Dec 31, 2017


The answer is very simple... work. Work a lot, keep moving forward and never stop, that is how to bring your confidence back into your system. The more you work the more you will get experience and the more you get experience the more you will get feedback that you can use as a reference in the future.

Keep trying and trying and forget about winning, the goal should be about taking actions and not being successful right away. Getting your confidence back means just taking actions and not caring about the outcome at all. You just do it and you have no emotions if you win or lose.

Accept that your confidence may go down a little bit because of rejections, humiliations, critics, defeats but if you will keep moving and giving yourself the chance to succeed again then you will regain it back.

Be patient because sometimes getting your confidence back is not easy as expected. It may take a lot of time, you need to keep losing over and over again until that feeling of losing cannot affect you anymore.

So stop crying and and whining like a bitch. If you will keep on feeling bad about the past then nothing will happen to you. Just try again one more time and never stop until you regain your confidence back. You have no choice but to try again or else your confidence will never come back.

Just like in missing shots in basketball, if you want your shooting to come back... keep shooting and never be afraid to miss again.

Your confidence will only come back if you're not afraid to mess up again. Don't be scared to get hurt, just try one more time and your confidence will go back little by little.


GET BORED. As simple as that, if you want a different life then get bored. Do boring things. Do what is unenjoyable. Study hard, lift weights, attend business seminars, run marathon, improve yourself everyday, study something that will give you money.

You're enjoying your life too much that's why you can't have a better life. You are enjoying laziness, you are enjoying instant gratification. You want a different result but you're not forcing yourself. You have to sacrifice first before enjoying life. It's just a matter of conditioning your mind to become disciplined everyday. It's just a matter of enjoying boredom, once you get use to it then everything will be alright, everything will be easy... a boring activity will never become boring again because you will learn how to enjoy it.

Always think about what you're doing... is it going to improve your life one day? is it going to give you some money? or is it going to make your situation worse? think deeply, think smarter because you always knew what to do?

Whether you like it tor not, whether you admit it or now... boring activities are the only things that will give you success. Training, studying, self improvement, working hard - these activities are hard but it will give you a good life. It will put you on the right track.

Get bored now and change your life, do what you don't want to do, do what isn't cool. A lot of people wants to look cool. They want to look rich, happy, blessed. They want to have an easy and smooth sailing life. They think they can afford to become lazy. No one can afford to become lazy, if you will do it then other people around you will control you, they can do it because they work hard and they have money but you.... you are nothing.

Do what is hard and forget an easy life. Forget luxury, instant pleasure, laziness, shortcuts and vacation. Do the work now, sacrifice now and you will have an easy life for the years to come.

Who can sacrifice more can change his life. So never mind if you are feeling bad now, never mind the discomfort... just keep in mind that those have rewards in the end.


For as long as you want to do it... do it. Never mind if it's not working, it's ok. The important thing here is you love what you're doing. You will figure out how to make it successful in the end. But for the meantime just enjoy what you love to do. Enjoy the process that is making your time fast, meaning the process that has least resistance. Path of least resistance doesn't mean being lazy, it means you will still work but you will take actions that are more fun. Some people's path of least resistance is hard work that's why they do something effortlessly, they never get bored while working hard.

Never mind if it's not working because one day it will work, you will get what you deserve. The harder you work, the bigger the reward will be. Just have faith, keep the faith and never let your belief go down. It's hard to keep believing if nothing is working but it's all you can do, if you will not do it then you will fail.

Keep repeating even if it's not working, you will become good at it, your skills will stand out, you will reach another level and they will not be able to ignore you anymore because you're too good. You will become close to perfection if not perfect.

Hard work and determination can conquer all. People laughs at it, people don't believe it but it's true... hard work will never fail you. Even if you're less talented, even if you born mediocre... if you work super hard then you will become something... something that has a great value, something special.

Just work, because you really need to work even if your process is not working just to put your life on the right direction. If you will not work then you will be lost. It's just a matter of time before you become successful, if you are really working hard then you will get something, you will never get zero.


A lot of inventions, gadgets, entertainment, fake news, apps, games, products are available nowadays that's why time is getting faster and faster. People were so hooked with these newly found craze that's why they were easily entertain and they don't need to wait for the time to pass. They will simply play with their cellphones and their time will pass by without even noticing it.

The main issue here is you are wasting a lot of your time because of patronizing those unproductive activities. You are not pursuing your dream, you are not going for what is possible. You simply just go with the flow that is not even working at all. You think you have a lot of time that's why you waste a lot of it.

It's scary because time is so fast, you will not even notice that a month has passed. It feels like yesterday is just your birthday and today is your birthday again. You don't even need to wait to grow old, you will grow old very fast even if you don't admit it, your age is not on the calendar anymore.

Before, during the time of World war 2 or let's say the time of you parents... time is slow because there is lesser entertainments, Television is even rare those days. But now... time is very fast, you can't catch it anymore, this world is so fast pace and if you can't keep up with it... you're dead.

Be faster than time, work fasts, get rich fast, forgive fast, succeed fast. If you are slow then you will be left behind, life will leave you hanging in the air wondering what you could do.

Value your time because it is getting lesser but faster each day. You will never get it back anymore once you wasted it. It's scary because you don't know how much time left you have in this world, it's too late before you know it. So work as hard as you can and never hold back. Do what you fear the most and make your drams come true.


Sometimes you just need to try everything that you think is possible even if you know that it is risky and can make your life a little bit harder.

Try something and see if it will work, forget about making mistakes, forget about failing. It is ok to fail, just try at least and never stop yourself from taking any actions that you can think of. There is nothing wrong in failing, just do whatever you can and never stop until you become successful.

Forget about the number of losses, forget about the number of failure, forget about rejection and disappointments. Just let yourself free, let it fly, let your ideas come into life.

It's not the one who got a perfect record that is more successful, it's the one who keeps on losing but become successful in the end, it's the one who made his journey as dirty as possible.

Remove the thought about making mistakes is a dumb thing, never think that you're stupid if you're making a lot of mistakes. It only means you're trying, a lot of people plays it safe that's why they can't achieved a different level of success. They were too conservative and less adventurous.

Whatever you do, no matter how careful you are... you will still make a lot of mistakes, it's normal. Don't make it a big deal, don't cry about it.

Don't aim to have a perfect record, don't expect that everything is easy. Your journey will become more fun if you will try to make it dirty.

Fail as much as you can because you will learn with that style. Face rejections, face disappointments, have fun in failing repeatedly but gaining a lot of experience.


You will never see the real outcome if you didn't try. You have no choice but to try until the end and see what will you get. You think what you have now is the only thing you can have? of course no. You need to go further and further until there is no road anymore, you need to push until you have no strength anymore. It's all about using everything you can use mentally and physically.

Try, if you didn't try then you must go and kill yourself because you already died by not trying. Not trying means you're letting a big opportunity go, you think that it's just a small thing but those small things are the bridge for the big things.

You will never see how good you are if you didn't try, you will never see what you're capable of if you always keep on waiting, you will never even experience life. Life is sweeter if you will experience a lot of things.

So if you want to see the final result... move, do it your way. Try with your very best and never quit. Keep trying until you can try. If you're not gonna try then you will never win, as simple as that.

And even if you lose or fail, you will still be happy because you try, you will have zero regrets in life.

Trying is for the brave, hesitating is for the pussies and losers. In which category or group do you want to belong?

Try it and kill it, try it and get it. Push hard, always see to it that you are giving your best every second. Make it or break it, the power is yours, the control is always yours. Reveal the final result by trying.

Dec 30, 2017


Motivation is a waste of time because you need to wait for it to happen. You need to feel motivated before you move which will never happen. Feeling good is just an illusion, it will never happen, you will always feel bad especially if you need to do something. You will always feel lazy, you will never feel motivated.

Just do it, don't look for motivation because is just an illusion. How many times you look for it but you didn't see it? How many times you wait for it but it didn't show up? maybe you're just hoping for nothing. It's a waste of time because you are procrastinating while waiting for it.

Stop wasting time looking to get motivated, just start now and see what you can do. Move now, find something that you can do, never think about feeling good because it's all an illusion, if you will start now then you can do a lot of things instead of waiting to get motivated.


This is the best day to turn things around, this is the best day to transform your life. If not now then when? tomorrow? next year? never delay an urgent matter. The changing of your life is an urgent thing, you need to get serious about it or else it will never happen... ever.

Stop thinking about new year, stop thinking about feeling good, you will never feel good. Self transformation is really stressful, it needs a lot of pain. You will become frustrated, your patience will run out. Transform now and let it all out, do your best. Never stop, keep moving and keep doing something that will improve your life. Make your skills great, make your speed faster, make your work harder, make your money bigger, make your looks a little bit better. It's all about transforming into a better person a little bit, someone who's better than yesterday.

