Nov 24, 2019


Why being afraid to try? why being afraid to give everything you've got? why afraid to give yourself a chance to succeed? It's ok if you lose, it's ok if you didn't win, nobody will remember your failure, nobody will talk about you. Some people were even scared to try because they were afraid of being judged, hey think that other people were laughing at them. But the truth is... nobody will remember your failure, nobody talks about a losing person. And even if they talk about you... it will never last forever, they will not even remember the embarrassment that you did. Nobody cares even if you lose a hundred times, you're nothing special so don't be afraid to destroy your identity, don't be afraid to go all out and still lose in the end. It's not the cutest person that wins, it's not the most perfect record that really matters, the real winner is the person whose face is covered with blood and mud but still on the arena and doing whatever it takes to win even if the chances of winning is very slim. A real winner is someone who try and leave everything on the line.

Don't be afraid of being a loser, be afraid of not being a tryer. Just give it a try, give everything you've got because if you push yourself to the limits and use all of your physical and faculty resources then you will feel like a winner too even if you lost. And if you lose over and over again one day you're going to win to, the law of averages will catch up. And so what if you lose a million times? at least you're trying at least you know how it feels to lose. Some people will just watch and criticize the losers, but they themselves were the real losers because they don't do anything, they don't even know how it feels like to lose because they were just watching and opening their mouths. It's easy to open your mouth, it's easy to mock people, it's very hard to try and do something.

So keep losing and keep trying, they don't care about you, they don't even know you, and even if they know your name and they criticize you or mock you... so what, their words doesn't even matter. You will have a big regret not because you lose, it's because you didn't even try. And to those people who were laughing at you... they were nothing, they were just dust, they don't even know how to move, they don't know what to chase or pursue that's why they only watch and pull down someone who is failing. They don't know how it feels like to compete and try something great, they were losers from the very beginning because all they do is talk.

What they are saying doesn't matter anymore, what matters is you give your best, you show up and you give our all for very opportunity that you have. Win or lose... give everything you've got. And even if you lose... some people will still appreciate your effort especially if you go really hard and do whatever it takes to win.

Nov 23, 2019


Some people will already stop the moment they feel that they are losing or if the lead of their opponent is on a big margin, they will never make an effort anymore, they will just accept what is happening and will take everything for granted. They will never even dare to try harder and push harder. They don't know that there is a miracle that may happen if you give everything you've got while you're losing. Never care anymore if you're losing... just keep moving forward, keep trying and go all the way. Hammer it out till the bitter ends, push through pain, keep fighting even if your face is covered with blood, sweat and mud. You can do it, there will be a breakthrough, just do what you can do and never care if you're going down. The momentum will shift, the momentum will go on your side if you have this relentless approach and has no intention of giving up. Just don't quit and you will win, you're having a hard time figuring out what to do in order to win, just don't quit and that's it. Never give up even if you're gassing out, never give up even if there is no more chance of winning.

You have what it takes to move forward, you have what it takes to fight. For as long as there is a breathe in your lungs...keep moving forward all the time and try to win. Because that is the only chance to win... to never give up and persevere. Just because it's hard doesn't mean it's going to become hard forever, just because you're not winning doesn't mean you can never win anymore. If you have a mad up mind to never give up then the challenge, obstacle, problems, sickness will give up on you. It's all about staying mentally tough. If you are always quitting it means your mental toughness is very weak, it is on a low level. So if you want to develop your mental toughness then go hard all the time and never quit. It doesn't matter if you're down, it doesn't matter if you look like a garbage or a loser because you keep trying but nothing is happening... just keep trying. Winners never quit and losers always quit. So if you want to win then the formula is very simple... just go hard and never give up, it's ok to get tired, it's ok to slow down a little bit but never quit.

Have that winning mentality inside of you, just keep trying all the time, keep giving your best every single second and always maintain that high level of tenacity. If you are really for real then you should never stop, you should keep grinding and working even if it's hard and hopeless. Because you will never lose all the time, time will come and you will prevail, you will get on top, it's just a matter of positioning yourself to succeed and staying on the game until it's over. Greatness will find a way, it's on you if you will allow yourself to win or lose. The power is always on your hands, just because it is hard doesn't mean you can never win anymore. 

