Dec 29, 2017


You need to go hard if you want more, you need to be tougher and stronger if you want to survive in life. This world will be ruled by tough people only, the soft people will become slave. So if you are doing something like watching stupid movies without lessons, playing video games for 8 hours, eating unhealthy foods without dieting, always asking for help, relying on luck... you will never prevail, it's too soft, only weak people do it.

If you always quit then you're too soft, if you always complain and make excuses then you're too soft. It's time to go hard, it's time to work hard. If you're too lazy then you're too soft.

Go hard now, go harder than yesterday, start believing that your process will work, start believing in hard work. If you find yourself slowing down and procrastinating a lot... stop it, that will never make your life better. The activities of soft people will create failures and misery.

Choose to work hard, choose hard work, choose hard activities... it will make tougher, wiser and wealthier. Being too soft is just a waste of time, it will make you weak and powerless.

Take massive actions, take your work ethic to another level. Do what hasn't been done before. Elevate your status by working super hard. Be tough on yourself, if you're not working hard then you should be aware of it, you should stop it and start changing your bum life.

Hard activities will make you life easy, it will give you the life that you are dreaming of, it will make you a better person than  yesterday.

Admit that you're soft, admit that you're weak and start changing your life now, it's time to go hard, step up your game or you will be left behind by people weaker than you before but stronger than you now.

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