Transform now, do something for yourself, make yourself better. Feed the greatness in your system. Don't ever think that you have a lot of time to transform yourself, that is just an illusion. Pressure yourself to do something today and not just a weak effort... make a strong effort, something that will make a real impact.


A dream is something that really looks impossible to get. Dreaming about reality is not a dream because it can happen anytime soon. If you will dream then you should dream about the biggest things that you can think of, even if it is unrealistic. That is what dream is all about, it is free so why not dream big? dreaming about a car? a house? enough money? those things are realistic, you will get them in just a matter of time if you work hard and save money.

The use of dreaming is to dream about things that you are not sure if you can get or not. What are the things that for you are impossible to get? those are the things that you should be dreaming of. Because if you will not dream big then you are just wasting your time, you're not dreaming at all. It's alright to dream big, nobody is stopping you from doing it. Just make sure that you will pair it with hard work and dedication.

Dreaming about big things is not forbidden, you are allow to do it. That's why it's called dream, it's not real.. for now. You have the power to make your dreams come true no matter how big it was. If you are dreaming big then you should also be working big.

So stop being a realistic because it's not consider as a dream, you can get it in just a matter of time. Dream about unrealistic dreams because you only have one life, if they do it then you can do it too. Always remember that they are only humans, you're a human too so you can also get what you want. No one is being favored here, no one has an advantage just from the start. Those who become successful did their part, they work so hard, they never rely on luck.

You can only make your dream come true if you are willing to work super hard and stop believing in luck.


If you want to become a winner then you should go further, try harder and never be a quitter. It's all about doing more, going an extra mile and never looking back. It doesn't matter if it is hard or not what matters is your goal should be you need to go further and nothing else. Just push a little more, keep pushing, never lose your motivation. And even if you're unmotivated... still move, never stop dreaming, never stop doing the best that you can do.  Nobody said it is going to be easy but nobody said that you can't move even if it is hard. You can always push even if you're in pain, there is always something you can do during tight situations.

Go further, if you can take three steps forward then do it, if you can only take one then still do it. Just make sure your position is not the same as yesterday, make sure that your effort is not same as yesterday. You should keep growing and keep trying to improve your situation a little bit. Never mind being tired and weary, what matters is you keep moving forward and you have no intention to quit or stop.

Whatever you think you can do... do it without hesitation, always make it a habit to do something for your dream. It can be a on inch forward, it can be a kilometer forward. What matters is you keep on moving forward and you will do it forever.

You don't know when will it end, you don't know when will it stop but all you know is you need to go further, you need to reach the finish line and make your life successful.

There is nothing wrong in being slow, there is nothing wrong in having a slow pace, just be consistent in going further and never stop until you reach the finish line.


It happens because it is suppose to happen, you cannot control everything. There are somethings you can't explain so all you can is accept it and move forward. Any bad event has a meaning, it happens for a reason so don't ever question yourself why is it happening to you. It's not bad luck nor tragedy, it is part of your life so don't worry and don't feel bad... good things will happen to you next, just move on for now and prepare yourself for a happier life in the future.

If you keep on losing even if you're working really hard... don't question why is your life like that way. There is a reason behind those number of failures. Maybe it all happens just to harden you and prepare you for a huge success in the future. It is making you tougher than yesterday.

Everything happens for a reason, don't ever think that it's bad, don't ever think that you're being punished.

Just keep living, just live your life and keep giving your best. Never question the universe, never question God. It  happens because something greater is about to happen, you will become happier in the end. Just always stay positive and have a great perspective in life. Still dare to dream, still smile everyday even if you're suffering. Your situation will change if you keep on being positive and have a appreciative outlook in life. If the world makes you suffer to day, it will make you prosper tomorrow. Just wait for your time, not all the time you're down, if you keep working hard and do the right thing... you situation will change tomorrow.

Stop questioning everything, accept what happens to your life, accept that everything is part of your life and their only purpose is to make you a better person.


Never be scared to fail, pursue the impossible because it is the only thing that will make you feel alive. You will experience different emotions by doing it, you will feel bad, depressed, happy, powerful, weak, angry, impatient, hopeful etc. It is the only thing that will make you experience all the feelings in the world.

Pursuing the impossible will make you know who you really are. You will discover your real strength. You will see a different side of you that you haven't seen before. You will live a different kind of life. Your life will become more challenging, your pace will become one of a kind.

You will live a crazy life, you don't know if you will continue or quit but of course you will still continue because you don't want to waste the efforts from the past. You wanted to win so you will keep pushing until the end.

Pursuing the impossible will give your life a different meaning, you will become a legend in your mind, you will feel that your life has a purpose, you will feel like a super hero in some ways.

Don't be scared to fail, failing is part of your growth, failing will only make you stronger than ever so don't be scared of it just for once. Actually, you need to keep on failing and failing because it will make your brain numb from fear. It will make you feel nothing about failing anymore because you will understand that it's not a big deal and it is so normal to fail.

It's so lovely to pursue the impossible especially if you will take it seriously. You will enjoy your life even more, you will wake up early in the morning and do what you are suppose to do.

You will have a direction in life, you will not be scared of being alone because you always have something to do.


You think that your situation is bad for you because it is making you suffer. You think that doing it your way is bad for you because all the people in your circle are against you and they are not supporting you. Well, it is really normal in the beginning, people will judge you, people will be against you because they don't know what is running inside of your mind, they can't feel what you feel. It's not bad for you if you will persevere until you become successful. It is only bad in the beginning because people can't see success yet. But once they see that you are succeeding little by little... they will believe in you, they will start to support you.

If you're in pain because of training so hard and working so hard... don't judge that it is bad for you. Overworking is not bad at all. You will recover later, don't think that it's bad. It's good because you're making a progress.

It's only bad if it is really bad and the intention is bad but if the intention is good and your goal is to grow then it is not bad. It only looks bad in the beginning because you're just starting but once you were able to grow a little bit you will learn that all of your decisions were right.

Don't judge an ugly situation just because you're feeling bad. There is always a light at the end of the tunnel, all hard work has an equivalent reward so never feel bad if you can't see any results in your journey.

Push yourself until the end and see if it's really bad, I am sure you will see that it's not bad. You will see that it's the one you are dreaming of, you will see that your decision is right to keep going and working until the end. Never judge any situation because there is a reason behind all of those sufferings.


The ability to endure, it's the only skill you need to master in order to survive and thrive in life. You need to endure the challenges, pain and sacrifices in order to become successful in life. Just stick with it, never give up, keep trying and trying again. Be like a water who keeps on flowing no matter what the weather is. Never give up, never give in, life is not a race, it's a marathon. It's the one who can keep running until the end that will become successful. Your shoes may get broken, your lungs may run out of air, your legs may badly hurt but you still need to run, never stop because once you do it... it's over for your journey.

Just do it, just stick with it, never stop working, never stop fighting. You may fail over and over again but you need to stick with your goal, never take your eyes off from it. It should be on your min 24 hours a day because tremendous focus is needed to make something successful, be obsess with it, make it your life.

You can lack the skill but you should be overflowing with will. Your will should be sky is the limit, it should always be in full tank. Your will the only thing that you've got, trust it and make it as your shield from depression.

Just set a goal and do whatever it takes to get it, any process can give you success, any technique can produce results. Keep pounding and grinding, keep banging the door until it opens. Opportunities will come out if you will stick with your goal until the end. You will get your break. Just be patient in waiting and never stop working.

Endure everything, endure hardship, endure negative emotions. Just keep your head up and never stop, it's all about who is willing to die for his dream that will win.

Dec 29, 2017


Don't ever wonder why it is not working, it's not working because you're not working it, as simple as that. You think your're working but your effort is not enough, it's not the type of effort needed to produce some results. You need to exert a different level of effort that will make it really work. Stop wondering why, stop blaming, just work more and do more, take massive actions and force success to show on your way.

In order to make something work, you need to really work, you need to separate your effort from normal people's effort. They are exerting the same amount of effort everyday that's why they keep getting the same results. You need to be different, you need to be one of a kind, you need to be something special... that is how to make it work.

You will get what you deserve so don't worry, you will get what is right for you. Just keep on working, hammering and keep giving your best. Never question your process, just keep doing it and never stop until you're done.

If you want to make something work then you need to be serious about it, you need to give everything you've got, you need to be relentless and unstoppable.

It's all in your hands, it's up to you if you want to make something successful, it's just a matter of disciplining yourself, pushing yourself to the limits and taking it one step at a time. Never get tired of working, don't look for immediate results right away, just do your best and be patient, success will one day come to your life. Commitment and dedication is all you need, one day you will reach the top of the mountain if you keep on working.


