Feb 27, 2022


Sometimes you can't force success to come into your life whenever you want to. No matter how hard you try you can't make a breakthrough, no matter how skilled or prepare you are you are still failing, it's ok, don't feel bad for yourself. It is what it is, you have to try again, you have to work hard again and never get tired of waiting. Because waiting is part of the process, it's part of the design, you can never force success if it's not meant to happen now. Be patient and learn to wait because your time will come. Just don't stop taking actions towards your dreams and you will be alright, for as long as you're moving forward then you're on the right path. It's simply about how focused you are, it's not about your situation, it doesn't matter if you're winning or losing, the only question is are you really working hard and believing in yourself to the fullest? 

Ten years, 5 years, 2 months... don't be afraid to wait for what you want, entertain yourself through taking actions and never worry if your progress is so slow, it will become faster in just a matter of time. You will have a breakthrough, you will be able to figure out what will work and make the waiting shorter. Stop looking for shortcuts because it's the stupidest thing to do because you're avoiding hard work if you have that kind of mentality, and avoiding hard work means you don't love what you're doing, it means you really don't want to win, you just want to have an easy life. Wishing for an easy life, wishing for an easy process will make your a failure. It's because you will become impatient, you will become depressed and you will quit very fast. Just enjoy baby steps, enjoy every challenge in front of you and try to weather all the storm that is about to test you. 

The key is to feel good every time you discipline yourself, feel proud of yourself every time you take actions. Never judge yourself that you're not doing well, if you're still awake... make yourself productive regardless of how much time you wasted earlier. Move on so fast and never think about the past. Focus on what you can do to day to become better. Your power is lies within taking actions and not hoping for best results. Don't worry about anything else because for as long as you're doing something positive and thinking positive all the time then you will be alright. Don't be afraid to wait for a long time, doing something positive yet getting small results is much better than wasting your time all day and wishing that things would get better. Wishing and hoping is for the weak, watching and feeling like a victim will only make your life worse, you have to do something now before it's too late, make yourself very productive and useful, stop wasting time for nonsense subjects that derails your progress. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com

Feb 23, 2022


Waiting too much, wanting something so bad but not taking any actions will make you go crazy, it will poison your mind, it will make you lose your motivation. The best thing to do is just take actions and keep pushing forward, always focus on the hustle, enjoy the process even if it is hard, life will become easier this way, it's still hard but you will have a peace of mind, you will get entertained. If you will always check for the results and what you've been getting lately then you will lose your focus, you will feel unmotivated every time you can't see a change, you will lose the drive and tenacity, you will complain and feel needy, you will start to compare yourself to others. 

But if you will focus on your own journey, if you will just keep grinding and believing then it will feel much better, the stress will go away. Follow your own footsteps, be the best that you can be, be your own role model. For so long you're always looking for someone that will serve as your role model, why not make yourself your own role model. All you have to do is stay disciplined, stay shard and stay focus, nothing can stop you if you will have this kind of mindset. Always finish what you started, always go for the kill, always go for the nail on the coffin, you have to have a killer mindset if you want to win in life. Focus only on the things that you need to do and the thoughts that you need to think, stop dealing with cheap problems that will never give you a solution, stop wasting your time for something that will not even make you grow, you have to go hard all the time and make everyday count. Never take this day for granted, never lose your edge, once you have that momentum... go all out and go for the finish. Enjoy the hustle, enjoy the grind, the actions alone should feel like a prize. Because at the end of the day you need to focus and grind, you can never win if you will never take massive actions, focus on the process and never mind the other things that will never make you closer to success. Be mindful of your actions, don't waste your time entertaining yourself but not improving. If you will do something... make sure it will take you closer from your dreams, make sure it's making you better. Don't do something that is fun but will only make your life worse. You need to think the right way, success is very simple, it's easy to achieve if you are focused. Develop the habits and thought process that will make you move fast and forget hesitation. Don't push and pull... just move forward all the time whenever you can.

It doesn't matter if you're getting small money, small attention, small appreciation, just focus on the hustle... success will come to you in just a matter of time. You should think of yourself as a super hero, the movie is yours... you're chasing success every single day. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com

Feb 18, 2022


If you wanted to win then fall in love with speed, as simple as that. Too easy and simple, be early, stay disciplined, do what makes you feel uncomfortable and try again whenever you fail. Don't make dramas, don't look for sympathy, don't blame anyone, don't feel unmotivated... try again. It's about being fast, it's about the repetition, it's about willing to struggle and force your way to win. Just keep going and going, make actions as your number one priority and not the results. The results will come in just a matter of time, you need to take super massive actions first before you ask for results, you have to keep pushing everyday and never stop, do whatever it takes to win and give everything you've got. It's all about giving your best, it's all about pushing yourself to the limits. Don't ever think twice, don't hesitate... just do it with all your heart and all your strength. 

