Jul 31, 2020


You know what to do, you know what will work and what will not. You know the activities that has a chance to give you a better life. But the problem with you is you keep on pretending to be blind. All of your energy is going somewhere, the problem is you don't know where is it going. You're exerting effort every second. Every thought, every action, every movement is contributing to something. The only important thing is you must be aware of what you're doing. Your subconscious mind is in control here, you're in an autopilot mode all the time. You're doing something automatically, and even if you don't want to do it anymore... your subconscious mind is telling you to do it and you have no choice but to do it. Because it's already your habit, and it's hard to break a habit especially if you've been doing it for a very long time. 

Your energy for clicking websites that are not important, convert that energy into something more meaningful. Why not use that time to create your own business or brand online. Remember that time is gold or even platinum. Every second of your time could have been use to upgrade your life. Never take this day for granted because it can have the break you are waiting for, you can only see it if you are taking it seriously and not playing around like other people do. The problem with you is you want to have a lot of fun, you want to look cool, you want to be something are really not. You're letting entertainment fool you and make your life ugly. 

Your energy for procrastinating could have been use for building something great. You can sell something online and make millions, you can build your own blog or you tube channel and create some wealth from it. Success is just a matter of using your time wisely. You don't need to become super great here, you just need to use your time wisely and use your energy for something that has a potential of giving you a good life. Stop wasting a lot of your energy because one day your energy will run out and you wouldn't know what to do anymore. There is nothing you can do to bring back the time you wasted. So while you are still young and can do a lot of work... work, keep working the right way. Never spend your time and energy dwelling with things, subjects or people that will not even help you at all. 

It's just a matter of choosing every second what is the right thing to do. Think about the right thoughts, speak the right words and give your best no matter what. Test yourself, test how great you will become if you will convert your energy into something better. Instead of just clowning around and daydreaming all day long, instead of just procrastinating watching cartoons and garbage videos in you tube... why not do something more significant with your life? why not try to fly and make yourself great by converting your energy into something better. This is just a matter of taming yourself and not doing stupid things, this is just a matter of focusing on something that will give you a better life. And these activities are not fun at all but very rewarding in the end. 

Jul 29, 2020


This so far the strongest enemy of your own success... getting jealous with other people's success. You see them getting it fast, you see them getting it so easy, you feel that you're working hard and you deserve more but you are getting less. It's not about that, you're jealous and that's poisoning your mind. And if you keep on doing that... you're in big trouble, it will be hard for you to recover and create success on your own. The best thing to do is to mind your own business and just keep moving forward, so what if you're not getting the same success as others? that doesn't mean you don't deserve it or you're not good enough. Time will come and you will become successful too, it's just a matter of persevering and working hard as much as you can. 

Success will come to you if you're confident about it and if you're really confident about it then why the hell are you looking at other people's lives or success. You need to mind our own work, never give other people some of your time because it is critical to success, you need to own your time and never waste it for spying or looking at other people's works. Your time will come, you just need to pay the price first and show the universe that you really deserve to become successful. It will come to you, just trust the process, what you are looking for is also looking for you. Stay focus on your grind, stay committed to the process and never get jealous with other people's success. You need to be aware if you're getting jealous because sometimes you are denying it, sometimes you are criticizing and pulling down people and you hate to admit that you're doing the wrong thing. 

Real successful people never get jealous, they were confident and focused on their own works. They never pull people down, they trust themselves, they never waste their energy for bitterness and useless spying of other people. They just believe that their time will come so they just keep working harder each and everyday. So if you want to become successful then stop the bitterness and jealousy, focus on your own journey and try to make it as much epic as you can. Success is a choice, you can have it too if you will work hard and give your very best every single day. Just focus and you will make results, watch yourself, stay disciplined and committed. 

If you can't be happy with other people's success then just ignore them, don't give them any attention instead of hating them. Hating drains a lot of energy, it will make you unproductive and useless, it's the start of procrastination, you will get lost if you're hating a lot. Just find something to do, find something to chase and never stop until you get it. You have what it takes to become successful, you just need to stop being a bitter clown and start improving yourself, focus on your own works and work hard to make it stand out, as simple as that. Bitterness will make you a failure, it is putting you on the wrong path. 

