Feb 2, 2022


They can dislike you, they can treat you unfairly, they can ignore you and not appreciate you but they can never deny the work that you put in, they can never deny the numbers that you bring to the table. If you can really work hard, if you have that strong work ethic and you can produce insane numbers everyday then they have no choice but to reward you and kiss your ass. That's why it's ok to be unappreciated, it's ok if you are the underdog, there's nothing wrong if you're not the crowd favorite... what matters is you can show up and you operate on a different level. What matters is you are not afraid to work hard an push yourself to the limits, because the only one that's stopping you is you and your ugly attitude. If you have the right attitude in life then you will win, as simple as that. 

Don't waste time trying to feel appreciated, don't waste time your time trying to convince people that you deserve something, it's time to change. Be the hardest working person and you will get what you want. Believe in yourself, believe that you can produce huge numbers, believe that you can become something great and success will be attracted to you. Keep pushing and always try, treat it like a game, keep trying until something finally bites your trap. Don't be afraid to wait for a long time, don't be afraid to work so hard and not getting anything, it's ok, learn to wait while working hard, if you're really serious about your journey then it's impossible that you will not catch a break, an opportunity will come you just need to give your all and stop being jealous with other people's success. 

There's no pressure to be felt, there's no need to worry if you will become successful or not. Once you gave your best... you already succeeded. You just need to wait for the results, it will come on the right time, it will come if you're really working for it. So stop worrying and just keep moving forward, there is something you can do right now, allow yourself to become a beast. Grind and be serious with your work, never feel lazy again, never feel the lack, always think that what you're doing is working and it's helping you to reach your goals. It's simply about not stopping, whether you are right or wrong... don't stop. Make sure you are active everyday, make sure you are doing something for your goal everyday... that's the only thing that matters.

What people say doesn't matter, your current situation doesn't matter, the only thing that matters is your next move, what are the steps that are you going to take? are you doing something to make your life better? or are you doing it because it's easy and fun? The choice is always yours, the power is in your hands. You have the capacity to become great, you just need to accept that you really need to work hard and focus on your goals. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com

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