Feb 23, 2022


Waiting too much, wanting something so bad but not taking any actions will make you go crazy, it will poison your mind, it will make you lose your motivation. The best thing to do is just take actions and keep pushing forward, always focus on the hustle, enjoy the process even if it is hard, life will become easier this way, it's still hard but you will have a peace of mind, you will get entertained. If you will always check for the results and what you've been getting lately then you will lose your focus, you will feel unmotivated every time you can't see a change, you will lose the drive and tenacity, you will complain and feel needy, you will start to compare yourself to others. 

But if you will focus on your own journey, if you will just keep grinding and believing then it will feel much better, the stress will go away. Follow your own footsteps, be the best that you can be, be your own role model. For so long you're always looking for someone that will serve as your role model, why not make yourself your own role model. All you have to do is stay disciplined, stay shard and stay focus, nothing can stop you if you will have this kind of mindset. Always finish what you started, always go for the kill, always go for the nail on the coffin, you have to have a killer mindset if you want to win in life. Focus only on the things that you need to do and the thoughts that you need to think, stop dealing with cheap problems that will never give you a solution, stop wasting your time for something that will not even make you grow, you have to go hard all the time and make everyday count. Never take this day for granted, never lose your edge, once you have that momentum... go all out and go for the finish. Enjoy the hustle, enjoy the grind, the actions alone should feel like a prize. Because at the end of the day you need to focus and grind, you can never win if you will never take massive actions, focus on the process and never mind the other things that will never make you closer to success. Be mindful of your actions, don't waste your time entertaining yourself but not improving. If you will do something... make sure it will take you closer from your dreams, make sure it's making you better. Don't do something that is fun but will only make your life worse. You need to think the right way, success is very simple, it's easy to achieve if you are focused. Develop the habits and thought process that will make you move fast and forget hesitation. Don't push and pull... just move forward all the time whenever you can.

It doesn't matter if you're getting small money, small attention, small appreciation, just focus on the hustle... success will come to you in just a matter of time. You should think of yourself as a super hero, the movie is yours... you're chasing success every single day. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com

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