Jul 25, 2020


Money is not that elusive, money is not that hard to get, actually... it's easy to get if you will only think the right way and follow some specific and simple rules on how to get it. You can have all the money in the world if you will change your psychology. Think about money and work hard for it, whatever you can think of to earn money... do it. You can earn money even if you're unemployed or uneducated. It all matters on how hard you believe. You should become a believer and not a doubter. Never doubt yourself just for a second. Money will be attracted to you if you're giving your best every single second and believing that money is not that hard to get. 

Don't be afraid if you don't have money, don't feel bad if your pocket is empty. Remember, money depends on how you think and feel. If you're always looking at the lack then you will get more of it, but if you're focusing on getting it and believing that you will have it then you will have it, as simple as that. It's all about the pattern of thinking, it's all about focusing on what is working. Be confident while chasing money because what you chase is also chasing you if you believe that it's going to be yours one day. Money should be your slave, don't be afraid to lose money, don't be afraid of the missed opportunities, for as long as you believe and working hard... money will never become a problem again. 

Money is everywhere. All you have to do is look for it, if you can't see an opportunity... create your own opportunity. Money is easy to get if you feel abundant and deserving of it. Most poor people cannot get more money because they feel that getting more is not on their league. They feel that having less is what they deserve, they don't try to stretch their limits, all they do is complain about their situation and never try something new. All the money in the world can be yours if you're looking for it and feeling that you deserve it. Money isn't that hard to get, what makes it hard is your psychology about it. 

Be patient, I said that you can get money in an instant but that doesn't mean you can get it whenever you wanted it. Be patient, stay calm while looking for it. Never get frustrated if you got rejected, never feel bad if you can't have money now. Money is coming so just relax and take your time... the best things are coming. Don't get hard on yourself if you can't get it, don't quit if you're trying so hard yet money is not yet there. Trust, me... it's on its way. It will be yours in just a matter of time so keep doing what you're doing, keep believing in yourself.... one day you will become rich too.

Jul 24, 2020


Life is all about you, your life is all about you, you can use your energy to different subjects that you see in your daily life but what difference does it make? it will only stop your growth, thinking about other people and different things that are outside of your value and intention is only draining a lot of your energy. 


Focus on your own business, focus on your own life. It's hard to focus on yourself right? and that's why it's hard to succeed. You easily got bored with what your'e doing and it's hard to work very hard. And that is why you want to look on other people's lives because it's the easier thing to do. The only way to make your life better is to focus on your own business, never mind what other people are doing or saying, never mind what they are thinking and just focus on trying to get what you want. Build a lifestyle that is making your life easier. Never do things just for the sake of pleasing people. Never look at other people's lives and just focus on your own life. Living is simply watching your own life, watching yourself evolve and create something great. 


Not getting serious with your own life, not minding your own business. You love watching other people's lives than watching your own evolution. You will always go down, you will always fail and feel bad every time you take yourself for granted. You're not grooming yourself, you're not trying to improve everyday. If you really want to live a new life now then you better focus on your own evolution. 


Get interested with your own life. Pick a story, pick a role and create your own legendary story. It's all about you, it's all about seeing what is on the unknown. 


Test yourself what you are made of. Are you made of steel or are you made of glass? Focus on the possibilities. Focus on seeing what you can get with the time and power that you have. It's going to be a lot of fun if you will take your journey seriously.

Jul 22, 2020


It is what it is, your mind will always be penetrated by negativity, it's up to you if you will dwell on it or not. You can never find peace everyday, something will always bother you, something will always make you feel bad. But that doesn't mean that you can never defeat negativity, you can still do something about it, you can still have a happy life despite of being surrounded by negativity. No matter how much you meditate or look for something to calm your mind... something will still bother it in the future, do you think monks really find peace forever? of course not, if they did then how come they are still meditating everyday? There is no permanent peace, life is a work, life is a battle, it's a process. It all depends on how you handle the daily war. 

