Aug 31, 2022


You're failing because you're not failing. You're not even trying, you're not risking, you're not risking, your effort was too low, you have a mediocre energy. Stop being a punk, stop being weak and lazy, you have to expose yourself to failures. Keep failing again and again, life is livelier if you're taking this approach. don't be afraid to fail, don't be afraid to try over and over again. You're failing in life because you're always playing safe and acting like you're entitled to become successful right away. If you're not guaranteed to success then you will not even try, that's why you're failing, that's why you can't make a progress. You have to jump in as fast as you can and do whatever it takes to succeed... as simple as that. Go all in today and look for ways to take actions, always look for the next step and stop worrying about anything else. Just keep pushing, always force yourself to move and make it your habit to start fast and finish strong. Never waste this day procrastinating and worrying about how to become successful, make this day very productive, become dominant, do as much as you can and never stop, never complain if you're not making results... just keep pushing until the end. 

You want to win but you're not giving your all, who do you think you are? stop acting like you're entitled to become successful right away without failing. You really need to feel the bitterness of failing, you need to feel the pain because it's the only thing that will make you stronger. You need to look for opportunities where you can take the risks and fail. Stop holding yourself back, don't be afraid to repeat again. failing is part of the process, the more pain you feel the stronger you become. Never forget to move forward, once you fail... stand up right again and try again  Don't be like others who are always complaining that they deserve something, the truth is... they don't. They're just making dramas because they feel entitled of something that they don't even deserve. 

Look for something to do, look for a goal and fail on it. Fail with dignity, don't fail because you slack off, fail while giving everything you've  got. Don't be afraid to try, don't be afraid to take the blame, look for something you can do and push yourself to the limits. It's all or nothing, put yourself on a position or state of mind where you really need to give your all or else you will die. This is where the fun begins... take it seriously and think that your life depends on it. This kind of mentality will make you a beast, it will make you relentless and unstoppable. 

At the end of the day you will question yourself if you really gave your all or not, did you really give your all? did you really push yourself to the limits? did you really make sure you have nothing left in your tank?

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Aug 27, 2022


You can't hit the target because you're not serious, you're playing vide games and scrolling too much on social media, you're too focused on what other people are doing and that's why you can't make a progress. Stop being a bum and just do it, dedicate all of your energy to it, if you want to make it happen then make it happen. Stop wasting time and giving  too much energy for other people and useless things. It's time to own your life, if they can become successful then you too can become successful, shoot for the stars and never stop shooting, you will hit it in just a matter of time, just be patient and take your time. Never take your eyes off the goal, you must look at it all the time and think about it 24/7. Take massive actions and never hold yourself back, you must define what you need to do and follow that game plan forever. Stop doubting yourself, stop thinking that you won't get it, you will get it if you really want it, you will go to the extreme, you will do the impossible, nothing can stop you.  

You can dream about anything you want just make sure you are willing to make sacrifices and stop doing your bad habits. Don't try to look for a specific way on how to get it, just go and get it. Your job is not to ask how to get it, your job is to push forward and do whatever it takes to win, it's not complicated, it's hard but it's too simple... work as hard as you can and believe it to the bottom of your heart. You have to want it so bad like you can't live without it. Shoot for the stars, you have the right to dream about anything if you will really work insanely hard and never give up until the end. Because nobody is going to shoot it for you, you have to go and get it like your life depends on it. If you can have thins hungry mentality then you will become unstoppable. 

You can work super hard today, remind yourself about that. Never feel bad if you didn't get any results, try again tomorrow. Make it a habit to become a doer and not an overthinker. If you will just work every single second then you will become very close to success, you will go to a different level. Use today as your starting point, never hesitate, never stop, never give up. All it takes is one decision, are you going to all in or not? are you going to give your all? stop wishing for something if you're not willing to use all of your energy and time for it? if you're half ass committed then you're not going to win. Just keep going because the universe will help you, it will conspire, you will see clues, you will see improvements but you have to take it seriously, you have to use every second of your life for shooting for the stars. 

It's all in the mind, every time you feel like struggling it's because you're looking for result already, stop looking for immediate results and just keep taking baby steps every now and then. Don't waste time whining and complaining why you're not getting any results yet. Success will come on the right time, you just need to wait and be patient. 

