Feb 29, 2020


I'm working hard, I did it my way, I knew I already paid the price so there is no reason to believe that I am going to lose. I deserve to win and I am going to win, I did whatever it takes to go to a different level and I am still pushing, I am not relaxing, I am not taking it easy, my pace continues to go and go and go, there is no stopping on me now so there is no way I am going to lose and eat mud again. I made myself to become a different beast, I am an animal, it's impossible to beat me. It's because I know that the only person that can beat me is myself, I never complain, I never make excuses and I will keep on pushing until I win. I am so obsess in winning, I hate losing and I can't stomach it anymore. This is my time now and I really believe it. My mind is tough as nails, my metal game is already on a different level. I sacrifice more than enough and I already experience a lot of pain so it only means that getting on top is the next destination.

I am not going to lose because I will never quit, I don't care if I am so damn exhausted, I will just keep moving forward and embrace the next situation. I am so hungry as a lonely wolf, I can do the impossible now, I don't mind passing out because of my exhaustion because I know I can survive this and make myself a legendary. I don't see myself losing. I only see myself holding the money, the trophy, the recognition and everything I dreamed of. I don't care about what people feel, I have business to do and I will never stop until I made myself a winner. No way I'm going to lose, this is my time now, this is what I've been waiting for, all I need to do is keep moving forward and that's it, it's only just a matter of time before I taste the victory. The good thing is I am very patient because I believe that it's really for me.

It may come now or tomorrow, or next week. I don't care if I wait a little longer because I'm lock in and my dreams cannot escape anymore, it's locked down, all I need to do is pull it towards me and never let it escape. I am devouring every situation, I am so opportunistic and I take every step to become successful. I don't care about what may happen next I will just move forward and keep going until the fight is over.

I can find the energy when I am tired, I can find the right thought to motivate myself, I can keep going no matter what, my energy is endless, I am immortal, there is no reason why I will fall because my dream and success is already ingrained into my system, I will just get it and I will have it, as simple as that. 

Feb 28, 2020


If you're having a trouble starting a task it means you want to make it perfect right away, it means you want to finish fast, you're already thinking about the outcome and not the step by step process. It only means... you're lazy, you want shortcuts and that's why you're having trouble in getting started. But if you will just accept that execution is better than perfection then you will be able to move and free yourself from the idea that there is an easy way on how to get things done. You can only destroy your laziness by facing the pain and forcing yourself to work. It is what it is, you need to work hard or else you will never become successful. Just execute, even if the task is really challenging and overwhelming always look for the first step and then follow through, keep looking for something you can do, navigate through a space where you can operate and make yourself unstoppable by really working hard and pushing yourself to the limits.

It's hard to focus on actions because we all want immediate results. But success doesn't work that way, you need to suffer before you prosper, you need to execute before you experience great things in life. If you're always focus on the result then you will never get an result, focus on taking it one step at a time, work hard every single day and let the results manifest itself. Once you start it will be a lot easier to take the next and remaining steps, you already have a momentum and your confidence in yourself improved a little bit. Execution will put you on a better position to succeed, you already won the moment you start something. Moving forward is a very powerful weapon, it will make you create something, it will make you attract something. You will feel good if you execute, you will feel confident.

So never focus on the results, it will only make you feel bad if you can't get it. Focus on the process, try this for one month and you will see the difference, keep working for one month and never check where you at. Never check if you're making money or not, never check if you're improving or not and simply do the process. You will be amazed with that you have accomplished. Because always checking for results is a waste of time, you don't that you're throwing a lot of minutes or even hours by checking for the results, it will never give you anything good, it is only making your life worse.

Be aware if you're not taking actions and move right away. You must know if you're procrastinating, because most people were not aware that they are wasting time. It's because they were having a lot of fun with entertainments that will never even give them anything in the future. Success is defined by practicing delayed gratification everyday, you need to stop looking for enjoyment and instant pleasures, choose sacrifices instead and give your very best every single day.

You don't need to become perfect, all you need to do is move and do something. because striving for perfection will only make you overwhelmed, you will never move because you will get disappointed with the mediocre results that you are getting. It's ok, it's better to produce something than to produce nothing. 

Feb 27, 2020


Once you quit you're always a quitter. Why quit if you have the ability to move forward a little bit? you don't know that you can still make a little progress, always remember that quitting is for the losers, quitters never win and winners never quit, keep that phrase into your mind. You've already come too far only to quit today? stop fooling yourself, stop wasting all of your efforts, you have to keep pushing because you're almost there, you will be relieved, you will get your rest but for the meantime... keep going and never stop until you're done. Quitting is not an option, continuing is, stop thinking about going back, you have to commit that you're going to do whatever it takes to win. I know it's hard but your life will become harder if you quit, you will have a lot of regrets. It's your choice, but always remember that once you quit it will become your habit, you will always quit in the future especially when the going gets tough, you have to stick with the process for a very long time and never stop disbelieving it. Never under estimate your power to move and do small things, those small things will become bigger in the future, you just need to stay consistent and never make excuses  that it's too hard or you feel so tired. Keep going no matter what, this is a chase, this is a journey, complaining will lead you to nothing, procrastinating will be your greatest enemy.

Forget about you emotions now, it is tricking you, your mind is seducing you to quit because your mind is default to comfort. But there is no success in comfort, there is no greatness in happy times. You can only see success during the must uncomfortable moments in your life, and that is the reality. Because if success is easy then everybody will become successful. But it is not, so don't be fooled by people who are preaching an easy way, they were just marketing their brands. You will only become successful if you keep pushing and never think about quitting. Learn how to deal with the pain, learn how to have fun during the struggle and you will go further. Never care if it's easy or hard... just keep going no matter what.

Because winning or losing doesn't matter anymore, what matters is you go all the way and you keep moving forward no matter what. Remind yourself that there is still something you can do, there is still some space where you can operate, you still have a chance so why choose quitting? you can rest for this day and let some challenges or storms pass away but never quit, try again tomorrow, work again tomorrow and allow yourself to feel unstoppable. Nothing can stop you if you have a fixed mind of trying over and over again. So go all the way and give your best, stop wasting  a lot of time for worrying and complaining and just push yourself. 

Feb 24, 2020


The trick to make any kind of work easier is to enjoy it. Embrace every step and never feel bad if you're struggling, just think that it's ok because it really is. All work is easy if you will force yourself to have fun with it. At first it's so difficult but later you will be able to overcome those negative emotions and feel happier than before. It feels heavy but just feel your system, feel your body and realize that it's not that hard right? it's hard because you're not giving yourself a chance to enjoy it, its hard because you can't face the pain and you're always looking for an easy task. You want to become successful but you're not willing to pay the price, you just want it but you don't want it bad enough. Because if you really want it then you will still do it even if it's so hard.

Pretend that it's fun. Condition your mind to believe that what you're doing is fun and has a purpose. Fake it till you make it, fake the happiness until it becomes true happiness. It will be fun later if you will just start and ignore what you feel. Don't worry if you feel so lazy because you will feel motivated later, it's ok if you're a slow starter but just start it. Just start now and never procrastinate, once you break the resistance of laziness... you will be able to build a momentum and make everything alright. You will have fun especially if you're seeing yourself progressing a little bit and learning new things or techniques on how tou make your work better and faster.