Accept that the world is full of chaos and your life will become easier, accept that there will be people who will treat you not nice but it's all part of life. If the world is perfect then it will become very boring, if the world is so organized the life will have no spice at all, there will be no more challenges. So you have to make yourself strong instead and learn how to fight back, learn how to be mindful when needed and learn to embrace chaos when needed. Just always keep your cool, life is really like that, it's hard, it's not perfect but you can always survive, you can always live and you can make your life a little bit better. It all depends on how you think and how you see things. 

Life is really full of randomness, full of disrespectful people, full of resistance and challenges. But you should never let anger control you, it's your duty to find the beauty of everything. Because life is not all about negativity at all, you can find better things if you will open your eyes and mind. The reason why you're always hating your life is because you want it to become perfect. You want a perfect body, perfect neighborhood, perfect job, perfect partner, perfect lifestyle, perfect everything. You can't appreciate everything around you. Life can become much easier if you will focus on what you want, if you will just see the beauty of ugliness. Appreciate where you are and what you have and you will never feel worried again. 

No matter how much little you have, no matter how ugly your life seems to be... you are still alive, you can still become happy. You can become happy now if you will choose to. Just think about happy thoughts and there you go... happy again. A peaceful and perfect life doesn't exist. There will always be a war inside of your head but you can always tame those destructive thoughts by staying calm and mindful, just be happy that you're still alive and that's enough, just be happy that you're still experiencing life. Never let any small things bother you, never let petty things make you feel bad, you're always in control of your life. Just live it and be open to possibilities that everything will become much better. 

Jul 19, 2020


Don't ask how are you going to get it and just get it. Don't ask complicated questions how can you win and just try to win. Always remember that every action is the right action, take massive actions and you will get massive results, as simple as that. If you're not progressing then it means you're not moving, or maybe you are moving but your movement is too soft and weak. You need to go hard every single day, you need to push yourself like you've never push yourself before, do something different today, stop looking for results too much because it's wasting a lot of your time, you need every second of your life to make your situation better, stop wasting time and you already made it, it's just a matter of waiting for it to happen. 

Because you're asking too much questions and that's why you can't make a progress, you're thinking too much and that's draining a lot of your energy. Why not just move and make things happen? why not just do something about it, shut up and move forward no matter what. Things will only get better if you'r making yourself better, it is what it is, it's really going to get hard but what choice do you have? you've been looking for shortcuts for a very long time and did it even work? no right? shortcuts will only lead you to a wrong path, the real path is working hard and giving your very best. The path of least resistance is giving your all because it will leave no doubts in your head. 

So just get it, whatever you can do to give yourself a little chance to become closer from it... do it. Don't hesitate, don't ask too much if you're right or wrong, you will only know the right answers if you will keep on making mistakes. Always love the process, always push forward no matter what. Stop being a cry baby and just do something. Don't ever think that you're just a simple guy that can never achieve something great. Stop being too humble because it's time to force fate, it's time to claim what is yours. You have to think big, you have to have confidence in yourself. Because if you will not believe in yourself then it's already game over for you, you already have been defeated before you even started. 

It's a common sense that taking actions is much better than thinking, overthinking will only build doubts and fears, taking actions will give you bigger progress, it's giving you confidence that you needed. It feels much much better if you're moving. So force yourself to take actions now and see what is possible in your life. Go all out, stop thinking too much and just go all out, push yourself, destroy all of your boundaries, forget what may happen next and just work hard as much as you can. Time is fast, you will never even notice that you're already on top. 