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Aug 26, 2022


If you don't want to believe then you already lost before you fight. The power of belief is real, it can move mountains, it can revive the dead, it can turn you into a beast, nothing is impossible if you believe. But believing is the hardest thing to do, it's because you're too focused on what you're seeing, a little difficulty is making you quit, a little adversity is making you weak. You need to keep pushing all the time even if it is hard, if you really believe it then you will never stop. Believing in something will make you relentless, it will keep you awake at night, it will make you faster and braver, it will make you do the extreme, you will do what most people can't do because you're seeing things that they can't see. Whatever idea you have in mind... believe it and never doubt it, just keep doing something for it, take it one step at a time and never stop just for a second. If you really want it then you will find a way, as simple as that. So if you're feeling lazy right now, if you're not doing anything it's not because you're really lazy, it's because you don't believe it hard enough. Anything is doable, anything is achievable but you need to believe in yourself first so that the ideas will come and the energy need will be available. Because you will always feel week and unmotivated if you don't believe, but if you really believe it then you will find the energy that doesn't exist just to execute the next step. 

Just move forward and your belief will get stronger and stronger. You don't need to overthink, you don't need to become perfect, just move forward and keep failing. These failures will teach you, these failures will make you tougher, every time you fail you get stronger and stronger, you have nothing to lose in life if you will believe and try. Make yourself a doer, stop being a procrastinator, stop being a waiter or a thinker, just do what you can do and do it a million times. Don't stop when it's hard, keep pushing so that you will be able to create a momentum. If you want to make a breakthrough then take massive actions, never mind if you are tired, never care if you have to repeat again and again, your willpower will find a way. An unstoppable belief can break anything. 

Just believe, even if you don't believe it... fake it. Make it a game, just do it even if you have doubts, just do it even if you're scared. That fake belief will soon become real, you just need to stay committed and persevere until the end. Make a run, make a deep deep run, make sure you will give everything you've got and use all of your energy, this kind of mentality will make you know who you really are, it will make you see the strongest side of you. Just keep believing and keep working, never stop until you can't move anymore. This is the mentality of a real winner, a real hustler, your mind should never think about stopping just for a second. If you can do something, do it without hesitation, do it without thinking about what's going to happen next. 

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Aug 25, 2022


Your mind was already crowded that's why it has no room for success anymore. You filled it news, gossips, useless arguments, useless threads on social media, nonsense fighting in comment section etc. Your mind cannot function anymore because you poison it with different information that is making you weak, scared and slow. You're consuming a lot of information that is not helping you to get better. Your mind is seeing things absorbing a lot of news that are negative and not inspiring. And that's why you're depressed and sick, that's why you don't have enough energy to become happy and experience more life. 

Don't feed your mind for 30 days, reject all the negativity and just think about what you want to happen. Disconnect from any information that is stopping you or making you slow. Never talk to anyone that is not making you feel better. Stop watching the stupid news, stop scrolling in your social media accounts. Stop gossiping and stop thinking about the people and subjects that you don't like. If something is scaring you or making you anxious and worried... never focus on it. Focus only on the information that is making you better, faster and stronger. Your thoughts are making you weak, what kind of thoughts are you thinking? everything that is happening in your life comes from the way you think. 

Protect your mind because the content of it will be manifested to your reality. If you think about good health for 30 days then you will get it. If you think about money for 30 days and do something to get it then you will get it. The problem with you is your mind is too crowded with a lot of ideas that are stupid and useless. You're entertaining a lot of subjects that are not even worth it. You're giving too much power to something that is making you broke and stupid. You need to protect your mind and never let unwanted thoughts poison it. You're in control of your life, you can change any situation you are in if you will just change your mind and never feed it with anything that is not contributing to your growth. 

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Aug 24, 2022


Most of you can't take actions because you're thinking if you're ready or not, you're overthinking if you can do it or not. One foot is moving forward and the other one is moving backward. And that's why you can't decide if you're going to do it or not, you think it's not time to start, you think there is always tomorrow. You think you need to become ready first before you move. The think is this... accept that you are no ready and do it anyway, always think that trying it is already a preparation, aim to win but don't be afraid to lose. Because when are you going to get ready? you've been saying that for so long, you've been waiting for so long that's why you can't change your damn situation, whether you're ready or not... just try. Because you will never become ready, and even if you prepared for a long time... you will still feel not ready. There will be doubts, there will be fears but you can still move forward and do something positive, it's simply about not thinking and just doing it, what the hell are you waiting for? always remember that you have nothing to lose, you have everything to gain every time you force yourself to move and do something. 

