May 31, 2018


You're not great, you're not even in top ten so why will you choose to become conservative? stop acting like you have an image to protect, stop acting like you're so big and you're not allowed to make some mistakes.

So do what you need to do and never stop, just give your best and let the universe take care of the rest. Focus on the process and never focus on the result, always think that you are nothing so that you will be able to free yourself and become more creative.

Nobody is watching you, you're not great, you're not being judged, just focus on taking actions and become the best as you can be.

If you're thinking that you're big and you need a special treatment or respect then you will never be free, you will not be able to do things that you want to do, you will never allow yourself to make mistakes anymore, you just wanted to win but you don't want to lose anymore.

Always think that you're just a normal person and you have nothing to lose, if your mind gets easily affected on what other people are saying then you will become weak, you will feel that someone is always watching you and you need to please them.

Destroy your identity, always do the things that scares you, forget about what people are trying to say... just keep moving forward and never stop until you win... that's the best game plan ever.

If you think that you're not great then you will never expect a lot of things from you, you will just do your thing without feeling any pressure at all, you are ready to lose everything that's why you will get everything.

May 30, 2018


You've been weak your whole life for nothing, you're not doing anything, you're just the same random guy that doesn't know what hard work is all about. You can't even work for more than 10 hours a day yet you're asking for a big pay, what was that all about? if you want to have more results in life then you should leave weakness and visit strength... now, not tomorrow, not next weak, commit to strength now!

It's your choice if you want to become powerful or not. It's up to you, nobody can tell you to become weak forever, you feel weak and move weak because you're not pushing yourself, you're not looking for possibilities to become powerful.

Do everything to become good at something.. that will make you feel that your strength is growing, feeling better at something and learning a lot of things about it will make you feel that you're improving, it's all about improving day by day and giving your all.. that's the best way to feel the power in your system.

You will only choose between the two, what do you think is the better option? being weak or being strong? Choosing strength is hard but it will give you a lot of things and benefits, it will make you feel good about yourself, you will gain a lot of confidence, you will never back down to any challenge in life. Choosing weakness is easier but it will never give you anything, it will only give you regrets and problems, your life will become miserable.

May 28, 2018


Work is the number one destroyer of stress, nothing else. You are stressed because you don't want to work anymore. Just work and see what you can do, if there is a task in front of you... go and do it, if you have a list of tasks then do it one by one, you can move... all you need to do is start and everything will become very easy.

Stop lying in your bed too much, that will make you weak, stop procrastinating because that will make you feel heavier, just work and that's it.

The key here to is to stop looking for a perfect start because it will make you worry, it will make you think too much, you will have a headache by doing that, stop looking for what is the most logical thing to do... just start and see where it takes you. If you start then you will have a strong momentum, you will feel good in a while, your stress will go away little by little.

It's alright if you are slow, it's alright if you feel a little lazy, just keep moving and you will really feel good later.

Making your body move will make your mind fresh, sweating and putting your system in motion will destroy all worries, doubts and fears. Simply enjoy your work and be in the moment, that is they key to have a very good emotion.

Stress will kill you, it will never go away if you will not start moving, once you feel stressed and worried... start taking actions.

Never let your mind think, never let your mind control you and be on the side of laziness... just move now and give your best, do whatever you can.

May 27, 2018


If you want something you have to want it so bad, you have to get desperate and do whatever it takes to have it, don't just want it, wanting it is not enough, wanting it means you're still lazy and you will not give everything you have.

Wanting it so bad is different, you will do things that are irrational, you will do things that not all people does, you will look like a crazy, you will move faster, you will work harder and have that insane work ethic, you will have a different world if you want it so bad.

But if you just want it, you will never have any edge, you will be like others who just want it but will never do something magical or unusual.

If you want it so bad then you will produce your own way to become successful, you will get tired of waiting, you will take matters into your own hands, you will die if you have to die just to get it.

Look at yourself, are you thinking about your goal 24 hours a day? are you going crazy about it? are your actions 90 percent or more based on your goals? if not then you don't want it bad enough, you only want it.

If you only want it then you will never get it because you will move slower, you will never think about crazy ways to make it yours but if you want it bad enough then you will become super creative, you will never waste a dingle second.

