Feb 15, 2020


What is your mentality? what is your philosophy? what is your mindset? stop playing games because you will be played in the end. If you cannot focus on your goal then for sure you're going to fail, you need to make your mind and focus on one thing, not two or three things... just one thing. If your goal is to make one million dollars then focus on that. Don't focus on watching porn, don't focus on your fears, don't focus on spending a lot of money... Focus on getting that money, as simple as that. The lock in mentality means you're not going to desire for some other things other than your goal, you're completely lock in, your focus is as sharp as a newly sharped blade. It's not hard, it's hard because you can't focus, it's hard because you're not used to making sacrifices all the time.

Because time is a very valuable thing, it's not even a thing, it's power. The more you waste your time, the more you lose power, you're not in control anymore if you're wasting a lot of it, your life will go downward spiral and it will be very hard for you to make a comeback. So never let your mind get played by a lot of subjects, you need to focus it on one thing and that is your goal. Keep climbing, the highest mountain, keep reaching for another level, always stay lock in and keep moving forward all the time, because that is what's life is all about... trying to discover what is possible for your life if you work hard and use the power of focus. Create a new brand of greatness, create something great, do something you haven't done before, lock in to your desire and do whatever it takes to get it, as simple as that.

A lot of people have it, they have the extra factor, they have what it takes to succeed but they were not focused with their own journey and that is why then end up being a failure, their minds were too cluttered and unfocused, they were thinking too much but not using their brains. Because thinking is one thing, using your mind is another thing. Just because you are thinking doesn't mean you're really using your brain, just because you think you're planning doesn't mean you're on the right direction. What if you're just over thinking? what if you're just trying to make yourself believe that you need a lot of time planning so that you can avoid taking actions? You're already inventing excuses, the truth is you can take actions while tweaking your plan every time there is a better idea that pops out from your brain.

Lock in with action, don't lock in with analysis paralysis, don't freeze yourself doing nothing and procrastinating. Use speed, time is fast so you need to become fast too. You can do a lot of things instead of just talking and talking. Stop wasting your time, you need to pull the trigger now and start taking actions before it's too late. You are what you are focusing on, so if you're focus on worries then your life is all about worries, but if you're focus on actions then your life means success and progress. So stop thinking now and just do what you need to do, you will be surprised with the results that you may get because of non stop action, start now... do what is best for your life, there is no right or wrong here for as long as your intention is right, stay lock in, the more you move the more you get better. 

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