Feb 28, 2018


It's already march, aren't you afraid? you're getting older and older, time is very fast. Tim heals everything but at the same time it can destroy anything. It can destroy you if you're wasting a lot of it, if you're using your time for nonsense activities then you will grow old fast, you will become broke fast, you will have a lot of regrets and depression. Time will destroy you little by little, you will not even notice that it already destroyed you.

Did you notice that january and february is so fast, you think that it's just a new year but two months have already passed. It's too scary, time is getting faster and faster because a lot of entertainment that is nonsense is entertaining you. You feel that you have a lot of time but the truth is your time is running out. You need to push yourself to make your dreams come true. If you will keep on living with the pace that you have right now.... your life will never change, time is really fast, you don't even see yourself getting older and older, you can't even accept that you're already at your 30s.

What did you do in the last two months of this year? did you do something great? or did you completely become lazy? Time will punish you in the future if you don't use it very well. You need to get your head straight and focus on what you really want. Time can make you great, just do something repeatedly, just see rehearse your vision again and again and you will become great.

The good new is... you're still alive, no matter how much time you wasted in the past, you can still turn things around. It's already march, it's time to build a strong momentum so you can finish this year really strong. Don't ever think that wasting a couple of hours is not a big deal, of course it is. It is really a bid deal, you could earn a lot of money, learn a lot of skill, improve your health with those hours that you wasted.

It's grind season homie, prepare now while your life is still good. You will not be able to prepare later if you're on a bad position, your life will get even worse if you're too comfortable now doing nothing.

Make yourself uncomfortable, be in a sense of urgency. Work hard as much as you can. Earn as much as you can, learn as much as you can. It's really up to you if you will upgrade your life or not. It's all in your hands, it's difficult now but the good thing is life is so fast, time is so fast, you maybe struggling now but you will win later.

Do everything you can to change your life, do something significant, do something that you haven't done before. Risk everything on the  line and use all of your power. It's already march, you will not even notice that it's Christmas season again.

Feb 27, 2018


The answer is very simple... you live your life according to your terms. Never follow people that is making life difficult for you. Build a circle that is making you inspired and motivated even more. Work hard than anybody else, make sure you're outworking them. If you don't have any shining inheritance, any out of this world skills then hard work is you only ticket to become a king. You don't have any choice but to choose hard work. You can outshine great people by working harder than them. It's really that simple, yeah it is hard but the strategy and formula is very simple... outwork them all. Double or triple your hard work. Always remember that there is another level of hard work that you can achieve, always remember that.

If you really want to become a king then you need to sacrifice, sacrifice like never before. DO something that  not all people can do. Live your life differently. Never quit until you become successful, accept that it's hard but still work anyway. Always give your best and never quit once you started something. Build an identity of not quitting. Let's say you start a business, never close that business until it becomes successful, never give up even if your financial status is in danger. A king will always rise up to the occasion, he will thrive during hard times, he will not just survive... he will thrive. He will give his life just to win the battle, he is not afraid of dying or getting exhausted. A real king will fight until the end, he will push further than anyone else.

Don't follow an idea that is not appealing to you. Always follow your heart, be open to a lot of ideas but be selective, always choose what really makes you happy. You will never become successful if you're just imitating somebody because he is making a lot of money. Find your own process, invent a technique that you will really love doing forever. Be different, be creative and methodical. Repeat something over and over until you find the real process that fits you.

If something bad happens... just move forward, forget the tragedy and face another adversity. Always face challenges, never shy away from challenges because those things will make you better, tougher and smarter. Experience a lot of experiences, never hide during stressful situations. You must show them that you're willing to take charge and you're always ready to win. But don't be afraid to lose too because not all the time you will win.

Choose not to be a follower, never be commanded by a leader that doesn't work harder than you. If you will follow then follow the real deal, follow someone who has proven a lot of things. Not someone who is just a rookie in life. Becoming a king is a very long process, you really need to go all out and give your best every second of the day. Strive to become the best version of yourself, always push yourself to reach another level.

Feb 26, 2018


If you don't care about the riches of people then you will become really rich, if you are so focused on counting your own money then you will produce more money. The problem with people is they focus on other people's money, they count other people's bread that's why they can't produce wealth on their own.

Two siblings were arguing about the inheritance that they will get from their father, they were arguing everyday, they don't trust themselves that they can get riches on their own, even if one of them gets the bigger share... he will not become rich because he doesn't have the habit of making his own money grow, once he get that money... for sure he will spend it like a big time millionaire, he will spend it like there's no more tomorrow.

