Dec 29, 2017


Caught yourself in the act procrastinating, caught yourself in the act eating a lot of unhealthy foods, caught yourself in the act wasting a lot of your money, caught yourself in the act wasting an opportunity. You have to caught yourself in the act doing stupid things so that you can change your activity and do something that has more benefits in the future.

You need to be aware if what you're doing, you need to stop it the moment you are doing it. Let's say you're already playing a stupid video in you tube, even if you're really entertained... stop finishing the video, even if it's already playing for 5 minutes... stop it and never finish it. The idea here is you are disciplining yourself and you have the willpower to stop something even if it is really fun.

It's all about choosing boredom over instant gratification. Discipline yourself if you want to have a better life. If you have an exam tomorrow, stop playing Xbox, stop it even if you already started the game. Shut it down so fast, if you need to unplug it right away then do it, never mind if it gets broken, never mind if your brother gets mad at you because you didn't finish the game. It's hard but it will give you a better life, it will give you a peace of mind. Don't ever say that just one more game just one more play, that is stupid because the more you extend fun... the more you will not stop it.

Caught yourself in the act eating junk foods... even if you're already about to finish the burger, even if it's only one bite to finish it... don't bite it, just leave it there. It's ok, this is how to practice willpower... stopping what is needed to be stopped even if you already started it.

Do it everyday, stop what is needed to be stopped, stop making excuses that you already started it. Stop it, this will make your mental toughness tougher even more.

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