Jul 17, 2020


If you love everything about your life then your life will become so much easier, everything will become a breeze. Because resistance, feeling heavy was created by hating your situation, all you see is ugliness most of the time, all you feel is dislike. So if you can just force yourself to like everything about your life then you will have a very easy life, as simple as that. Because you can decide how are you going to feel, it's just a matter of controlling your thoughts and entertaining the right ones to make you feel much better. If you don't feel good right now start appreciating something, look at your life there are many things to be happy about, you don't need to feel like a loser or victim all the time, you can feel good and happy if you will choose to. HAPPINESS IS A CHOICE, it is not something that was given to you, you give it to yourself, you can become happy anytime you want if you will stop being a negative person. Happiness is a habit, looking for things and people were you can be happy about is a habit, train your mind to do this everyday and see how this kind of approach transform your life. Happiness is not that hard to achieve, all you have to do is change they way your mind operates, change your thoughts and your life will change. Be disciplined enough to manage the right thoughts everyday. 

Staying positive all the time is much much better than being negative and pessimistic. Trust me, you will feel good if you're always aware if you're being negative and changing your state right away into a positive one. Because you will only feel bad if you keep on focusing on the bad things in your life, you will get sick, you will feel weak and hopeless, do you want that? It's your choice if you will choose to become happy and positive now. 

Jul 13, 2020


Money can be attracted to you easily, all you have to do is work hard, believe in yourself and focus on earning money. Never think about any other subjects other than money. You should feel weird, you should have an insane focus about it. Because money will only be attracted to you if you're serious about making it. Devote all of your energy and time for making money and money will knock on your door very fast, you don't even have to wait for it. It will be delivered on your door automatically, you don't need to get impatient while waiting for it, you don't even need to wait for it, it will come into your life faster than expected. 

Because it's the same, you're living everyday thinking about stupid things and nonsense subjects, why not think and talk about money all day? why not use all of your energy and time for making money and getting richer and richer everyday? You have what it takes to do it, you have the power to make it happen. Just be fast and stay disciplined, never do any other things other than making money and putting yourself on a better position to earn more. It's all about your willingness to make it, it's all about how hungry you are for getting it. 

Don't think that a big amount is too big for you to get, don't ever think that you don't deserve it. Of course you deserve every amount that you are longing for, you just need to prove it by hard work and dedication. It's not a sin to dream about big things, the only thing that's bad is if you're not doing something to get it. You have to give all of your time and energy for the money that you desire, it is what it is, it's really time consuming and the focus must be intense, but it's the only way. You can't be thinking about anything else, you can't be doing something else that are not related to money. 

Don't be afraid of millions, don't be afraid of billions, don't be afraid to ask for more and get more. If you can think it then you will achieve it... as simple as that. Let go of the fear, let go of the worries... just push everyday to get more money, focus on what you can control and that is your effort and thoughts. Focus on trying to feel good during the hardest times, focus on producing high quality thoughts when adversity is there. 

Trust me, money can be attracted to you if you will discipline yourself to think about what you want and never think about what you don't want. Life is so simple, getting money is not that hard if you can believe that it will be yours and work the hardest as you can. Don't be afraid of any amount, desire bigger salary, dream about getting more and of course work more. Become a money magnet, work for it and believe that it's already inside of your pocket, believe that everything you do will work for you. 

Jul 9, 2020


Why not at least try? Why not give everything you've got? You will only know if you can make it if you will push yourself to the limits and forget all of your limitations. Never count yourself out, never think that you can never do something great because you can. It's just a matter of believing in yourself and doing whatever it takes to win. You will only win if you will give your all, you will only win if you will never stop and focus on what you want to get. It's going to get hard but it is what it is, nothing in this world is free, there is no such thing as something for nothing, you have to do the impossible and keep moving forward all the time. 

Give your life to your dream, use every ounce of your strength and never stop until you win. Focus on what you want and never lose sight of your goal, focus is a very powerful thing. Once you're mind is decided that you will never stop until you get what you want then that's the only time you will make a break through. Say to the universe that it's better to just die if you can't get what you want, it's better to just fade away because I know you're so sick and tired of living the same life so you better do something about it. Look at what you're doing and thinking now... is it taking you to the next level? are you improving by doing that? are you ascending or descending? you have the choice if you will go up or go down, the power is in your hands, you just have to decide that you're not going to live the same way again. 

