Mar 1, 2018


If you can't feel rich, if you can't feel lucky and blessed... look at the less fortunate people and you will see how blessed you are, you will see how lucky you are. You can't see it because you think you have less but the truth is you have more, you have a lot of things and experiences going in with your life, you have some money, you have a house, you have a food on your table, you have clothes, you are studying... what else is missing in your life? if you have a high standards and your parents can't give it to you... you need to go and get it yourself, nobody else is going to give it to you other than you.

Some people were asking too much but they are not willing to work for it. They were complaining too much but they can't see how much they have, they have a lot but because they were comparing themselves to people who have more... they feel small, they feel unlucky and not blessed.

Some people are living in comfort rooms, streets, small condo units that are too expensive, super crowded places yet they still feel comfortable and lucky. Some people can't even buy themselves food for lunch but they are still hopeful. Some people are almost dying and doesn't even know if they will still live tomorrow. You are so lucky, just luck at the less fortunate people and you will see that your life has a lot of potential for improvement. You have the means, you have the support, you just want it fast and you're complaining too much that's why you can't win in life, you will never become happy if you can't appreciate what you have in life. It's all about appreciation, appreciate what you have and you will see how big you are.

You're fortunate, a lot of people are living their lives uglier than yours but they are not complaining, they are even happy about it. So stop complaining now and do your best if you want to improve your life, you're so lucky because you're in a safe place, your body parts were all complete and you can eat three times a day. What is it to complain about? stop crying and whining because it will never lead you to a better place, start working now, work as hard as you can and take your life to another level.

OPEN YOUR EYES. See how beautiful your life is, stop comparing yourself to others because that will only make you feel poor, look at those people who are suffering, look at those people who were poorer than you... the are still trying to survive, if they can fight so you must fight too. Never stop pushing yourself to the top, never stop climbing the mountain. Never care how long it takes to get there... just keep climbing and take baby steps every now and then. Always be appreciative and be happy of what you have, not all people have what you have so never take anything for granted... ever.

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