Dec 23, 2017


There are two types of person in this world one is the dreamer and the other one is the doer. Do you always find yourself dreaming about something? when you wake up in the morning do you immediately stand up from bed or do you still dream about something? do you still embrace your pillow and dream about beautiful things or do you force yourself to stand up even if you're still a little bit sleepy?

Dreaming is good, it is free, you can dream about big things, you can dream about being great. It only becomes bad if you're not doing something for your dream, if you're just sitting on your sofa everyday watching american idol. You're simply wasting your time if you're watching other people 's lives. Instead, why don't you watch yourself grow and achieve your dreams one by one.

Doing is better than dreaming, if you're taking actions then you will go further. You will be able to get something in life, you will become a different person. If you love taking actions then you don't have to worry about anything else. You will just do it no matter what, you don't care about the results. You will just do it because you believe that something good is going to happen.

CHOOSE TO BE A DOER. Of course being a doer is hard but hard things gives bigger rewards. If all you do is so easy things then you will never become a big time one day. Being a wisher is dangerous because you're wasting a lot of time and you haven't make any significant progress at all. 

Being a doer will make you confident, it will show you what you can do. You will get things that you thought was not possible before. Just do it, don't be like others who just wasted their lives doing nothing. They wish for something but they don't do anything.

Dreaming is for the losers, they are weak because they can't even move. All they do is post their goal in social media, talk about it but they don't do anything about it, they were all just pure talk.

Dare to be a doer,it's easy. Just condition your mind to take actions every now and then, build the habits of taking actions every second and not minding what time it is. Move and move and move until you com to the place that you are dreaming of.

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