Never think that you deserve something right away, sometimes the results and rewards come later or it take too long to get it. It's ok, be patient and never give up. Never expect too much because of the work you put in. Remember, the great ones never look for fast results, they just enjoy their work until success manifest into their lives. Just keep doing the process and learn how to have fun with it. Never rush anything, never take shortcuts, never hope for an overnight success because nobody in the history of record books have ever done that. There is no such thing as over night success. You can become luck but that luck will soon go away if you don't have the habit of working hard.

So just do it, whatever your work is, whatever your responsibility is... do it. Stop thinking, thinking will never help you, it will only give you stress and wrinkles. Because at the end of the day, you still need to do it if you want to have a better life so why not do it now? why not work hard now and enjoy the fruits of our labor later. All work will become easy if you will start with it and never stop until it's done, focus, never do some other things that will destroy your momentum, do it until it's done, never rest, never make excuses that you're already tired, you become tired because you're too soft and always seeking for comfort. Never seek for comfort, it will come in the end, you have to handle the business first before you ask for something in return.

Once you created a habit of just doing your work then your work will become very easy, it will become automatic, you don't need to think about it anymore, you don't need to think so hard and analyze things, you will just do it no matter what. You can even do it with your eyes close. 

Feb 23, 2020


The reason why it's hard is because you're expecting too much, you're anticipating greatness or success or whatever. You want it fast, you want to get it and if you can't get it you go crazy, you get depressed and you don't want to try again. But can't you see, taking actions is the only way, you still have to work even if it's not working, you still need to move because if you will stay stuck in one place then you will never get anywhere. Stop looking for results and just keep taking actions, you can never control the outcome of something, success is out of your control, all you can control is your effort so keep gong even if you can't see any kind of progress yet. Just believe that hard work pays off and that you will be rewarded with the effort that you've put in so never feel bad if you're not getting results at the moment because one day success is going to be yours if you really give everything you've got.

I'm not saying that you should be content with your life, it's ok to dream about big things but sometimes no matter how hard you try you can't find a way. It only means that you need to detach a little bit from the outcome and focus on moving. We all want results but we don't want to take massive actions and that's why only few from us become successful. Always believe that you can go a little bit further than yesterday, you can take it step by step, you can have a slow pace but still win in the end. The reason why you want it fast is because you're too pressured to win, you're getting jealous of other people's success and that is a bad mentality. Be patient and stick with the game plan, stick with your principles, never change your goals just because it is hard, stick with it no matter what and keep fighting until the end.

It's ok to look like a fool, it's ok to get zero results for today for as long as you're still trying and doing your thing... you're still on the right path. Never quit never give up, if you want to win then show them what you've got, show them something that not all people can do, show them who you really are. be the baddest worker alive, show your beast mode, always feel hungry to work and never expect anything in return. Once there is an opportunity to move... move and never hold yourself back, as simple as that. This game plan will work for sure, all you have to do is stay consistent and stay focused. One day is going to be your day, one day you will see success falling into your hands so keep moving forward even if you're tired, you're almost there, don't stop when you're tired, stop when you're already successful. It's ok to rest sometimes but don't ever give up. 

Feb 22, 2020


Let it go, it's not for you, stop thinking about it because you're only making your life difficult. If it's yours it's yours, if it's not it's not... as simple as that. Why dwell on the things that are not for you. There are more opportunities waiting for you, and if you can't find an opportunity then create your own opportunity, you will be surprised with what you can accomplish if you push so hard and get extreme with the process. Don't blame yourself, don't think about what could have been yours only if you were on the right time, let it go, have zero regrets in your life. All you can do is move forward, you can never go back to the past anymore and do something about it, what is done is done so let it go. If one window closes another will open so don't get hard on yourself for not making it because there is another big thing waiting for you, all you have to do is be patient and look for it.

Missed contract, missed shot, missed client, missed business, missed money, missed flight, missed romance... don't worry about these things. You can replace all of these with a better one, all you have to do is believe that you can get it again and work hard... as simple as it sounds, do it. Go and chase the next opportunity, there are plenty of opportunities waiting for you, where you are is the land of dreams, all you have to do is seek hard and you will find. Always go for it, never lose your motivation once you lose something. It's your motivation, belief and hard work that will make you thrive. Because if you will keep on thinking about the past then you will never be able to welcome the present moment, you will never be able to attract better opportunities, you will become stuck on that grid forever.

Always push, never let your past destroy your strategy and momentum. You need to make a progress, block those unwanted thoughts about failures and shortcomings. `

Feb 21, 2020


You still need to work even if you're unemployed... that's how to make a comeback and put your life back to normal, that's how to gain a little bit of confidence for yourself. Because you will lose your confidence if you're not working, you have to keep working all the time and give your best. Find a skill that you can improve that might give you some money in the future. It can be any kind of skill, if you are skilled and well equipped with knowledge then you have a huge advantage already, work will come after you, employers will be attracted into your life. Never let yourself get rusty because of not doing anything, you have to create a habit of working everyday so that you are ready when the opportunity comes. Just because you are not employed now doesn't mean you can afford to relax and do nothing, your life will go down on a downward spiral every time you do that.

Keep working, look for a skill that you can master, try something new, you need to improve everyday and make yourself better. Most people were complaining that it's hard to get a job. Economy, recession and government are their main excuses. But if you will look at their lives... they are not doing anything, they are not investing on themselves, all they do is wait and feel bad whenever they can't see an opportunity to have a job. You have to invest on yourself, develop your character, master some skills so that you will be more confident. And once you are confident... job will seek after you. As you make yourself better and more skilled your value increases, the opportunity for landing a job becomes better, the percentage of earning more money goes high. This is a fast pace world nowadays, too much competition and too much pressure. We experience too much problems now, too much failures and unexpected events. A big company suddenly closes, your strong business suddenly become weak, your good life suddenly is going down. You need to be prepared or else you will freak out and lose control.

Strengthen your mind, not all the time you're on top. Not all the time good things are happening, not all the time you have an edge. If you have a strong mind then no challenge will faze you, if you have a strong character then you are confident that whatever happens you can adapt and survive. Because you can't be depending on one skill alone, you must have a lot of skills in order to survive, you must be fast and creative. Your skill should raise to another level if you want to have security.

So never waste your time if you don't have a job right now. It is an opportunity to grow and learn new skills that will give you bigger money. Improve yourself, make yourself great and smart. Don't just rely on luck, you will only become lucky if you are working hard and pushing yourself everyday to get better. 

Feb 20, 2020


The only way to move forward fast is to have peace with your mistakes, flaws and shortcomings. The reason why you can't move on is because you can't forgive yourself. You're always thinking about what is wrong with you, you're always thinking about what people will say. You will make mistakes no matter how good you are, just be confident all the time, feel no regrets about your mistakes and just keep moving forward. Every path is the right path, you can always correct your mistakes, you can always start over again. Mistakes were all part of your life, there is no such thing as a perfect person. And even the queen of england is also farting, even the president of america is snoring. You're just a human being, don't strive for perfection strive for execution. Many people talks abut strive for greatness but they couldn't even move during pressure times, they choke when they see the big stage.