If you're not impressed with yourself it means you're not doing well. Impress yourself with tremendous speed, surprise yourself with massive results because of being too focused and dedicated. If you need to do something now do it now because you will still do it later, the only difference is you will have to undergo a lot of stress thinking about doing it if you're postponing your work. You will feel tired if you're not moving, you will feel so weak whenever you're delaying something, you will only feel strong and better if you will push through and finish your work as early as possible. Do it as much as you can, it's not about perfection, it's about execution, you will become better and better on it if you repeat it a million times. So stop thinking how are you going to do it, just start, you will be able to create a momentum if you will start now, you will figure it out later, stop being scared of taking actions... just do it and never hold yourself back.  Never mind if the progress is slow, never care if you feel like not improving... just take actions, focus on moving fast, trust me.... you will get a lot of results in just a matter of time. Just keep working, grind like hell and never quit, never stop when you're tired, stop when you already made it. 

Become a master of taking actions, don't be a master of delaying something, don't be a master of making excuses... become a master of pushing yourself whenever you don't want to take actions. Being disciplined and fast, being focus and committed is already being talented. Making yourself move whenever you don't want to is a talent, you already have a big advantage if you have a mindset like that. Whenever you're scared, lazy or hesitant... just take actions, you will become more confident if you will just focus on the movement and not on the final result. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com

Feb 16, 2022


You are right if you're doing something positive for your life, you're right if you're trying, you're right if you're persevering, you're right if you're working extremely hard. What makes you wrong is you always think that you are wrong, you always think that there is something wrong, just because you're not making any results doesn't mean you are wrong, just because you can't see it doesn't mean it's not there. Success is there, you're very close from it, you just need to keep plodding and give your very best every single day. Don't stop, don't worry, don't be scared to fail, success will be yours if you will keep pushing forward. Your intention to win is the most important thing, do you really want it? are you willing to do whatever it take to succeed? are you willing to go further as much as you can? are you willing to give your all? are you all in or are you just pretending that you want it? if you really want it then you will go to the extreme, you will look for solutions, you will find a way. 

The time for being soft, slow, useless, unproductive and weak is over. You have to create a new you, you have to become something else, you have to become better than yesterday, it will only happen if you will stop wasting time. Just push yourself to the limits and never stop, always remember that for as long as you are moving forward then you are right. You can never go wrong if what you're doing is for your success. So stop judging yourself, stop feeling so sorry for yourself if you're working hard yet not getting anything. You're right if you're moving forward, every action is the right action, every action will help you to evolve and get closer to your dreams. So replace all the downtimes and lazy times with being productive and taking actions. Be relentless, never stop, never rest, never take anything for granted. You're right if you're moving forward, just focus on your own journey and never compare yourself to others because you will feel wrong if you will see people succeeding fast, you will feel unmotivated if your progress was too slow and looks like not moving at all. Just keep going no matter what, even if it is hard, even if you can't see signs of improvement... just keep going. 

Go to the direction of your fear, where there is fear... face it. If you're so scared to take actions... take action, if you're so scared to try... try, if you're so scared to fail... keep failing. Fear is the compass, obstacle is the way, if you're scared of something you better face it, don't hold yourself back, don't back down to any challenge... just face it. Always remember that you have nothing to lose and you have everything to gain, just do it, just face it, just move forward no matter what. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com

Feb 15, 2022


Sometimes you can't move, sometimes you can't do a particular task because you're always worrying and panicking, you're always rushing and entertaining your fears rather than motivating yourself. Just breathe and take actions, never think about the future, never think about the fast, focus on the now and take it one step at a time. Believe in the power of baby steps, believe in the power of feeling. You're not trying to feel that's why you can't make things happen. Embrace everything, embrace life and always stay calm while moving. It doesn't matter if you are slow, it doesn't matter if you're not making any progress... just move and stay calm, focus on what you're trying to achieve... it will come to you. Just be patient and never rush things, never feel needy, never feel like a victim... embark with your journey and just enjoy the ride. 