Stop making dramas and excuses. You just to have do it. There are some athletes who can't pull the trigger, they're overthinking, they think that they're not ready even though they practice a lot. It's because they wanted to be guaranteed of winning, they're even using mental health as an excuse. Everybody suffers mental health, this is a not a new thing, stop thinking that this is a big issue. Whether you have a mental health issue or not... just do it. Detach from the idea that you need to become perfect, you will never feel free if you're holding back yourself all the time. If you want freedom... let it go, detach from everything. Detach from success, detach from what people say, detach from the idea that life is suppose to be perfect and flawless. You will never enjoy life if you're resisting pain and failure.

You will never become ready, ever. Whatever the consequence maybe... just do it. The power of just doing it is real. It will make you feel better, it will release the pressure inside of you. Most people doesn't want to do it because they're so afraid of what people are going to say. The real recognizes the real, if a person is for real and not a hater then he will appreciate your effort. Just go all in no matter what, whether you are ready or not... just do it. Give everything you've got ad never think about failing, never put pressure on yourself, always think that what you're doing is right and will give you something in the future. Stop waiting for the right timing because it doesn't exist, the real timing is now, you have to start now. 

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Aug 22, 2022


are you pressured at your work? are you pressured of the recession? are you pressured because you think what you're aiming for is larger than life and it's your only last chance to get it? the truth is... you should never feel any pressure at all. This life is just a game, it's just a matter of who can stay calm and detach with everything that will win. If you can just think that nothing is bigger than your life and that you're already lucky to be alive then you will never feel any pressure at all. This life is just a one time experience, you have to devour every experience that you can experience and never feel bad about something that isn't worth worrying about at all. Why worry about something that is not really important? the money, the fame, the success... you can have all of these but never feel bad if you can't have it now. 

Everything will fade, everything will end, everything will become weak. All pain will end, all suffering will end, there's no need to pressure yourself. Just persevere, just don't quit and you will be relieve in just a matter of time. There's no pressure to get anything, you don't need anything, you just need yourself and your belief. Pressure is self inflicted, you are pressuring yourself for what? you don't need to become scared like that. You have nothing to lose, you have everything to gain, treat this life like a game... get what you can get but never feel bad if you can't get it. Have fun with the process because time is fast, you need to devour every second, create an opportunity for yourself if you can't get it. This is just a mind game, the more you think positive the better your life gets. 

You can ask for anything you can get anything but don't pressure yourself if you can't see any traction. This is life, you win some you lose some. There's no pressure to perform perfect but always give your very best. Allow people to criticize you, allow people to dislike you but don't ever try to please them, just be yourself, just give everything you've got and never allow anything to stop you. You can become unstoppable if you will allow yourself to try and just move whenever you need to. Detach from everything, just be yourself and feel excited with the process. Enjoy life, enjoy trying, enjoy persevering. Never take anything personally, just try and focus on winning. The world is yours, this life experience is a one time thing so make sure you do everything you can to see your full potential. 

Pressure is only in the mind, you worry a lot, you overthink a lot. You're always anticipating pain, failure, problems that are not real. If you will just learn how to let go then everything will become a lot easier. Just detach from anything that's making you worried and all of your fears will go away. Think that everything is not a big deal. If you lose, got rejected, fail, got humiliated then it's fine, embrace all of it and just keep moving forward. 