If you're afraid to lose then you will never win, it's simply because you will never try. The real losers area the people who didn't even try, these people were so afraid of looking bad, they want to look perfect all the time and that's why they couldn't even make some progress. Don't be afraid to make mistakes, don't be afraid to look bad. Have peace with your weakness, have peace with your failures and look forward to your next journey. You can try again, the best thing about trying is you have unlimited supply, you can try a million times and you're still alive. You will feel invincible if you have the ability to stick with something for a long time and try to make it work. You will feel strong because you are not stopping yourself anymore. And even if you're not doing well... just keep trying because it's easier to succeed nowadays, most people were quitters, most people can't stick with a problem long enough and make themselves successful. It's all about your level of perseverance and not your level of skill. You can have all the skills you needed but are you going to try a million times if you failed a million times? Talent is overrated, most people who believe in talents were failures, they thought that talent alone can make them successful. But the reality is not, it's your level of commitment, do you really want it bad enough? are you willing to do whatever it takes to get it?

So whenever you made a mistake... stop feeling sorry for yourself. Don't say sorry to your coach, don't say sorry to your teammates, don't say sorry to the people around you, don't ever think that you are not allowed to fail, you're just a human being, feel free to make mistakes because you are allowed to commit one. And when you commit one or multiple mistakes, don't lose your confidence, you must become confident even more because it means you are getting closer and closer of making it. The more you make mistakes, the more you make yourself closer of making it right. 

Feb 19, 2020


You better try this technique that will surely improve your mental toughness and mental health. One day of mental diet means you disconnect from anything that makes you stressed, you disconnect from anything that is trying to clutter your mind. Never think about what you hate, what makes you feel weak, never think about your enemies, never think about failing. Just keep your mind pure and stay away from negative thoughts, do this for one day and see the benefit that you will get from it. Erase all the negative thoughts for one day, stay away from social media, focus on working hard and giving your best, focus on your own life and journey. Always think about your dreams and how are you going to get it instead of why are you going to fail. Forget about the past, forget everything that makes you feel bad. Just do what you want to do, do what you need to do and feel free. Feel blessed about your life, feel happy about your life and do whatever it takes to succeed. Never mind what other people are doing, never mind if you are right or wrong with your chosen process and just do it, keep going further and further all the time. Concentrate on your job and be the best that you can be. If you can do this for one day then congratulations... you can do this for the next coming days. 

Own your mind, never let anything own it. Because most of the time you don't own your mind, you are letting other people and circumstances control it. This mental diet will create results right away. It's because you're changing your mind, and once your mind was changed... a different reality will manifest. So if you want to experience a new life or new adventure... change your mind, you can do this effectively by detaching from the external things and thoughts that are giving the same results in your daily life. Usually your thoughts were too crowded with negativity and worries, you don't own your mind, it was owned by other people and things who have bi influence on you. Just one day of mental diet will create an effect, it will create a snowball effect if you repeat the process tomorrow and so on. 

Be mindful of the subjects that are controlling your mind, be aware of the thoughts that come and go inside of your head. If something is causing you to react negatively then get rid of it, fast, never think about it anymore... just get rid of it fast. If something is making you worry or stopping you from taking actions... throw it away outside the window and never pick it up again. Completely delete it from your mind and leave no space for negativity. Always be aware if someone or something is controlling you, if you are reacting from something then it is already controlling you. If something is making you mad or disgusted then it already owned your mind. So learn to detach from anything, ignore the information that is making you feel weak. 

Feb 18, 2020


There should be a target, if you're looking for a way on how to make more money... the answer is very simple, look for a target and never stop chasing it. It will be attracted to you, just work hard to get it and you will get it. It doesn't matter how flawless or sound your plan is, what matters is you keep chasing it and you have no plans of quitting. Keep climbing the mountain, keep taking actions, you will get that money no matter how big it is. One million dollars is nothing, one billion dollars is nothing, what matters is if you will take massive actions or not. Any kind of price is not an issue here, the question is are you going to take massive actions and give everything you've got? Enforce your will, use your willpower, do whatever it takes to get it. Stop wasting time for nonsense things that will not even make you better or will not put you on a better position. You have to use the power of focus to get it, you will only get it if you really want it, as simple as that. If you can't get it then it means you don't really want it.

Don't worry if you don't have money for now, you will have it if you keep moving forward. Always remember to appreciate small amounts and keep it, don't spend it... keep it. It will all add in the end and you will be surprised that you already hit your target. Forget about the tie, forget about how big the gap is, you have to keep the ball rolling and make yourself closer and closer from your goal. Always remember that time is gold and that you can create money every single second. Never care about what people are doing and just focus on hitting your target. Avoid getting jealous with other people's success because that will slow down the manifestation. Focus on your own life, focus on getting your goal, as simple as that. That amount will be yours anytime soon. Saturate your mind with images about money, always think positive and always be happy getting small results. And even if you can't get money today... try again tomorrow, it's all about not giving up, it's all about how hungry you are. Because if you really want it then you will be able to do the most unimaginable things just to make it happen. You will turn into a beast, a different kind of monster that can do anything he needs to just to feed himself.

Never get intimidated with big hurdles, don't give up when an obstacle tries to stop you. You can overcome any kind of adversity if you will just move forward and simply do what is needed. Remember to focus on your target, remember to discipline yourself every time you're doing something stupid. It's on you, you have the power to make it happen so make it happen. Regardless of what they say and how difficult the process is... do it. 

Feb 17, 2020


Just like the famous warrior of Japan said: "No Regrets". This is one of the best quote that you can use in your life... No regrets, no regrets so you can move on fast once you made a mistake. No regrets so that your mind will not over think. What is done is done, let it go, no regrets and look forward to the next chapter of your life. Something great is about to come, something great will be yours if you just do whatever it takes and work hard until you become successful. Take a lot of actions, don't be afraid to master the trial and error method. Stay consistent all the time and have that relentless attitude, attack your goal all the time. Everything you do must be related to your goal. There should be no regrets, there should be no bitterness once you made a mistake. Don't be afraid to make a mistake again, don't be afraid to push yourself to the limits and exert a full maximum effort. Always remember that nothing should hold you back, one is always better than zero. It is better to be doing something now rather than doing nothing at all. So give everything you've got, always see to it that you are pushing further and further everyday. You will only get better if you're trying again, you will only level up even if you fail, so you have nothing to lose here, it's always a win win situation for you every time you try again.

Stop procrastinating, stop judging yourself that it's all you can do. You can always do something, you can do more and be more so give everything you've got and give your very best every single day. No regrets if you fail, no hard feelings when you get zero. There is always tomorrow, it's a new day, you can try again, always give yourself a chance to succeed. Because you're the only one who's stopping yourself by always thinking about the past and the decisions that you made. There is no wrong decision if it is based on what you desire. Every action is the right action, every path is the right path. Just make sure you are not taking your life for granted and you're always navigating through unknown territories, don't be afraid to take risk again, don't be afraid to give your all. Start again, fail again, fail over and over again until you finally made it... that;s how to win in life. Because your effort and thoughts are the only things you can control. You can never control the outcome, you may win or you may lose but you can never exert a weak effort, it's all in your hands. Get disgusted with yourself if you're taking it too lightly, don't take it easy, you have to go hard all the time and show the universe what you are made of.

So just keep thinking about the good things to come. Forget the past, forget all of your failures and shortcomings, it is what it is, you can never change it anymore but you can change your perspective to anything. You can still feel happy after failing or you can be bitter about it. The choice is yours but always keep in mind that you're the only one who's hurting yourself. 