You can do it if you will force yourself to do it, you will make a progress if you will transform yourself into a beast. The time for being weak is over, the time for being a mediocre has already passed. Now is the time to get what you want, use force to get it, use your willpower or else you will live the same live over and over again. Stop wasting time, stop doubting yourself, stop judging yourself if you can do it or not... just do it. Go full speed ahead and never look back, never stop yourself, never hold yourself back, drag yourself if you need to. Because taking it easy will never get the job done, you have to stay disciplined and committed no matter how bad it feels. 

Don't worry because hard work will take you to the next level, hard work will show you the way. Just keep working hard and be patient because one day you're going to see success. Don't think about failing, don't think about losing, just give your very best and never stop working. You can do something now, you can level up now, all it takes is the willingness to start fast and finish fast, don't ever think that there is nothing you can do anymore. Of course there is something you can do, all you have to do is do it. 

Time is fast, if you're consistent enough in what you do... you will never even notice that you already made it. So just keep moving forward all the time, the game plan is to embrace life, embrace everything and keep moving forward no matter what. No matter what happens... never stop pushing. Surrender to the process, trust that everything you do will work. Because it will for sure, you may not see that it's working for now but you will see it in the future. So just keep going, keep grinding and hustling because you have no other choice but to bust your ass and force things to happen. 

Jul 7, 2020


Your belief is on a different level now. While other people think about thousands you think about millions, even if you're just earning hundreds you feel like you can earn millions. You're so addicted to your beliefs and you back it up with relentless action that's why great things are manifesting into your life. You don't care about other people's beliefs, you don't care about how they think of you, you simply enjoy using your beliefs and applying it to your life. Your belief is making you powerful and invincible, it's taking your skill to another level, you feel that you can do everything even if you don't have the knowledge nor experience to do it. 

Because at the end of the day you will believe in something, why not believe big? why not dream big and do big? you have what it takes to become a winner, it all depends on how hard you believe in yourself and how hard you work. You know you can do it and you are doing it now, you know you can persevere and become the hardest working person on earth to make your dreams come true. Your belief is what keeps you alive. It's giving you the power to carry on, it's your obsession, it's your life. 

You push when it's hard, you control your thoughts and emotions when everything is uncontrollable. You feel that it's impossible for you to be defeated, you just do whatever it takes to win in life. You take your chances, you believe in the cards you are holding, you feel that the universe got your back and even if it don't... you got your own back, you just knew that your beliefs and work ethic is going to save you anytime, you believe in the process, you believe in everything you can do. You don't care if it's hard, you don't care if there's already a lot of mud on your face, you keep pushing and grinding because you just knew that one day all of your efforts will be rewarded. 

Your belief gets stronger and stronger each day, you amplify it with your actions and commitment, you feel so weird because you don't see any obstacle anymore, all you see is opportunities. You don't entertain any other beliefs that are making you unmotivated, you just absorb every information that is making you even powerful everyday. You have a bulletproof mindset, you're headed to one direction only and that is on top. You don't see anything other than your goal, you have a tunnel vision, you're using all of your power. 

People may call you crazy or insane but you don't care, you're tough, your belief is unbendable, your trust in yourself goes stronger and stronger because you are so serious about it and you're working as hard as you can. You don't just talk, you do whatever it takes to back up your beliefs and it shows on your actions and decisions. You are using your belief to make yourself thrive, it is your investment, it's your number one resources. 

Jul 4, 2020


There is nothing else to do but to go up. That's it. What else will you do? Do the same activity as yesterday? Practice the same thoughts and movements? You will never go far by doing that, you're only setting yourself up for a disappointment. Because the reality is you want more but you're exerting a very weak effort. Just go up, work harder than yesterday and never give up. Because if you will focus on your situation then you will never be able to change your life, as simple as that. You have to do something, you have to push more and be more, you have to be greater than your situation if you want to make it in life. 

