Feb 27, 2022


Sometimes you can't force success to come into your life whenever you want to. No matter how hard you try you can't make a breakthrough, no matter how skilled or prepare you are you are still failing, it's ok, don't feel bad for yourself. It is what it is, you have to try again, you have to work hard again and never get tired of waiting. Because waiting is part of the process, it's part of the design, you can never force success if it's not meant to happen now. Be patient and learn to wait because your time will come. Just don't stop taking actions towards your dreams and you will be alright, for as long as you're moving forward then you're on the right path. It's simply about how focused you are, it's not about your situation, it doesn't matter if you're winning or losing, the only question is are you really working hard and believing in yourself to the fullest? 

Ten years, 5 years, 2 months... don't be afraid to wait for what you want, entertain yourself through taking actions and never worry if your progress is so slow, it will become faster in just a matter of time. You will have a breakthrough, you will be able to figure out what will work and make the waiting shorter. Stop looking for shortcuts because it's the stupidest thing to do because you're avoiding hard work if you have that kind of mentality, and avoiding hard work means you don't love what you're doing, it means you really don't want to win, you just want to have an easy life. Wishing for an easy life, wishing for an easy process will make your a failure. It's because you will become impatient, you will become depressed and you will quit very fast. Just enjoy baby steps, enjoy every challenge in front of you and try to weather all the storm that is about to test you. 

The key is to feel good every time you discipline yourself, feel proud of yourself every time you take actions. Never judge yourself that you're not doing well, if you're still awake... make yourself productive regardless of how much time you wasted earlier. Move on so fast and never think about the past. Focus on what you can do to day to become better. Your power is lies within taking actions and not hoping for best results. Don't worry about anything else because for as long as you're doing something positive and thinking positive all the time then you will be alright. Don't be afraid to wait for a long time, doing something positive yet getting small results is much better than wasting your time all day and wishing that things would get better. Wishing and hoping is for the weak, watching and feeling like a victim will only make your life worse, you have to do something now before it's too late, make yourself very productive and useful, stop wasting time for nonsense subjects that derails your progress. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com

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