Feb 28, 2018


It's already march, aren't you afraid? you're getting older and older, time is very fast. Tim heals everything but at the same time it can destroy anything. It can destroy you if you're wasting a lot of it, if you're using your time for nonsense activities then you will grow old fast, you will become broke fast, you will have a lot of regrets and depression. Time will destroy you little by little, you will not even notice that it already destroyed you.

Did you notice that january and february is so fast, you think that it's just a new year but two months have already passed. It's too scary, time is getting faster and faster because a lot of entertainment that is nonsense is entertaining you. You feel that you have a lot of time but the truth is your time is running out. You need to push yourself to make your dreams come true. If you will keep on living with the pace that you have right now.... your life will never change, time is really fast, you don't even see yourself getting older and older, you can't even accept that you're already at your 30s.

What did you do in the last two months of this year? did you do something great? or did you completely become lazy? Time will punish you in the future if you don't use it very well. You need to get your head straight and focus on what you really want. Time can make you great, just do something repeatedly, just see rehearse your vision again and again and you will become great.

The good new is... you're still alive, no matter how much time you wasted in the past, you can still turn things around. It's already march, it's time to build a strong momentum so you can finish this year really strong. Don't ever think that wasting a couple of hours is not a big deal, of course it is. It is really a bid deal, you could earn a lot of money, learn a lot of skill, improve your health with those hours that you wasted.

It's grind season homie, prepare now while your life is still good. You will not be able to prepare later if you're on a bad position, your life will get even worse if you're too comfortable now doing nothing.

Make yourself uncomfortable, be in a sense of urgency. Work hard as much as you can. Earn as much as you can, learn as much as you can. It's really up to you if you will upgrade your life or not. It's all in your hands, it's difficult now but the good thing is life is so fast, time is so fast, you maybe struggling now but you will win later.

Do everything you can to change your life, do something significant, do something that you haven't done before. Risk everything on the  line and use all of your power. It's already march, you will not even notice that it's Christmas season again.

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