If you want to become really rich then just make money, it doesn't matter if you're making big or not, what matters is the mindset of making money and keep money is there. Once you make a money... save it, spending is for poor, it will never get the job done, it will never free you financially.

Change your perception in money, don't think that once you have it then you have to spend it, you need to keep it, you need to multiply it. It's easy to multiply your money once you have it. You need to feel good with the small growth of your money day by day.

A lot of fake gurus out there will tell you how to become rich so fast, they were fakes because getting rich doesn't need to be fast. Once you have the vision of becoming rich and you're willing to do whatever it takes to get there... you're already rich, you will go there, you will arrive at your desired destination. You will do whatever it takes to become rich.

You don't need to become the fastest, sometimes taking it slowly is better, just make sure that you're consistent and always excited. Be excited with the little growth that you're experiencing each day. One dollar, two dollars, ten dollars... if you're growing day by day then you will fell really rich. It's all about how you feel, a lot of people were having a big salary per month but they can't feel that they were rich because they spend too much.

Place it inside of your heart, place the money, think about money, chase it and have it. Don't complicate things, just do the basics and trust time, trust delayed gratification. Don't be a spender, be a saver. Have the commitment to grow your net worth, you can spend something but make sure that you save more. You need to find the joy in saving and the hate in spending. Because the truth is... money coming in feels good than money coming out. If you're consistent in saving and you make it as your number one priority then you will never become broke again, you will become richer and richer each day.

Feb 24, 2018


Do you really need to know if the earth is flat or round? how will it help you? how can it make your life better. Sometimes you're caught in an argument that doesn't serve you at all. You're fighting for a case that doesn't even matter, those information are useless, you need to know something better than that. What you need to know is how to improve yourself, how to earn money, how to make your dreams come true. You're so attracted to information that are interesting but useless. There are lot of information roaming around and if you're not mindful of what's really going on... you will be hypnotized to fetch those useless information.

The best thing to do is become interested with information that will help your life to become better in the future.

How about getting interested at things that will make you rich? how about getting interested with information that will make you become a better person? Even if you prove to the world that the world is flat, will it change your life? will it give you something?

Regardless if the earth is round or flat... you still need to work, I mean you need to work extremely hard to have a better life. Throw away those information that will only waste your time, stop wasting your time because it's too precious.

Stop caring if Jordan is better than Kobe, stop caring if the president is corrupt or not, stop caring about who's the latest pregnant celebrity. You should only care about yourself, family and dreams. If the information is useless then throw it away, put it into garbage and never get it back.

Discipline your mind to get interested only with things and information that are meaningful and can improve your life.

Gossips are trash, the latest news and issues were all useless. If you want to have a better life then better be selective of the information that you're entering into your brain. So what if the earth is flat? what is that theory all about? is the world going to change if the world is flat? will the corruption and crime stop if the world is flat? the funny thing is there are people who argue about that information, they have a lot of time for that nonsense but they don't have time for themselves.

A lot of interesting and controversial information is just wasting your time, you should be aware if something is helping you or not. If you want to become great always be aware if you're spending your time with the right things.

You have to be disciplined so that you will make your dreams come true, it's so easy to get tempted by information that sounds cool or useful. But in the end... your employer will not even ask you if the earth is round, there is no money on that information.

Be interested with something that will improve your life, something that will teach you a real lesson that you can use in your everyday living. Stop acting like you need to learn something, you only wanted to know about it because you want to brag to your friends and tell them that you know a lot.

You only need to know the things that will make your life easier and happier.

Feb 23, 2018


Just accept it and ignore it and it will never have an effect on you, it will never make you feel bad again. If you will give it no meaning then it will no longer have an effect on you. Is what it is, sometimes there are really things that will make you feel bad but if you will face it and accept it then it will never make you feel bad anymore, it will bother you a little bit but in the end you will still remember that it is only you that can make yourself feel bad.

Experience it over and over again and it will no longer affect you, you will even just laugh at it and let it go, you will not even think about it anymore.

Don't be afraid of something that is stressful, if you can experience it everyday then it is nothing, it will be powerless. You are powerful than what you think of yourself, you can endure anything if you will just ignore it and entertain thoughts that are empowering.

It's only difficult in the beginning because you haven't experience that level of stress yet but when you get use to it then it will be nothing.

So feel it everyday, never shy away from it nor hide away from it, just face it and do it... everything will turn out well in the end. It's just a matter of conditioning your mind that it's nothing.

