Feb 10, 2020


I don't even know that I have a grade A psychosis, I don't even know that I have an asthma. I just keep working hard everyday and it makes me forget that I am not normal. The power of focus was really unbelievable, it will guide you to the right direction and make you happier, it will entertain you. So focus on working hard and enjoying your work and you will forget all of your problems. Your body language will change, your self image will change and you will also become a better person. Hard work can cure everything because it will motivate you and inspire you, it will give you what you are looking for. Forget about the results because hard work alone is the prize, the process alone can make you happy if you are fully committed to it and being passionate with every action that you did. If you are feeling something bad then simply work hard, do something and fully focus on it, it will remove all the pain that you are feeling right now. It will divert the pain to joy, it will make you feel powerful than ever. Hard work is the answer, all you have to do is focus on your work, focus on what entertains you that has benefits in the future.

I become normal because of hard work, my disease was cured naturally without having to do something about it. It's so cool, it's so great, I don't even need to spend a single cent for it. The explanation for this is when you're busy being great or having fun with something... you will forget your problems and pain, your body and mind will forget that you have a disease, the cells in your body will heal yourself. So keep working hard for something and for sure your life will change, keep working on it everyday, make sure you are giving your best and having a lot of fun on it. Time will run fast, you will never even notice that it's already night and you have to sleep. Sometimes you don't even want to sleep because you're too invested with the work that you love. Enjoying something that i is positive will heal you, it will make you forget that you're going through hardship. You will even get excited with life again, you will wake up early and stay awake late at night because you're feeling the love so much.

So if you want all of your problems and troubles to go away... look for an activity that you can give all of your heart and do it. Do it everyday, become invested with it and give your heart and soul to it. It will heal you mentally and physically, you will have something where you can use your energy and that is a very good thing. Sometimes the energy and thoughts in your body cannot go out and that is why you are getting frustrated and feeling bad, you can't express yourself, you can't use your power. If you will dedicate your time to working hard for something then your life will become much much better. 

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