Feb 8, 2020


Always one more, one more rep, one more try, one more money, one more work, one more practice... always one more. Never stop, this is how to be relentless and unstoppable. The mindset of always doing one more will make you go further, never look at the destination, look at the process of doing one more. One more is the key, it will make you powerful, it will give you another production, it will give you a momentum. One more is easy to do, all you have to do is do it. It doesn't matter if it will make an impact or not... just do one more. Keep pushing, keep grinding, that is what it's all about. Stop being lazy because it will never get the job done, you should have a mindset of a lion... you will go for the kill no matter what, you will push yourself to the limits until you get what you want. Because it's all worth it to chase your dream and improve a little bit. Keep improving all the time, set a goal and always do something for it. One more try, one more push, one more effort... it is a never ending journey, you become your goal, you chase it and you work on it forever... the process never stop.

So if you are feeling tired... just say to yourself, just one more. Just one, all you need is to start and you will feel much better again. Do one more, feel the pain, destroy the resistance, destroy your laziness, overpower your worries and fear. Just move and you will be fine... that's it. You have to trust the process of doing more. Do it over and over again, just one more strong effort, one more chance... always look forward to push and use all of your energy. Because the reality is you can always do more but you choose not to. You are choosing comfort over pain and that's why you can't move, you have to choose pain, you have to choose taking actions over other things that are useless for your progress. Just do one more and you will be able to build a momentum, just do one more and you will feel much better, you will begin to enjoy your work and you will work harder this time. Forcing yourself to move is the best thing that you can do with your life. Laziness is next to ugliness, laziness will only give you a worse life so why choose it? everybody knows it, you know it too so stop being lazy and just do something.

Stop stopping and just push, never mind about winning or losing... just push, this should be your mindset forever. Always look forward to push because that is where magic happens. When there is a resistance, when you feel tired already and about to give up... keep pushing, that is the opportunity you've been waiting for, that is a big opportunity to shine. So forget about how you feel, stop pampering and spoiling yourself because you're not a baby anymore... just push yourself to the limits and see what you can attract with that kind of mentality. You will be surprised with the results that you will see, you will even never expect that you can do amazing things by doing one more. So stop entertaining the idea about quitting and just do one more. 

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