If you experience a level of pain everyday... you will become very familiar with it and it will bring your toughness to another level.

It's just a matter of conditioning your mind and enduring some level of pain that is hurting you now, keep being hurt again and again and it will never hurt you again tomorrow, it's like another ordinary day... a peaceful and easy one.

Little by little face it, listen to it, feel it, see it, look at it, experience it. Once you get use to it then your life will become easier, everything feels perfect  again.

It's like making your brain tougher, making your emotional immune system stronger, because the truth is... nothing can hurt you nor disturb you if your mind is tough. If you're not emotional and sensitive then everything will be alright.

You're a tough person, you can endure anything, you can be anything. It's just a matter of controlling your brain and not being too emotional and sensitive, you an solve any problems and face tough challenges.

The conclusion is... if you can experience it everyday then it will no longer have an effect on you, especially if you will not put any emotion into it. You can face traffic without being afraid of it, you can endure it if you're experiencing it everyday. You can face your terror professor everyday even if she's always humiliating you, you can show her that you're interested with her subject and you're willing to get humiliated over and over again, if you will just complete the requirements then you will pass even if you really can't understand all of the lessons. Perseverance always thrives in the end, just show the universe that you're willing to face any tension and pain and you will succeed, you will be the last man standing.

Feb 21, 2018


Finish the drawing even if you feel that the outcome will become ugly, finish painting the door of your house even if the paint is uneven. It's all about finishing it and not aiming for perfection, great outcome is good, greatness is good but what if you can only do less? what if you can only produce a mediocre output? aren't you going to take it? you need to take it and never think if it's ugly or not, the key so success is to always finish something. Sometimes ugly feels great especially if you did it the hard way, if you struggle to finish it, even ugly is considered as art. If you feel something about it and you really feel passionate about it then it's fine, forget about their reactions, forget about their comments towards your work... just finish it.

Perfection is just an illusion, even the most expensive car has flaws, even the smoothest hollywood celebrities has insecurities. The idea about being perfect is not real, it's only a hype. So if you need to finish something... just give your best to finish it, don't rush, take your time but if you're running out of time then just go hard and go really strong. Forget about the outcome, have the freedom from outcome. Producing something is better than making excuses. I'd rather pull the trigger than hope to become a winner, even if the journey gets ugly... just take it and finish it.

Just pretend that you're not making any mistakes, just pretend that everything is alright, forget all the flaws and shortcomings, forget the imperfections and never talk about it. Act as if something wrong didn't happen.... that is how to move forward in life.

Nobody will judge you, you will never hear their critics if you will never listen to them. Listen to your heart, listen to your instincts telling you that you must finish it no matter what. Do it even if it's ugly, just do it and forget the results. They may laugh at you, they may ignore your work, they may give you a very low grade but so what? at least you finished something.

Finishing something is better than dreaming about something. You will be the judge if your work is ugly or not, if it gives you happiness while doing it then it's beautiful, you don't need to ask for someone else if it's beautiful or not, you don't need to seek fro their approval.

There is always a beauty in ugliness, there is always a beauty in everything so even f it's ugly, someone will still appreciate it, it will still sell. Keep doing your thing and forget about greatness, focus on your work and make it magical. Push it to the next level for as long as you can.

Some people were always thinking about greatness and perfection, they don't know that it's a step by step process, they don't know that they have to endure the rough times and push to the very last part until they finished.

Feb 20, 2018


You should become what you'ta talking about. If you're talking about grind then be the grind, if you're talking about success then you should produce success, produce real hard work, make a real effort. A lot of people were talking about money, success, greatness but it's all fake because they can't be what they're talking about. They talk about hustle but all the do is talk about it, they are never about it, they're not even working for more than 8 hours a day. Your dreams will only happen if you're doing whatever it takes to make it happen, it will never become a reality if all you do is dream about it and talk about it, you need to make actions for it.

So stop talking, talking is for the losers, moving is for the winners. You're just wasting your time if you're talking too much, if you're really a fan of hard work then simply work hard. You don't need to talk about it, you don't need to brag about it, just live it. Treat it as something that is so normal to your daily routine, never make it a big deal, don't be proud about it, don't complain about it.

All of your dreams will only become a reality if you stop talking about it. Just get it now, be super close to it, make the most logical action to make it come true. Never rely on shortcuts because it will never really work, you might win one day but you will lose a lot on the following days because taking shortcuts was all about luck, it's an easy train... it will never give you the habit of working everyday despite of not getting anything.

