Dec 21, 2017


TAKE IT SLOWLY BUT SERIOUSLY. That's how to get it done. Be very passionate, never cut corners, never take shortcuts. Pretend that you don't have a deadline or no one is watching you, just do it and give your best. Take it one step at a time, be spontaneous, be original if you can but never be scared to get some inspiration from others.

You can make everything a work of art. Is there a dishwasher who amazes you with his dish washing skills? the plates are very clean, the spoon and forks are arranged very well, everything is organized. The sink smells good and everything is dried. It is simply because the dishwasher takes the job seriously, even if it is just a simple job... he puts his heart into it, he treat it like a special job.

Just like drawing, even if you're not good at it you can still make a work of art. Take it slowly, draw the lines very well, feel the shapes, give your best with every single line that you draw. Put your heart into it and you will produce a work of heart. It may not look really beautiful but people will feel that it has a soul, your creation is living.

If you're painting a car or any kind of an object... don't just paint, feel it. Feel the love, do it slowly and take your time, never rush because it will destroy the good feelings that you are feeling, give it an emotion, enjoy it, love every stroke.

In anything that you do, people will feel it if you rush it or not, people will see if your finish product has a soul so give it a time, try to make it as beautiful as you can. A work of art requires time and love, it will have it's own life if you really put your heart into it.

You can make a work of art with any skill that you have, just be very passionate and patient. It takes time and a huge amount of dedication, passion alone can make you successful if you believe in yourself enough.

Dare to be creative, dare to be confident in what you do. Anything that you do is right for as long as the intention is right. You can even make something out of nothing if you will work hard and believe that one day it will grow and give life to itself.

Give life to anything that you do, give it its own soul, make it breathe, make people believe that what you do is living.

Always feel the joy everytime you make an action that is related to your creation, be happy that you're doing it. And even if you're in pain... still take it seriously and never take shortcuts. Pain can also create a work of art if you use it correctly.

Always remember that their comments doesn't matter, what matters is you have fun while doing it, you express yourself while doing it and your creation is the reflection of who you are.

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