Believe in the power of possibilities, believe that you can win, believe that you can finish everything you started, it always starts with a belief and then follow through, never stop, just keep going no matter what. This life is so precious and you need to take care of it, you need to squeeze everything out of it, have fun with your ride, have fun working hard and doing something to improve your life. Stay calm, there's no need to feel pressured here, you're just playing, you're just growing, you're just doing what you need to do. Mind your own growth and never compare your journey to other people's journey. It's time to work hard and embrace the moment, it's time to become the best that you can be. You can become anything you want if you will force yourself to change, just do what you need to do, work as hard as you can and never be scared of losing... that's it, that's how to win in life. 

Breathe whenever you feel pressured, look around you and feel, never resist anything, embrace everything that is about to happen and open your arms to possibilities, open your hear to everything that is coming and never be scared of the future. The future will come, you don't need to anticipate it, you don't need to be scared of it. What will happen will happen but don't be scared because you're only wasting your life by doing that. Just have fun along the way, live your life to the fullest by feeling and not by consuming or trying to become something you are not. Just be yourself and you will be fine, you don't need to force everything, you just need to flow and appreciate what's going on with your life. 

If you want to make a progress then just move forward without judging any situation, stay calm and learn to breathe, don't feel insecure, don't look for something that is missing. Use what you can use, give your best and simply do whatever it takes to succeed. This is just a game so relax, you're just playing with it, you're just having fun, take it seriously but detach yourself from the outcome.

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com

Feb 14, 2022


Forget what happened yesterday, forget all of your stupidity and mistakes, forget that you're lazy yesterday, forget that you failed again, forget everything and create a new life now. Create your new identity now, forget your old lazy bum personality and try to create a new image now... someone that works harder, someone that's not wasting any second. What is done is done, you can never go back to the past and change it, accept that you made a lot of stupid mistakes and move one. Accept that you can never change what happened already and all you can do is move forward and create a better life. The power is in your hands, you can make a better today by forgetting the yesterday, you can only make a progress if you will focus on the now and completely ignore the thoughts that reminds you of what happened in the past. Yesterday was just an illusion, now, it's just a random thought now, real life is happening now, you have to devour the present moment and learn to capitalize with every opportunity. 

The only person you need to please is yourself and nobody else. You have to be selfish with your time, you have to focus on getting better if you want to win in life. It's not about being nice or likeable, it's about being yourself and doing whatever it takes to become successful. You will never be able to move forward if you keep on thinking about the past, let it go, that shit will never help you. You have to conquer this day and give your very best. It's all in your mind, you're the only one who's stopping yourself from improving, you're the only one who's stopping yourself from winning, you have to take matters into your own hands and have a complete control with your life. Stop being undisciplined, stop being slow, stop being weak, stop feeling weak... you can push yourself like you never push before. If you really want something then you will do whatever it takes to get it no matter what. You will eat fire if you need to, you will catch bullets if you need to, you will swallow your pride, you will give everything you've got. 

Stop making excuses, face the discomfort and never give up, always do whatever it takes to make a single step towards your goals. Stop being too sensitive, stop being emotional... just do what you can do with all your heart, be passionate, be sincere... always use your power and be yourself. Go all in for your dream, even if you fail at least you were able to know what you are capable of. Just go all in and hang in there, never give up, never give in, just take it one step at a time. Discipline yourself to do what is needed, do what will give you an edge, do what has a potential to give you better results. It's not about winning or losing... it's about not giving up. Believe in the power of perseverance, believe in something that you really want, you can have it if you are patient and serious. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com

Feb 12, 2022


Animals have no problems, animals have no worries, animals were so happy because they just do what they are ought to do, they're not doing anything else other than what they do every single day. Birds fly, fishes swim, lions hunt, monkeys climb, cheetahs run. That's the only thing that they do, they're not doing anything else and that's why they were so successful. They were single minded, they don't worry about anything else, all they do is live and do their responsibility. They never do something that they don't need to do that's why they always have a peace of mind, they don't associate themselves with other breed, they don't waste time trying to learn something that they don't even like. They're just being themselves and doing their duties as an animal. If you can adapt their single mindedness mentality then you will thrive, your life will become simple and successful. 

So if you're a writer then just write, if you're a singer then just sing, if you want to become an athlete then just train, if you want to become a fighter then just fight, be all about what you are ought to do and never do a lot of things that destroys your focus. If your mind is always wandering everywhere then you will never become successful, you will never evolve, you will always fail, it's necessary to stay focused and committed to your grind if you want to grow. Stop doing a lot of things, stop getting interested to too much activities, you only need a few activities, you only need a few things. Focus is what matters, you need to dedicate your life into something if you want to achieve greatness. Ignore all the useless entertainment and subjects, drop off the information and people that you don't even need. Forget the past, never worry about the future and just focus on getting better today. 