You know in yourself if you're a fake or not, be ashamed of yourself if all you do is talk. It's all about getting the results, it's not about how high you dream. You can dream all day long but if you're not doing something for it then it means you're fake. You need to be the real deal, you need to live what you're trying to preach. It's easy to talk than to move, everyone can talk but not everyone can do whatever it takes to make their dreams come true.

HOW TO KNOW IF YOU'RE REALLY LIVING YOUR DREAM? If you're making yourself uncomfortable, if you're taking actions more than you can do, if you're breaking your routines and trying to be a little bit better than yesterday, if you can sacrifice and endure the negative emotions just to make your dream a reality. If you're talking about money then get a lot of money, if you're talking about success then force yourself to become successful. It will not come into your life if you're not getting it, you need to be real, you need to be serious. Everyone can act like a clown, everyone can tell about their dreams but only few are really getting it, only few are really taking it seriously. 

Feb 18, 2018


What makes you move is working, it means it's motivating you, it means you believe it and your trusting the process. Even if the results were not yet coming in... keep doing it because it.s working, it's forcing you to take actions. Because the reality is... something that is making you move naturally will give you results in the future, you may not see it now but eventually you will. Check yourself if you're still moving, if not anymore then move, as simple as that. Move and it will work again. That is why you have to choose something that gives you a little bit happiness, something that you're passionate so that you will move forever. So if you find yourself always moving... be happy because everything you're doing is working.

Actions is the only barometer of success, if you're taking actions then it means you're doing it right. It's all in the mind, condition your mind to keep moving everyday and everything that you're doing will surely work. It is working if it makes you move, that is what it's all about. So watch yourself carefully, if you can't see yourself moving then do everything to make yourself move including instilling fear into your system. Scare yourself, think that you will become broke or a loser if you didn't move. Nobody wants to become a loser, so consider yourself already a loser if you're not moving.

Actions is the only barometer of success, a lot of talented people out there are not successful because they can't take actions, there are even some people with no talents at all but are successful because they take consistent actions everyday, they never stop, they never quit. They do whatever it takes to become a winner. It's all about finding the next logical stop and doing it, do it right away, never think if it will give you something or not, just do it, always be in a forward motion.

Moving is not that hard, just stop thinking and exert a mediocre effort in the beginning. Never under estimate mediocrity because it always serves as a starting point, a stepping stone, any movement you can do... be happy with it, never regret it even if it's ugly.

Thinking about perfection will make you stuck, you will always worry, you will always compare yourself to others, you will always criticize your own work. And guess what? criticizing your own work will ever help you, your progress will stop if you do that.

Just be happy with every action that you take because it means you're on the right track, it means you're on the correct path, keep working and you will finish it.

There is no wrong action because it will reveal you the next move, it will give you confidence and momentum, so whatever you can think of... execute right away and forget about what might happen next. Forget about what people say, you are the judge if your work is right or wrong not them.

Feb 17, 2018


Trust your work, trust your creations, always believe that everything will work out in the end. It's just a matter of believing in yourself and giving your best every single day, if you are willing to give your all then you will become successful one day. It's just a matter of committing with the grind and hustle and never giving up, as simple as that. Becoming successful in your own way is really that simple, just stay focused and never listen to what other people say, never mind their suggestions and opinions, trust your instincts, if you think that it will work then it will work.

Trust it, just trust it, even if they told you that your work is mediocre or lame... keep doing it, you will become great one day if you keep repeating. Of course they will mock you in the beginning, they will laugh at you but perseverance will find a way, perseverance will discover greatness. The one who keeps fighting even if the sun is not shining usually wins.

Always trust your work, even if you fail a lot of times... still trust it, love it and be proud of it. You will be recognized one day, it's impossible that you will not be appreciated. Never count your efforts, never think that you're deserving because you need to work until the end, you need to keep grinding until you become successful. SO even if you're so tired, even if you can't move anymore... you still need to keep pushing. You need to keep moving even if it hurts so bad. Be called crazy but you don't have any other choice but to work. It's your only ticket to success, you have to fall in love with the process, find the joy in the process, it's the process that will make you happy not the result. A lot of people get the car easily because their parents gave it to them but they're not happy after a few weeks, it's because there's no process in getting that car, it was given easily, there is no joy and suffering behind it, it get's too easy that's why it's boring.

