Feb 24, 2018


Do you really need to know if the earth is flat or round? how will it help you? how can it make your life better. Sometimes you're caught in an argument that doesn't serve you at all. You're fighting for a case that doesn't even matter, those information are useless, you need to know something better than that. What you need to know is how to improve yourself, how to earn money, how to make your dreams come true. You're so attracted to information that are interesting but useless. There are lot of information roaming around and if you're not mindful of what's really going on... you will be hypnotized to fetch those useless information.

The best thing to do is become interested with information that will help your life to become better in the future.

How about getting interested at things that will make you rich? how about getting interested with information that will make you become a better person? Even if you prove to the world that the world is flat, will it change your life? will it give you something?

Regardless if the earth is round or flat... you still need to work, I mean you need to work extremely hard to have a better life. Throw away those information that will only waste your time, stop wasting your time because it's too precious.

Stop caring if Jordan is better than Kobe, stop caring if the president is corrupt or not, stop caring about who's the latest pregnant celebrity. You should only care about yourself, family and dreams. If the information is useless then throw it away, put it into garbage and never get it back.

Discipline your mind to get interested only with things and information that are meaningful and can improve your life.

Gossips are trash, the latest news and issues were all useless. If you want to have a better life then better be selective of the information that you're entering into your brain. So what if the earth is flat? what is that theory all about? is the world going to change if the world is flat? will the corruption and crime stop if the world is flat? the funny thing is there are people who argue about that information, they have a lot of time for that nonsense but they don't have time for themselves.

A lot of interesting and controversial information is just wasting your time, you should be aware if something is helping you or not. If you want to become great always be aware if you're spending your time with the right things.

You have to be disciplined so that you will make your dreams come true, it's so easy to get tempted by information that sounds cool or useful. But in the end... your employer will not even ask you if the earth is round, there is no money on that information.

Be interested with something that will improve your life, something that will teach you a real lesson that you can use in your everyday living. Stop acting like you need to learn something, you only wanted to know about it because you want to brag to your friends and tell them that you know a lot.

You only need to know the things that will make your life easier and happier.

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