Feb 16, 2020


Never think that it's a big deal to work hard, never think that you just wasted your time after working hard and never get anything back. Hard work means nothing, you should work hard but never feel sorry for it especially if you can't make results. You should treat it as a normal thing, treat it as a part of your daily life. Because most people are suffering by working hard because they always think that they need to get something in return right away. And if they can't be rewarded as fast as they expected... they feel like a loser, they feel they've been cheated. And that makes them stop working hard, they always think that hard work is a big deal.

Look at those people who are becoming successful by working hard... they never think that hard work is a big deal, they feel happy working hard with or without the results and that is why success is manifesting to their lives faster than people who are always complaining about hard work. Hard work should be part of your every day living to make something work, treat it as your responsibility but never feel so bad of you're getting tired and yet not getting anything in return. Hard work will become much easier if you will think of it as an easy work. Always think what Floyd Mayweather said... "every work is an easy work". Once you fix this into your subconscious mind then you will never have a hard time working hard, success will come faster into your life. Because you're the only one making life harder by always complaining and being impatient. Always be patient, time will come and success will be yours. Never lose hope if it's not happening yet, your time will come if you don't quit and keep enjoying hard work.

Don't ever brag about hard work, everyone is working hard, everyone can do it. So don't ever brag that you work hard but still the world is unfair to you. Anyone can do it, so don't ever become arrogant that you are working hard and deserve something bigger. Always think that there is nothing special about hard work and it's normal to you to do it everyday, you're never scared of it, you never get tired of doing it over and over again, it's too normal for you, it's your norm.

So if you want to maintain a different level of working hard everyday... never think about working hard, just enjoy the moment and always give your best, always push yourself to the limits and never feel sorry that you did a lot of work but you get less in return. The more you complain about working hard and not getting anything... the more things will become difficult for you. Because you are starting to stop loving hard work, you are focus more on complaints and not getting what you deserve, your energy starts to focus on the negative side of hard work and not on the beauty of it. 

Feb 15, 2020


What is your mentality? what is your philosophy? what is your mindset? stop playing games because you will be played in the end. If you cannot focus on your goal then for sure you're going to fail, you need to make your mind and focus on one thing, not two or three things... just one thing. If your goal is to make one million dollars then focus on that. Don't focus on watching porn, don't focus on your fears, don't focus on spending a lot of money... Focus on getting that money, as simple as that. The lock in mentality means you're not going to desire for some other things other than your goal, you're completely lock in, your focus is as sharp as a newly sharped blade. It's not hard, it's hard because you can't focus, it's hard because you're not used to making sacrifices all the time.

Because time is a very valuable thing, it's not even a thing, it's power. The more you waste your time, the more you lose power, you're not in control anymore if you're wasting a lot of it, your life will go downward spiral and it will be very hard for you to make a comeback. So never let your mind get played by a lot of subjects, you need to focus it on one thing and that is your goal. Keep climbing, the highest mountain, keep reaching for another level, always stay lock in and keep moving forward all the time, because that is what's life is all about... trying to discover what is possible for your life if you work hard and use the power of focus. Create a new brand of greatness, create something great, do something you haven't done before, lock in to your desire and do whatever it takes to get it, as simple as that.

A lot of people have it, they have the extra factor, they have what it takes to succeed but they were not focused with their own journey and that is why then end up being a failure, their minds were too cluttered and unfocused, they were thinking too much but not using their brains. Because thinking is one thing, using your mind is another thing. Just because you are thinking doesn't mean you're really using your brain, just because you think you're planning doesn't mean you're on the right direction. What if you're just over thinking? what if you're just trying to make yourself believe that you need a lot of time planning so that you can avoid taking actions? You're already inventing excuses, the truth is you can take actions while tweaking your plan every time there is a better idea that pops out from your brain.

Lock in with action, don't lock in with analysis paralysis, don't freeze yourself doing nothing and procrastinating. Use speed, time is fast so you need to become fast too. You can do a lot of things instead of just talking and talking. Stop wasting your time, you need to pull the trigger now and start taking actions before it's too late. You are what you are focusing on, so if you're focus on worries then your life is all about worries, but if you're focus on actions then your life means success and progress. So stop thinking now and just do what you need to do, you will be surprised with the results that you may get because of non stop action, start now... do what is best for your life, there is no right or wrong here for as long as your intention is right, stay lock in, the more you move the more you get better. 

Feb 14, 2020


Did you ever try? did you really try? because trying means a lot, it has a deeper meaning. It's not just all about giving it a try and then you will quit if it didn't work. The real meaning of trying is giving your best regardless of how big the challenge is in front of your face. You keep pushing, you keep grinding, you never back down to any challenge and you treat the moment as if it is your last, you treasure every opportunity and never squander any single second. You are really pushing yourself to the limits, you go all out, you go more than 100 percent, you don't care about your emotions anymore, you don't care if it's too painful... you just go all out and see what is possible by doing it.

Because if you will just try then you have a better chance of succeeding, you are giving yourself a chance to win. Trying is a blessing, it is an unlimited blessing because you can try as much as you want for as long as you're living in this world. Nothing can stop you, nothing can block you... you are always in control here. So just try and give everything you've got. Never waste another day or week, never waste any single second, you must be lock in to your dreams, you must keep moving forward all the time and be the best that you can be. Give it a shot and never stop, the only way to succeed is to keep trying. Don't be afraid to lose over and over again because defeat will give up on you anytime soon, you will be able to see the way. There is a path waiting for you, there is a designated process that will click for you and all you have to do is look for it, keep looking, keep fighting, fight for your dreams, fight for what you want.

A tryer is better than a watcher. Don't just watch... perform, don't just get envy or jealous with people who are making it in life... create your own success too. You can't be just watching all the time, you can shift from being a spectator to a performer, if they can do it so you can do it too. All you need is a proper mindset and discipline, this is very simple, it's not going to be easy but you really know what to do, and that is to work hard and keep going no matter what. Never quit even if you feel you've already given everything you have. You can always do more, you can still find a space to operate and put yourself on a better position to succeed.

Trying will erase all regrets. If you didn't do well in the past, if you failed, if you quit... all you have to do is try again today. Just try, never stop and just try, you can redeem yourself, you can make a comeback, there is no harm in trying. 

Feb 13, 2020


Are you a bastard? don't be shy, admit if you're a bastard or not. Are you working hard? are you contributing something for your family if not for the community? can you carry yourself? do you have a work or do you just procrastinate a lot? A bastard is someone who thinks he's too good compared to others but will never take action at all. If you're so damn lazy then it means you're a bastard, if you can't move now and do your responsibility then it means you're a bastard, if you're a useless person and always making dramas and excuses then you're a perfect example of being a bastard. If you think you can succeed but all you do is complain then you're a bastard. If you always think that you can do it later but deep inside you know you will not push yourself then you're a complete bastard. If you're so sick and tired of your life then you need to admit that you're not exerting an effort to make a change.

Take actions, do something and forget the outcome, this is the best cure to bastardness. Forget your emotions and focus on the process, forget about feeling good, forget about pleasing yourself. If you really want to live a new life then you better begin now, take actions now and do whatever it takes to win in life. You need to feel uncomfortable and train your mind to embrace discomfort and pressure now so that you will be able to grow. Laziness is the number one reason why you're a bastard, you're always sleepy, you always feel heavy, you just wanted to lie on your bed and watch Netflix. You want to have a comfortable life but you can't even force yourself to move and give your very best. Push yourself, get sick and tired of being lazy and unfocused, you need to decide now if you really want to have a better life or not. It's ok being a bastard if that's what you really want to do with your life. But we all have dreams and ambitions, we all want something big, and I know you want something too. So you better step up your game now and take your discipline to another level if you want to be closer from your dreams.

