your journey, you should not be thinking about other people.

Just give your best and never compete against anyone, stay natural, just be yourself and push yourself a little bit, go farther as much as you can. Push harder, work longer and never get jealous with other people who are getting better results.

The truth is... you are you're own competition, you need to beat yourself and control yourself, you need to discipline yourself and do what is best for your life, you don't need to think about anyone else, just focus on your own life and be the best version of yourself.

Ignore the idea that you need to become better than anyone else around you, ignore that idea, that is only a form of insecurity, it means you need for approval, it means you need to feel good if you're ahead which is a mindset of a person who is lacking self confidence.

You will be the judge if you are great or not, if you know that you are pushing yourself everyday and you can honestly say to yourself that you really work hard and give everything you've got then you're already great, you don't need to seek for approval nor ask for appreciation. Appreciate yourself and the efforts that you put in.

So stop competing now and simply give your best everyday, you can do more and be more if you will focus on your own journey and stop investigating other people's works.

Mar 6, 2018


They call you delusional, they call you crazy, they call you non sense but what if your nonsense is real? what if you're right? what if you can make your dreams come true?

Your dedication is the judge if what you're doing is legit. If you will never give up and keep working for your dreams then one day it will all come true. It may look nasty and messy right now because you can't make a significant progress but one day... all of it will come true.

You're the only one who can tell if you're for real or not. If you're consistent about your dreams and you're doing everything you can to make yourself one step closer from it then your dreams are real, it will become real one day. Just have enough patience to keep going and grinding.

Your nonsense will become nonsense if your activities has no sense at all, if you're not doing something positive for your life. But if you're really suffering for it, if you're doing your best and you have that mindset of no quitting then your non sense is real.

One day they will see what you're all about, just keep on working and grinding, just keep hustling and never step until you become successful. Never stop until you made it, that is what it's all about... pushing forward and doing what is possible.

You will only know the final outcome if you keep pushing until the end, if will never quit and keep working until it's over.

They can call you anything they want but if your vision is clear and you are willing to die for it then you will get it, no need to think about anything else.. you will get it no matter what. Have faith in yourself and always remember to take massive actions everyday. One day your situation will change, they will see that you are for real.

Mar 5, 2018


You decrease your alcohol intake for a week or month and you will see a change in your life, your belly will be trimmed, your mood will be better, your productivity will become stronger.

Decrease worrying and procrastination and you will be amazed at how easy life was, your life is difficult because you're worrying about what will happen next but you're not doing anything to improve your life now. Lessen the negativity and there will be an increase in productivity, the formula is very simple, just follow this and you will have an amazing life.

Decrease the stopping, rest and excuses and you will become more focused. You will achieve more things in life, you will see how good you are.

Decrease the food intake and you will have a nicer body, sometimes you don't need to exercise or do a lot of complicated things, just decrease the food intake little by little and you will lose some weight. If you are eating 2 cups of rice everyday then try to reduce it to one, your body will change little by little, that is for sure. You will never see the change so fast but do it for a very long time and you will some some changes. Decrease it little by little, once you feel comfortable with eating half cup of rice everyday, it's time to lessen it, lessen it by half, if you do it then there will be another level of change in your body again. It's a slow process so be patient, you can't be deciding not to eat rice right away, it will stunned you, it will make you go crazy that will result to going back to eating 2 cups of rice again, the worse is... you will make it 3 cups of rice.

Decrease your attention to other people and your confidence will go higher, never mind what they say, just do what you need to do without worrying about the words that they might use against you. Just focus on people what does really matter, focus on people that truly care about you.

You don't need to get rid of a bad habit right away, it's hard, you need to decrease it little by little until you get rid of it permanently in your life. Again, you need to have a lot of patience, you need to trust yourself, you need to trust the process.

Decrease your spending habits and you will have more money, you will never be short. It's all about practicing delayed gratification, decrease your appetite for spending, never buy stuffs that you don't really need.

There's a lot of beauty in decreasing, you thought you're suffering but the truth is you're setting yourself up for a better life, you're putting yourself on a better position to experience a better life.