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Aug 20, 2022

entertain yourself with hard work while waiting

If you're waiting for a job, a break, a bitch or something and you find yourself getting bored already... entertain yourself with hard work, get better and never slack off because the more you work harder the faster the manifestation will be. People who are working hard even if they're not getting paid wins in the end, on the other hand people who complain while waiting never get what they want. It is the rule of life... you have to pay the price first before getting it, blessings and success will never be attracted to you if all you want is to get it without having to work for it. So if you want something but you're not working hard everyday... you will never get it. You have to think that every action is the right action, you have to think that everything you do is making you closer and closer to what you want. Be patient, get better everyday. Even if success is not guaranteed... still give your best and never waste any single second. 

hard work pays off, if will reward you if you are loyal to it. Don't just work hard today and you will rest tomorrow, work hard every single day, work hard even if it's your birthday or Christmas. Just work hard and prepare for success, just do something positive, build something and never stop working. You will never get zero if you're really committed to it. Give everything you've got and always believe that it's going to work no matter what. Go for it, go all the way and simply stick to the process. You need to entertain yourself with hard work while waiting for a break, you will get it in just a matter of time but you will never get it if you're always lazy and doing something stupid that's only making you dumber and slower. Stop building bad habits that will only waste a lot of your precious time, you're better than that, there's a job you need to do. Start now, what the hell are you waiting for? 

Look at those people who were clowning around while waiting for an opportunity... they never get it, they're waiting forever, they already grew old without getting something. And the funny thing is, they will call it bad luck. You can never attract success if all you do is scroll on facebook and look for a hot chick that you can use to feed your fantasies. You need to step up your game, stop wasting your golden time because you will never get it back. Use your time for building the right habits and thought process that will bring you success.  Discipline yourself to do the right things only. Never waste any given day doing something stupid that will never even give you a momentum. 

Success is not about skills, it's not about having those gifts, it's nota bout luck... it's simply abut forcing yourself to move whenever you don't want to. You go to a different level every time you do what you don't want that is needed. You get better every time you defeat laziness. That's it, it's simply about hard work and discipline and nothing else. Take massive actions and you will get massive results, you don't need to become an Einstein or an Elon Musk to become successful, you just need to force yourself to take actions and show up every single day. 

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Aug 19, 2022


If you want to become successful, mentally tough, rich and avoid depression then train yourself to keep trying. If there is something you think you can't do... try it. If there is something you want to do but you feel a lot of resistance... try it. If you're so afraid of failing because you think your energy will be wasted... just try and stop being afraid of getting tired. If you will try over and over again then you will get better, you will become faster, mentally tougher. You will lose a lot but the number of your winnings will be doubled. Unlike a person who is not even trying, he will get zero, he will become depressed, he will have a lot of regret in the end. 

You have to love the process. You have to think that it is a journey and that you will succeed if you keep moving forward and forget everything that is stopping you. Something is stopping you and that is your thoughts and perception. You have to feel good all the time, you have to feel free all the time and that will only happen if you will allow yourself to move and give everything you've got regardless of what the outcome maybe. Keep trying because it's making you closer and closer to victory, you may not see the results yet but eventually you will in the end. Keep persisting and never give up, the more you try the bigger the chances of winning. You have to feel good failing and always think that it's only making you a better person. 

You can try a million times and not get executed for it. Nothing can stop you if you will just decide to take actions every time you need to. Take actions when you feel uncomfortable because that is when you're going to make a progress. Stop waiting for the perfect timing, there is no such thing as that. There is no perfect time, the right time is always now. Whether you are ready or not... just do it, no time for overthinking, no time for hesitating... just do it with all your might, give everything you've got. Just go out and do it, don't be afraid of failing because it will make you a better person, the pain that you felt, that scars that you get will make you stronger and wiser. Stop wasting your time crying every time you fail, stand up and try again. 

Think of it as a game, you keep moving, you keep playing, you keep trying even if you already failed a million times. You don't get tired, the fire inside of you can't be extinguished. You're all in, you're committed to the process. You're hungry for success, you can't wait to have it but you're not rushing, you're patient and taking it one day at a time. 

Your energy and effort won't be wasted for nothing, every action you take is essential to become successful, you may not see the fruits of your labor yet but eventually you will in the near future. Just keep going and never stop no matter what, keep trying because that's the only path, don't believe in shortcuts, don't believe that you can cheat the system. You have to learn to adapt and accept that it's going to be a long journey. 