It's ok to fail, what's not ok is you don't even try, you just take your life for granted, you didn't even exert an effort at all, you just let yourself lose like a homeless man and you didn't even experience using all of your energy and power. The cure to bastardness is simply moving, move now and keep going further. Life will become easier if you will move forward and give everything you've got. Because you only have once shot in life, are you just going to waste it for nothing? never let your dreams grow old with you without trying to chase it. Chase your wildest dreams, give your strongest effort and repeat, keep taking actions every now and then and stop complaining if it's hard... that's how to become not a bastard. 

Feb 12, 2020


The little push that you can do now can make a significant impact in the future. If you keep pushing then you are growing, the harder you push the more you will be able to pull something that is positive. Success is all about taking one small action consistently, it's about enjoying every step of your journey and standing up so fast every time you fall. Make it a habit to push every time you have an opportunity because it's the only way to make your situation a little bit better. Push yourself, push your body and mind to achieve something great. Because if you're not pushing then you're pulling yourself back to failure, you are making your life worse. Moving is pushing, any small move is good, it is essential to your journey. Because if you will not push yourself then you will never be able to go further, you will remain as the same bum as yesterday, the worse thing is you think it's ok because you think you have a lot of time and it's already too late for you to realize that your journey is almost over. So if you have an opportunity to push... push now, stop waiting for the right timing because there is no such thing. The right time is always now, not tomorrow nor alter... it's always now. So what are you waiting for? keep pushing yourself, make it a habit, make it a culture. Every time you push yourself good things will happen so don't be afraid to get tired, you will get back that energy once you become successful a little bit. That one little push can change your whole life, it can create a change, it can be the bridge from where you are right now to success.

Don't stop, keep pushing because this is what great people do... they never waste time, they keep pushing all the time until they finally get what they want. Use all of your energy, use your tenacity... there is so much you can achieve if you will believe and use the power of pushing. You will see a different side of you, you will experience being great, you will be able to see the places that you don't imagine you can go. So ignore all the resistance and just keep pushing. You may feel that you are not progressing because you can't see results yet but the truth is you're already progressing every time you push yourself, just be patient and keep working while waiting for the results that you are wishing for. It will take time, it may take longer than expected but for sure you will get it. It's all in you, it's up to you if you will quit or not. So just keep working and give your very best until you reach your desired destination.

Pushing will make you great, it will give you the skills you need to go to a different level. It's very simple, all you have to do is beat laziness, destroy the resistance and never think that what you're doing is wrong, everything you do is right whenever you are pushing. So keep pushing yourself to the limits and never give up, it's only just a matter of time before you win. 


A stormy weather, sunny, cloudy or even gloomy. Any weather will change, just like in life... any problems will pass, all you have to do is deal with it and do something about it. Face it like a real man, endure it and never shy away from any kind of challenge, the obstacle is the way so if you're having some difficulty in life... just face it and it will be gone anytime soon. Your mental toughness will be the issue if you can survive and kind of storm so always remember that any problem is purely mental and you can deal with an of all of it if your're on the right frame of mind. All you have to do is persevere and you will survive. Any weather will change, you can weather any storm, just because you're at the bottom now doesn't mean you will be at the bottom forever. Move forward keep moving forward all the time, for as long as you're moving... you will be fine, you will never fail nor get defeated, you will only lose in life if you quit. Sometimes all you have to do is survive and endure the pain and everything else will be solved by itself.

So don't be afraid of any kind of challenge in life, it's life, it is suppose to be hard, if it is not hard then it is not life. What do you expect? fairies and butterflies and easy journey? it's only for soft people, don't pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure any kind of pain and become triumphant in the end. Don't worry if it's not your time now, your time can be tomorrow or the next day, just wait for it, be patient because your time will come and you will experience a relief again. Life is all about being tough and being able to survive any kind of storm. Because a storm will come for sure and if you're not ready for it then good luck to you because you will freak out, you will go crazy and you will lose your edge. And when it's there and you're not ready? just face it, be happy because it's an opportunity to strengthen your mental toughness. Any stress, any disturbance of the mind or problem will only make your mind tough, it will stretch you and make you a very strong person.

Make yourself tough, it can only be done by welcoming stressful situations that has benefits into your life. Solve problems and never shy away from it, do what you said you're going to do and never quit, be fast in facing life's challenges and never quit until you were able to raise your hands in the end. Just be confident that if you face what needs to be faced then everything will be fine, you will become a better person, you will become braver and your confidence will go up. Just do it, you are the star of your life, don't be afraid of any kind of stormy weather because it will change anytime soon, all you have to do is be brave a little bit and go with it. Never quit, never surrender, you will see the light in the end, you will even become proud of yourself because you were able to overcome a difficulty that most people were afraid of. 

Feb 10, 2020


I don't even know that I have a grade A psychosis, I don't even know that I have an asthma. I just keep working hard everyday and it makes me forget that I am not normal. The power of focus was really unbelievable, it will guide you to the right direction and make you happier, it will entertain you. So focus on working hard and enjoying your work and you will forget all of your problems. Your body language will change, your self image will change and you will also become a better person. Hard work can cure everything because it will motivate you and inspire you, it will give you what you are looking for. Forget about the results because hard work alone is the prize, the process alone can make you happy if you are fully committed to it and being passionate with every action that you did. If you are feeling something bad then simply work hard, do something and fully focus on it, it will remove all the pain that you are feeling right now. It will divert the pain to joy, it will make you feel powerful than ever. Hard work is the answer, all you have to do is focus on your work, focus on what entertains you that has benefits in the future.

I become normal because of hard work, my disease was cured naturally without having to do something about it. It's so cool, it's so great, I don't even need to spend a single cent for it. The explanation for this is when you're busy being great or having fun with something... you will forget your problems and pain, your body and mind will forget that you have a disease, the cells in your body will heal yourself. So keep working hard for something and for sure your life will change, keep working on it everyday, make sure you are giving your best and having a lot of fun on it. Time will run fast, you will never even notice that it's already night and you have to sleep. Sometimes you don't even want to sleep because you're too invested with the work that you love. Enjoying something that i is positive will heal you, it will make you forget that you're going through hardship. You will even get excited with life again, you will wake up early and stay awake late at night because you're feeling the love so much.

So if you want all of your problems and troubles to go away... look for an activity that you can give all of your heart and do it. Do it everyday, become invested with it and give your heart and soul to it. It will heal you mentally and physically, you will have something where you can use your energy and that is a very good thing. Sometimes the energy and thoughts in your body cannot go out and that is why you are getting frustrated and feeling bad, you can't express yourself, you can't use your power. If you will dedicate your time to working hard for something then your life will become much much better. 

Feb 9, 2020


If you already repeat it a lot of times, if you already failed a lot of times then suddenly everything will become easier, nothing is hard anymore. You already memorized the script, you already knew what's going to happen, it's just like a play for you, it's just like a game and you knew you're going to succeed in the end. It will become easier and you will be surprised that you already made it that fast, so just keep pushing and feel excited because something will click in the end. Repetition is very powerful, resistance will become weak if you keep repeating something, you will become a genius through repetition, you will become a master, a guru, an expert or a professional. What people thought was hard will become easier for you, it feels automatic if every time you do it, it's not hard anymore, it seems like you're just playing and you're feeling lesser pressure because you've already done it a million times.

