Dec 29, 2017


Don't ever wonder why it is not working, it's not working because you're not working it, as simple as that. You think your're working but your effort is not enough, it's not the type of effort needed to produce some results. You need to exert a different level of effort that will make it really work. Stop wondering why, stop blaming, just work more and do more, take massive actions and force success to show on your way.

In order to make something work, you need to really work, you need to separate your effort from normal people's effort. They are exerting the same amount of effort everyday that's why they keep getting the same results. You need to be different, you need to be one of a kind, you need to be something special... that is how to make it work.

You will get what you deserve so don't worry, you will get what is right for you. Just keep on working, hammering and keep giving your best. Never question your process, just keep doing it and never stop until you're done.

If you want to make something work then you need to be serious about it, you need to give everything you've got, you need to be relentless and unstoppable.

It's all in your hands, it's up to you if you want to make something successful, it's just a matter of disciplining yourself, pushing yourself to the limits and taking it one step at a time. Never get tired of working, don't look for immediate results right away, just do your best and be patient, success will one day come to your life. Commitment and dedication is all you need, one day you will reach the top of the mountain if you keep on working.

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