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Aug 16, 2022


Life is too simple, just live it, just survive and try to win. Focus on what you can control and that is your thoughts, emotions and actions. Don't focus on what you can't control such as other people's actions, other people's comments about you. You will feel weaker every time you try to control everything, just live your life, make it simple, make it basic and just do whatever it takes to succeed, make small progress, achieve small success and multiply it everyday. Life is easy if you will not think about everything, focus on what you have and never get jealous of what other people have. It's your journey, you're the captain of your own sheep, stop trying to enter another people's journey because you will lose control, you will only get disappointed in the end. Just enjoy the struggle, enjoy the pain, enjoy the failures, enjoy the imperfection of life, this kind of mindset is the only way that will make your life easier, this is the fastest way to make a progress. Accept everything about your life and focus on the better things ahead of you. 

Don't make it hard on yourself. Stick with the basics, make it as simple as it can be. Good things will happen if you take your time, just focus on what you want and never try to rush anything. If you want something so fast then you will never get it, take your time and just believe in yourself, believe that you will get it. It's ok if you are slow, for as long as you're moving forward then you will be alright. Never try to compare yourself to others, just appreciate your own life and be happy with what you've got. The more you try to rush things, the more it gets away from you. Just give your very best and never try to feel so needy of the results, it will come if it is about to come. What will happen will happen, focus on trying to create every second and never check for results every now and then. Take it slowly if you need to but don't slack off, live by your pace, try to push a little harder but never try to do something stupid that will only destroy the process.

Time is so fast, you don't need to fix or control everything, it will be taken care of by itself. Just trust life, just give your best and focus on what matters most. You don't need to control everything, you don't need to be so sure and comfortable. Enjoy taking risks, enjoy facing the pain, enjoy the struggle and never look for an easy way out. It's all in the mind, everything that is hard will become a lot easier if you will just accept it and not judge it according to its appearance. Everything that is easy will get harder if you're taking things for granted and not appreciating the moment. Your mind and your thoughts decides if something is easy or hard. It depends on your perception that makes something different the way it use to be. Take care of your mind, watch your thoughts carefully, slow down a little bit and learn to breathe. You're in control of everything, you just need to trust life. Believe that everything happening is helping you to get better and stronger. 

There's no need to become perfect, there's no need to become great, just simply give your best and never waste your time doing stupid and nonsense things that's only making your situation worse. 

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Aug 15, 2022


If you want to change but you can't change then don't. Stop changing but if you want to have a better life then add some habits that will put you on a better position to succeed. Focus on building a new habit, focus on your goal and get serious with it.. this kind of approach will eliminate your bad habits without forcing anything or trying to deprive yourself. Just go all the way for your dream, be happy working for it and you will change automatically without having to force yourself into something that you don't like. It's simply about being serious with what you want and believing that it will happen, that's how to force change into your life. Stop feeling guilty about yourself if you've been lazy today, think about what you want or what you want to achieve and focus on it. Just keep going, never care about the results and focus on the concept, the concept is to keep trying and simply enjoy the process. If you can choose to become a doer then you've already changed, you've already arrived to where you want to be. It's not the final output that counts, it's what you're doing now. If you wanted to become a beast then act like one, stop talking, stop trying to look cool and just focus on getting better everyday. 

Go to your highest level. Work as hard as you can, give your sharpest focus, give your all, do whatever it takes to win, believe harder, think bigger and always trust the process. Believe that anything you're doing is making you successful and better. Just push and prioritize what you really want, what you really want to achieve, believe that hard work pays off all the time and never feel sorry for yourself if you're giving everything you've got yet not getting anything in return. Just take the process seriously and never ever give up. Always remember that you don't need to feel good, you just need to push forward and hunt that dream everyday. Feeling good and being confident is overrated, nobody will ever feel that, life is really hard but you can make it easier by just accepting that it is hard and simply follow your passion. 

Don't force yourself to change because you will fail, just dream bigger and aim for a better result. You can only do that by increasing your effort. Just work harder than yesterday, every time you find yourself not doing anything... start and do something. Never waste your time, time is really precious and irreplaceable, you have to use your time for doing something positive that will make you closer and closer to your dream. 

Don't hate yourself, have no regrets, stop judging yourself and always think that what you're doing is right. For as long as the action is positive, for as long as you're not hurting anybody... you are right so just keep going and never stop. Don't change, stop being aware that you're not changing and simply focus on doing what is best for your life. Wanting to change means wanting the results right away, you don't need the results, you need to focus on the process. 