So just keep going, keep doing what you're doing, keep getting better everyday and suddenly your life will become much easier, you don't have to think anymore every time you have to do it. You will have so much fun, it's like a game and you're the game master. So if it's hard for now... just keep doing it and suddenly it will become easier in the future. Just like a rookie playing on a new team, he is lost, he don't know his role yet but once he played a couple of games and practice a lot of times... it will become easier for him.

I am a poor writer before but I keep on writing articles and that's why I am one of the best right now, that's why I am getting paid millions now. It's because I use the power of repetition, I don't have any writer's block (whatever they call it) for a second. I can finish every time I want to, the words keeps flowing, my mind keeps running and I really feel good about writing, there is no any dull moment for me. It's too easy and it feels like a simple game for me. While others are having a hard time... I'm just playing, it's because I've already done it a lot of times, that's why I can do it every time I want to, I can do it anywhere, anytime, I feel so unstoppable.

Don't get me wrong, I also struggled in the beginning, I also doubt myself if I am going to succeed, my mind also becomes blank. But I overcome those struggles because I just keep repeating writing everyday, I don't even need to think if I am going to do it, it's on my system and I can do it forever everyday. They said I am talented, they say I am blessed but the truth is I just used the power of repetition and that's why everything is every easy for me now. I can even write with my eyes close, I can even write a book in just one day, my mind and body is so powerful now because of repetition, everything is easy, everything is flowing like a river. You too can do this, just work hard, just keep repeating the process one day and you will become a master like me.

If anyone of you has questions and wants advise, just comment on the comment section below and I will answer for free.


The truth to the matter is... you're unstoppable if you will choose to. Nothing can stop you, nothing can hinder your force if you will force yourself to move and do everything you can with your power. Nothing can stop you if you will choose to become unstoppable, just keep moving, keep thinking about your dreams and do whatever it takes to get it, always go further each day. You're the only one who will stop yourself, you're the only obstacle to your success, it's your mind that is stopping you. But if you will feel unstoppable and just do the things that you need to do in order to reach another level then you will become a beast, one of a kind, phenom, something the world wants and needs. You can only achieve an unstoppable mind if you will take risks, work hard and allow yourself to fail, never lose your enthusiasm every time you fail, never think that you just wasted a lot of time because you didn't, every time you give your best... you become a better person even if you fail big time. You will become unstoppable if you keep pushing forward even if nothing good is happening, it is what it is, that's the basic of success, it's the surest path to success... you need to be pushing forward all the time and forcing yourself to move, drag your body if you need to, slap yourself to wake up, just do your best and everything will be taken care of by itself. Nothing can stop you, you're the only one who's stopping yourself and the negative thoughts that you entertain. If you can just be 90 percent positive and 10 percent negative then that's a good ratio already, but the reality is you're 20 percent positive and 80 percent negative. Your mind was already bombarded with negativity and the funny thing is you don't know it, you are being controlled by your thoughts and you're letting your reality manifest by negativity. Just think positive all the time and keep pushing forward.

Be like a bull, a raging bull who attacks his dreams without conscience and resentment. Have no regrets when you fail and keep trying again, keep pushing again for one more time. It's ok to fail, what is not ok is when you're not trying and you're just taking life for granted. Do your best, push yourself to the limits and never give up. The wisest thing that you can do is to never give up, if you really wanted to win in life then you need to be tough, there is no room for being soft here. Be fast when making decisions and taking actions, never let anything stop you, never let yourself stop you. And even if you're scared... still take charge, your mind is tricking you because it's always looking for comfort. It's innate in human beings to look for comfort and shortcuts and that's why most people can't become successful. There is no comfort in success, it becomes easier when you learn how to enjoy the process and trust that one day you're going to win. Hard work will always pay off, you don't need to doubt yourself or question the universe if you're going to succeed. If you're working hard and chasing your goal... you already succeeded just right after you start the process. 

Feb 8, 2020


Always one more, one more rep, one more try, one more money, one more work, one more practice... always one more. Never stop, this is how to be relentless and unstoppable. The mindset of always doing one more will make you go further, never look at the destination, look at the process of doing one more. One more is the key, it will make you powerful, it will give you another production, it will give you a momentum. One more is easy to do, all you have to do is do it. It doesn't matter if it will make an impact or not... just do one more. Keep pushing, keep grinding, that is what it's all about. Stop being lazy because it will never get the job done, you should have a mindset of a lion... you will go for the kill no matter what, you will push yourself to the limits until you get what you want. Because it's all worth it to chase your dream and improve a little bit. Keep improving all the time, set a goal and always do something for it. One more try, one more push, one more effort... it is a never ending journey, you become your goal, you chase it and you work on it forever... the process never stop.

So if you are feeling tired... just say to yourself, just one more. Just one, all you need is to start and you will feel much better again. Do one more, feel the pain, destroy the resistance, destroy your laziness, overpower your worries and fear. Just move and you will be fine... that's it. You have to trust the process of doing more. Do it over and over again, just one more strong effort, one more chance... always look forward to push and use all of your energy. Because the reality is you can always do more but you choose not to. You are choosing comfort over pain and that's why you can't move, you have to choose pain, you have to choose taking actions over other things that are useless for your progress. Just do one more and you will be able to build a momentum, just do one more and you will feel much better, you will begin to enjoy your work and you will work harder this time. Forcing yourself to move is the best thing that you can do with your life. Laziness is next to ugliness, laziness will only give you a worse life so why choose it? everybody knows it, you know it too so stop being lazy and just do something.

Stop stopping and just push, never mind about winning or losing... just push, this should be your mindset forever. Always look forward to push because that is where magic happens. When there is a resistance, when you feel tired already and about to give up... keep pushing, that is the opportunity you've been waiting for, that is a big opportunity to shine. So forget about how you feel, stop pampering and spoiling yourself because you're not a baby anymore... just push yourself to the limits and see what you can attract with that kind of mentality. You will be surprised with the results that you will see, you will even never expect that you can do amazing things by doing one more. So stop entertaining the idea about quitting and just do one more. 

Feb 7, 2020


If you want to feel good... move, do something, do what you are suppose to do and never stop until you're done. You will feel more stressed if you will start something and leave it hanging in the air. Once you start... finish it, do it, continue, keep moving forward. If you can discipline yourself enough to do what is needed then you will attain freedom. Because you will feel jailed if you need to do something but you're procrastinating. Just take actions and never stop, enjoy the process, you can have fun by moving, just keep thinking about the benefits that you will get by moving fast and doing whatever it takes to win in life. The truth to the matter is... any process becomes hard because you're rushing it. Stop rushing too much and enjoy the moment... that's the biggest trick to making any process easier. Feel the love that you can still move. Feel happy because you can do a lot of things. Never take your life for granted, never take this day for granted, you're lucky because you're still alive and there are plenty of opportunities to become happy.