Nov 21, 2019


Most people were jailed, most people were looking for something that they can't find, it's simply because they don't know what they are looking for. If you want to become free and unstoppable you need to pursue a goal and relentlessly chase it, never care about what people say, never care about what other people are doing... just chase it, become totally invested with it and make it your life, dedicate your time and effort to it and never stop until you become successful. People will stay out of your way, they can never stop you, they will feel your energy, they will be scared of you because you they will feel that you are something special. Never care about what they say, never care if they are pulling you down... just give your very best every single day and always keep moving forward. You will become free and unstoppable if you will allow yourself to just do it. Create your own world and give everything you've got, you are the leader, you are the king, every decision was created by you and nobody can contradict your ideas.

Stop thinking about other people's lives, stop caring too much about what they are thinking of you and just move forward towards your dreams. If you can just stop thinking about what people say then you will become very powerful. It's all about trusting yourself and not listening to what people say, trusting your instincts and having zero regrets when you fail. Because you will only feel powerful if you take matters into your own hands. Be willing to take the blame and allow yourself to shine during the pressure times. Detach yourself from the comments of other people. You will only become free if you will focus on your own feelings, if you will prioritize your own life and happiness. Why will you hold yourself back just because some people were criticizing you and will criticize you if you made a mistake? why will you stop expressing yourself just because you're so afraid of getting judged by other people who doesn't even care for you? You can't move not because of the difficulty but because you're so afraid that other people will get mad at you.

You want to be accepted, you want to get appreciation from other people that you don't even know. You're so conscious of your own movement, you are starting to doubt yourself because you're so afraid of what people might say. It's time to free yourself, it's time to feel unstoppable by expressing yourself and doing what is right for your life, it's time to follow your own happiness. Never stop yourself because of overthinking, never care if they like you or not, just stop caring and keep moving forward... that is the key to happiness. 


They say you have to develop a lot of skills in order to become successful, the say you have to become smart and witty but the only skill you need to develop is SPEED. Yeah, you heard me right... speed. Success loves speed, success is the result of bold decisions and avoidance of procrastination. Just do it, stop thinking and just do it. If you're fast, if you're not overthinking then you will be able to do a lot of things, you will accomplish more, you will have more time to make adjustments whenever you commit some mistakes, there are lot of breathing room if you're fast. All you have to do is do something now, take the first step and stop worrying if it is right or wrong, don't worry because you will be able to make adjustments later once you made mistakes. Just do it, there is no wrong steps here if your intention is right and your goals are clear, just do it and never feel any regrets after the execution.

Just be fast and everything will fall in your hands. Be fast in calling your client, be fast in finishing your work, be fast in making a decision, be fast in moving on, be fast in forgetting your mistakes. It's all about moving forward and nothing else. Look at yourself, are you moving forward all the time? or do you let your thoughts ruin your day become unproductive? You need to be faster than time, you need to do whatever it takes to go to another level. Develop the speed, develop the greatness, that is what it's all about. never care if you're right or wrong, never care if you're perfect or not... just do it, because thinking too much is just a waste of time, it's making you lazy and useless. Thinking too much is idleness, it never accomplish anything. But if you will just do it, if you will just throw yourself out there... you will be able to accomplish something, and even if you're wrong... you will still be able to figure out what to do next because you already knew what not to do, in other words... you already have a clue. Speed kills, it can overwhelm anybody especially if used the right way. If you can't move fast then decide fast and start fast, it's all about the willingness to take actions and ignore making mistakes. Be like a water, keep flowing and never stop, be like a cloud... you are formless, you are not afraid of making mistakes because you just knew that in the end you will still be able to correct things and make adjustments.

Some people thinks they were good and perfect but they can't even get started, some people thinks they were on the right path but years have passed and they haven't accomplish anything yet. Once you start... finish it no matter what, finish it even if it's hard, stop slowing down, stop resting because it will never help you at all. Improvement only happens during movement, you have to keep moving forward all the time if you really want to live a spectacular life. 

Nov 17, 2019


Unknown is the right path, unknown is the way to greatness or progress. If you keep on doing what you already know then you will get the same results, there is no progress, there is no evolution. But if you will push yourself to the unknown and simply enjoying the discomfort and fear then congratulations... you will live a new life. You will discover something new, you will experience how it feels to become great. Don't be scared of the unknown, all you have to do is take it one step at a time, be committed to that little push that you're going to do, push yourself little by little and don't be afraid of what might happen next. The best thing about the unknown is it's a surprise, you may fail, you may embarrass yourself but there is a growth behind it.

