Feb 17, 2020


Just like the famous warrior of Japan said: "No Regrets". This is one of the best quote that you can use in your life... No regrets, no regrets so you can move on fast once you made a mistake. No regrets so that your mind will not over think. What is done is done, let it go, no regrets and look forward to the next chapter of your life. Something great is about to come, something great will be yours if you just do whatever it takes and work hard until you become successful. Take a lot of actions, don't be afraid to master the trial and error method. Stay consistent all the time and have that relentless attitude, attack your goal all the time. Everything you do must be related to your goal. There should be no regrets, there should be no bitterness once you made a mistake. Don't be afraid to make a mistake again, don't be afraid to push yourself to the limits and exert a full maximum effort. Always remember that nothing should hold you back, one is always better than zero. It is better to be doing something now rather than doing nothing at all. So give everything you've got, always see to it that you are pushing further and further everyday. You will only get better if you're trying again, you will only level up even if you fail, so you have nothing to lose here, it's always a win win situation for you every time you try again.

Stop procrastinating, stop judging yourself that it's all you can do. You can always do something, you can do more and be more so give everything you've got and give your very best every single day. No regrets if you fail, no hard feelings when you get zero. There is always tomorrow, it's a new day, you can try again, always give yourself a chance to succeed. Because you're the only one who's stopping yourself by always thinking about the past and the decisions that you made. There is no wrong decision if it is based on what you desire. Every action is the right action, every path is the right path. Just make sure you are not taking your life for granted and you're always navigating through unknown territories, don't be afraid to take risk again, don't be afraid to give your all. Start again, fail again, fail over and over again until you finally made it... that;s how to win in life. Because your effort and thoughts are the only things you can control. You can never control the outcome, you may win or you may lose but you can never exert a weak effort, it's all in your hands. Get disgusted with yourself if you're taking it too lightly, don't take it easy, you have to go hard all the time and show the universe what you are made of.

So just keep thinking about the good things to come. Forget the past, forget all of your failures and shortcomings, it is what it is, you can never change it anymore but you can change your perspective to anything. You can still feel happy after failing or you can be bitter about it. The choice is yours but always keep in mind that you're the only one who's hurting yourself. 

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