If you want it bad enough you will never care about how many times you fail, you will keep trying again and again, rejections and failures will never even hurt you, you will stand up again and try one more time.

May 26, 2018


So many thoughts are running inside of your head, you don't know that they are controlling you and making you crazy. Just choose one thought at a time, learn how to quiet your mind. It's impossible that you can never neutralize some of your thoughts. You can do this by doing something and focusing on it until it's done. It's an active meditation, you do it and you never do some other things, you focus and keep going until it's finished.

Because if you will entertain a lot of thoughts every now and then... you will become unproductive, you will have a hard time dealing with task that is in front of you.

Once you start it... stop thinking anymore, learn to let yourself go, let it be done automatically without worrying too much. You start it and you finish it without stopping nor allowing other things to disturb you.

The best way to become productive is to do one thing at a time. Stop doing a lot of things, stop pausing what you are doing and doing some other things, it will make you slow, it will make you unfocused, you will be stressed even more if you do that. Look at what you're doing and guard your mind, every time there is a thought that is not related to the task... get rid of it right away, all of your thoughts should be in relationship with what you're doing at the moment.

And once you're finished... you are allowed to entertain another thought. It's time to focus again.

Never let your mind be crowded with different thoughts that are not healthy, let it be occupied with one single thought that you needed. It is easy to do if you will practice it. If something is disturbing you... ignore it, it will become powerless if you will not give it nay of your attention.

Treat you mind like a garden , take care of it and never let dirty and useless thoughts dominate it. If you're thinking about winning then just think about winning, never entertain the idea of losing. If you're thinking about finishing a simple task then start right away and finish it, never do something else.

The lesson here is you cannot do everything all at once, you cannot entertain thoughts all at once, it is better to entertain one at a time and take it slowly.

May 25, 2018


Of course you have time, don't ever make an excuse that you have no time that's why you can't do it, the truth is you have time but "you don't have time for it", you have time for some other things that doesn't matter, you have time for habits that will put you down. You have a lot of time for things like watching TV, staying in social media for so long, surfing non sense things that has no benefits, chatting with your friends in messenger... basically you really have a lot of time but you're not using it right, you have a poor time management skills.

It's not about being busy, it's about what is your priority, if you will not prioritize making money then you will never do it even if you have a lot of time for it, if you will not prioritize giving time for your family then you will make a lot of excuses, you will use your work as your number one reason for not making it to the birthday party of your daughter.

Value what you really want, stop blaming time and telling the world that it is not enough, stop acting like you're the busiest man in the world if you're really not, you're just making excuses... you better get your head right or else you will never experience the real value of life.

If you really want to do it then you will have a lot of time for it but if not then you will find all the funniest excuses in the world.

You don't have time for exercise but you have a lot of time playing video games, you don't have time building your own business but you have a lot of time going to the mall and buying stupid stuffs that makes you even poor.

You have a lot of time but you're not using it properly, that's the main reason why up to now you're still failing.

Value your time very well because not all the time you have time, time will come and you will run out of time.

May 24, 2018


There's nothing wrong with you, you're alright and you will always be alright. Stop looking for the flaws, stop looking for what is missing in your life. Everything you need... it's already in your life. Stop looking for what is missing and do something to get what you want.

Never think that you lack the skill, never think that you're incomplete. You will be fine if you keep moving forward. GO and fight for what you want, always believe in yourself, have some confidence in yourself. Trust that everything will be alright and you will become successful one day.

Keep moving and keep fighting for what you want, destroy all the negativity that is running inside of your head. This is a journey, just stay positive and everything will be alright. Go for what you want, fight for it, go for the kill. You will be fine, just trust that the universe has your back and even if it didn't support you at all... you got your back, you can survive in any kind of challenge.

You have everything you need, all you have to do is live with the moment, give your best and carry on. Never give up even if the going gets tough, never give up on yourself. You and yourself are the best buddies in this world so never be ashamed of yourself. And even if you're losing now, even if you're struggling now... just endure it and persevere, your situation will change in just a matter of time.