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Aug 12, 2022


It doesn't matter if you feel good or not, what matters is you do it. Quit being slow and trust speed, if you can be just fast in starting then good thing will happen, you will be able to create a momentum, just start and never think if you're right or wrong, never care about your feelings and just drag yourself to work. Stop making dramas, stop being soft, quit being a loser. If you want to become a winner then you need to become a doer, as simple as that. Losers, broke people were just watchers, they envy people who are succeeding, they always watch other people, they're always waiting for their luck that doesn't come. 

You will really doubt yourself if you can do it or not but if you will just do it and stop thinking about the future then you will be able to do it. Just relax and never judge yourself, never think that you're not doing the right thing, never be hard on yourself and just do what you can do. Get addicted to baby steps, take it one step at a time and never stop, always follow through, the only skill that you must develop is the ability to start fast, start something and never look back, you have the power to move... use that power and trust that it will take you to places you've never been before. Just start now and let the rest take care of itself. Never think that there is something wrong in what you're doing, never judge yourself according to the results you've been getting, just persevere and be patient... it's only just a matter of time before you win.  

Just keep trying, whether you win or lose... keep trying and never stop. It's not about how you feel... it's about how you move, your emotions has got nothing to do with success, your emotions is just making you weak and soft. Never care about your emotions, just keep going and do whatever it takes to succeed, as simple as that. Your emotions will always fail you, use your mind, it doesn't matter if you feel good or not... just take actions. Eventually you will feel good later, just keep going and do what you can do, forget the future, forget what may happen next, forget the time, forget your past and just give your all now. 

Stop looking for fast results, stop looking to finish it fast, don't rush, enjoy the process, do it manually if you need to, do it slowly if that's the only way, use your skills and always give your best no matter what. It is not a race, you can win by being slow, you just need to stay consistent and learn to follow through all the time. Your state of mind should all be about taking actions and nothing else. Don't procrastinate for a second and you will become a millionaire, this is true, I can attest to this because I am the living proof. Just do what you can, keep pushing, keep looking for an opportunity to evolve and you will never lose in life. It's the progress that you must be striving for not the results, if you're taking actions then you are progressing... as simple as it sounds. So focus on moving, do something productive today and never waste your time simping on IG models that will only make you weak and slow. You have to be productive, be selfish with your time, never give it for free, never waste it for useless activities that will make you broke. 

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Aug 8, 2022


It's very simple, look for something you can do and just do it. Never hold yourself back, never hesitate, never overthink... just do it and forget the outcome, detach from the results, forget about perfection, forget about being great and just trust the process. Most people wanted to become great right away but they don't want to do the process. Stop trying to look perfect, cute and awesome... just focus on taking actions, step by step... do it without holding yourself back. To become a doer is not to become a results getter, there will be times that you will fail or get rejected, actually not only there will be times but a lot of times, but that's ok. A doer will get 200x more than a thinker, if you're just a thinker and not doing anything then you will never get anything, you will get zero. 

You could have been the best by now but you always choose to procrastinate and do some stupid BS. Your life should be very good right now but you choose to become lazy all day, you're so in love with social media posts, gossips, stupid infos, products, netflix, ecommerce sites, news and celebrities that's why you're living like a cold and useless bum. Your life has no direction, if you can't discipline yourself then you will be stuck in a mud forever. You have to get rid of these stupid vices that are only making you poor and weak, you have to go all the way and push yourself to the limits. To become a doer you must watch yourself all the time, see yourself if you're doing something stupid or procrastinating for no reason. Stop pretending that you are depressed, stop acting like a victim, if you want to become powerful then force yourself to do what you don't want to do. Always remember that you can never do it fast, you really have to take it one step at a time and be patient, enjoy being slow, enjoy making a lot of mistakes, enjoy repeating over and over again until you make something click.  

Result should not matter if you want to become a doer, remember you're a doer not a results getter. Never mind the results because it will come if it is about to come. Being a doer feels s much better than being a watcher or a spectator, stop watching the world grow and move while you're stuck in a middle of nowhere. If you want to become happier then do something, it doesn't matter if you're great or not... just do it and never stop. Just promise to yourself to never stop no matter what, promise to yourself that you will never care about the future, all you will care about is the present moment. If you can just put your mind in the present moment then you will become unstoppable, as simple as that. 

