Feb 23, 2020


The reason why it's hard is because you're expecting too much, you're anticipating greatness or success or whatever. You want it fast, you want to get it and if you can't get it you go crazy, you get depressed and you don't want to try again. But can't you see, taking actions is the only way, you still have to work even if it's not working, you still need to move because if you will stay stuck in one place then you will never get anywhere. Stop looking for results and just keep taking actions, you can never control the outcome of something, success is out of your control, all you can control is your effort so keep gong even if you can't see any kind of progress yet. Just believe that hard work pays off and that you will be rewarded with the effort that you've put in so never feel bad if you're not getting results at the moment because one day success is going to be yours if you really give everything you've got.

I'm not saying that you should be content with your life, it's ok to dream about big things but sometimes no matter how hard you try you can't find a way. It only means that you need to detach a little bit from the outcome and focus on moving. We all want results but we don't want to take massive actions and that's why only few from us become successful. Always believe that you can go a little bit further than yesterday, you can take it step by step, you can have a slow pace but still win in the end. The reason why you want it fast is because you're too pressured to win, you're getting jealous of other people's success and that is a bad mentality. Be patient and stick with the game plan, stick with your principles, never change your goals just because it is hard, stick with it no matter what and keep fighting until the end.

It's ok to look like a fool, it's ok to get zero results for today for as long as you're still trying and doing your thing... you're still on the right path. Never quit never give up, if you want to win then show them what you've got, show them something that not all people can do, show them who you really are. be the baddest worker alive, show your beast mode, always feel hungry to work and never expect anything in return. Once there is an opportunity to move... move and never hold yourself back, as simple as that. This game plan will work for sure, all you have to do is stay consistent and stay focused. One day is going to be your day, one day you will see success falling into your hands so keep moving forward even if you're tired, you're almost there, don't stop when you're tired, stop when you're already successful. It's ok to rest sometimes but don't ever give up. 

1 comment:

  1. You should see how my pal Wesley Virgin's autobiography starts with this SHOCKING AND CONTROVERSIAL VIDEO.

    You see, Wesley was in the army-and shortly after leaving-he found hidden, "MIND CONTROL" secrets that the CIA and others used to obtain whatever they want.

    These are the EXACT same SECRETS many famous people (especially those who "come out of nothing") and the greatest business people used to become rich and famous.

    You probably know how you only use 10% of your brain.

    That's really because the majority of your brainpower is UNCONSCIOUS.

    Perhaps this thought has even taken place INSIDE OF YOUR very own brain... as it did in my good friend Wesley Virgin's brain around seven years ago, while driving an unlicensed, garbage bucket of a car without a license and with $3 on his debit card.

    "I'm so fed up with going through life check to check! When will I finally succeed?"

    You took part in those types of thoughts, isn't it right?

    Your success story is going to be written. Go and take a leap of faith in YOURSELF.

