Feb 5, 2022


Your enemies, haters, foes, critics makes you feel bad not because of what they do to you but because you're still thinking about them. If you can remove them from your mind then you will be free, you will no longer need to revenge. Success is the best revenge, focusing on your own life will make you feel much better. You're always thinking about how to hurt them or humiliate them, you're always thinking about making a revenge on them and that's why you don't have a peace of mind. What is done is done, let it go and focus on the best things in your life, focus on trying to get better each day, ignore all the people that's only making you feel bad, you need to make a move for yourself because you're still stuck in the past. They day that you will be able to hurt them will never come, and come to think of it... does hurting them gonna make you happy? no it's not, you will only feel guilty after that. If you really want to feel good then focus on the positives in your life, focus on trying to get better each day and never worry about other people's lives. Focus on your own life only, focus on trying to improve your situation a little bit. 

You can get rid of the unwanted people in your life by simply not thinking about them because the more you think about them... the more they will be attracted to you. Stop being too emotional, forget the pain that they cause you, forget the past and just move on. The best revenge is to become successful in your life and enjoy the possibilities, if you will focus on other people's lives then you're only creating your own misery. Love yourself, never think about those people that's not helping you to move forward. It's only in the mind, you're the one who's hurting yourself and not them, you're the only one who's being too emotional here, you don't need to make a revenge, you need to forget, if you can't forgive them so be it but just forget them and never think about them again. You don't need to have peace with them, just forget them because it's for your own good, it will make you feel much better and you will be able to set free the anger inside of your heart. 

It's in your mind, those negative thoughts are hurting you, it's time to let go, it's time to just learn the lesson from what happened in the past, it's time to just focus on what's ahead of you. You have a bright future, there's no need to hurt other people because that's just a waste of time and energy, you need to become stronger and better, you need to become smarter and dedicated to your own life only. It's time to think smarter, never use your time and energy for people that will never make you grow. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com

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