You don't know how to do it, you don't know the next step, you don't know the outcome but for sure it's a great feeling after facing the unknown, it's a good good feeling. You will see what you are made of, you will discover your full potential, so go through the unknown and see what is in there, I am very sure there is a reward hiding inside of it. All it takes is starting and pushing forward until you see the finish line. It will be uncomfortable, it will be scary but it's the only path to see what you haven't seen before. Just do it, just start it, it will never feel perfect and secure but you will never see what is possible if you don't embrace the discomfort and pain.

And when you're done facing the unknown, you will find out that it's not that difficult and scary. You will find out that it's just a normal thing that you see in your daily life, there is nothing special about it, there is nothing spectacular, you're just afraid of it because you haven't experienced it yet. So just feel it, embrace it and keep being scared of it. That fear will turn into courage in just a matter of time, every time you face your fears and face the unknown... you become stronger and stronger, you become mentally tougher.

You are unlimited, you are powerful than you ever thought of yourself, you just can't unleash the beast inside of you because you're not allowing yourself to become free. Embrace the unknown no matter how risk the situation is, you will only have a peace of mind if you think differently and face what you are scared of. It's ok to become scared, it's ok to make mistakes and fail but don't ever hold yourself back because you already failed by doing that, you already sell yourself short by having that kind of mentality, set yourself free by trying and taking matters into your own hands, handle the truth, take full responsibility of the outcome of your life. The key to greatness and success lies within the unknown, it's time to face what you do not know. 


Always stay calm, always relax and stay positive. What you want will come to you if you stay true to your vision and not trying to control things too much. Stay calm, when there is storm stay calm, if there is pain stay calm, all you have to do is stay calm and that's it, there is nothing to worry about. Stay calm and push forward, keep pushing, use your willpower until you finally get what you want... as simple as that. It's easier to move and make progress if you're calm and not anticipating what might happen next. Stay calm but keep in mind that you need to do something. Always focus on your vision, always focus on what are you trying to achieve, enjoy every second and express yourself, express your ideas.

So if you want to become successful, if you want to create something great... always try to stay calm while moving forward. Appreciate every obstacle, every pain, every problem, appreciate everything and never be afraid of the moment, always look for something you can do and never ever think that you are wrong for a second. Always follow your beliefs and philosophy, always think that what you're doing is for success and never focus on your mistakes nor thoughts that are destroying your confidence, always be yourself, always follow your heart.

Because there is nothing to worry about, there is nothing to fear about. You will have more time, energy, ideas and success if you're calm, you will have stronger momentum if you're feeling every second of your journey. Because that is what life is all about... it's enjoying it and believing in yourself that you can create something great. Control your mind and always be aware if your thoughts were scattered everywhere. Stop thinking about other people's lives and focus on your own life and you will become more powerful, you will enjoy life even more. Life is all about creating, it's not about watching nor getting jealous with other people's success. It's all about watching your own life and trying to reach your full potential. It's not about getting interested with other people and getting jealous with them if they didn't treat you right, it's not about reading other people's stories... it's creating your own story using your imagination and skills.

The more you focus on your own life and focus on your thoughts, ideas, goals, vision, health and dream... the more you stay calm and enjoy your life. Hear every sound, execute every idea, feel every moment, face every problem and focus on what are you trying to create instead of what the world is trying to create for you. Life is so easy if you will stay calm and be aware of what is going on with your own world, not other people's world. Have fun dealing with your own problems, have fun getting successful little by little. 

Nov 15, 2019


Those clutch moments are what you need to look in life, the times of pressure, the times of doubts... that's where heroes rise, the question is are you a hero? or do you want to be a hero? it's not that hard, all you have to do is live in the moment. Never shy away from pressure, just live in the moment and do what you want to do. Do what you need to do, never shy away from movement, never shy away from any action, just feel and always keep moving forward. Always be aware if you are stunned or frozen, whenever you can't move...  just move, breathe and relax and you will be able to move that muscles again, loosen up your entire system and let go.

You can only become a winner if you're not afraid of the moment, if you're not afraid to get uncomfortable, there s no greatness on comfortable moments, there is only greatness and one of a kind heroic acts during the uncomfortable moments. So if you want to teach yourself how to become clutch... Always stay with the moment and never back down, even if it is painful, even if it is so scary... just stick with the process and never give up. Feel every movement of your body, feel the fire, feel the urge to win. It's ok to get tired, other people gets tired too. But the real winners keep pushing even if they were so damn tired and scared. So whenever you feel so tired, pressured and scared... just keep moving forward, good things will happen if you keep moving forward and face what needs to be faced.