Be unstoppable. If you want unstoppable blessing and opportunities... be unstoppable, you can only do it by taking massive actions now. Do a lot, be busy, never waste this day just day dreaming and feeling lazy. The results will come on the right time, it's on is way, it will come to you. If you want to feel good and avoid depression... do something. If you don't know what to do then go outside and walk, you need to make your blood circulating, run, jog, just keep moving forward. Because depression and sadness only happen when you're thinking too much. Instead of worrying why not try to make your life better? Move forward all the time, create something new, pick a passion to develop and be really good at it. Life is suppose to be fun, it is easier than you think, it becomes harder because you're not doing the right thing. Learn to practice delayed gratification, focus on taking actions and disciplining yourself. Because the only one stopping you is yourself and nothing else. Your laziness, ego and worrying too much. It's time to feel free, just take the first step and don't be afraid to pull the trigger, you will achieve freedom if you will not stop yourself. Get addicted with actions instead of your thoughts, get addicted to moving forward every time you feel lazy. Once you can force yourself to take actions whenever you need to... you already achieved absolute freedom. Because success is all about moving and taking risks, it's all about valuing your time and pushing the boundaries.

If you really want to have a better life then never wait, never waste your time, keep moving all the time. Win or fail... give yourself a chance to succeed, if you can just promise to yourself that you will give your best every single day then a lot of good things will be attracted to your life. It's all about being the best version of yourself. 


Don't feel guilty, scared or uncomfortable with big numbers. It's just a number, there is no special thing about it. If you can think of something big as something small then you will get it easily... as simple as that. Don't get overwhelmed with big numbers because it is nothing, you can get it if you want to, you can have it if you're confident that you can have it, all it takes is courage and hard work. The more you feel comfortable about big numbers the more it will become yours. So if you think that one million dollars is hard to get then it will really be hard to get but if you think that it's easy then you will move and take actions, you will do whatever it takes to get it. And opportunities will be attracted to you, the right ideas will come, the dots will connect. So don't be scared of scoring 50 points if you're a basketball player, don't be scared to work for more than 15 hours if you need to, don't be scared of 1 million subscribers, don't be scared of earning millions in one month. Don't be scared to sell 100 cars if you're a salesman, don't be scared to try a million times just to succeed once, don't be scared of a long journey, if it takes a thousand kilometers to get there then get there, don't be scared of big numbers because any number can be conquered. Your willpower can thrive on anything, you can become successful by just thinking big and doing big.

Anything is possible, you can buy a big mansion, you can loan millions from the bank, you can build a million dollars business, you can double our salary by asking from your boss a raise, you can play with numbers if you are brave enough that you can play with it, any number is just an imagination, you can hold any kind of number if you wish to. Because if you will always think small then you will get small, if you will not allow yourself to do big things then you will always get small things, you will have an ordinary life. There is nothing wrong with that but if part of you is itching to hold some big numbers then you better do something. It's all about the feeling, it's all about how you feel, you need to feel good being big and attracting big, feel good shining, feel good being amazing. Big numbers will come to you if you're not afraid, that's a universal law. That's why winners keep winning and losers keep losing. It's because there are some people who feels guilty if they are having more. They feel like a sinner, they were so scared of being labeled as greedy. You need to change your mind, think that you deserve something big, thing that big numbers is destined for you.

Once you have that momentum... keep the ball rolling, once a number is coming in... keep asking for more, keep doing something that will make the number even larger, don't stop, don't ever feel guilty, you have to keep attracting it. 


Think that you're enough, think that you have the skills to finish something great. Do it now, start now and finish it now, no excuses, ignore all the resistance, it's all about doing it, it's all about taking actions, the prize is doing it and having fun with the process. The money, results and success will manifest later. So do it now and stay patient, fall in love with the process, change your attitude towards your work and the results will change. The reason why manifestation of success is slow is because you wanted to get results fast, you want to get paid right from the beginning, you're always checking and looking after what you can get. Why not give a lot first and then just be patient in waiting for the return of your work? if it doesn't return then still be happy because you were able to work and contribute to the world.

Doing it now will make you free. The number one reason why you feel stuck is because you're always thinking, you're always dreaming about things. You don't want to work, you don't want to start, you're very much interested with the outcome instead of focusing on doing what you love. if you want to feel free then work, as simple as that. Because there are lot of ideas inside of your head that you don't want to execute. There are lot of plans, a lot of dreams and goals but you couldn't even get started and that's why you feel stuck all the time. It's time t set yourself free by taking actions, start now and forget about what might happen next. Live in the moment, be happy that you are working and manifestation will come later. Do it now, stop wasting your time and simply do it now... as simple as that. If you want to feel free then stop holding yourself back, focus on your own work, never compare yourself with others and simply enjoy your life being you. Stop being a watcher and be a doer, stop getting jealous with other people's lives and create your own life. If you want to live a new life then focus on getting better each day, enjoy the small progress, enjoy your slow pace but stay consistent and never stop.

Doing it now will make you feel better, you will gain a lot of confidence, doubts will evaporate, worries will be erased. So start now and do something, it can be a very tiny action, that small action will lead to a bigger ones, all you have to do is start and never stop, this is a journey not a destination. Stop thinking about the finish line because it will slow down the process, it will build a state of lack, you will feel that you're too far from it which is not true because every time you take an action you become closer and closer from the finish line. So keep moving forward and give your best, have fun with the process and don't look for comfort, don't rest... just give everything you've got and you will be happy and become proud of yourself. 

Feb 6, 2020


Stop checking for results and just work hard... that's it. Hard work will attract something so keep working hard, start now, be fast in making a decision, be fast in moving and take massive massive actions. Trust me, hard work is the best path that will lead to success, there is no substitute for hard work. Make it as your culture and you will experience a different life, something that is amazing and one of a kind. All you've got to do is move, that's it, was it so difficult? all you have to do is think a little bit, grind more, work for longer hours and enjoy the process. The more you enjoy the process and focus on your own life and work... the faster you will attract success. Because the number one reason why you can't achieve success yet is because you're focused on the success of others. You're more interested with other people's lives rather than loving your own life and process. You have to enjoy your life, enjoy every process that is going on with your life and be the best that you can be. Anything is possible, you can attract anything if you are working hard, something will click. People will appreciate you, offers will come, opportunities will flow, you will find that rhythm and success will come everyday.

Hard work is the best foundation. Work hard now and something will be attracted, something will come to you, trust me on that. The reason why a lot of people are so depressed and failing is because they are not working hard. They were satisfied of lying in bed and imagining about things. They were dreaming all day long trying to change their world by doing nothing, the funny thing is they will make a lot of dramas, they will try to get sympathy. And that is why negativity is being attracted to them. Stop talking about the world is unfair, stop talking about your dramas in life, you're acting like a kid. If you want a much better life then work hard, love your work and appreciate the things that will be attracted to you. Small or big success... be happy about it because a small success is just a stepping zone, big things are about to come so you've got to keep the ball rolling and simply love your work.

The truth to the matter is there is no difficult work, it becomes a suffering because your attitude sucks, you don't want to do it, you want immediate results right away, you don't want to take it step by step, all you want is the result. It will be impossible for you to attract something if your attitude sucks, you need to be humble and love the small progress that is happening. Change your attitude towards your work and you will attract a different result, love your work, stop pampering yourself, stop prioritizing your emotions, you don't need sympathy, you don't need to act like you deserve something big but the world is unfair. It is what it is, sometimes you will work hard but nothing is being attracted, don't worry because it may not happen for now but it will eventually happen one day. Just be patient and stick with the process, stick with the grind... keep working because one day is going to be your day, as simple as that.

I already told you the solution, now work hard as much as you can and simply hope for the best. Never stop loving your work, love your work and it will give you some love back too. Something will be attracted, you will be surprised with the things and opportunities that will be attracted to you, so just keep moving forward and trust the process. 

