Mar 6, 2018


They call you delusional, they call you crazy, they call you non sense but what if your nonsense is real? what if you're right? what if you can make your dreams come true?

Your dedication is the judge if what you're doing is legit. If you will never give up and keep working for your dreams then one day it will all come true. It may look nasty and messy right now because you can't make a significant progress but one day... all of it will come true.

You're the only one who can tell if you're for real or not. If you're consistent about your dreams and you're doing everything you can to make yourself one step closer from it then your dreams are real, it will become real one day. Just have enough patience to keep going and grinding.

Your nonsense will become nonsense if your activities has no sense at all, if you're not doing something positive for your life. But if you're really suffering for it, if you're doing your best and you have that mindset of no quitting then your non sense is real.

One day they will see what you're all about, just keep on working and grinding, just keep hustling and never step until you become successful. Never stop until you made it, that is what it's all about... pushing forward and doing what is possible.

You will only know the final outcome if you keep pushing until the end, if will never quit and keep working until it's over.

They can call you anything they want but if your vision is clear and you are willing to die for it then you will get it, no need to think about anything else.. you will get it no matter what. Have faith in yourself and always remember to take massive actions everyday. One day your situation will change, they will see that you are for real.

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