Because if you will not trust your work then it will not work. You're simply wasting your time if you don't believe in yourself. You need to trust yourself and every step that you're doing. It's the simplest formula that you can use... jut trust yourself, trust your work and make sure you will use all of your energy to make your dreams happen. Don't be afraid to use your energy, don't be afraid to get exhausted because you can always recover, you can always become strong again tomorrow. Get exhausted now and use all of your energy to become a winner in life.

Never stop working, always raise your head, always believe in your beliefs, you may look like a clown right now, you may look like a loser right now because you're not winning but always remember that life is a marathon, those who put in the effort for so long will win in life. It's not how fast you get it, it's how long are you willing to wait to get it.

Feb 16, 2018


Don't say "don't be scared", say "be scared" and move despite of fear. Fear is just an emotion, you will be scared everyday, you will get nervous and anxious especially if you're risking something. You will be scared if you're growing but that's part of live, that's part of your evolution. If you're not scared then you're not doing it right, you're not risking at all. If you want to grow then be scared and move right away, don't be afraid to take risk, don't be afraid to do what is right. Always remember that it's just a feeling, it's not real, you can always manipulate how you feel. Just relax, take it easy, if you feel fear then just slow down a little bit and always be aware of what's running inside of your brain. It is what it is, this is life, life didn't tell you that you will feel good everyday. It only promises you happiness and happiness can be achieved by overcoming fears.

Be scared now, be scared tomorrow, be scared forever but still do what you have to do. If you're running away from fear it means you're refusing to grow, you're refusing to step on a different level. You can run away from fears everyday but you will still feel it again and again so why not feel it now? you will feel it no matter what, even if you act like you're the bravest man in the world, even if you become very successful... you will still feel it. That's how life goes, fear will never leave you. It's up to you how are you going to handle it. The best thing to do is give it a different meaning, give fear a different meaning. Always think that you're becoming a better person every time you face your fears. Every time you face it... your level becomes higher and higher.

Fear is the number one element to success, once you conquered all of it... you will become one of the best, you will have a different level of confidence. All you have to do is feel it and always try to stay relax, never crumble, never panic... jut feel it because it will soon go away. It will give you a different experience, you will learn something, you will become wiser than yesterday.

Facing it will make you mentally tough, it doesn't matter if you're ready or not, just face it and feel it second per second. Never rush, never try to end the pain, feel it and you will learn that it's nothing, it's not bigger than what you think. You will even laugh at it.

Once you're scared now, be scared again tomorrow... try to face your fear again tomorrow, the cycle should never end, there will always be another level of fear and it's your duty to conquer it. You will be amazed at how good you become, you will even praise yourself, you will accept that fear is part of your life and all you have to do is stay calm and feel it. Feel the pressure, absorb the tension.

Feb 14, 2018


There is always something wrong, there will always be something wrong but it's ok, it's always ok. Things and situations will never be perfect but it's ok, for as long as you're alive... it is always ok. Never stop thinking positive, never stop your work, keep reaching another level... that is what life is all about. Life is about challenges and making something great out of it. If the road is rough... keep travelling it, if the going gets tough... get tougher, as simple as that.

Life is not perfect, there will always be something that will annoy you, there will always be something that will make you feel bad, if you're too emotional and sensitive then you will never win.

If you didn't perfect the exam... that's ok, if you didn't get the prize... that's ok. If the cake that you bought is not that delicious and didn't meet your expectations... that's ok. Are you going to die if you see something wrong? it's not about being mediocre but it's about not making everything a big deal. If you can't have what you have so what? if there is something wrong in what you bought so what? are you going to die if there's something wrong.

The point here is what's the big deal if you're mediocre or not? everyone is talking about greatness but they can't even get started, their talking about perfection but they can't be happy when everything is going well. Raise your standards but don't feel bad if you can't reach it. It's not about winning, it's about appreciating. You want to become perfect because you want people to appreciate you but that's not the point of life, that's not what life is all about. Your life will be easier if you will give your best, select what you want and never give time for people who will just bring you down.

There will always be something wrong in a party, there will always be something wrong in a presentation but don't ever feel guilty about your mistakes especially if you give your very best.

It's ok to get a mediocre results, it's ok to wear an imperfect shirt or dress, if you're happy about your life then everything is already perfect. You don't need to look for what is missing in your life, you don't need to feel needy or less, you don't need to feel the scarcity because abundance is always in your life if you will become appreciative.

So what if what they have is bigger than what you have? it's bigger but if you feel happier then what is yours is bigger. It's how you feel about what you have, it's not about the size.