You need to go hard if you want more, you need to be tougher and stronger if you want to survive in life. This world will be ruled by tough people only, the soft people will become slave. So if you are doing something like watching stupid movies without lessons, playing video games for 8 hours, eating unhealthy foods without dieting, always asking for help, relying on luck... you will never prevail, it's too soft, only weak people do it.

If you always quit then you're too soft, if you always complain and make excuses then you're too soft. It's time to go hard, it's time to work hard. If you're too lazy then you're too soft.

Go hard now, go harder than yesterday, start believing that your process will work, start believing in hard work. If you find yourself slowing down and procrastinating a lot... stop it, that will never make your life better. The activities of soft people will create failures and misery.

Choose to work hard, choose hard work, choose hard activities... it will make tougher, wiser and wealthier. Being too soft is just a waste of time, it will make you weak and powerless.

Take massive actions, take your work ethic to another level. Do what hasn't been done before. Elevate your status by working super hard. Be tough on yourself, if you're not working hard then you should be aware of it, you should stop it and start changing your bum life.

Hard activities will make you life easy, it will give you the life that you are dreaming of, it will make you a better person than  yesterday.

Admit that you're soft, admit that you're weak and start changing your life now, it's time to go hard, step up your game or you will be left behind by people weaker than you before but stronger than you now.


A little information from other people shouldn't change your game plan, the game plan is to stick with your game plan and never change it... ever. Keep moving forward and you will see that your game plan is working, you don't need to change it nor tweak it, just live with it even if you see that it's not working. Of course it may not work in the beginning but if you keep on doing it then later it will give you your desired results.

Be patient and work while waiting. Never get frustrated, never get discouraged.

If someone told you that you need to do this because it is more effective... never follow him, never change your game plan, a little information from other people shouldn't bother you, it shouldn't change your mind.

If someone is discouraging you and telling you that your game plan will never work... never listen to them, never bought into an idea that what you're doing is not right. If you're working hard and committed then your game plan is always right, it can never be wrong.

A little information from TV, news, other wannabes shouldn't change your mind, you should stick with your chosen process if you want to make results. A lot of people can't stick with the original process that's why they can produce significant results. They always start something new, they always go back to zero. If something bad happens, they will change their plan, if something is hard... they will change their minds. Instead of trying over and over again, they quit over and over again.

Don't believe in the news, don't believe in other people... just believe in yourself, work hard and that's it. Very simple, just execute your game plan and never change it.

Keep working even if your game plan is not working, it may not work for now but it will in the future.


People were scared of something because they were so afraid of the feeling that they can get. They were so scared because they have no idea what are they going to feel.

If you haven't speak in front of the crowd yet... you will be scared, it's normal because you haven't experienced that level of pressure yet, you don't know how it feels to speak in front of the crowd. Look at those pretentious politicians... they were not scared anymore to speak in front of the audience, it is simple because they've done it a lot of times, it is simply because they get scared and nervous a lot of times in front of a large audience. They were not scared to get scared anymore because they already knew that kind of feeling. It will not stun them anymore, they can even keep talking even if they are a little bit nervous.

If you experience pressure a lot of times... you will never panic, you will never lose your mind, you will never freak out, you will always stay in control. Because that kind of feeling is nothing new to you, you feel it over and over again so you're not scared of it anymore.

Lazy people haven't experienced getting tired a lot of times so they don't want to work hard. All they want is to feel good that's why they can't move at all. They were so scared of the word "fatigue" they were too allergy of that word. They haven't experienced heavy loads of work yet that's why they get lazier and lazier everyday. So if you want to work hard then you need to experienced getting tired everyday, you need to get exhausted to the highest level. Building a strong work ethic is not that easy. You can't simply say "I will work hard today" and simply do it. You need to feel it, you need to stay committed even if you're exhausted. Working hard means giving your all, if you haven't give your all in the past then it will be harder for you to work really hard.

So if you want to be fearless... experience fear over and over again, being fearless is not a talent or gift. No one is born without fear, some became fearless because they face their fears everyday, they are not scared of being scared anymore because it's nothing new to them.


Caught yourself in the act procrastinating, caught yourself in the act eating a lot of unhealthy foods, caught yourself in the act wasting a lot of your money, caught yourself in the act wasting an opportunity. You have to caught yourself in the act doing stupid things so that you can change your activity and do something that has more benefits in the future.

You need to be aware if what you're doing, you need to stop it the moment you are doing it. Let's say you're already playing a stupid video in you tube, even if you're really entertained... stop finishing the video, even if it's already playing for 5 minutes... stop it and never finish it. The idea here is you are disciplining yourself and you have the willpower to stop something even if it is really fun.

It's all about choosing boredom over instant gratification. Discipline yourself if you want to have a better life. If you have an exam tomorrow, stop playing Xbox, stop it even if you already started the game. Shut it down so fast, if you need to unplug it right away then do it, never mind if it gets broken, never mind if your brother gets mad at you because you didn't finish the game. It's hard but it will give you a better life, it will give you a peace of mind. Don't ever say that just one more game just one more play, that is stupid because the more you extend fun... the more you will not stop it.

Caught yourself in the act eating junk foods... even if you're already about to finish the burger, even if it's only one bite to finish it... don't bite it, just leave it there. It's ok, this is how to practice willpower... stopping what is needed to be stopped even if you already started it.

Do it everyday, stop what is needed to be stopped, stop making excuses that you already started it. Stop it, this will make your mental toughness tougher even more.


The more you procrastinate the more you will feel fear, the more you wanted to delay an important and urgent task.. the more you will problems will get bigger. Face it, do it, finish it... as simple as that. Delaying tactics will never work, it will make the situation worse. It is only feeding your fear, you have to force yourself to act even if it is really uncomfortable.

Force yourself, slap your face if you need to, pinch your nipples if you need to, do something to make you feel alive, do something to make you feel that it's an urgent thing. I know it's hard to stop because you don't have the habits to do work for a very long time, you don't have a strong work ethic but you need to accept that you're lazy and still act anyway. It's a weird and heavy feeling... doing something that you don't like at all. But what can you do? you need to do  it or else your life will suck, your life will go down.

Don't try to escape the situation, never try to escape an ugly situation, if you need to face it then face it like a real man with big balls. Face it like a real woman with integrity. Do what you say, do what you are suppose to do.

Never think that you have a lot of tomorrows to waste, never put a mediocre effort. Stick with the process until the end.

Process the papers, finish your thesis, wash the dishes so your mom won't spank you, tell your sins, correct your mistakes, say I love you to your crush, ask a girl for a date, admit that you're wrong, start over again, say sorry, ask forgiveness, reject an ugly proposition, suggest a good idea to your boss. Do it now, do it or else you will never do it. Stop waiting for the right timing, stop waiting for the right feeling because those are all excuses. There's no more time, do it now or else you will regret it forever.


HOW TO CHANGE YOUR SITUATION? this is a nice question that I got from one of my followers. How to change your situation? the answer is very simple... make yourself suffer. Choose sacrifices over instant pleasures, practice delayed gratification. You can change by enduring suffering and avoiding things that will make you happy at the moment but will make your life miserable in the end. If your salary is too low and you want to improve your life... you can only do it by saving a lot and using that saved money for better opportunity. One you got your monthly salary... don't spend it, never try to look like you have money. A lot of people wants to look that they have money, a lot of people wants to look rich and capable of buying something but in the end they will suffer even more. Once you got your monthly salary... keep some of it. Use it in the future for creating your small business, you can use it for investment too, you can use it to study more so you can get another high quality job with good pay. Most of you were addicted in over spending, you think that buying this or that will make you happy. You want to buy that because you want to please people, you want to buy that because you want to look cool but deep inside you know that you're broke to the highest level.

Hard times is not to stay forever, it will soon go away, your life will soon change.

Destroy a hobby that is only wasting your time but not making your life better. Focus on hobbies that will give you growth, success or money. It is boring in the beginning, you can't see happiness in the beginning but once you stick with the process then you will get bigger results in the long run.

Changing your situation is very easy, just learn to make small sacrifices for bigger benefits. Never patronize instant gratification, learn to stay disciplined as much as you can. You have the power to make your life better, just learn how to stay committed and never give up until you see the results that you are dreaming of.


If you got rejected by three american idol judges... don't worry about it, keep singing. Those judges didn't see your worth, they were no better than you, all they can do is talk and judge people, if they can't appreciate they way you sing so be it, you don't need them, they don't need you, it's even. You can still sing without them, you can still become successful without them, just keep trying something else and you will see the path that is right for you. Rejection needs you need to take a lot of action, just keep singing, keep moving forward and you will become successful one day. Never accept their judgement, reject them too. If they told you you were no good... don't believe them, they were all actors and fakes, you are the one who will judge your own work not them.

