Dec 23, 2017


Those people who know they are free will get more in life. It's independence day today, everyday is independence day. You can do what you want to do, nothing can stop you, only death can stop you. So while you are still alive.. do what makes you happy, do what will make you feel free. GET MORE, DO MORE, BE MORE. Destroy what is holding you back, go for what you want and never look back. Feeling free is always free, you can become very creative and expressive, it's really up to you. Never be afraid to get embarrassed, you can always make a huge come back if you will never quit, you can always change the outcome of your life. Feeling good after embarrassment and staying motivated is also free. It's independence day, you got to choose what you want in life because life is too short. Don't waste your time being scared or not being in the moment, life is so much fun if you will choose to have fun.

Don't forget that you're free. Rules can make you restricted a little bit but you can still find a way how to make your dreams come true. The time where slaves and kings exist is over. Before, if you're a slave then you're a slave forever. But this time is different, a slave can become a king now.

You can use your own style, you can trust your own process, you can believe in your own invented technique, our generation today is not strict anymore. On the early generations you are not allowed to speak and shine if you don't have a royal blood. But now you are experiencing so much freedom so you better use this advantage and do everything in your power to become successful.

Whatever ideas you have in mind... execute it, express it, don't hide it... expose it. In our time today, those people who can express themselves and be themselves are the one who usually win. This world has no time for conservative and shy people. You have to do it even if you feel so scared, once you overcome that fear... you will feel really better, you will feel successful even if you haven't achieved your goal yet.

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