Always stay positive, always believe in yourself because it's the only thing you can do. Never entertain the fears that are trying to go inside of your head. You're still in control here so don't ever panic.

May 23, 2018


You're fantasizing too much about things, you're dreaming too much but your actions are very few. You need to do something spectacular before it's too late. Fantasy will not become real if you will not pair it with actions. Stop thinking too much, take actions now. Procrastination will only give you regrets, taking actions will give you a chance to become a winner one day.

Stop looking at other people's success and wishing that you also have the same level of success, stop looking at your idols and dreaming about their lives, you have to act now and make things happen for your own life.

Just move and never stop... that will  make you free from dreaming. Because dreaming a lot is just a waste of time, are you just going to dream forever? kill your fantasy and face the reality. Face what is happening now and make adjustments to your thoughts, habits and actions. Just a little adjustment to your personality will make a difference.

Look at yourself... if you're wasting a lot of time then it means you're not succeeding but if you are productive and doing something for your dream then you are in the right path.

Wake up, you've been sleeping for a very long time, you're not aware that your time is running out everyday, you're not aware that one day it might all be over and you haven't started yet in your journey. When will you wake up? when it's already over?

May 22, 2018


It's almost the month of June, life is fast isn't it? what did you do? what did you accomplish? where is your swagger in New year? telling everyone how you will turn your life around this year. Where is your new year's resolution? what happen to it?

This year is almost over again, a lot of dreams will die again, a lot of failed expectations, a lot of plans will turn into excuses. If you're still sleeping then you better wake up now, there are lot of time that is being wasted, you could have been very successful today but you choose comfort over success. You choose to always lie down and just watch TV, you rest more than you sacrifice that;s why you can't make things happen.

Are you just going to let this year be over without trying? are you just going to waste this year again? Don't ever think that you can push so hard in December and can accomplish your dreams in just one month. Don't ever think that you can finish strong. Don't ever think that you can work hard anytime you want to, if you can't work hard now then you can never work hard tomorrow.

If you will not start now then it's game over for you, this year will be another wasted year, you will have regrets again. I'm sure in December you will plan about your new year's resolution for the year 2019, can't you even notice that you're in the same rut forever?

Just go hard, 6 months is still a lot of time, don't ever waste those remaining months for nothing. You can still turn things around if you will commit yourself to greatness. If you will not do it now then when?

May 21, 2018


It is what it is... if you really wanted to win then you have to hustle 24 hours a day, it's in your mind, it's in your heart, you never think about anything else other than to become successful. You don't know the meaning of failure, you don't know the meaning of stopping, you don't know the meaning of quitting. You go hard 24 hours a day, your sleep is work, your rest is grind. It's like you drink 100 redbulls so why your system never shuts down.

If you will not sacrifice and work the hardest then failure will be bestowed upon you, failure will eat you, you will have a lot of regrets in life, you will always wonder what could have happened if you really give your best. Stop fooling yourself, you know if you're really working hard or not.

It should be your life, you must have the spirit of hustle, stop clowning around and not taking things seriously. Ask yourself, do you want it or not? stand up now even it's already 2:30 am, time is running, stop acting like a baby that cannot stand on your own feet. The earlier you stand up... the better.

Do a lot of things, just work hard... the formula is very simple, there is no secret to success, just work hard and you will be alright.

May 20, 2018


Success is all about finding the right formula, finding the right method that works for you and will work for you for a very long time. It's very hard to find that formula but for sure there is something that is waiting for you to be discovered. The right formula that is only designated for you is just out there, you need to look for it and make it work.

You only need to become right once to succeed. Keep trying, experiment... never stop looking for answers. Do trial and error method, see what works and what does not. One day you're going to see it if you work hard and give your very best.

It's only a matter of time before you find it, keep looking for it and never quit. It's right there waiting for you, it's right there waiting to be owned.

Stop copying the formula of others because it might not work for you, you can test it but you can never use the whole process because it's not yours, it might back fire on you. Discover your own, be patient.. you will find it.

Your formula can look weird but if it's working for you then why stop using it? if it's giving you success then it's right, don't question it, don't change it... use it until it's not working anymore.

