Nov 21, 2019


They say you have to develop a lot of skills in order to become successful, the say you have to become smart and witty but the only skill you need to develop is SPEED. Yeah, you heard me right... speed. Success loves speed, success is the result of bold decisions and avoidance of procrastination. Just do it, stop thinking and just do it. If you're fast, if you're not overthinking then you will be able to do a lot of things, you will accomplish more, you will have more time to make adjustments whenever you commit some mistakes, there are lot of breathing room if you're fast. All you have to do is do something now, take the first step and stop worrying if it is right or wrong, don't worry because you will be able to make adjustments later once you made mistakes. Just do it, there is no wrong steps here if your intention is right and your goals are clear, just do it and never feel any regrets after the execution.

Just be fast and everything will fall in your hands. Be fast in calling your client, be fast in finishing your work, be fast in making a decision, be fast in moving on, be fast in forgetting your mistakes. It's all about moving forward and nothing else. Look at yourself, are you moving forward all the time? or do you let your thoughts ruin your day become unproductive? You need to be faster than time, you need to do whatever it takes to go to another level. Develop the speed, develop the greatness, that is what it's all about. never care if you're right or wrong, never care if you're perfect or not... just do it, because thinking too much is just a waste of time, it's making you lazy and useless. Thinking too much is idleness, it never accomplish anything. But if you will just do it, if you will just throw yourself out there... you will be able to accomplish something, and even if you're wrong... you will still be able to figure out what to do next because you already knew what not to do, in other words... you already have a clue. Speed kills, it can overwhelm anybody especially if used the right way. If you can't move fast then decide fast and start fast, it's all about the willingness to take actions and ignore making mistakes. Be like a water, keep flowing and never stop, be like a cloud... you are formless, you are not afraid of making mistakes because you just knew that in the end you will still be able to correct things and make adjustments.

Some people thinks they were good and perfect but they can't even get started, some people thinks they were on the right path but years have passed and they haven't accomplish anything yet. Once you start... finish it no matter what, finish it even if it's hard, stop slowing down, stop resting because it will never help you at all. Improvement only happens during movement, you have to keep moving forward all the time if you really want to live a spectacular life. 

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