If 100 companies rejected you because they thought you lack the skills and experience needed... don't worry again, it's their lost not yours, it only means you need to create your own company or a process that will make you earn money. You can invent your own method, you're the boss and the employee. How good was that? you own your time and nobody can tell you to do something.

If nothing is working it means you need to do it on your own, create an empire on your own, create a method on your own. You have no choice but to believe in yourself, you have no choice but to become stronger than ever. Force yourself to believe in yourself because you have no other option remaining.

Something will work in the end, something will work if you keep persevering, don't be afraid to try it on your own, don't be afraid to do it your way. Everything will be alright, hard work pays off. The more you work harder, the more you get luckier.

So if no one can accept your work then just work for yourself, travel your own journey, you can do it on your own. At the end of the day... the people who never work for other people are more happier, they are more fulfilled because they do it their way.


If you feel bad now, if you're angry right now, if you feel sad now... don't berserk, don't release havoc, don't get mad at the world. It's just an emotion, it's just a feeling. It will go away soon, it's not there to stay forever so just endure it, just feel it because it will be gone in a while. It's just a matter of weathering the storm.

Even if you're happy... don't ever think that that happiness will last, your emotions may still change. Ever wonder why yesterday you were so happy but know you're already sad? this is life, it is full of randomness and change. A problem will come, you can solve it, you can move one... as simple as that.

So if you are so sad now and depressed... don't worry about it, it's ok to feel that way but keep always keep in mind that any emotions will pass, it will go away. Learn t deal with the pain, learn to stick with the tension. Be one with pain and it will have a less impact in your life, you will not even notice it if you don't make it a big deal.

Just laugh at it, if you're scared just laugh at it, if you're troubled... just laugh at it, if you're embarrassed... just laugh at it. It's always ok, never get scared of an emotion because it's just an emotion. It's a roller coaster thing. One day you're so sad and frustrated and the other day you will be very happy and motivated.

Don't be stunned if your're stunned, don't be surprised if something bad happened, don't get overwhelmed if your opponent is strong, don't panic if something on the line is so big and unconquerable, don't feel sad if you lose... it's just an emotion, everything is an emotion, everything will soon go away. Understand that it's just a feeling and nothing more than that. Just stay positive and you will be alright, you will figure things out.


The greatest way to become confident is never be afraid to look like an idiot. Never be afraid to try trial and error method.

If you're lost in a city that was stranger to you... ask people, ask for directions. Never be afraid to look like you're lost or ignorant. It's normal, have the courage to ask, never be afraid to look like an idiot. Never be afraid to ask because asking will give you confidence. Yeah, you feel like stupid now but once you learned that asking is not a big deal, once you learned that you get answers from it then you will never be afraid to ask again next time.

Never be afraid to try something, let's say you're eating in a fancy restaurant because your boss treats you... never be afraid to try foods that you don't even know how to pronounce. Never be afraid to try the to eat the food in your own way. In other words, never be afraid to look like an idiot or ridiculous.

Don't be afraid to try your idea, if you have an idea that you think will succeed or at least give you pretty decent amount of money... try it, never be afraid to execute it. It will succeed if you work hard, and even if it fail... at least you try, you will become confident because of that experience. Keep failing until you win, you will become confident because you're taking actions.

Absorb the criticisms, mockery and hate. They will laugh at you, they will look at you as someone who's crazy or trying hard but just keep going, keep doing your thing. Don't be afraid to feel bad because of their comments, absorb all of them. This will make you tough and confident. Once you surpass the stage of caring about what other people say... you will never care about them in the future. You will be free to do things on your own, you will feel free to try everything and you will never give them any attention.

Being confident is not about looking good, it's about not being afraid to look bad and still try anyway. People may belittle you, people may not give you any attention but if you persevere enough... you will get what you want, you will learn how to believe in yourself.

Confidence is something to work for, don't get frustrated if you don't have any confidence yet. It only means you are not working on yourself, it only means still care about what people say.

Ignore them, just simply ignore the people around you and you will feel confident. Know what is your mission for the day and just simply try to get it. If you are eating on a fancy restaurant with rich people and elites surrounding you... just ignore them, know what is your mission. What is your mission? it is simply to eat right? so go back to your mission, just eat and never mind the people around you.


Forget about your emotions. Forget about feeling good. If you want something to last.. forget your emotions, forget about how you feel. Just try to make it last, try to make it live forever, do something to preserve it, do the things that will strengthen the bond.

If you want your relationship to last.. forget about feeling bad, forget about the sins, forget about the past. Learn to forgive.. that is how to save your relationships with others.

If you want your car to last... love it, forget about feeling bad about it because it has a lot of scratches. Still take care of it and try to make it beautiful. It's all about how you feel, if you can feel good about something then it will last forever.

Always feel good about something or someone, it can be done. Just be appreciative. If you can appreciate something then it will last because you will take care of it. All you need is love and attention to make something last.

A lot of people can't make something last because they can't appreciate it anymore, they always care about how they feel, the can't manipulate their emotions. It's all about forcing yourself to appreciate something even if you can't stomach it anymore, always look at the bright side, always find something to appreciate... that is the trick to make something last forever.

Deal with the pain, deal with the ugliness, deal with the challenges... that's how to make something last, you still manage to love what you have and not look for an easy way out.

Anything can last if you will take care of it and give it a tender loving and care. An old can become new, an ugly can become beautiful if you will learn how to appreciate it and give it time and attention.


Don't be too sensitive, don't take things personally. If you want to tone down your ego then pursue a goal and make it your life.

If someone offended you and you really feel bad, think about your goal, you will be reminded that he is irrelevant to your goal. You are looking at the bigger picture and it should be your only focus.

If someone criticize you... just let them be, remember that you have a goal and you don't need to fight them. Sometimes it's your ego that is making you mad, you don't want to get criticized because you think you don't deserve it. Everyone is entitled of his own opinion so you must not be sensitive, you need to keep on working towards your goals.

Always thinking about your goal will make you forget about the petty things that is bothering you, you will become humble because you know that if you give them any attention and you argue with them... it will only become a problem, your goal will be derailed.

Always think about your goals, always think about getting it so you will be able to forget what bothers you.

You know your purpose in life and that is to realize your dreams. Every person that makes you feel bad will be forgotten if you will focus on taking actions. They may bother you a little bit, they may still make you feel bad but you will be able to forget them easily because you know what you want, you are so focused on your goals.

Ego is a killer, it will make you feel even badder because it is asking for respect and authority. If you want to become a fast mover then you should focus on your goals to tone down your ego.


The cash will flow, the traffic will flow, success will flow, everything will flow. It will flow no matter what. So be patient and just do the right thing. Sometimes the pace is so slow, the progress looks slow but it will still flow no matter what. You will see and get what you want, the situation will become better.

Just wait and keep working, never stop, just believe and everything will flow, everything will be alright. All of the problems will be solved, the situation will become better.

Let it flow, sometimes you don't need to force it. Just like a heavy traffic, the more you resist, the more you become impatient... the more it will become heavier. But if you will just wait and stay on your lane then you will still arrive in your desired destination.

Be patient to wait, you have a lot of time, there is no need to rush and force things. If you will become very forceful then something might go wrong.

Everything you want will come to you if you will wait and of course move. It will be attracted to you naturally.

Stop worrying, stop being impatient because everything will be good in just a matter of time. It will flow no matter what, solutions is on the way, relieve is coming.

It will flow if you will let it flow, it will not flow if you will entertain negativity and impatience. Be willing to wait for a little more time, you have all the time in the world to do it.


If you want a little bit more then you must push a little bit more... that is the golden rule. If you will not push then you will get the same result over and over again, you will be in a rat race... do you like that? just like someone who has apartment for rent, he can raise the apartment rent little by little. All he need is to believe that someone will rent his apartment, and also he needs to work hard to find a renter. If you are asking for an increase then you must also increase your effort and work load.

If you're not winning now... you need to push a little bit more, do something a little bit different. It is what it is, you need a little pain to force growth into your system.

Don't be afraid to feel uncomfortable, if you will really increase your money or status then you must feel uncomfortable. You will doubt yourself sometimes, you will have regrets sometimes but it is part of the process, pain is a requirement for leveling up, you need to get lost a little bit.

Pay the price, you can't get something for free, an unparalleled effort is needed to become successful. How fun was that? all you need to do is work harder a little bit and you will get a different result, success is guaranteed... how lovely was that?

Don't pretend that you are pushing. You will feel it if you are pushing, you can't fool the universe. You can only get more success if you're really pushing and doing more than yesterday.

