Dec 21, 2017


You can reverse your reality now, not tomorrow nor next week... now. Do something now, do something different. Think differently, if you want to have a changed world then have a changed thinking. Reverse the process, if you are so lazy before then you must work really hard now, go to the other side and never go back to the old side. If you think about poverty before, it's time to think about riches now. Think about money, think about the opportunity, always think about abundance even if it's not yet there. Never entertain poor thoughts, never execute a weak action. Your life should be all about strength and dominance, no weak thoughts should enter your mind. You should lock in to powerful thoughts so you will be empowered.

Changing is possible if you are welcoming pain and stress into your life, you can only reverse the course if you will push so hard that you feel you're going to explode. You need to be very uncomfortable, when you feel comfortable... it means change is not happening. It is what it is, you will really feel bad no matter what. You are being delusional if you think that CHANGE will take place without feeling bad.

Your reality is not your real reality, there is more behind it. You can only see it if you will force the change now. Stop thinking negative, if you can't do it then just don't think at all. Start working hard, if you can't work hard then just keep working even if you feel lazy, work even if you are slow. Never mind the speed and production, just do something positive in your life.

Ignore all the bullshits around you, ignore what is not helping, don't give any attention to stupid arguments etc. Never waste your time for activities that will only slow you down. You know what they are so always be aware if you're not doing the right thing.

Your patience will be tested here, because once you changed... there is a tendency that you may go back to your old habits again. It's a forever battle with yourself, you need to be very disciplined and strict to yourself, you need to be ruthless and never allow yourself to go back to the old days that is only making you suffer.

REVERSE THE REALITY. Sounds really good. It's really hard but possible to anyone who will commit. Once you find yourself going back to your old habits again... stop, be aware that once you continue doing it then your life will become ugly again. You choose your reality so you can reverse it too. You are the one who is always in charge, you are the one who is responsible for your life. Reverse it now while you still have time, while the damage is not yet that big.

It's a painful and slow process but it's worth it, you will never regret that you commit. You will forever remember the day that you decide to reverse your reality.

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