Because living the same way as today is useless, it is for the losers, you hate your life right? you hate what is going on now right? so do something, you have to do something different or else the result of your life will always be the same, if you want a different result then change your habits, change the way you live your life, change the way you think and everything around you will also change. There is nothing else to do but to get better, making your life worse and exerting a lazy effort is only making your life worse. You have to find a way how to become happier, find a way how to make the results better, elevate your lifestyle and elevate your work. Once you decided that you're not going to feel the same way and think the same way as yesterday then the transformation will begin. 

Change is really hard but it is so possible, it is so achievable. All you have to do is work for it, be patient because it will take time. But if you will believe in yourself and things that you can do... life will become pretty amazing, it will become epic and unbelievable. So start now and change the way you think and believe, start now and do something great with your life. Your life is only one, don't waste it for nothing, you need to experience the greatest things in life or else your life will be useless. You have to see what is possible, try to discover what you can really do at the highest level. Because you can do better than what you're doing today, you're just too lazy and can't accept that you can't become better that's why you're not better.

There is no other way but to get up, get higher, that is the only route remaining for you. You've been down for a very long time, it's time to go up now and see the better things waiting for you. You really have to exert an effort, there is no such thing as easy money or easy success, you have to work for it. Stay positive and hopeful, make hard work as your culture and stop acting like a loser. You're not defeated forever, stop having a victim mindset because you're not a victim... you're a creator, you can crate something great, you're a winner, you just need to accept the fact that success is hard to get but you're willing to go hard all the time. 


Maybe you don't know your target that's why you're not hitting, maybe your mind is full of junk and trash that's why you easily got distracted when something happen or when a news break out. Your focus can easily be break by anything, it shatters easily, you're not taking care of it, you're not taking your target seriously (if you have). You have to be serious in hitting your target or else you will never hit it, not even its shadow, you have to be bold and decisive, every effort that you are exerting must be related with your target. In other words you must have a tremendous focus. You can't be wishing for something but doing the other thing, you will never become successful by doing that. You have to aim for it, go for it, set a target and become relentless in pursuing it. It is what it is, it will be difficult but guess what? anything is possible. You can hit any target if you're committed and willing to die for it. 

Jul 1, 2020


You can get money today, it's just a matter of focusing on that subject. Think about it, work for it, work hard and be relentless as you can be. Chase it, accept it, get it, do whatever it takes to have it and you will have it. Money is psychology, the more you think of it and work for it... the more you will get it. You can get it now, you can have it now, it's just a matter of wanting it so bad and going the extra mile, go to the extreme. That money will be attracted, always think big, if you have to think why not think big? if you have to do why not do a lot? it's just a matter of wanting it like it's the air that you need to breathe. Never lose hope when things are not going your way, never quit, never stop and just keep pushing forward, you have to make yourself extra ordinary even if you're just an ordinary, you can make yourself something special if you will be the hardest working person in the world. 

Some people can't get money because they don't believe in themselves, have you ever wonder why there are some people who were not really talented at all but manage to get bigger money than you? they were not skilled nor strong but they can get money however they want whenever they want. It's because they simply believe in themselves, they believe that they are going to succeed. That is the key to success... you have to believe even if there's no reason to believe. Just fix your mind with the amount that you want to get and never stop until you get it, of course pray a little bit, have faith and never stop. The power is in your hands, you have the strength to make it happen, it's just a matter of how strong your focus is. 

Let go of your fear, let go of your worries and hesitation. You will have it when the time is right, you can have it now. Because at the end of the day you've got to believe in something, why not believe in yourself and your ability to create something great? everything is possible, everything is achievable, you just have to believe in yourself. Believe more, do more and never stop... these are the secret ingredients to make a lot of money. You can have it today, and even if you didn't get it today... there is always a tomorrow, there is always another try, all you have to do is keep trying again and again until you finally succeed. 

So go all out, go to the extreme and be the best that you can be, always give your very best no matter what, never get tired of trying, never get tired of doing the same thing again and again. One day you're going to have a break through, it can happen today or it may happen tomorrow. The most important thing is you never lose hope and you never quit. So give your best shot and get what you want, it's never too late, you have a lot of time, make it happen.