A perfect life is just an illusion, even if you live in a castle... you will still see flaws in your life, you will still feel bad. If you don't feel bad, emotional or angry anymore then there is something wrong with you. It's ok to get a little disappointed, what matters is you can get rid of those negative emotions easily and you can make yourself happy with what you have.

Feb 12, 2018


You may react weird, you may react scared, you maybe stunned, you may shy away from it, you may run or you may stick with it and process it. It's your reaction towards any kind of situation that will define your life. If you're so afraid of stress or tension then you will never be able to express yourself, you will remain a scared puppy that will never win in life.

How will you react if your business is going down? some people will give up, worried and look for another business. But some people will stay calm and still give their very best to rise up again and get back on track again. It's how you react positively, that's how you win in life. If you will react negatively to small things then your progress will become very slow. You can't be bothered all the time by the small things that doesn't really matter. You should think about big things and focus on them.

If you react easily to small things that has no benefits like people disrespecting you a little bit, people cutting you on traffic, people criticizing your work etc... if you react easily with those things then you're not in the moment, you're not making your life better. You need to react on things that are big, react with opportunities to make money, react with your real friend calling you, react if your wife needs some attention. How will you react with situations that does really matter? Be reactor with control and with sense, never react to things that will only make your situation more difficult.

A bad reaction about small thing can cost you a lot, it may destroy your day or even your whole week. If you feel bad about small things that will not even contribute to your growth then you're only making your life difficult.

Never care about the things that will only slow you down. If you will focus on the more positive things then you will have a better life. It's very simple, just stay positive everyday, have a goal and pursue it. If you will take your goals seriously then you will never even notice the things that are bothering you.

Another scenario... you feel anxious about little mistakes that you did, let's say you park your car wrong and you don't want to fix it anymore because some people are looking at you. Let me tell you this, you will even look stupid if you will not fix what you know is wrong. If you want to fix something then fix it regardless of how many eyes were looking at you. You can position your car better, you can do it even if it takes a lot of time for you to do it. Don't be afraid to move during stressful moments, you still need to do what is better for your life.

Sometimes you are overreacting, you're making everything a big deal but the truth is it is not of a big deal, it's how you interpret the situation. If you will always stay positive then nothing can bother you, nothing can harm you mentally.

Feb 11, 2018


Sometimes you need to use brute force in order to make something happen. Sometimes you're being too weak, you're not using your strength, you're not channeling your energy for a better result. All you do is take life for granted. Force yourself to move, the time for being spoiled brat is over, take actions now and force the situation. The right timing is not coming so what are you going to do? you can't feel better, you can't feel motivated, what are you going to do? You can't make it right, what are you going to do? it's time to force the situation now. Do what you think is right and never regret that you did it. Sometimes your pace is too slow because you're so comfortable.  You need to have a sense of urgency, you need to decide for yourself.

If nothing is going right it means your effort is too weak, it means you're not moving fast and working hard, you're so chill and relaxed, you think you have a lot of time only to find out that it's over. You only have limited time in this world, it sounds cheesy but it's true. You need to have a lot of time for yourself and goal. Stop thinking too much about other things that doesn't even matter. Force the situation and always keep moving forward.

Grind harder, work faster... make a lot of mistakes and correct them if you can, correct them if you need to. Make small results everyday and be consistent, that is how winning is done. You can't be making excuses i you can't produce results, you have to do whatever it takes to make results. The only thing you need to do is do what you can do at the moment, take it one step at a time and always keep moving forward. Be hard on yourself, be mad at yourself if you're not making any results, it only means that you're not taking it seriously. You have to be fully disciplined, you have to have an insane focus and consistency.

It's hard, yeah it is hard but what can you do? if it is not hard then there will be no growth. Once you find yourself being lazy and slow... force yourself, act right now, be relentless and never stop. Time is running, you need to be scared because time is so precious, you can accomplish a lot in one year but you're so relaxed and busy doing some stupid stuffs that will not even contribute to make your life better.

Make a dramatic change in your life by forcing yourself to move despite of feeling heavy and lazy, you will make a change if you will dedicate yourself to make a change. It is pretty easy if you will force yourself to enjoy what you're doing. Aren't you sick and tired of having a slow pace? it doesn't feel good right?

Once you wake up in the morning, move right away. Do something for your goal, stop checking your favorite website, stop texting, stop checking the facebook. Force yourself to take actions that will give you profit, do something that will give you a good future, give yourself a chance to become successful. The only way to make results it to force yourself, it's the only way to give you a momentum.