Don't be afraid of confrontation, don't be afraid of friction... just have fun during those uncomfortable moments and appreciate what is going on with your life. Don't be afraid to work, don't be afraid to repeat over and over again. Don't be afraid to get kicked on your face, don't be afraid to have mud on your face. Real heroes were never afraid to look bad... they just keep trying and trying over and over again until they finally become victorious. If you're not afraid to lose then you are not afraid to win. Some people were playing not to lose and that is why they lose. You should keep moving forward all the time and use all of your energy until the fight is over.

Just don't give up and that's it. Those pressure times will reveal you who you really are, you will know yourself if you were put under a heavy pressure. It's not the most talented, most skilled or strongest who always win... it's who has the strongest willpower. Willpower is everything, the good thing about it is it never run out. Willpower is unlimited, you can use it every time you want to use it. All you have to do is push yourself to the limits and never be afraid of getting tired. Because you can move forward all the time, you can push yourself all the time, all it takes is living in the moment and reminding yourself how bad do you want it. 

Nov 13, 2019


Depression nowadays is epidemic, it's like a disease that spreads so fast and if you're not ready for it then you're really in big big trouble. Some people were just making dramas about it while some are really experiencing it. Whether you are really into it or not... always remember that depression will never last forever, it is not there to stay on your system forever, it will soon go away if you will just do the right thing and think the right way. Depression is just a drama it becomes worse because your're not taking actions. So the best thing to cure it is to move, the easiest move that you can ever do is walk. Go outside and walk, just walk, keep walking... sweat a little bit and keep walking. This will solve your problem, this will make you think the right way. Just walk and that's it, do this for at least 30 minutes to one hour, one hour is much better but 30 minutes is fine too.

Because you are erasing all of your worries, hate, troubles and fear if you are moving. Moving creates hormones for happiness that will keep your system in balance. Just walk and that's it, it's ok if you jog too. Just shut up and just move... that's how simple it is.

95% of people who recovered from depression just move that's it

Nov 11, 2019


You will still do it right? you still want to do it right? you want to make it happen and it's your responsibility to make it happen. So why wait? you can move now, you can take actions now, waiting game is the number one game of losers. The question is are you a loser or not? you need to take actions now before it's too late. Because not all the time you will be given a time, not all the time your situation is good. So do it now, stop waiting because it will only make your life worse. Waiting will kill your momentum, it will destroy your confidence, if you can pull the trigger now then do it. Timing is overrated, the right time is now, so make things happen before it gets worse. Because you lose your power and trust in yourself every time you delay something, life is fast, success loves speed, if you can simply decide to do it now then you will attract better circumstances in life. Stop waiting too much because it will poison your mind, it will lead to over thinking and it will paralyze your whole body.

Opportunities will only be attracted to you if you can build your own momentum little by little. It will only happen if you will take the first step. No matter how ugly it gets, no matter how imperfect your first step is... that is already a momentum, that is already a bridge to create better steps later. All you need to do is start and go further and that's it, it's not even complicated at all. Yet why you can't start? it's because you're worrying about your looks too much, you prioritize how you feel too much, you're acting like a diva, you take care too much of your identity. If you want to express yourself to the fullest then you need to destroy your identity, you need to destroy the illusion that you are now allowed to make mistakes. Forget what people say and focus on your own journey... that's how to create a better life.

Elevate your status by doing it now and forgetting what might happen in the future. Real life is happening now, follow your heart and do what you want to do, do what is needed. Always remember what life do you want to have and simply focus on trying to make it little by little. Disregard all the actions that are stopping you from evolving. Sometimes you want to do something because it is easy, convenient and fun but the truth is it just tempted you, you really don't want to do it because it will not even give you any form of result at all. 

Nov 8, 2019


We all knew that life is just a business, this is a survival of the fittest thing. It's not about disrespecting somebody but never let anyone command you if they're not giving you money or something. Be a slave if that is making your life better and making you rich or something but don't kiss someone's ass if it is only making your life worse and not even contributing to your own growth. Of course there will be times when you need to follow orders, but if the one who's giving you orders was so disrespectful and belittling you too much... it's time to leave and create your own space that will make you survive. Especially if someone is abusing you a lot... never stay on the same place that is making you feel bad, it's time to move, it's time to create your own wings and fly.

Don't be afraid to struggle while creating your own kingdom, don't be afraid to get hungry while building the right mindset, momentum and process that will be love by you forever. It takes time to become a king, you need a lot of patience if you want to be the ruler of your own world. Don't be like other people... they don't love what they are doing but they are still doing it, they hate the people around them bu they are still living with those people. Always remember that you only have one life so why not use your life the right way? why not be the king of your own land?