Double or even triple your effort, you can do it just make your movements fast, be more passionate, work longer hours. It is really that simple, increase your patience because this shit is a little bit boring.

If you want to become different... push harder than others, all of them were getting the same results because all of them have weak and mediocre efforts.


You are joking that's why you can't get what you want, that's why people are not listening to you. You are not serious about your work, if you want to be taken seriously then be serious.

Stop playing around and putting a mediocre effort, stop pretending that you're working. Stick with the process for so long, do it everyday until success becomes attracted to you. If you will not be serious now then nobody will notice you, no one will give time for you.

Just like ordering a burger in a food chain... if you will not look serious about your order then there is a tendency that the crew might not listen to you, he might not give you any attention. But if you have a strong voice and bold intention then he will be alarmed and think that you need to be served. He will be aware that you mean business and you need to be given an attention right away.

So be serious about your work, take it to the highest level, be something that people can't ignore. Work super hard and take your work seriously, make it your life, make it your bread and butter.

Stop acting like you can afford to waste opportunities, be the man who will grab every opportunity presented, be the man who will devour openings and chances.


Don't be scared of pain because it will become your gasoline, it is your ticket to success. It will make you move if you will think of it as something that is a blessing.

If you're so sick and tired of your life and it's really painful to see yourself suffering... let that pain be your motivation, let it move you to become successful. Think about your painful environment, think about your painful situation and do something about it. Strive to live a better life, strive to become better each day.

Pain is not only in physical but it is also a mental thing. If you find yourself in pain because you need to do something but you feel that you are lacking sleep then you must do it. DO it because good things will happen after you did it, you will feel good, you will feel better.

Pain is a guide, if you think that something is painful then do it because it has big rewards. It is painful to study your lessons, it is painful to train, it is painful to face your problems but once you face the pain... you will feel better and relieved, you will feel accomplish. It will give you happiness.

So don't shy away from pain, face it, it is your motivation and gasoline, it is the only thing that will give you what you want. It is the barometer of success, the more pain you face... the more successful you will be.

If you want to end the pain then you must face it, you must deal with it, it's the only way to end it.

Pain will give you everything if you face it. It is painful to go further but it will give you more if you keep pushing. It is painful to face the challenges but behind those challenges is success.


It's in you, it's in what you do. It's not in the money, cars or houses... success is within you. If you feel successful about what you're doing then you're really successful. If you feel so happy about what you achieved then you're already successful. Success is within you, it's all about how you feel. A lot of people have a lot of money but they feel terrible, they feel broke and incomplete.

The real success is what you become as a person. You become tougher, wiser and more patient while chasing success.

So it doesn't matter if you have small money, for as long as you feel confident and successful because of working hard then you're successful. It's the integrity that will make you feel big. It's knowing that you already worked hard and can still work harder that makes you feel bigger than ever.

If you manage to become successful in small things then you can manage to become successful in bigger things. The success is within you, you have it, you can create success anytime you want because you've done it from the past.

You don't chase success, you become success. You adapt the habits of becoming a successful person, you talk about it, you breathe it, you live it. It becomes you... success becomes your life.

You have it anywhere you go, you want to become successful anytime, anywhere and you are willing to work for it. You will do whatever it takes to get it.

Success is your attitude, it is your work ethic, it is your personality. You embody success, you become a good example of what a successful person looks like.


If a thought is making you feel weak, if it is not helping you at all... don't believe it. Never entertain an idea that doesn't empower you. You should only believe what makes your belief strong... it is the most simple and effective rule.

If someone told you that you can't do it because it's too impossible... never believe him, keep traveling the course, keep traveling your journey... it will only become impossible if you stop but if you keep moving forward then you will feel somehow that it's possible.

Only entertain thoughts and suggestions that makes you feel good even if it sounds like a lie.

If you have a dream you must enforce yourself with positive beliefs, you must feed your brain with empowering suggestions to keep going.

Never believe that you can't do it. A lot of people almost made it but they believe that they can't do it that's why they quit, they're almost there, they almost made it but they become weak because they let the weak thoughts dominate them. They bought into the idea that it's too impossible. Let me remind you again, it is only impossible because you think that it is.

It's always your choice if you will entertain a thought that weakens you, you can always filter it and replace it with positive ones, you can always choose what thoughts to enter your brain, you have the power to think positively and abundantly.


This is the funnest game ever invented... proving them that you can also do the impossible. Do what you can do, push so hard to the point where you don't want to do it anymore but of course you will still do it because you want to prove them wrong. You want to show them that you too can do the impossible.

Climb the highest mountain, break the hardest rock. Try to be one step closer to your dreams everyday. It's not gonna work out all the time but it's worth trying, you must understand that life is not about sunshine, rainbows and butterflies... it is also about storm, cockroaches and mockery. You need to face all the big challenges in life, you need to push yourself to the limits if you really want to know the meaning of it.

Work until the end, create small progress every now and then. Stay committed and eventually you will see the way, eventually you will make it. Maybe it will take very long to get it but if you will never quit then for sure you will become successful. Victory belongs to the most persevering.

Even if your dream is so big... you can get it if you are willing to the impossible. So renew your fire and motivation, get up early in the morning and start right away. Never make excuses that you feel this or that. Still execute even if your tooth or head aches. There is not time for making excuses because that shit will make you poor even more.

Prove them that you can do the impossible, you too is capable of conquering the highest mountains.


Some are made to die without even fighting, some are made to weather the storm. Some are made to persevere, work and wait for their situation to change while some are just waiting to lose and wait for life to be the judge on what will happen with their lives. Some are simply waiting while life is punishing them, some are making dramas and shits while some are pushing their way back to the top.

It's your choice if you want to weather the storm or not. It's your choice if you want to make a stand or start pretending to be a pussy. It's all about dealing with the uncomfortable situation and manning up, it's all about doing what you can do with the best of your abilities.

It's easy not to quit... just don't quit and that's it, if you can still take actions then do it. Never think about not doing it, never hesitate nor procrastinate.

What are you? are you the one who will never make a stand? or are you the one who will simply wait until the storm passes out? It doesn't matter how strong you are, what matters is are you willing to stay with the situation until the sun shines again.

What are you made of? are you made of glass or steel? are you tough or soft? pick your identity and never change it. Always remember that you will never die if you persevere, you will never die if you wait for the sunshine. It's all about who will stay until the end, it's all about staying until the end and never complaining about your situation.


Just like in changing lanes... if your currently on the right lane and you want to go to the left lane and you're not that good of a driver yet... take it slowly, change lanes slowly, you can do it, just take it one roll of a wheel at at time. Never panic, never rush, if you will rush it then you will get bumped by another car. Just be patient because speed doesn't matter, what matters is your commitment to change lanes. Some cars will horn you, some will get mad at you but just ignore them, just be patient and try to change lanes... as simple as that.

Life is not a race, it's a marathon. It's the one who is committed to finish that will become successful. You can become successful in 20 years, what's wrong with that? you can change lanes for 20 minutes, there is nothing wrong with that, if they can't stomach your slowness then that's their problem. Just laugh at them if they get mad at you, what matters is you implement your speed that you are confident to use. Never use a speed that you are not confident about, it will only make you fail... an epic fail. Implement your own pace, they have no choice but to follow you.

There is nothing wrong in being slow. Being slow is fun, you were able to  see what is going on, you will be able to enjoy the moment. Everyone is rushing that's why they can't arrive at their desired situation safely, they feel like their time is running out. They feel like a big time businessman who needs a lot of time but if you will take closely at their lives... they are wasting a lot of time.

What matters is you do it, you finish it even if you are slow, never mind their speed. Never care about their speed, your speed is what matters the most and dedication to finish a task or a goal.


The answer is very simple... learn to save. There is a time for spending, there is a time for saving. There is a time for being abundant, there is a time for scarcity. 

If you want to live a rich lifestyle then never borrow money, never use credit cards, cut all of your liabilities and just focus on what you want. If you want a new car then focus on earning money as much as you can until you were able to pay it on cash. Never try to seek for the help of banks because it will make you suffer, you will look rich from the eyes of other people but deep inside you feel that you don't have money. Just earn as much as you can and pay it in cash, in that way you will feel very rich and powerful. And one more thing you don't have to think about paying it in monthly anymore. All you need to have is patience and hard work. You will arrive there no matter what. It doesn't matter how small or big your income is, if you have the will to get that money then you will get it. You will do impossible and hard things, you will even try for some ways to earn pretty cash. You will have a lot of extra jobs if needed. 

If you have a rich hobby, let's say racing or golf, if you really want it and your money is not enough then just engage those hobbies if you can. Do it sometimes, just do it when you have an extra money. Listen, you don't need to impress other people, you want those hobbies because you really love it, you don't need to do it everyday or every week. Save money and then play when you have a lot of extra money.