Feb 9, 2018


No pain , no gain, this is an old school quote but still works. Every big dream... you should get it through pain, if you will take shortcuts then you will never succeed. You should feel the suffering and the pain, you should feel stressed, you must feel that you're almost going crazy. If you will get it easily then there is no thrill, the work ethic was not built... you're going to lose it easily. No pain no gain, trust pain... if the process is painful, keep doing it because it will make you tougher and experienced, it will make you a better person in the future. So don't be afraid if the road is rocky, don't be afraid if your boss is rude, don't get stressed if the process is slow... it will all work in the end. Just keep enjoying the process and never get tired of working and working. This quote is very simple, it is so common and everyone knows it... without pain and sacrifice, you are nothing. Just like in lifting weights or something, if you're trying to build a muscle you need to make it sore, you need to lift heavy weights and enjoy repetition, you need to really feel the sore in your muscles if you want to succeed. Using steroids and not doing anything is like fooling yourself, there is no pain on it so there is no gain on it. What is hard has more benefits, what is easy will only give you short term success, it will give you a lot of regrets in the end.

You can only learn through pain, you can only grow from pain, there is no other way around. All the boxers endure a lot of punch in the face before they became champions. All the champions endure a lot of painful defeats before they became successful. You can never make shortcuts or else you're dead. If you want more gain then take more pain, as simple as that. Don't be afraid of the process, don't shy away from stress... that is what it is all about. Look at your life... are you dealing with some pain now? if yes then be happy because it means you're growing but if not then you better worry because it means you're stuck, it means your enjoying stagnancy. You better level up your game if you want to go further. Fall in love with stress, embrace chaos, it is the only thing that will make your life easier.

NO PAIN NO GAIN will always work, this is one of the most effective quote in the world. There is no other way around, you have to face it or else you will never grow, you will never achieve anything in life. Be happy if you're in pain because it means there are some changes in your life, success is on the way, just keep on taking the pain and everything will turn out well in the end, that is guaranteed.

Feb 8, 2018


Don't worry about anything because you will lose it all in the future. You're so worried about your car, you love it, you don't wanna use it because you think someone might scratch it. You will lose it when you're about to die, you will never be able to bring it with you so why worry so much about it? why are you so stressed about it? it will never be yours forever. The money, the house, your friends, your golds... you will lose all of it when you die. It's not about being negative but it's the reality, all you can do is enjoy it while you still have it. Stop worrying or taking care of your things so much, it's not that you will take it for granted but the thing is stop being scared that you might lose it because the truth is you will really lose it in the future. Everything that you have is just temporary, nothing will stay in this world.

Your legacy, reputation, image... it is nothing, don't worry so much about your status in life, you will never maintain it forever. People will still forget you, time will wash away all of your achievements. It is nothing, don't make it a big deal if people are criticizing you, don't feel bad if you look bad into the eyes of other people. It is what it is, it's their judgement, you cannot force them to like you. All you can do is be yourself and give your best, enjoy life while you're still strong. And speaking of power... you will lose it too in the future, you think your're powerful now? don't worry because you will become weak as your grow old.

There is nothing to worry about, if you're still living then you're completely fine. Why worry about tings that are not permanent? nothing is permanent in this world. Take away all the pressure because nothing is permanent in this world. All the pain, problems, challenges, sickness... it is not permanent too, they have an ending. Enjoy life while it is still yours because one day it will be taken away from you. Why worry about something that is not permanent? why think about the things that are not yours forever? You really don't have anything, you have to realize it.

It doesn't mean that just take your life for granted, the point here is nothing in this world is permanent, you don't even know if you will still see tomorrow. So take away all of the pressure in life, just be the best that you can be, laugh about things that makes you worried because it is really nothing. Don't take life seriously but always give your best to experience a lot of things, experience joy happiness, wisdom and the courage to pursue your dreams. But don't ever feel bad if you can't get all of them because even if you get them... you will still lose them one day. Everything will evaporate, none of them will stay forever.

Feb 6, 2018


Just always keep this inside this inside of your head... you will succeed no matter what, even if it's hard, even if you feel like giving up, even if you were so stressed and overwhelmed... you will succeed, you will be able to open the gates of victory, you will unlock a door that has opportunities behind it. Always keep your vision clear and actions alive. The time is now, you will succeed if you keep pushing forward. What will you do if the storm is not stopping? what will you do if the pain is not going away? if you quit then your journey is over but if you keep on moving forward a little bit then your dream has a still a possibility to come true. Always keep in mind that you will become successful, never think about failure. It's ok to become scared a little bit but don't ever let that fear eat you. Don't ever let doubts destroy your mind. You will succeed even if it's your own terms or other people's terms, whatever means necessary... you will become successful at any stakes. The key here is to always occupy your mind with positive and successful thoughts, never put something in there that will only make you weak and sick. Always stay positive and become the best version of yourself.