Be like an animal, stay hungry all the time, never rest, never slack off, do your responsibility everyday and never take days off. You should be hunting and chasing for small success everyday and duplicate it. Just keep pushing forward. If you need to sleep then sleep but the moment you wake up... go back to work again. Be selective of your actions, be careful with your thoughts because every second you are either improving or getting worse with your actions and thoughts. Look at yourself and ask yourself are you moving forward or not? are you giving your all or not? it's on you, it's up to you if you want to become successful or not. Every second can be use for improvement, you can grow everyday that's why you have to be mindful of your thoughts and actions because you are becoming what you think and do all the time. So if you want to become rich then be all about money, think about money and work hard, as simple as that. If you want to become an artist then hone your craft, look for opportunities where you can express yourself and repeat everyday. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com

Feb 11, 2022


In order to become successful you need to make yourself something different, you need to become super productive and always on the run. In order to become a doer in a stressful environment you need to focus on taking actions and never mind about failing or making mistakes, you need to choose quantity over quality, you need to do whatever it takes to move forward and never be afraid of repeating again and again. Stop thinking too much, just give your best and never mind if your work is right or wrong, never care if you're making a progress... just focus on the speed and doing something. Close your mind to anything that distracts you, believe in yourself, believe in anything that you do. You have to train yourself to just move forward even if there is a lot of problems, you have to keep pushing and make it a habit to just do what is necessary and stop focusing on any subjects that doesn't help you at all. Always remember your goal, what is your purpose? are you getting better everyday? are you mindful enough to handle any kind of stress? 

It's simply about enjoying the baby steps and not thinking about the future, don't think about the past, just full be present and put all of your energies to what you're doing now, focus on enjoying every second and work. Condition your mind to enjoy the present, stay conscious all the time and never rush, never anticipate anything, never expect pain nor difficulty... just embrace the moment. All you have to do is take the first step and follow through, that's all you need to do. Never stop, never think about the finish line and just keep taking actions, you will never notice that you're already winning. 

Being strong starts with your mind, you have to be mentally tough, you have to think that you can survive anything, you have to think that you can adapt to any situation and weather any kind of storm, that's what your mentality should be. Never be afraid of any difficulty because you can overcome any of it. All you have to do is deal with it and be patient, you will be able to conquer it in just a matter of time, emotions will change and you will feel better later so don't panic if you're really feeling uncomfortable right now because that will be over soon. That's just another emotion that come and go, what matters is you know that you need to move and you're committed to taking action whenever it feels uncomfortable. High performance people can move despite of pressure and uncertainty, they never stop, they never freeze, they find a way how to take actions even if it's really stressful. 

Be slow if you need to. You should be aware if you're panicking too much, you should be aware if you're not trusting the situation, you have to trust every moment, trust life, trust that everything will be alright. You're in control of the situation if you're in control of your emotion. Stay calm all the time and just relax even if you're scared or pressured. Just move slow and feel everything, look around you, think deeply, what are you being scared of? what it really that bad? will it kill you? are you going to die from it? is it really that frightening? once you ask yourself with these questions then you will understand that it's not really that scary, it's your judgement that's making it too scary. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com

Feb 9, 2022


You have to accept that this is your life now... it's about moving forward, doing something positive and trying to get better. You're not a useless bum anymore, you already changed, you have to imprint to your mind that you're not all about laziness anymore, you're all about hard work and you love living this kind of lifestyle, you're feeling weak every time you're not doing anything, you're feeling sick if you're procrastinating, you're a different breed now... you're all about winning, you're not about waiting anymore, you take matters into your own hands and you force fast. You don't care if it is hard, you don't care if you can't do it... you will just try and put yourself on the best position to win. Just try this for one day, don't stop, just keep on moving forward even if you're tired or hesitant, just do it even if you don't have any idea what you're doing, just do it every time you are scared and trying to make excuses, you will find out how powerful you are, you will be amazed with hoe productive you become. 