Nothing can stop you if you will focus on getting something, just go and get it no matter what, stop complaining, stop acting so soft, stop looking for excuses. If you want to go to another level then be a fast doer. Just take it one step at a time and never stop until it is done, it's too simple if you will become faster and bolder, you need to go all in and give everything you've got, chase that goal no matter how big it is, you have to keep pushing forward and give your very best every single second. So what if it is hard? so what if you can't make it? so what if you keep failing? just keep in mind that what matters is you are moving. So be fast and never let your mind worry, you are in control here, you have the power to change your life and change everything you wanted to change if you will just take matters into your own hands and decide to never stop no matter what. 

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Aug 5, 2022


You think you're still too far away from what you want, you think it's getting harder all the time, you think you're simply wasting your time. Don't think that way, always remember that when it's getting harder and harder then you are getting closer and closer, as simple as that. So keep pushing and remind yourself that struggle will be over anytime soon and a breakthrough will happen. Never stop, it's not about winning or losing, it's about not giving up. If you don't give up then good things will happen, the clues will come, the right path will be revealed, you will figure out what to do next, something will click, it will become a lot easier so keep trying and always believe that it's worth it to give your very best. 

Don't conserve your energy, always go all in, always give your 100 percent even if nothing good is happening. Make it a habit to do whatever it takes every single day and look for the slightest progress that you can produce. You can become unstoppable if you stop holding yourself back. It's going to get harder, yes it is, but what can you do? stop? never stop because only losers do that, you have to be a mover all the time, expect more but don't feel bad if you get less. You're almost there, you just need to take one more step and follow through until you get there, don't quit to soon, try again and this time give more energy and intensity, this time be faster and bolder. Don't wait for the right time because it will never come, the right time is now, you have what it takes to win so never consider yourself as an underdog. 

Quitting is not an option, endure all the pain, face all the adversity and feel nothing even if you're struggling so bad, you still have to give everything you've got every single day. Take one positive action at a time, go further as much as you can and never stop, that's all you need to do and you will win, Stick with the basics and and never try complicate everything, just try to outwork everyone and never compare yourself to others, some people will really become better than you, accept that, be happy for them. Focus on your own journey because that is where power is. Always try something new, tweak some steps a little bit but never ever look for plan B, you're almost there, when it's really hard it means a breakthrough is about to happen. 

Never wait for the right time, never look for any help, never look for an easy way out, only losers do that. You are strong, you have to test yourself, upgrade your mind, always think that any discomfort is just making you stronger, it's preparing you for a stronger wave, when that wave comes... you will never panic, you will never crumble, you will stay still and keep pushing forward. Any wave can never stop you, any strong wind can never make you fall. 

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Be friends with yourself, love yourself, forgive yourself, if you did a lot of mistakes or sin in the past... stop feeling guilty about it and move on, move forward. You don't need to say sorry to everyone, just forget it and don't do it again, be better this time, thinking about the past and feeling regretful about what you didn't do or do that is stupid is just a waste of time and energy, you have to keep moving forward so you will be able to forget all of your problems. You will feel much better if you will move forward, stop being hard on yourself, stop feeling guilty for the things that you can do better but you didn't. You're just a human being, you are allowed to commit sins, look bad, do foolish things and make mistakes, stop trying to change everything that was already done because you don't have the power to do it. The only power you have is focusing on the now and giving your best. 

Focus on the process and enjoy life, stop dealing with the results, stop dwelling on what is done, past is past, you can never change it anymore. Keep in mind that you have a job to do, you have a goal to chase, your life will become stuck forever if you don't do something about it. Just keep pushing and you will find a way, you will discover what you are all about. Feeling stuck in the past, always thinking about it will only make you depressed and weak. Why choose to become weak if you can become strong, it's just a matter of focusing on the right things, focusing on activities that's making you more powerful. Forgive yourself and move forward, there are still better things to come, your past is just a chapter of your book, you can rewrite your life by trying to focus on the present moment and do whatever it takes to become happier and successful. 

Once you find yourself thinking about the past... forget it right away and change your thoughts with better ones. Because your thoughts are controlling you, you need to be mindful of what you're thinking so you will be able to control your life. If you can watch your thoughts 24/7 then you will be in a better place. Stop letting these unwanted thoughts dominate your life, you have to train yourself how to change a negative or useless thought right away. The default thought should be what you wanted to happen in your life, not the thoughts about past or failures. Become a master of your own mind, you need to control your mind or else it will force you to do things that are not even connected with your values and beliefs. 