Be the king, if you can't become the king then at least don't be a slave, don't be someone who can easily be pushed around. Always remember that you only have one life and you can never replace your life anymore. So fully enjoy it and never let nobody bully you or dictate the outcome of your destiny. If you can just be patient and work hard and fully believe in yourself then you can change the outcome of your life, you can make it work the way you want.

If you are confident and working hard, if you're taking risks... nothing is impossible for you. You can do anything, you can achieve anything. So stop putting other people on the pedestal because they were no better than you. Stop getting intimidated with people whom you think were more educated or successful than. There is no specific ranking in the society, you will rank yourself according to your belief. If you are willing to go further, if you're willing to leave it all on the line then sky is the limit for you, you will reach the unbelievable heights.

Always look for what is possible in your life, if you don't love your current situation now then it's time to create some change. It's time to realign the stars and rearrange your fate. Don't settle for something less, always push for more, always be somebody you are dreaming of. 

Nov 5, 2019


Most people died without seeing their true selves, they die without reaching their full potential, they died in regrets, they didn't see the beauty of their lives. The only way to see your true self is to put yourself under pressure and become a finisher. Work hard, push yourself to the limits and take risks. Don't think and just do it, just do what you are suppose to do. Stop focusing on other people's ideas, comments, suggestions, pressure. Focus on what you can do and simply be happy with the results. Learn to work under pressure, learn to move despite of difficulty... that is how to see your true self. What most people don't know is they can do something, when they are down they can do something, when they are in pain they can do something, when they fail the can stand up and try again. Anyone is unstoppable, only if he allows himself to become unstoppable, only if he believe in himself t the fullest and never try to feed any of his fears.

So pick something, chase an impossible dream and go all out, use all of your power and tenacity, be the person you wanted to be... that is how to discover your true self. Because you will never see your full potential if you will just wait all day and never take matters into your own hands, you have to be forceful sometimes because that is the only way to create a momentum that will lead to success, that is the only way to create a rhythm. Just do it, just go further and never stop until you're done, always go the extra mile and be the best that you can be. There is something you can do with your life, you can become great too if you wishes to, you can become something special, the only thing that is stopping you is your fears and the desire to become successful so fast. Sometimes what you want doesn't come in your life that fast, sometimes you have to wait, sometimes you have to grind and do whatever it takes to get it. It is what it is, if success is easy then everybody will get it, but it's not, you really have to work for it and see how big you can become.

Your true self is on the state of abundance, your true self is not scared nor submissive, your true self is always pushing and looking for what is possible. So if you see yourself not happy with your life anymore because something is always controlling you and you don't like it... you better change your life, you better make adjustments. Believe in yourself, believe in the power of perseverance, if you can make sacrifices for a very long time and delay gratification... you are mean to succeed my friend. So don't be satisfied of what you have now because you can always have more, you can always go further, you can always go the extra mile. Nothing is impossible if you will believe, just try believing in yourself and work hard for a very long time... let's see what you can get, let's see what is your true self. 

Nov 4, 2019


Make the process simple, make the goal so simple... just believe that you can get it and do it. Stop questioning yourself how are you going to do it, stop stopping every time you get frustrated because the journey is so difficult... always charge like a raging bull towards your dreams and get it no matter what, you can get it if you will sacrifice big time for it, you will get it if you will believe in it. Just believe, just push forward and never hold yourself back. If you really believe it then you will get it but if your belief is only 50 percent and the other 50 percent is doubts and fear then you will never win, you will be trapped on a war tug always pushing and pulling and not so sure about yourself. 

Believing is free, anyone can do it but why is it so hard to believe? because you're always looking at the result, you're always looking at your difficult situation. But if you will just believe all the time and move forward then your belief will become stronger and stronger each day. Keep focusing on your dreams and keep believing... that is the secret to success. feed your mind the the right thoughts and ideas, ignore the pain, ignore the stress and enjoy the process... that's how to make your life easier. And what you don't know is... you can move forward all the time, it's better to be doing something rather than doing nothing and focusing on your fears and doubts. If it is real then it will never stop, if your belief is real then it will never stop, it will keep on getting stronger each day, it will reach the highest heights, it will push the unbelievable force. 

So make it simple in your life... just believe and take actions, it's too simple if you will focus, it will be a lot easier if you will follow the same game plan everyday... believe and take actions. It's not complicated, it's not that easy but it is doable. All you need is focus and commitment, all you need is the willingness to try and give your full maximum effort to it. There is no hard in believing so as trying. Once you decide that you are going to believe it... do whatever it takes to make it happen, never believe in the word impossible, always believe in your works and effort. 