Because at the end of the day it's not about winning or losing, it's about pushing forward and never giving up, it's about trying, it's about putting yourself on the best position to win, it's all about improving everyday and not losing the desire to keep moving forward. Never care about the pain, never care about boredom... just do it with all your might, just do it using your willpower and tenacity. Move forward whenever you are scared, move forward whenever you don't want to move forward, have no time for nonsense things, have no time for useless ideas and entertainment that will not even help you to have a better life. The choice is yours, the power is yours, are you just going to accept that you're a bum forever? are you going to live like a weak clown that's just trying to survive the day and hoping to get lucky one day? You can force fate, you can change your destiny, it's really up to you which direction are you going to go. 

Pick the actions that you need to take and execute them one by one, have a game plan for the day and follow it no matter what, execute, always choose baby steps over resting and taking a break. Give yourself no room for breathing, always put pressure on yourself and always think that you're going to die whenever you stop. Think that there is a gun to your head and if you don't take actions now your mind will blow up. You don't need any motivation to move, you don't need an inspiration, you just need to push yourself and become the best that you can be. No need to worry about what's going to happen in the future, just focus on taking actions now... do it whenever you don't feel to to it. Progress and improvement will only happen during the most uncomfortable moments. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com

Feb 7, 2022


At the end of the day you will believe in something, why not believe in yourself? The funny thing about you is you believe in the news, politics, government, sickness, hypes, dramas, celebrities, trolls, scams, fake gurus etc. Why not believe in yourself? you owe it to yourself to believe in yourself. Why not try to become big as you can be? why not be great in your own way and define success by your own? why not believe in the work that you put in and create your own philosophy? you're wasting a lot of time and energy believing in something that will not help you at all. You believe in your celebrity idol telling you that he loves you, you believe in a corrupt leader that's only using you, you believe in something that's just eating a lot of your time... you're not giving yourself any favor by doing that. 

You need to take control of your own mind, you need to entertain only the thoughts that are helping you to move forward. Life is very short, it is very precious, you only have one life so why believe in the things that scares you or make you stuck? Why not believe that you can do some big things with your life? why not try to put yourself on a pedestal? Why not bet all of your money on yourself? why not do whatever it takes to win in life because you knew hard work is going to pay off? why not focus on your own life only and try to become the biggest winner that you can be? It's possible that you can become a winner too, it's possible that there is something you can do to make your life much better, you can upgrade your life... it's just a matter of trying to put yourself on the best position to succeed. Always get better everyday, get better in your skills, get better mentally and physically. 

The reason why you can't win in life is because you're too focused on what other people are doing, you're too focused on what's going on with their lives instead focusing on your own journey. You're too aware of what's going on with the world. You're too concerned about what's happening around you, you're consuming a lot of information that you don't even need that's why you can't focused on the things that really matters. Stop all the nonsense now and become a different beast. Take massive actions and always look for something you can do, stop looking for the results all the time and focus on the process, step by step... get closer and closer to the top. 

Close your mind and focus on yourself only. They say you need to be an open minded to win but you're taking it too far already, you're opening your mind too much that's why you're wasting a lot of energy. You need to focus on your own works, try this for one year and you will see a big difference. Never get interested with what other people are doing and get interested only with your own work. Love your life, love yourself, watch yourself evolving, love the work that you are doing, appreciate all the effort and hard work that you put in, constantly work on yourself and you will feel successful. 

Discipline will get the job done, all you need is discipline, just stop everything that is wasting your time and use all of your energy for winning and you will win, as simple as that. Never waste any second daydreaming or doing some stupid stuffs, stop getting too interested with entertainment, you don't need to have fun if you want to become successful, you need to embrace boredom and get better each day. Focus on trying to develop pulling the trigger every time you feel doubtful, lazy or scared. Growth can only be obtained when there is pressure and resistance. Every time you feel lazy and hesitant... that's where growth can happen, and it will only happen if you choose execution over procrastination. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com

Feb 5, 2022


Your enemies, haters, foes, critics makes you feel bad not because of what they do to you but because you're still thinking about them. If you can remove them from your mind then you will be free, you will no longer need to revenge. Success is the best revenge, focusing on your own life will make you feel much better. You're always thinking about how to hurt them or humiliate them, you're always thinking about making a revenge on them and that's why you don't have a peace of mind. What is done is done, let it go and focus on the best things in your life, focus on trying to get better each day, ignore all the people that's only making you feel bad, you need to make a move for yourself because you're still stuck in the past. They day that you will be able to hurt them will never come, and come to think of it... does hurting them gonna make you happy? no it's not, you will only feel guilty after that. If you really want to feel good then focus on the positives in your life, focus on trying to get better each day and never worry about other people's lives. Focus on your own life only, focus on trying to improve your situation a little bit. 