The idea here is delayed gratification, you will only buy things if you really have the money to pay in cash. This is the real life of rich people, you don't have debts, you don't have any liabilities. You feel wealthy and you don't need to worry anymore about the future. Banks will never call you, friends whom you own some money will not text you. You are free. Being rich simply means being free. Impressing people means you're not free, it means you are trying to impress them just to look rich. 

No matter how small your income is... you will still feel rich if you have no debts. You will feel rich because you have savings and you were able to do the things that you want to do because you are willing to wait and work hard to get it. 

Never eat in a fancy restaurant if you don't have the money yet, learn to save, once you have the money then you are free to eat wherever you want. Don't go to a party if you don't have money, you will only look poor, even if your friends were rich and they offer to pay the bills... still don't go because being independent from somebody else will build a poor mindset, you will not get what you want in the future because you will never work hard because you will think that you are getting things for free. 


If they can do it then you can do it too. If they can build a big house then you can build a big house too, if they can earn millions then you can earn millions too. They're no different from you, they're not cut from a different cloth, they are just working harder than you that's why they were ahead of you.

But don't worry, don't get jealous because you can also reach a certain level of success if you will give your best and keep working hard. Keep pushing, keep grinding because your time will come, you will get what you deserve so never settle and never get satisfied.

You also have 24 hours a day but what are you doing? is your effort enough? is your will enough? you need to take your work ethic to a different level if you want to reach the highest level.

The time for waiting is over, the time for preparing is done. You need to get it now or else you will never get it forever.

They are not talented nor gifted, they are just doing the right things that's why they are getting more than you. They are not doing anything different, all they do is work hard and give their best. You can do it too, you can also give your best, you can also take massive actions.

You have the power to make it happen if you will believe in yourself, you are enough, you don't need help from other people. Your knowledge is enough, just keep growing everyday and learn from your experiences.

Always remember that if they can do it then you can do it too because they are also human like you.


Never fold during difficult times, never crumble, never think about negative things. Just keep moving forward even if the situation is really bad. It's all about enduring it, never quit, never give in. Be aware of what's going on and try to solve the situation little by little.

If you have a goal and you really want to get it, of course challenges will show along the way, of course there will be tough times. All you need to do is stick with the process even if it's difficult. All you need to do is keep pushing forward even if it looks like nothing good is going on.

It's all about doing it and never stopping. You will fail, you will stumble but you will still prevail. It's the one who can still manage to take actions despite of difficult situations that will become successful. It's the one who can stick with the process no matter what. Execute the game plan, don't be afraid to suffer, don't be afraid to get stuck in a mud. You will escape the rut you are in if you're perseverance is enough.

What's the point in quitting? what's the point in complaining? if you want to get it then you have to keep on plodding, never stop because stopping is a sin. If you stop then you will go back to zero, you will go back being empty. You have to strike while iron is hot even if it is burning you a little bit.

The problem with you is you always fold when the difficulty is coming, you will start a goal then will never finish it once you see that you are losing. It's time to change your attitude if you want to win, it's time to become relentless and pushy. Just keep moving forward and that's it. It's difficult, so what? you are still alive, you can still take actions, you can still make things happen.


You're panicking like a bitch that's why you don't know what to do, is it the end of the world? are you going to get killed? is someone going to rob all of your money? what's the worst thing that may happen? think deeply and you will discover that it's not a big deal. 

If you're panicking you will almost have a heart attack, you will feel lost, you will feel that nothing right is going on. It's all about having the proper mindset, having the best frame of mind so that you can withstand any pressure situations. 

Stay calm and you will see things, stay calm even if the situation is frightening, you will be able to get away with it. Just endure the uncomfortable moments, just endure feeling bad. You will feel good if you don't resist what you are feeling now, be one with it, don't be afraid because everything will be alright. 

You can get away with anything that you are in, just think clearly, never panic and never make the situation worse. 

You can always find your way back, you can find a way, it's impossible that you can't find a way. There is always a way, always think positive because your situation will become good in a while. 

Just stay with the moment and never try to rush anything, stay in control, focus and never panic. It's easy, just try to breathe, talk slow, think sow and always think positive. 

Never freak out, even if you're so frightened on the inside... still show composure, show them that you're not scared, show them that you're willing to deal with it. 


If there is still something you can do about it then don't let it go, take actions and make it right. Some people will say just let it go because they are too lazy to do something about it, they don't want to undergo the process anymore, they simply want to give up that easily.

If you can do something, if you can't think of a solution then try that solution, never let go. Never give up, never give in. You can only let go if you can't control the situation anymore. For example, a career ending injury, if the injury won't heal anymore then let go. If you already lost all of your money in your business, if you can't operate anymore then let go. You can always make a comeback, but for the meantime let go and do some other things that will occupy your mind. Holding on to something that you can't control will only give birth to a pain, a pain that you can't endure, a pain that you can't heal.

There is a time for letting go, there is a time for holding on. If your partner told you that your relationship is over then let go but if you can still manage to fix it and do something about it then never take any second for granted, do something to save the relationship. Even if what will you do seems less impactful... do it.

Letting go even if you can still do a small step is for the losers, it is for people who are very scared to try. If you can do something about it whether it is just a small step or something... do it without hesitating.

Just try a little bit harder, just believe a little bit stronger. There is still something you can do about it and you have to do it, never take any second for granted, never think about losing nor quitting. Just do something and wait for the results. Don't be a person who give up that easily, be someone who will hang on until the end and will fight for his dreams and ambitions.

Dec 28, 2017


Its not yet over, you still have a lot of jobs to do. You think you're already good, you think you're already the best and successful... don't smile yet because you're just getting started. You need to work hard more, you need to push yourself a little bit more. A lot of people thinks they were already successful and winners only to find out that they still haven't reach the top yet, they celebrate too early that's why they fail in the end.

Don't relax, don't think that you've already made it because you haven't yet. It's still a long road, you still need to climb the highest mountain, there are still millions steps needed to do.

Being too cocky about small success will be your worst enemy. It will make you fail fast because you will become lazy, you will take every second for granted because you think you did it.

Don't smile, put your game face on, be serious. Stop playing around because you should have a serious business if you want to stay forever.

You should get mad if you're not getting the results that you are expecting. You should be ashamed of yourself if you're not working hard.

Being too comfortable with a little success is a stupid move. You haven't reach the half story of your journey so who are you to get complacent?

Take things seriously, stop smiling, lock in and never stop. Never stop growing, never stop achieving... that is what it's all about.


Pursue greatness till you collapse. If it is what it takes to become successful then do it. It's ok if you collapse, it means you use all your strength and you give everything for your  dream. Don't worry because you will not die, you're just close to death.

Use all of your power, knowledge and skills. You think you're giving everything you can but you're not, just push. Push yourself to the limits and see how far you can go. Don't be afraid of getting tired because that's the main goal... to exhaust yourself by working super hard, be an animal, be relentless, don't be scared of using all of your energy.

If you feel like you're going to collapse... keep going because it means you're very near, it means you're almost there. Don't stop and don't ever make excuses. It is painful but it's worth it.

Keep going till you collapse. The money will flow, opportunities will show, your career will glow, you will reap what you sow.

You can't keep fighting because you're so afraid of getting tired and fatigued, you're so afraid of failing. Failing is normal, it is a requirement for success. Don't be afraid of it because the more you fail the more you will become a better person. Keep collapsing because you will be able to survive it, it's just pain, it will make you grow so don't be afraid of it... ever.

Take massive actions, never stop until you get what you want. So what if you fail? so what if you get tired? at least you're trying, you're not like everybody else who stays on the couch doing nothing but procrastination and stupid activity.

Make sure you will fight sleep, drink 20 redbulls a day if you need to, drink 20 coffees just to stay awake and continue your grind. Never stop until you collapse.


Be the man who will do things for himself, be the man who will take full responsibility of his actions. Be the man who's always in control. Because if you will not be the man who's in charge then you will have a lot of regrets in the end, you will end up feeling bad about yourself because someone else will control your life, someone else will dictate your future.

Be the man who's in charge of your own life, be independent. Do things if you can do it, never rely on other people's help. You know what to do, you think you can do something so do it. Always give your best.

It's all about using your strength, skills and being a little bit of a risk taker. You do what you need to do without even thinking if you really need to do it. Be a man who's reliable and won't make any form of excuses.

Do it, use your knowledge, move now. You don't need anything else to take actions. You don't need a car to go somewhere, you don't need a help to start something, you don't need an advise to make a guess, you don't need an approval to make decisions, you don't need a teacher to teach yourself, you don't need a boss to earn money. If you will accept the challenge and be the one who's in charge then you will become free and successful. You feel have a very strong confidence about yourself. Your willpower will become stronger and you will be able to do impossible things.