May 18, 2018


This quote has been said a million times before and it is true... NO PAIN NO GAIN. No suffering, no winning. It is what it is, if you want to achieve a certain level of success then you need to cultivate pain, you need to grow pain. If there is resistance, friction or traction then you will never achieve growth, as simple as that. You have to face the pressure, you have to face difficulties of life because those are the situations that will teach you something, it will make you tougher mentally and physically.

Choose pain over pleasure, pleasure has no room for growth while pain has. Everyone can choose to feel good but not everyone can choose to feel bad in order to produce some growth in their system. Keep this in mind... no pain, no gain, it may sound corny or cheesy but it is the reality. Through pain you will become braver, through pain you will succeed. There is no other way around, if you want to become a bad ass individual then choose pain because it will be the surest path to growth.

Feel it, love it, make it your best friend. Make sure you feel it during the learning curve, if you don't feel it at all then you're simply wasting your time.

May 17, 2018


Did you repeat the same pattern as yesterday? did you repeat the same action? if yes did it make your life better? did you improve? did you get some results from it? if not then why did you still repeat it? you know from the start that it will never give you anything then why did you still repeat it?

You know what works and you know what does not, it's time to be a matured man and choose what really matters.

If you will repeat something make sure it has sense and it will give you something, why repeat something that will only make your life worse? you are what you repeatedly do, your life is based on repetition. You get results through repetition, if you're not getting results that you want then it means you are repeating something that doesn't make sense.

If you want to change your life, if you want a different outcome then never repeat something that gives you nothing.

May 16, 2018


Just set a goal and pursue it relentlessly... that's it, that's how simple it is. You're always looking for motivation that's why you can't execute any type of action, even the smallest action.. you can't do it because you wanted to feel good first before acting.

Motivation is overrated, you don't need it to make yourself move. Just move and you will find it, you will feel good after taking actions. You will not feel good in the beginning, you will feel good if once you already started, you will feel good in the middle of the task .

Stop looking for an inspiration, just think about what you wanted to happen and then do something to be at least very close from it, do anything that you think will give you a chance to become successful.

Motivation will never help you, you are the only one who can help yourself, stop looking for it because it will never come, it's all in your hands, you can move anytime you want if you will stop caring about how you feel. Your emotions are stopping you, you feel bad that's why you can't move, you feel lazy. Here is the good news that not all people know... you can still move even if you feel bad, that negative emotion is just an illusion, it will go away once you force yourself to take actions.

Just be happy if you are taking actions, the reality is it is more fun moving than stopping, movement will create improvement... it will attract a lot of better opportunities in life, so never get conservative, just move and never stop. Motivation will only come if you are making progress, if you're not making progress at all... you will feel lazier even more.

May 15, 2018


Never waste it for nothing, never take your time for granted because you will only regret it in the end. Your time is limited, who are you to think that you have a lot of time to waste? you cannot afford to waste your time because it's the most important ingredient for success.

Everyone has 24 hours a day but only few can use it very well. You are wasting your time if you are using it for useless things that will not even make your life better.

Value your time and use it to make yourself grow and better. You can become big if you use your time very well. You can be anything you want, you can get anything you want if you use your time properly.

May 14, 2018


Because you want it bad enough, because you are making big sacrifices just to get it. You will succeed because you are doing whatever it takes to become successful, you don't care if it is hard or difficult... you just want to get it.

You will do everything in your power, you are using all of your knowledge and experiences just to become successful. You will succeed because you believe in yourself too much and you are pairing that belief with hard work, you're the real deal, you just don't talk.. you do it no matter what.

You will succeed because you want it bad enough and you are willing to climb the highest mountain, you're ready to suffer and lose everything just to become successful. It's in your DNA, you have what it takes to become successful, you're not like everyone who is making excuses, your work ethic is unbelievable, you're an animal, you're a different breed.

You don't care if it takes forever to become successful, you will still try it and wait until you have it.

May 13, 2018


Yeah you feel bad, something is still bothering you, you're not comfortable with how you feel but you still need to take actions, you still need to move and make something happen. You will never feel good... ever, it's really uncomfortable. What you need to do is think positively with your emotion, if you're feeling bad... think that it will never stay for a long time, think that it's just a challenge to still take actions despite of feeling bad.