No need to prove to anyone that you are right, no need to please them and impress them, if you really believe your dreams then you will go all in, you will never try to prove yourself anymore because there is nothing else to prove, if you really believe it then you don't need the comments and reactions of other people, you will just get it no matter what. 

So keep pushing, keep believing and one day your dreams will come true. Focus on your own journey and stop getting jealous with other people's success, stop looking on other people's journey and focus on your own life, focus on making yourself better, focus on becoming the best version of yourself. 

Nov 3, 2019


The real meaning of power is not about domination or becoming the number one, it's not about being popular or being liked by everyone else, it's not about being on top all the time... the real meaning of power is not giving up and challenging yourself to go further. Because most people can feel powerful and confident once everything is going well but once they felt the pressure and problems arises... they look weak, they were stunned and go crazy.

If you want to know your real power... chase something great and never quit. Never quit even if it hurts so bad and you can't see any progress, never quit even if you're bleeding bad and almost losing your mind. Real power is about enduring something and still fighting to win. So if you want to really see the limitation of your power... do something impossible, pick a stronger opponent, face your fears, chase your goal alone, leave everything on the line and never stop until you win.

True power is not being a bully or making noises, it's not about having fun and becoming successful fast. I know a lot of personalities who made it to the top so fast only to fall so fast and get lost in the long run, they never made a come back anymore, they're mental weakness was exposed big time and they can't figure out what to do next. The real meaning of power is facing the pain even if it's too painful, it's facing everything and embracing the danger. You don't know what's going to happen next but you're so sure you can handle it. It's feeling the state of abundance even if there is scarcity around. Real power is not all about feeling good and confident, it's about being scared and terrified but still fighting and doing your best to win the battle.

So don't ever feel bad when you are getting dominated, don't ever get threatened when you're losing. Always remember that it's not the fastest, strongest, most talented, most hyped who always win... the real winners are the ones who never give up forever. Because those people who are winning now, those people who are winning fast will quit in just a matter of time. They don't know how to handle real success and power because they haven't faced any adversity yet.

If you really want to know how powerful you are... pick something that is hard to get and never quit. See what you are made of, see how will it change your psychology. 

Nov 1, 2019


Maybe the number one reason why you can't become successful yet is your mind. You're not ready for the pressure, you're not ready for the responsibility, you're not ready to take the steps to become successful. It's because you can't see it, you don't believe it and you don't want to believe it. But what if you believe in it? what if your mind can absorb any challenges? what if your mind can take all of it?

Maybe your mind is not ready for pressure and big situations yet, your mind is still a virgin from problems. Your got scared with small problems, you got pressured with situations that you can control only if you controlled your mind. How many times do I have to tell you... your mind is the most powerful thing that you can use, if it is programmed properly then you can become very successful with your life, as simple as that.

If your mind is ready then you will be ready for success, you will never mind the pressure that you are feeling, you will move forward, you will take charge, you will be in the moment and forget any ideas and thoughts that bothers you, you will simply do what you need to do. You push forward, you charge like a bull and you never stop even if it looks like the challenge is so impossible to conquer.

So ready your mind for pressure and success, ready your mind for challenges, you will only do that if your mindset is to accept anything in front of you, to take matters into your own hands and to stop dwelling about things and people that doesn't help you at all. Don't be afraid of any kind of feeling, don't be afraid of any kind of pressure. It is normal to feel negative sometimes but don't ever let those ugly emotions control you or make you make bad decisions, always remember that those negative feelings were just there so that you will have time to relax.

Prepare your mind for battle, prepare it for anything. If you're feeling uncomfortable right now... don't panic, don't look for an escape... feel it, deal with it and never back down. Soon you will see that you are comfortable again. Feeling discomfort is part of the game, it's part of the process. Feeling defeated is just a trick, it's just a false idea that is trying to occupy your mind, it's just another challenge or obstacle that you must overcome. You can build a winning mindset if you will face your doubts and fears.

Always remember that the mind is always ready if you are willing to face everything and feel any negative emotion that is running on your system. Just keep in mind that every time you feel the pain and face it... you are becoming a better person, you are leveling up.

Nothing can stun you if you will try to be present and mindful of the situation. Always keep in mind that what can't kill you can only make you strong, every experience is an opportunity to reshape your mind into a better shape, it is an opportunity to grow and become a bad ass.