The golden rule, the number one rule is to always believe in yourself. If you will not believe in yourself anymore then you will be in trouble, big big trouble. Failure is sure if you will not believe in yourself. Just try this for once... have confidence and never doubt yourself even for a second, wait for the results and see what might happen, see how big can you become.

The golden rule is to be yourself no matter what, show them what you can do, show them what you got. It's not bad to be yourself, there is nothing wrong in expressing yourself to the fullest. Make it to the point where you're always in charge and taking matters into your own hands.

Just follow this rule and you will be alright, it will be challenging in the beginning of course but you will overcome it if you will really believe in yourself.

Doubts are killers, it will put you down on your knees, it will freeze you, it will stun you. A simple and bold belief can change your life, it can make you see the other side of yourself.

Believing is hard, it will make you work hard so prepare yourself for pain. If you believe that you're going to become a millionaire one day then be ready to work extremely hard, you will push yourself to the limits, you will do the impossible things. You will do something that not all people can do.

Believing is very powerful, it will transform you into a different human being, it will make your life better.

Of course there will be more responsibilities but your life will become amazing.


It's more than that, life is not a game, success is not a game... it's a puzzle, a wild puzzle that if you got overwhelmed, you're in big trouble. The question is how will you solve it? are you going to play around and not take it seriously? or will you give your best and give yourself a chance to become really successful?

This is not a simple game like chess or checkers, this is a serious business. You have to get your head right and never take any second for granted. This is not something where you can make a lot of mistakes and still get away with it. Your number of mistakes is limited, you should know when it is enough and you already need to take over.

Stop clowning, stop joking, stop fooling yourself that everything is alright. If you want freedom and flexibility then you need to step up your game, you need to be on a different level or else you will become a slave forever.

I know you're not satisfied of your life right now, I know you want more and need more but you can't admit it to yourself. You are convincing yourself that it's alright to not push yourself and see what's possible. But part of you wants more, part of you wants to become great.

This is not a game, this is your life, this is your destiny. It's time to become serious and do what you're suppose to do.

Play it right, play it well, always give your best and never settle for less. Be serious about it, be about it, don't just talk about it...

People who are focus in life will make it in life. People who are clowning around and acting like punks will never go farther, they will fall short and that is guaranteed.

Dec 27, 2017


Use speed the right way, if you need to slow down then slow down, if you need to make it fast then make it fast. If you're using speed the right way then you will get better results. Just like in chewing a food, if you're mouth is already a little bit full then it's time for you to slow down the eating process. Take it slowly, chew the food slowly or else you will choke out. Just like in heavy traffic, if you can't manage to drive fast because there are lot of vehicles blocking you then don't drive fast, take it slowly, don't worry because you will still arrive at your destination, there is no need to rush or take uncalculated risks or else you will struggle even more. 

You need to move fast if you're too lazy to do something, you will become more motivated if you will push yourself to do more and produce more. It's like challenging yourself to get more in life. If you will become very fast in working then you will reach a different number that can't be reached by everyone, you will become one of a kind, you will stand out. 

Speed is a great weapon, you should know how to slow down or make it fast because if you use speed in the wrong way, it will backfire at you, you're in big trouble. 

Be fast if you need to do more, be slow if you need to be careful. Be slow if you need to be attentive, be fast if you need to become progressive. It's the timing that counts, it's how you use the speed that will determine if you will make it in life or not. Some people need to move fast because they were getting older yet achieving lesser. Some people need to slow down because they already have more and they need to somehow rest a little bit.

If you're life is not progressing then it means you need to move fast, work harder and be the best as you can be. If you're life is already progressive then it means you need to slow down a little bit and share your knowledge and blessings to everyone 


The only way to surpass the struggle is to keep struggling, keep moving even if your're having a hard time. It's hard but the struggle will become longer if you will not learn to struggle now. 

Actions is all you need to escape the struggle, just take one movement at a time, take it slow. You don't need to rush it, all you need to do is make slow motions that will place you on a better position. Struggling is ok, it means you're trying, it means you're doing your best. If you're not struggling then it means you're not serious about making something successful. Struggling is part of your growth so don't be afraid to face it. 

Keep struggling and struggling until you finally set yourself free. Your suffering will end in just a matter of time, you just need to face it and feel it, deal with it and never try to make excuses why you can't end it.

The struggle is real but it will soon be gone if you keep moving forward and do your best. 

Everybody struggle, even the great ones struggles. No one is immune from it, you have to experience it if you want to achieve greatness in life. 

Never judge your situation, never think of it as something that is bad. If you're struggling it means you're evolving, it means you're starting to become a new person. 

Raise your level of endurance, have the ability to endure something even if you're really in pain. endure pressure, it will all go away if you become one with it, make it as part of your system, don't try to resist it, face it and you will surpass all of your struggles. 


Face it now, don't do it later, don't do it tomorrow... make the best solution now and stop procrastinating. If you want your fears to go away, you have to face it now and do the best that you can do, be one with that fear until it goes away.

If you will not face it now then it will scare you even more. For example, if you accidentally break the favorite flower vase of your mom... tel it to her face right now. I know she will berserk and might shave your head but you have to tell it to her. Don't hide it, don't cover it, tell it to her because if she's the one who discovered it... god luck to you, she might jail you in the bathroom and won't give you a dinner.

Face the pain, don't worry about anything else. Don't worry if you will get scolded, spunk, punished etc. Face your responsibility, don't shy away from it. The more you postpone it, the more you will get stuck, you are making your life even harder if you're too scared to face it. You put yourself there so be courageous enough to get yourself out there.

Face it, say it, do it, finish it. If you need to say sorry, say sorry. If you need to tell your friend that you can't pay the money you borrowed from him, tell him. Don't assume that everything is alright if you just ignored it. Everything will become worse if you don't have the courage to face it.

Of course you will feel bad once you faced it, of course there will be stressful situations while solving it and talking about it but always keep in mind that your're the one who's responsible for all of your actions and no one else. Face it now because it is the only way to feel better, once you tell it, once you confront it... you will feel better especially if people who needs to know it knows it.


You're not allowed to breathe if you want to become successful, you are not allowed to blink. You need to have an insane focus if you want to get it. Your life must always be in a sense of urgency. You should feel really bad if you think you're wasting your time. You should feel guilty if you're doing something that is not related to your goal. It should be a strong commitment and dedication.

You should feel like someone is strangling you and you will only be able to breathe once you're taking actions for your dreams.Because if you will not pressure yourself then you will not be able to do impossible things, you will not be able to push yourself to the limits.

You're so relaxed and comfortable for so how many years that's why you are not taking massive actions. You always think that tomorrow you can do better, that tomorrow will be a better day. You always think about next time, you are not taking things seriously, you are not taking matters into your own hands.

Taking control of your life means controlling your breathing. If you're so comfortable with your life and you can breathe freely because you have little money or security... you better watch out, you don't know what you're into, a random event may strike you and all of your resources may not be enough. Getting too comfortable with your life means you're wasting your life. It's not about comfort, it's about putting yourself into an uncomfortable position through working hard and getting enough resources that will give you REAL SECURITY in the future. What will you do if you got overwhelmed with problems? let's say you got sick terribly and your money is too exact for the hospital bills? how are you going to feed your family? how are you going to buy medicines?

So if you want to have a really good life... don't breathe, don't blink. Always do your best everyday and make sure that you have enough or more than enough to support your life when the going gets tough. Being in control means being uncomfortable, it means you're always pushing yourself to get that next money, next level, next opportunity, next car, next house, next savings etc. It means you're the real deal and you're not taking any second for granted.


It's simply controlling your thoughts and emotions. Real power is not about being a savage and bullying whoever is in front of you, real power means you can stay calm during stressful situations. You can control how you feel by entertaining positive thoughts when you need it the most. You are powerful if you are always looking at the bigger things instead of feeding the anger inside of you.

Control yourself and you will control the outcome of your life. If you can always manage to stay calm during stressful and difficult times then you've truly discover the real power.

Don't try to look savage just to look powerful, a lot of people who loses their cool during heated moments ended up in jail. They have a lot of regrets in the end. Real power is not bullying nor beating somebody, being tough means getting your head right and doing the right decisions during stressful moments when your mind can't operate the right way.

Being patient means being powerful, it means you are controlling your explosiveness, it means you are conquering your anger and you are guiding your life towards the right direction.

Control your thoughts and emotions if you want to become powerful, never get carried away if you're angry, always learn to stay calm even if someone disrespects of threatens you.

Standing for what you believe in. Knowing that whatever happens, you're still in control of your life, knowing that even if difficult challenges visits your life you can still turn things around and make your life better.