You can get rid of the unwanted people in your life by simply not thinking about them because the more you think about them... the more they will be attracted to you. Stop being too emotional, forget the pain that they cause you, forget the past and just move on. The best revenge is to become successful in your life and enjoy the possibilities, if you will focus on other people's lives then you're only creating your own misery. Love yourself, never think about those people that's not helping you to move forward. It's only in the mind, you're the one who's hurting yourself and not them, you're the only one who's being too emotional here, you don't need to make a revenge, you need to forget, if you can't forgive them so be it but just forget them and never think about them again. You don't need to have peace with them, just forget them because it's for your own good, it will make you feel much better and you will be able to set free the anger inside of your heart. 

It's in your mind, those negative thoughts are hurting you, it's time to let go, it's time to just learn the lesson from what happened in the past, it's time to just focus on what's ahead of you. You have a bright future, there's no need to hurt other people because that's just a waste of time and energy, you need to become stronger and better, you need to become smarter and dedicated to your own life only. It's time to think smarter, never use your time and energy for people that will never make you grow. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com

Feb 4, 2022


Discipline your mind to think only about the things that will help you. Discipline your mind to stay in the present moment and never think about the past anymore, don't worry about the future, just stick to the present moment and welcome everything that is about to happen. Think about what you want to manifest and never think about subjects that will demotivate you, never think about your fears. Just move forward all the time and always choose taking actions over procrastination. There are lot of negative things that you've been thinking that is not helping you to grow, you need to change something in your mind, replace the software of your brain and get rid of the thoughts that are blocking your success. Because at the end f the day the only thing you need to do in order to become successful is take actions, whatever action you can do will help you to grow. Force yourself to become a doer and not a waiter. Stop waiting for the right time, stop waiting for the good feelings to come because it will never come for sure, you have to push forward no matter what, regardless of how you feel, regardless of the circumstances. 

Overpower your problems, the truth us you're more powerful than your problems but you are letting them make you weak, you are stressing on them too much, you're losing your trust in yourself because of these problems. But if you will power through and do whatever it takes to win then you will win, as simple as that. It's about how hard you push. There is no other way around, you have to take control or else life will try to control you and you will not like it. Just trust hard work, believe in yourself even if nothing good is happening in your life, believe that you can make a small progress. Believe that something will click, it's only just a matter of time before you win. You have to repeat inside of your head the images that you want to manifest in reality, it's a must to repeat it a million times, you have to consume your head with the right information and get rid of the useless information that's making you weak. 

Mind is very powerful, it can make you or break you, it can make you win or make you a loser. It all depends on how you use it, the good thing about it is you can change the software of it, you can forget the past, you can forget who you are, you can forget the loser version of you and make yourself believe that you're a winner. Just repeat the affirmations that you want to manifest in reality, have a positive self talk all the time and never let a scary thought manipulates your thinking. It's a must to remove all the unwanted thoughts, if you can't control it then try to think about the more good thoughts, you have to deal the battles that's happening inside of your head, don't worry because you're always in control, just don't give up. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com

Feb 3, 2022


No complains, no excuses, just shut up and work. Opening your mouth will never get the job done, it will only make the situation worse. Talking is for the weak while doing is for the strong. It's better to be moving than not doing anything, you will feel much better and confident whenever you're working hard. Inaction breeds doubts and fears so why choose it? choose action over inaction, choose action over talking and acting like you know everything. You're stupid if you're just talking but not executing, you need to step up your game, you've been talking for a very long time and what did it do to you? nothing right? you're better than that, you need to wake up and do something about your life, execute, pull the trigger and quit talking all the time. You're just wasting your time opening your mouth, it will never take you to another level. 

Stay humble if you're succeeding and keep working harder, most people fail right away after succeeding a little bit because they were too arrogant, they broadcast their success to the whole world. They feel like they're on top already and that's why they don't work hard anymore, they got complacent, they're not pushing themselves anymore. They go lose everything they have and they go back to start. When you're succeeding you don't need to tell it to everyone, it's a waste of time and energy. It means you still need a validation, it means you're really not successful. If you're really winning then you don't need to tell it to the whole world, they will discover it naturally. Stay humble all the time and just focus on working harder each day. Keep quiet when you're succeeding because you will lose your focus every time you get arrogant, people will try to attack you, people will always have something to say that will distract your mind. Just keep quiet and let them guess what you're up to. 