Stop thinking about your emotions it's just a feeling. Move if you need to move, accomplish what needs to be done.

Because even if you really feel good... you will still feel bad in the future, that's emotions... it will come and go, it's a cycle.

Just feel it, feel that negative emotions and do what you need to do. You will feel good in just a matter of time. Stop making dramas and excuses because it will make you feel worse, it's only making the situation difficult.

Just ignore feeling bad... keep moving forward and give your best. Be ok with a slow pace because you will become faster as you move along the way. You care too much about your feelings that's why you can't start. Always remember that you can still do something even if you're scared, nervous, tired or stressed.

May 12, 2018


The effort is too low but the expectations were too high, that's the main reason you can't make it. You're not focused and determined, you're doing things that are not aligned to your goal. It's time to make a change and do something about your situation, it's time to make a stand for what you believe in and put a maximum effort.

It is what it is, it us really hard, sometimes you feel like you're trapped in a rut that you can't get away but you have to push yourself to the limits to see what is possible in your goal.

If you really want to make it then you should trust yourself even more, stop all the noises surrounding you and making you slow, ignore all the thoughts about failure... just do it, never stop until you make it.

They say work smart, but what if you don't know how to work smart? they say that you have to do this and do that but what if it is not working? all you can do is trust yourself and be the best that you can be, all you can do is trust your intuition and produce as much results as you can. Looking how to work smart is just looking for shortcuts, if you want your work to be easy then it means you don't want it bad enough.

You can only work smarter if you already experience a lot of things, if you already try as much and get the right information you needed. So while you don't know how to work smart yet, all you can do is work hard... that's the only option remaining for you... work hard and see where will you get.

May 11, 2018


Maybe you're too slow, maybe you're not that serious that's why you can't see it. If you keep on acting that way then you will never succeed, you will remain as a failure forever.

Grind homie, give your best and never stop. Time will never wait for you, you will always get left behind if you keep on being soft. Do what is needed and always give your best to make your life successful.

If you really want to see it then you will see it... as simple as that, but if you're not looking hard then you will never find it... ever. Take is seriously, don't pretend that you're working hard even if you're not. Don't pretend that you're giving everything you can even if you're only exerting a very weak effort. If you can't get the results that you are looking for then it means you're soft, it means you're exerting a baby effort that will never make an impact, it will never change your life.

Wake up and do your best, treat it as your only bread and butter, treat it as your business and you have to take it seriously or else you will die.

Whatever you can do to make it better... do it, stop thinking too much, stop hesitating and doubting because it will never get the job done.

May 10, 2018


I know you wanted to quit again because you feel that it is really hard. Why not give it a try again? why not give your best again and see if you can force a different result? stop being emotional and trying to create dramas and sympathy. You are your own now... there is no turning back, if you really want it then you have to go and get it, you have to show the universe that you deserve it.

You still have a chance, you can still move and take massive actions, you have nothing to lose so keep trying until you win, keep taking baby steps. Give it another try because trying is free, you wil never lose anything by doing that.

Give it another try, never be ashamed of losing again. Next time you might win or you might lose again but what's the difference? you've already lost a lot of times so you shouldn't be afraid of losing again.

Fake that motivation, make yourself believe that you're motivated and you're willing to go hard again. Forget your emotion, never mind if you feel so bad, never mind if you're so disappointed with your own journey. What matters is you keep moving forward and you have no intention of stopping.

You still have a lot of time, you can still make it, why not give it another try?

Nothing can stop you from trying again, if they can't try a million times then it's their problem. You're not a quitter like anybody else, you will keep on banging or kicking the door until it opens.

What is the pint of quitting? what is the point of going back? you're already here, you already done a lot of things, you've already wasted a lot of energy... why not push until the end?

May 9, 2018


You are the one who is blocking your own way, you are doing stupid things that are making you so slow and unproductive. You keep on entertaining fears that are not real and will not even exist, fears manifest itself because you keep thinking about it and you keep worrying. The truth is everything is easy and it will be very easy if you will just let go and set yourself free.