All you got to do is push and you will succeed. Push when you feel lazy, push when your production is less, push even if you feel weak. Your tenacity is your victory. Don't ever exert a weak effort, cut all the excuses and you will experience success. You will succeed no matter what if you're making a consistent push, if you're really serious about it and you're willing to give your life... you will succeed. Forget about your situation, forget if you're suffering or not. It's ok, just keep moving, keep taking actions, so what if you get tired, so what if you get overwhelmed and pressure is almost killing you? you're not going to die, you can still breathe, it only means that you have a super big chance in getting it. Dream as much as you can, believe as much as you can... you will succeed in just a matter of time. Never be a sacrificial lamb to your fear, never let it eats you. A lot of dreams died because of fear, the reality is... the only thing that's stopping you is your fear and nothing else. You can move freely despite of feeling scared, you can still make significant progress despite of fear so what is it to fear about? you have nothing to lose.

You will succeed because you keep on working, you will succeed because your vision is crystal clear, you will succeed because you have tremendous belief in yourself and you have unparalleled will. There is nothing else to worry about, you can do it if you will push yourself to the limits... keep moving forward and never stop.

Feb 2, 2018


If you're moving now, if you're taking actions now... there is no motivation needed. Even if you feel bad and you have the willpower to move, you're already motivated. Sometimes you don't need motivation at all, sometimes you don't think you're motivated but you are really motivated because you're moving and doing what you're suppose to do. Your determination is still alive, you still wanted to finish the task even if you're so slow and you can't think right. Don't forget that you're free, you can still move, you can still do something even if you feel so heavy and chained. You have unlimited energy even if you don't feel right, just take little steps every now and then and you will be alright. And the truth is you don't need motivation, motivation is overrated, what will you do if you're not motivated? just sleep? regardless if you're motivated or not... move and do something about your situation. Don't underestimate your willpower, you can always do something if you will force yourself to take actions. Put this in your mind "I am motivated to take actions even if it is uncomfortable" recite it over and over again and your life will change, your psychology and physiology will change. Take actions now and feel motivated, you will start to feel better and better if you're taking actions.

Feb 1, 2018


Building confidence is very easy, it's easy as 1 2 3. Just move, just take risk and never make dramas once you didn't get what you want. It's that simple, taking actions is the only way to build confidence. If you're a basketball player and you don't have the confidence to score... just score, try to shoot the ball as many as you can, that is the only thing that will give you confidence, take risks and forget about being scolded by your pussy coach. Remember that the more risks you take, the more confidence you will get. Be closer to what you fear the most, if you want to get confident at something... do it over and over again and you will never feel scared anymore the next time you try it. If the stakes are high... that's the best time you need to take actions, that's the best time you need to do it. You can never become confident if you're always on the safe position. If there is no pressure, embarrassments, humiliation and danger then there is no growth. Once you feel discomfort then that's the time that you must man up and face the danger in front of you. Confidence doesn't come so fast, the procedure is easy but you need to work, you need to train yourself, it's practice, it's repetition.

If you are confident then you can have anything, especially if you're paring it with hard work. Acting confident without work is not confidence, it's arrogance, it's fake, it's cockiness. Take risks, do what you are afraid of and you will feel free, you will feel good. It's a work, you have to understand it, it's a lot of work. If you're not confident now it only means you're not working, it only means you're being lazy and you're not taking risks. You may feel confident now but tomorrow you will become scared again. Always remember that confidence is not there to stay forever, you need to work on it, water it and feed it. It's like a plant, you need to put fertilizers on it so that it will keep growing and growing.

Tell yourself that you're confident, tell yourself that you can do it and then do it. Once you detect the fear in your life... go towards it and eat it like a small carrots. You can become a beast if you will choose to, you're once decision away from becoming the person that you want to be. You need to use your power, use your strength to achieve the life that you want. You're not using all of your strength that's why you can't get the decisions that you want. You have a lot of power in your body,you need to use it every time you need to use it. Don't be shy, show them what you got.

Build your confidence day by day, the more you take actions, the more you ignore hesitation... the more you will become very confident. It's like a game, you level up each day and you never stop until the game is over.