Feb 4, 2020


Success is not that easy we all know that, success requires a lot of time and effort. It requires a lot of sleepless nights, it will make you quit and suffer, it's not about being negative.. it's the reality. But the good thing is... anything is possible if you believe and work hard, anything can be conquer.

Give more time for yourself. Focus on your own process, stop looking for fast results and always look forward to execute. You just have to do it, whatever it is that makes you feel that you're going to make a progress a little bit... do it. It's better if you will focus on the process, stop comparing your path to other people's path, stop getting jealous if they're succeeding and you're not, your time will come, focus on your own work and trust the process. You will go up and you will go down or vice versa, it's ok, it's all part of your journey. Not all the time you will make a progress, not all the time you will win, but you can learn something with every failure that you experienced. Focus on taking actions and never mind if you're winning or not, one day they will recognize you, one day you're going to become really great and people will see how good you are, success will be attracted to you. Give so much love to the process to the point where you can't stop it anymore, make it as a part of your life, you need to have a mindset of not stopping and not being able to breathe without doing something for your dream. You're going to succeed fast if you keep chasing your dream instead of just dreaming and waiting for it. Go hard now, go all the way, it may sound like crazy but it is the easier path to success. Stop waiting, stop worrying, stop comparing yourself, stop dreaming about ot and be about it, make it yours, think that it's already in you.

Because you have to accept that every path to success is difficult but what makes it worse is you're wasting a lot of time worrying how are you going to do it, you're thinking too much that's why you can't take actions, you're overthinking is not attracting success into your life. So stop thinking, stop asking why you are not making a huge improvement yet, stop asking why results are not coming into your life and just take actions. Focus on moving, focus on doing something that will entertaining you that is related to your goal. Don't forget that you can take massive actions, don't forget that you can do whatever it takes so stop worrying that you're just wasting time because you're not, every action is the right action, there is no wasted action because it is honing you to become better, it is teaching you something and you have to be aware of it.

There are no shortcuts, there's no cake walk, there is only an easier path and that is not wasting time and focusing yourself on taking actions. Start now, do it now, take matters into your own hands, focus on what you can control and that is your effort and determination. 


The truth to the matter is... greatness only happens if you don't stop, greatness is a process it is never a result. That's why if you want to become great... you got to keep working, you've got to believe in the process. Process of creation, process of execution. Never stop until you're done... that's how to become great. Because you will only become a mediocre if you stop because you will never improve anymore, your skill will stop there, you will no longer evolve. But if you're moving forward all the time... you will make progress and improvement even if you're just a mediocre at the moment. So keep going all the time, keep repeating the process, keep failing and keep trying, keep producing something... that's how to win in life, all you have to do is make a progress, a small progress will do fine, it's easy to do, all you have to do is commit and never stop. Train your mind and body to become unstoppable, it's easy to do. Just stay disciplined and never stop thinking about the goal that you're chasing, let it consume your mind, let it be your reality, let it take over your life because it's all worth it. Going all in and staying focus is the only way to live a successful life.

Keep chasing that dream, have that lion mindset, do whatever it takes to make you one step closer from your dream, all you have to do is start and never stop... that's it. There is no right or wrong here, for as long as what you're doing is non illegal then it is right. If your intention is to simply win then your process is right no matter how bad it looks. Just give yourself a chance to feel free and creative by doing it your way, even if your work looks like a mediocre... it is right, just repeat it everyday and you will become great. Not all people know that mediocrity is the path to greatness, keep being a mediocre everyday, show up and you will become great one day, it's all about the repetiton. 

Feb 2, 2020


Never take the backseat, get the steering wheel and drive your own car. It means you need to take care of your own business and create the life you want by your own means. Never let other people decide how your life is going to be, you need to make yourself and take risks and see what is possible by working hard and making your own decisions. Because the greatest thing to do with your life is experiment your life and take the steering wheel, make your own decisions and do what your heart tells you to do so. You will feel lowly of yourself if you will not take the steering wheel and take matters into your own hands, you have to go for it, claim your life and do whatever it takes to make yourself happy, be proud of your own decisions, be the best that you can and create your destiny. Be the captain of your ship, be the owner of your mind. Because sometimes you don't own your mind, it was owned by other people, you are following them you are letting your mind be influenced by other people. And that's why you can't make your own decisions, that's why you're not happy and that is why you feel powerless and hopeless, you feel weak, you're not living your life, you're living in fear.

It's your car, it's your life why are you letting other people take away your power and time? You have to create your own decisions, create your own process, never mind if your path is not that beautiful, don't be afraid of a rough path because it will only harden you, it will make you reach your full potential. Don't be afraid to make mistakes, don't be afraid to go all out, what will happen will happen but don't ever be scared to take risks and give yourself a chance to become successful. Start now, draw the first blood, pull the trigger, you need to move, you need to create and give everything you've got. Just keep pressing the gas, never step on the brakes, full steam ahead... move forward till you arrive at your desired destination. Don't worry if you get lost because you will find a way later. Getting lost is all part of the design, getting lost is normal, your life will not become perfect, sometimes the process will really become very hard but you can make your life epic if you will follow your own intuition and leave your comfort zone.

So what if you fail? it's your life, you just did follow your heart. So what if you didn't make it? at least you give yourself a chance, at least you didn't take your life for granted. You have to be your own leader, own coach, own friend, you have to be ok being alone if you really want to take full control of your life. You're not going to win if you will not try, you can only go to the next level if you will be the driver of your own car. 

Feb 1, 2020


Don't be afraid to start all over again, life begins now, it's not about the past nor future... it's about the now. Be present in the now and never think about anything else, just love your life, fall in the love with the present moment and never rush anything. Because life is suppose to be lived and not to be rushed. Start now and enjoy your life, if you're broke in the past if you failed in the past... forget all of it and simply start now, life begins now. What happened in the past and what will happen in the future is none of your business, you have to take care of the now, enjoy it because that's how to live life properly. Start your life, continue your life and make the best out of it. It's simply having fun and giving your best. Never regret your past, never feel ashamed about it, what happens happens, what is done is done, you have a lot of chance to become happier this time so don't mess up with your opportunities. Do something now, worry later, just live your life now and stay happy all the time. It's possible to start all over again after failing or heartbreak or experiencing something that is very traumatic, it's possible to live your life again. And it's going to happen now, forget everything in the past, put it inside the trash can and feel like a new person.

Establish a new routine, think different this time, create a new mindset, believe in something new. You need to reinvent yourself if you want to experience a new life. It's all about trying to expand a little bit and a little bit everyday, it's all about welcoming new opportunities and experiences that will give you happiness and fulfillment. Don't worry about the time wasted because there is no time wasted, the truth is you just didn't like your life and everything in the past but don't worry because life begins now. No matter how old you are... you can still make a difference, you can still experience a different kind of life that you haven't experienced yet.

Enjoy every step, enjoy every process, enjoy every happening, appreciate anything around you... that's how to create a new life. Invest on the things that really matters, stop giving attention to something that will only make you feel bad, you need to focus on what you want and stop thinking about the things and people that only makes you feel bad. Focus on every step that you need in order to create a new life, create a new identity, shift your mind from victim to winner. It's all about your perspective, it's all about giving yourself a chance to become happy, it's all about moving and that's it, move now and do something positive and you will experience a new life. Movement is all that matters and nothing else. If you want to succeed and become happier... move on, forget the past, stop worrying about the future and simply keep moving forward all the time.