What if you just do what you need to do and stop thinking about the time or the outcome? stop thinking if it's right or if people like it, stop thinking about the time needed to accomplish it.

You are making things harder because of thinking too much, life is not about thinking, it's about enjoying the process and getting results little by little. Worrying will make your life ugly because you are inviting hell into your life by doing it, things will get harder and harder if you will worry and not enjoy the moment.

Just do it and forget about the smooth ride, forget about creating magnificent outcome... just do it and enjoy the journey, if the result is ugly then accept it... at least you did it your way and you enjoy the process. Some people will make conservative choices but they will feel bad in the end because they know that there is something bigger waiting for them but they didn't get it because they were too scared to fail.

You are blocking your own way because you're always thinking that you have to do it perfect and fast. You're always looking for an easy way that doesn't exist. It will become easier if you will enjoy it, you will become faster if you're not thinking about making mistakes. Accept that you will make mistakes and keep moving forward.

May 8, 2018


Your regrets will hunt you forever, it will not make you sleep, it will make your mind go crazy. It will slow you down, it will make you depress.

We all have regrets and we will still have regrets in the future. But the best thing to do in your life is try to minimize the number of regrets that you can have. Try, give it a try, don't be afraid to get rejected, don't be afraid to fall down. Regrets will be felt by a person who doesn't even try, it will never be felt by a person who lost but gave his best.

While you still have the strength to do it... do it, never hold yourself back, never hesitate, never doubt yourself... ever.

Regrets is a painful thing, you know you have the chance but you din't take the chance, you didn't capitalize, you didn't grab the opportunity.

If you want to feel better then do it. Give yourself the chance to become successful. Stop thinking about what could go wrong, of course you will make mistakes but what is the worse thing that could happen? nothing right?

So if you want to lessen the regrets in your life... five your best, never stop until you can take some actions, give yourself the chance to become successful. Never waste your time... if you have a dream go for it.

You only have once chance, stop being arrogant that you have plenty of time and you can still do it tomorrow, the perfect time is now... do it!

May 7, 2018


You feel bad, you feel uncomfortable, you would love to stop... but don't. You can still push forward while feeling it, it is a discomfort... yeah it is but you can still do something while doing it.

Feel it, be one with it. Keep pushing forward even if it is hard, you can take actions, stop complaining, stop making dramas.... greatness will never complain, it keeps pushing forward even if it is not logical anymore.

Breathe and rest for a minute but never stop, never quit. You can push while feeling it, nothing can stop you. Program your mind that you need to keep moving forward no matter what.

It's ok to fall, stand up again and do whatever it takes to become a winner. That feeling will change, soon it will become a good feeling, soon you will experience motivation because you're making small progress every now and then.

Because if you will not push forward then nothing will happen to you... you will become a useless person that is wondering what could have happen if you exert more effort while you're in pain.

It's just an emotion, it will never kill you. Keep pushing forward until you reach the finish line.

Don't be scared to fail, it will happen if it will happen. If you think that you can't do it anymore then it means you're very close to success. Continue to move, continue to take baby steps. And even if you need to crawl... just crawl, be happy with those little inches that you are getting. Be happy with that little progress even if you're too slow.

The only way to destroy those negative emotions is you keep moving. You will feel good in a while but for now... focus on the movement.

May 6, 2018


Are you still alive? if yes then be happy even if you have a lot of problems in life because that is the only thing that matters... if you are alive or not. Because at the end of the day... those business, money problems, properties doesn't even matter, you will never be able to carry all of them when you die. What matters is you are still alive and you are breathing.

Detach yourself from anything that makes you worried, they are nothing, they are just temporary.

You are still alive, you have every reason to be happy, you can make changes, you can become successful... just deal with every problem you have and have fun with them. Life is very simple if you will think the right way.

May 5, 2018


Every path is the right path but if you can see a path of least resistance that is making small results then go for it. Don't go for a path that is super hard but is not giving you any result, go for an easier path but of course you still need to work hard.

If you love working hard about something then it's the path of least resistance but if you feel so heavy and stressed about it then it is not the right path for you, it will kill you at your young age.

Be smart, look for a process that you will enjoy and will make you work longer. Path of least resistances doesn't mean you will no longer work, it means you feel more at ease with it while working hard.