You always feel in control no matter what, no one can make you feel inferior but you are very patient and understanding, you just laugh at small things, you don't care if you're a little offended because you know how strong you are.


The answer is very simple... because you don't want to move. You are lazy, the more you get lazier... the more you will become tired. It's not about having more hours of sleep, it's not about having more motivation. It's about being fast to do it and being fast to start. If you want to do it then just do it. The more you procrastinate, you more you will become tired for no reason.

If you keep on lying on your bed and thinking about how your day is going to play out then you will feel tired, lazy and stressed. You haven't started your day yet but you already feel so tired.

If you want to have more energy then move, do something about your situation. Stop thinking because thinking means it's not happening, thinking is just an illusion. Just do it, just work and give your best. Even if you're slow, even if you're not progressing.

You will become tired if you always stop every now and then instead of finishing the job faster than expected. You can move fast you just don't want to do it, instead you fall in love with moving slowly and sloppy.

Sometimes you are doing stupid things that really didn't matter that only derails the bigger things. You can't choose to do the right things that are more urgent and has benefits. You have to develop a habit of doing it right away, finishing strong and focusing on something until it's done.

You are always tired because you keep on thinking about things that don't really matter. Your mind is so focused on negativity, you keep worrying and that is eating a lot of your time and energy yet you are not progressing.

Take it one step at a time, don't be afraid of the process. Do it and never stop until you're done. You will feel happier and stronger if you are doing something. Instead of just worrying, planning, procrastinating and dreaming... do something for your dream so you will have a lot of energy to do things.


Whatever process you can think of... do it. If it's the hard way then do it the hard way, if it's the easy way then do it the easy way. What matters is you are doing something for your dream and you're not being lazy. Any process can give you a momentum, any process will give you results. Never hesitate to try something, you may not get the results you are expecting but still you will get something.

If you need to struggle then do it, if you need to take short cuts then do it, but beware... taking shortcuts will get you nowhere. Whatever process you can enjoy... do it. Sometimes it's not about doing it always right... it's about doing it. If you are doing it then you're killing it.

Just discover any kind of process that will give you a little result. Don't look for the big result yet, look for the small result and try to make it grow everyday.

Every process is the right process if you will take it seriously. Give your soul into it and it will give you the results you are expecting. All you need is focus, be consistent and never take it as joke. Success is not for people who are inconsistent and lazy. This is a serious matter, you should give your life into it if you want to get it.

Just try something and do it for a very long time. Trust your idea, trust your creativity. It's your duty to make your chosen process develop and grow.

Feel free, be creative, imitate if you can't be original but always stay true to your heart. Follow what your heart says. Every action is the right action, just keep your eyes on the goal and make a little improvement everyday.

Watch yourself grow, watch yourself achieving something great.

Dec 26, 2017


The goal since day once is to push yourself to the limits, to know what you can achieve by working hard and sacrificing to the fullest, you don't know your goal that's why you can't become happy, you don't know what to do because you're not remembering your plan. You just kinda go with the motions even if it's leading you to nowhere.

Remember the goal, don't forget it, remember it and you will fine again, you will have a direction again. It's all about living it and doing something for it. Stick with it, do something for it and you will feel good a little bit. You will feel free because you're doing something for your life and not for someone's life.

What is your goal? try to remember it of you are so sick and tired of your life. DO something for it, never get conservative and just give your best.

If you will give your best then you will attract success, as simple as that. You may not attract it now but if you keep on doing something for it then you will attract it in just a matter of time. You will have a good time, you will feel so positive.

Your goal is your life, your goal is what will make you feel alive so focus on it and never let it go, never let your dreams die. Begin with your journey and work as hard as you can, push, what do you think will happen if you're the hardest worker in this planet? what do you think will you get? a lot right?

It can be money, it can be a car, it can be a good body, it can be a simple diploma or a small business. What is your goal? go back to it and never let it escape from your hands. You have the power to make your dreams come true so just simply believe in yourself and use all of your strength to get it.

Focus on your goal, believe in your goal, attached it to your life.


Just deal with it, deal with any problems you have, don't stay away from it... deal with it. Face it like a real man or woman, you already know what to do, don't ever hide from it. Face the pain, feel it little by little and do something for it.

All you have to do is know the details and take actions, find out what you can do to make your situation easier. All of the problems in the world can never put you down or make you feel bad if you have the courage enough to face it.

If you have a problem in your personality and you want to change just deal with the difficulty of changing, change now, change all of your attitude and behaviors. Force yourself to change, just deal with it and that's it.

You don't want to deal with it because you're so scared, you don't want to confront discomfort, you don't want to feel that negativity that will lead to positivity.

If you need to do something... do it, deal with it. Do it fast, do it without thinking about anything else. If you can face pressure, critics, stress, problems then you will be alright, you will have a good life because life is all about facing what is in front of you. Good or bad things... face it, never act like you're scared because you never really are, you're just lazy and you don't want to suffer a little bit. If you are willing to suffer then you will have a good life, you will not be scared of the process anymore. You will just do it and do it and do it.

Don't be scared of the suffering because you need it in life, you need to face it and embrace it because if not... you will suffer even more. You need to face the uncertainty of life, you need to push past pain, embrace the imperfection of life. It is what it is, life is a work, life is a process, if you will not work then what will happen to you? nothing.

You need to deal with every challenge if you want to grow. The time for being a cry baby will not work anymore, the time for being a spoiled brat who wants things the be handed to him is no longer effective. Making dramas and excuses is for losers, if you want to become a winner then push yourself to deal with any kinds of problems you have. 

Dec 25, 2017


It's all his fault, he made his life, he made bad decisions in the past. He always knew what to do but he didn't do it that's why he is poor. He didn't save money, all he do is have fun with his money for nonsense activities.

Don't feel sorry if you can't give him some, it's all his fault when he was young. He ignore every opportunity, he acted like he were rich already, he impressed a lot of people by his spending habits, he never make himself better, all he know is he need to feel good by doing stupid things with his money.

Don't feel sorry for a failure, a failure is someone who didn't give his best, he is someone who wasted his time for nothing. Don't give him any sympathy because he created his own tragedy, he didn't prepare nor make himself better than yesterday. He got complacent, he did a lot of bullshits in the past. He don't deserve your sympathy because you are working hard yet he is not doing anything.


Sometimes you are getting mad for no reason, you are getting mad because of simple and small things that bothers you. You get mad when someone criticizes you, you get mad at your noisy and disrespectful neighbor, you get mad with your grades, you get mad with your ugly shoes, you get mad at your work. Why? is it really a big deal? are you going to die if you will not get mad?

Any irritant, may it be a human or a circumstance is just an emotion, it can't control you if you will just ignore it. What makes you mad controls you, it is playing you.

If it is not about health or life then don't get mad about it, life is too short to waste it for simple thing that doesn't really matter.

Focus on what gives you joy and happiness, focus on what is making you feel alive. Small negative things should be ignored and put to trash.

The truth is... you can still become happy despite of experiencing negative things, happiness is a choice, it is a state of mind. Being mad for no reason at all will make you very weak because you're not in full control of your power.


You did it because you like it, you did it because you think it will make you successful. Don't explain to anyone why you did it because it will make you look seeking for an approval, it will make you look not so confident.

Don't explain if they are not looking for an explanation. You're only putting yourself down, you're making them look like a boss and you're the servant because you're always informing them why did you do it, you are giving away your power.

If you did it you did it, as simple as that. No need to please them, no need to seek for approval, no need to make them believe that you made the right decisions. Stop cultivating a negative thought that is making you scared and making people feel that you can't make decisions without consulting them.

The question is... why will you ask them if you're right or wrong? you can make your own decisions, you can make your own actions without asking them, it's your life, it's yours. Never explain to anyone why you did it, it's just a waste of time and energy. Feel loose, feel free, never explain to them detail by detail why you made such decisions.

Never feel guilty of being fast in taking actions, never feel guilty of doing it your way. You don't owe them any explanation, it's your life... live it your way.

Dec 24, 2017


Sometimes all you have to do is move even if you're not excelling, you just need to take positive steps even if nothing good is happening. Taking actions is the only logical thing to do, if you will not do it then your situation will never change. Believe in the law of attraction, always believe that when you do something positive then you will be rewarded. It is hard to keep going if you can't see anything going on but if you will stop then you're already a failure. 

Stay with the game, stay with the goal, do everything you can because it's all you can do. Hard work is the only thing that you can offer. It's ok if you're not winning, it doesn't matter for as long as you're moving. You're going to make it one day, endure all the pain of failing, pain will subside.

We all want to excel but not of us will get it. Only those who are willing to fail repeatedly that will become successful. 

Believe that one day you will get it.