Decrease the activities and habits that doesn't serve you at all. Decrease your number of fake friends, decrease your worry about small things, decrease everything that will never give you a chance of growing.

Mar 4, 2018


There is a place where you will win a little bit, that is for sure. There is something you can do where you will always win, something that you will master. If you're not winning in your place now and you don't like it... move, go somewhere else, find something else. There is a designated place for you, you can develop a skill that will make you a winner. There is a correct place for you, a place where you can dominate and showcase all of your hidden skills. Don't be afraid to look for that place, hunt that place and make it yours, own it.

It's your duty to find the right place for you, a place where you will be appreciated, a place where you will be able to express yourself to the fullest, a place where you can feel like you're a real winner.

If where you're standing now is not making you feel better, if it's making you feel like a loser then you better transfer to another place, you better pack your things and travel, look for a place where your value is getting higher each and everyday.

You can feel it if you're winning, you can feel it if you're being appreciated. A good place for you is a place where you feel like a star, you feel important, you feel that you have a value. It can be anywhere, your heart can locate it, just seek hard and you will find. There is a place for you, of course there is, even if you think that you're just an ordinary guy with no extraordinary qualities... there is still a place waiting for you, you have a reserve territory where you can rule and be a king.

Not all the time you will become a loser in life, there is a time for winning, you can also experience how it feels to be a real winner, not just a runner up or someone who is riding someone's back to look like a winner.

Once you found that place... never let go of it, stay on that place forever, make that place bigger and richer, grow with that place, try to make it your kingdom.

You don't need to rush the process, you don't need to become a king right away, you can slow it down. There is nothing wrong in being slow, what matters is you keep on pushing forward and you keep on looking what is the right place for you.

Celebrate those small wins, celebrate those good feelings, try to repeat it again and again.

Your heart will never lie, it is happy if you already found the place, it is beating fast once you're winning and feeling good, you become excited to wake up everyday, you're so eager to start your work and live your day.

Those small winnings will make you big one day, make it consistent, try to repeat it everyday. You can become a real winner if you will just find the right place for you, it's your duty, it's your obligation. People are losing because they can't find the right place for them, they were too lazy to look for it. It's all about finding what is best and right for you.

Mar 1, 2018


If you can't feel rich, if you can't feel lucky and blessed... look at the less fortunate people and you will see how blessed you are, you will see how lucky you are. You can't see it because you think you have less but the truth is you have more, you have a lot of things and experiences going in with your life, you have some money, you have a house, you have a food on your table, you have clothes, you are studying... what else is missing in your life? if you have a high standards and your parents can't give it to you... you need to go and get it yourself, nobody else is going to give it to you other than you.

Some people were asking too much but they are not willing to work for it. They were complaining too much but they can't see how much they have, they have a lot but because they were comparing themselves to people who have more... they feel small, they feel unlucky and not blessed.

Some people are living in comfort rooms, streets, small condo units that are too expensive, super crowded places yet they still feel comfortable and lucky. Some people can't even buy themselves food for lunch but they are still hopeful. Some people are almost dying and doesn't even know if they will still live tomorrow. You are so lucky, just luck at the less fortunate people and you will see that your life has a lot of potential for improvement. You have the means, you have the support, you just want it fast and you're complaining too much that's why you can't win in life, you will never become happy if you can't appreciate what you have in life. It's all about appreciation, appreciate what you have and you will see how big you are.

You're fortunate, a lot of people are living their lives uglier than yours but they are not complaining, they are even happy about it. So stop complaining now and do your best if you want to improve your life, you're so lucky because you're in a safe place, your body parts were all complete and you can eat three times a day. What is it to complain about? stop crying and whining because it will never lead you to a better place, start working now, work as hard as you can and take your life to another level.

OPEN YOUR EYES. See how beautiful your life is, stop comparing yourself to others because that will only make you feel poor, look at those people who are suffering, look at those people who were poorer than you... the are still trying to survive, if they can fight so you must fight too. Never stop pushing yourself to the top, never stop climbing the mountain. Never care how long it takes to get there... just keep climbing and take baby steps every now and then. Always be appreciative and be happy of what you have, not all people have what you have so never take anything for granted... ever.