And when you're struggling... shut up and work too. Never complain, never make dramas, never make out of this world excuses. Just work if you want your situation to get better. Believe in the power of hard work, believe that you can make a break through by just pushing and pushing and pushing. There's no harm in trying, it's much better if you are moving rather than talking and saying nonsense explanations. You don't need to explain yourself why you're failing, you fail because you choose it, it's a decision that you made. If you really wanted to become successful then you will never waste any time and energy, you will use your time for working and getting better. Just shut your mouth if you have nothing good to say, be quiet and just work. You don't need to impress anyone, you don't need to tell them what you're doing, you don't need any attention, keep quit and surprise them with your results. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com

Feb 2, 2022


They can dislike you, they can treat you unfairly, they can ignore you and not appreciate you but they can never deny the work that you put in, they can never deny the numbers that you bring to the table. If you can really work hard, if you have that strong work ethic and you can produce insane numbers everyday then they have no choice but to reward you and kiss your ass. That's why it's ok to be unappreciated, it's ok if you are the underdog, there's nothing wrong if you're not the crowd favorite... what matters is you can show up and you operate on a different level. What matters is you are not afraid to work hard an push yourself to the limits, because the only one that's stopping you is you and your ugly attitude. If you have the right attitude in life then you will win, as simple as that. 

Don't waste time trying to feel appreciated, don't waste time your time trying to convince people that you deserve something, it's time to change. Be the hardest working person and you will get what you want. Believe in yourself, believe that you can produce huge numbers, believe that you can become something great and success will be attracted to you. Keep pushing and always try, treat it like a game, keep trying until something finally bites your trap. Don't be afraid to wait for a long time, don't be afraid to work so hard and not getting anything, it's ok, learn to wait while working hard, if you're really serious about your journey then it's impossible that you will not catch a break, an opportunity will come you just need to give your all and stop being jealous with other people's success. 

There's no pressure to be felt, there's no need to worry if you will become successful or not. Once you gave your best... you already succeeded. You just need to wait for the results, it will come on the right time, it will come if you're really working for it. So stop worrying and just keep moving forward, there is something you can do right now, allow yourself to become a beast. Grind and be serious with your work, never feel lazy again, never feel the lack, always think that what you're doing is working and it's helping you to reach your goals. It's simply about not stopping, whether you are right or wrong... don't stop. Make sure you are active everyday, make sure you are doing something for your goal everyday... that's the only thing that matters.

What people say doesn't matter, your current situation doesn't matter, the only thing that matters is your next move, what are the steps that are you going to take? are you doing something to make your life better? or are you doing it because it's easy and fun? The choice is always yours, the power is in your hands. You have the capacity to become great, you just need to accept that you really need to work hard and focus on your goals. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com


A goal that you will really pursue no matter what, a goal that you will really do even if the whole world is against you, a goal that you're chasing secretly. 

A goal that is about trying and not about winning. Because most people will focus on trying to reach their goals that's why they forgot to do the long process, they're always looking for shortcuts and easy ways that's why they can't move, they don't want to work hard, they're not even trying. If you will focus on your own personal goal then there's a bigger chance that you're going to win. 

Focus on trying, if your basketball coach is only giving you a few minutes of playing time or sometimes even benching you the whole game... make your own personal goal. Try shooting ten times every game, it doesn't matter if you miss all the ten shots, what matters is you shoot ten times. It's your personal goal, never care if your coach shouts at you, never care if your teammates blame you... just shoot ten times every game, do it. Because at the end of the day they don't believe in you, you're not shining, you're not succeeding, what's the point of being afraid? what's the point of caring about what they say? shoot ten times and feel happy with it, it's your own personal goal, it's your own strategy, even if the star player is asking for the ball... don't pass it, shoot it even if you're not confident, shoot it even if there is a big risk. It's your life, you can do whatever you want with it, all the people around you was not included in your goal, it's your own personal goal, forget about winning and losing and just do it. 

If you're having a hard time getting clients on the internet and you're getting frustrated, again there is a solution for that... create your own goal, forget about winning or losing and just call 100 clients a day. Ask for 100 clients a day about work, it doesn't matter if you get zero, what matters is you are chasing your own personal goal. Trust me, something will click, you will get a client in just a matter of time, the law of averages will work. It's simply about numbers, it's your own personal goal, you need to call 100 clients a day, it doesn't matter if it is hard, it doesn't matter if it's too tiring... just do it. It will give you confidence, it will give you a very strong momentum, it will attract success. The more you try, the more chances of winning. 