If hard work is not working for you then it means you don't love what you're doing, it means you need to find a process that will work and will make you even motivated.

May 4, 2018


Sometimes all you have to do is stop and success will be attracted to you. STOP DOING USELESS THINGS and you will start to do important things. Stop thinking negatively and the right thoughts will enter your brain to give you the success that you are looking for.

Stopping procrastination will lead to action, stopping buying stupid things will create more money, stopping gossiping will make you look for information that are more important and necessary for your journey to success.

Never underestimate the power of stopping because it can create a different reality. Stopping associating yourself with bums will make you dream more and achieve more, stopping saying yes to things that will make you poor will make you achieve more in life.

Learn when to stop and continue things. It's all about push or pull, what are you pushing and what are you pulling? are you pushing for your dreams? or are you pulling out your plan because you think it's hard? Stop doubting yourself and you will start to believe in the power of your dreams.

The more you stop things that are slowing you down, the faster success will be attracted to you.


Don't get disappointed when you got rejected, when you fail or when things didn't work out... it is normal. Life will make a joke on you, if you're too sensitive then you will never survive, you will have an emotional trauma and your confidence will go down, you will look like a helpless clown that has no chance of succeeding anymore.

Nothing will work on the first try, failure is the default, it will always be the default. Nobody become successful in the first try, if there is then the percentage of successful people is greater than percentage of failures. But the failing rate in this world is too high, it's because people will never stick with it, people will quit right away when things didn't work out.

The growth can only be found from failures, repeated failures will make you grow... it will make you smarter and stronger so don't be afraid of it.

So what if you fail? did you become ugly when you fail? did you become weak? no right? failing will only make you a stronger person.

Keep in mind that every time you fail you are growing becoming a different animal, totally a different animal. You will grow again and again until you're no longer afraid of failure and the percentage of your success is better than the percentage of failures.

May 2, 2018


I know it's hard, I know you're almost dying and you're hopeless but you need to finish what you've started. It's an all or nothing situation. 

The world will never stop and wait for you if you're whining and crying because you can't have it. It is what it is, the world is harsh, it punishes people who are lazy and uncommitted. 

You are unstoppable, you can force yourself to move if you will only decide and choose to do it. Success requires great tenacity and focus. If you will always stop every now and then then you will never go far, you will only achieve small things. 

You can always finish something, you can achieve something. Focus on the small goals first and try to achieve them one by one, it's easier to achieve small goals consistently and let them accumulate. 

Sometimes you think that your journey is over and nothing will happen with it anymore, but that's just a wrong gut feeling. You still have a chance, revive your hope, strengthen your belief. All you have to do is believe. 

It's never over until it's over, put this on your brain and never forget about it... ever, memorize it, bold the letters, embed every feelings that you have for it, you have to put it in your system so that you will still move forward every time you suffer.

It's all about moving forward, it's all about pushing yourself to the limits... persist and make your dreams come true. It will all come true if you truly believe in it. Be hungry all the time and never relax. 

May 1, 2018


You already have it, you have the skills, you have the work ethic, you have the plan... all you have to do is execute it, keep believing it and do whatever it takes to win.

The problem with you is you don't believe yourself, your're hesitating, you're doubting yourself. If you can't believe in yourself then just work and never stop. Don't focus on the results, focus on the process, this has been said a million times but people don't believe it so they never taste success and they will never taste it unless they change their belief.

There is nothing wrong in believing yourself too much, it's better to be over confident than no confidence at all. If your belief is over the roof plus you back it up with actions then you will become unstoppable.

Believe yourself yesterday, believe yourself now, believe yourself in the future. You already have it, you have what it takes... just push yourself to make it happen.

Some people have it but they can't make it happen because their belief is so low.  Some people have beliefs but their efforts were too weak. Your belief should be paralleled with your actions, the higher your belief is the stronger your efforts should be.

Everyone has the power to make things happen, everybody can but not everyone will take chances.

So if you're this type of person who has confidence in himself plus you're not willing to give up then you will become successful in the end. You already have it, you just have to believe it more, amplify your belief everyday, go crazy.