Feb 6, 2018


Just always keep this inside this inside of your head... you will succeed no matter what, even if it's hard, even if you feel like giving up, even if you were so stressed and overwhelmed... you will succeed, you will be able to open the gates of victory, you will unlock a door that has opportunities behind it. Always keep your vision clear and actions alive. The time is now, you will succeed if you keep pushing forward. What will you do if the storm is not stopping? what will you do if the pain is not going away? if you quit then your journey is over but if you keep on moving forward a little bit then your dream has a still a possibility to come true. Always keep in mind that you will become successful, never think about failure. It's ok to become scared a little bit but don't ever let that fear eat you. Don't ever let doubts destroy your mind. You will succeed even if it's your own terms or other people's terms, whatever means necessary... you will become successful at any stakes. The key here is to always occupy your mind with positive and successful thoughts, never put something in there that will only make you weak and sick. Always stay positive and become the best version of yourself.

All you got to do is push and you will succeed. Push when you feel lazy, push when your production is less, push even if you feel weak. Your tenacity is your victory. Don't ever exert a weak effort, cut all the excuses and you will experience success. You will succeed no matter what if you're making a consistent push, if you're really serious about it and you're willing to give your life... you will succeed. Forget about your situation, forget if you're suffering or not. It's ok, just keep moving, keep taking actions, so what if you get tired, so what if you get overwhelmed and pressure is almost killing you? you're not going to die, you can still breathe, it only means that you have a super big chance in getting it. Dream as much as you can, believe as much as you can... you will succeed in just a matter of time. Never be a sacrificial lamb to your fear, never let it eats you. A lot of dreams died because of fear, the reality is... the only thing that's stopping you is your fear and nothing else. You can move freely despite of feeling scared, you can still make significant progress despite of fear so what is it to fear about? you have nothing to lose.

You will succeed because you keep on working, you will succeed because your vision is crystal clear, you will succeed because you have tremendous belief in yourself and you have unparalleled will. There is nothing else to worry about, you can do it if you will push yourself to the limits... keep moving forward and never stop.

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