If you're having a hard time losing weight and you can't figure out what to do anymore... again, create your own personal goal, detach from the outcome and create your own personal goal, try running for 30 minutes a day, do 50 push ups a day. This is more realistic, this is more fun because you're not focusing on the results anymore which means you will have more control. Just do it everyday, try to run for 30 minutes a day and 50 push ups a day, it is doable right? do this for 1 straight year and you will see an amazing change in your body. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com

Feb 1, 2022


You can read all the encyclopedia, britannica or whatever crap you want but does it help you? is it giving you the right information to earn money or become successful? you can be a historian, you can know all the information in the past but how can it help you to leverage yourself to become successful? you can act like a nerd or a book work but if you can't feed your family or provide the basic needs then you're still a dumb useless clown in reality. You can consume a lot of information but the question is is that information helping you to make a progress? many nonsense information out there will try to poison and manipulate your mind, many gurus wannabe out there will try to eat a lot of your time, they will not help you to succeed. Make sure you are consuming the right information if you wanted to succeed. Because your brain will absorb any information that it was exposed to and if you're not aware and meticulous enough then you will have a hard time believing what is real. There's no special tricks to success, you just need to consume the right information, you just need to believe something that will help you to grow and succeed. Most people were studying the wrong information, they thought that knowing a lot means you really know a lot, they thought that trying to look smart means you're really smart. If you wanted to win in life you need to know little but know what will give you advantage. 

Knowing too much is dangerous, it will crowd your mind and stress you, it will confuse you, it will give you anxiety. But if your mind was focused only on the information it needed to succeed then less stress will be felt. You don't need to know or study what's happening around you, you don't need to know everything that's going on, people will always have something to say, people will always try to feed you the wrong information and if you're gullible then you will have a hard time controlling your life. You need to know the information you need in order to succeed and focus only on them, never expose your brain to useless information that will be harmful to your mental health. If you want to stay motivated... be a single minded person, never let people affect your decision, never let people manipulate your mind, you have to believe in yourself, you have to filter those negative thoughts and start blocking them to avoid manipulating your brain. 

Stop believing something fast, you need to investigate or see it yourself, stop acting like an uneducated person craving for some wrong information. You need to be selective of the data and facts that are trying to penetrate your brain. Stop believing a hype, stop believing in new, stop believing people that feels like a guru but hasn't prove anything yet in life. It's much better to believe in yourself than to believe these people that are not helpful at all, they're only scaring you so why you should believe them? they're only stopping you from taking actions so why will you respect them? 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com


The first month was over, one down and 11 more to go. What did you achieve last january? how did you perform? did you manage to eliminate some bad habits? did you manage to make sacrifices just to improve your life a little bit? did you wok harder than the last few months? did you believe yourself more? did you shut down all the negativity inside of your head? are you constantly learning? are you improving a little bit? if all of your answer was no then it's ok, start again, you still have some time but make sure you will start now. Whatever the time is, start, I don't care if it was already 4:30 am just start, I don't care if you're sick and tired or depressed for no reason... just start. The time for being weak is over, the time for being a pussy is over, you need to become a different beast now. Believe harder and work harder, go bigger this time, see yourself winning and never let laziness take control of your life again. 

The real reason why you're not thriving is your laziness, it's not the lack of skills, it's not the lack of money or support... it's your laziness. You're working too hard for stupid activities that doesn't make you grow, you're working hard on staying late at night watching your favorite TV program about vampires and sex addicts, you're spending too much time and working hard researching on stupid politicians, you're not giving yourself any favor by doing that, it's time to wake up and use all of your time for your life, it's time to get better. Discipline yourself to stop wasting time and just do what's making you improve. You're better than that, you need to grind now and focus on what you really want in life. You really don't want those entertainment, you're just using them because they're too easy to access, they're too easy to do. The truth is you want more than that, you want real success but you're pretending not knowing what to do because you don't even want to start. 

Start now and make things happen, do whatever it takes to win, push yourself to the limits and stay disciplined. Believe that anything is possible if you work hard and focus on the right things and activities. Forget every thought that's not helping you, forget every though recorded in your brain that is not motivating you, you need to create a new mind now, create new habits, create a new life. Leave everything in the fast and focus on the moment, real life is happening now, not in the past, not in the future. It's all about your next move, what are you going to do, are you going to be the same lazy person again? or are you going to force yourself to change? it's now or never, the choice is always yours, you have to take matters into your own hands and be the best that you can be.

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com