It's about time to free yourself from the past, it is nothing, it can never help you nor make you happy. All the past does is make you feel sad, guilty and depressed. Past can never help you, you can think about it all day long but this will only make you useless and weak. If you want to get stronger physically and mentally... forget your past and focus on the present moment, magic is happening at the present moment, just trust life and always move forward no matter what. Always remember that if you're not moving then you are losing, always take actions even if you're not prepared, the time will never become perfect, you have to devour every opportunity may it be big or small. 

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Aug 2, 2022


Let's face it, you're not going to live for 120 years old, one day your time will come and if you're not taking actions now while you're still strong or at least can move a little bit... do something now. Push yourself, use your willpower and defeat your laziness. It's not about the results, it's about doing it, it's not about being great... it's about doing the process. If you are pushing for something then you will have more strength and tenacity, your body will change, your mind will be able to think faster and sharper. Instead of scrolling forever in social media... why not use your time for chasing your goals? why not try to become the best version of yourself? it's on you if you wanted to win or not, it's on you if you will do whatever it takes to succeed or simply waste all of your day for nothing. At the end of the day time will run, the clock is ticking, this day will be over, the question is did you do something positive or did you just waste your day like most people do? 

Never focus on different things that will not even give you something to use, you have to be mindful of your actions and thoughts. Be careful where you put your energy on because it will be your life. If you focus on stupid things then your life will become stupid, if you focus on being great then your life will become about greatness, as simple as that. Time is fast, what is destructing you will never hurt you if you will just ignore it. You need to ignore what is making you feel bad so that you will become very productive and progressive. Stop giving too much attention to different things and people that only drains your energy, you have to be aware of what's going on with your life, don't just live it... make it better, upgrade it, make yourself faster and efficient. 

The secret is to use your time wisely, if an activity is making you grow and better than yesterday then that's the right activity. If it's making you worse then don't even bother doing it because it will only put you on a worse position. Getting better is that too simple, you just need to select the important habits and focus on them. Yes, it is boring and harder but it is what it is, you can never grow if you will never make sacrifices. If you want to have a better life then act like a real beast, act like everything that you need to do is urgent. Stop taking your time for granted, stop being weak, you need to be faster and more aggressive. Don't be afraid to fail, don't be afraid to get uncomfortable, if you can master the right attitude after failing then you will become unstoppable. 

Actions will take you further, worrying and complaining doesn't. You have to keep this in mind, moving will give you chances and daydreaming doesn't. You have to be aware of what's giving you a better chance to succeed. You must disciplined enough and strong enough to stay away from anything that is only eating your precious time. You can become anything you want if you will push yourself to get to the next level. Be strong enough to stay away from temptations and useless habits, be hungry all the time for your dreams because you're not immortal, your time is very limited, if you will act in a sense of urgency then you can accomplish big things in life. 

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Aug 1, 2022


You never know what may happen so don't ever count yourself out. You still need to try, you still need to give your best and push yourself to the limits even if it's so evident that you're going to lose. Even if you lack the skill, even if the odds were against your favor, even if you're feeling weak and overwhelmed... never count yourself out. You have to keep trying because you never know what's next. The fate favors the bold and the brave, good things happen to people who just do it no matter what. It doesn't matter if you're scared, it doesn't matter if you don't have the tools to win, it doesn't matter if nobody respects you... just go out there and try. You are capable of winning, you have what it takes to become successful, all you need to do is use your willpower and that's it. Keep pushing, keep trying and be a fast mover, don't waste anytime doing a lot of stupid BS, you have to become a real man on a mission if you want to succeed in life. Just be fast and you will go further, you have to take the process seriously and work like a man possessed. You have to be hungry all the time, you have to make yourself a different animal if you want to give yourself a chance to succeed. 

If you want to become great then you need to do what most people can't do or afraid to do, you must do something you haven't done before. Greatness is a process, it's a not a result, if you want to feel great or be great today just don't stop working and believe that every step you take is important, that's how to become great. It's too simple, you just need to believe, you need to do the impossible, you need to break your own record. You need to make yourself something special by doing the things that you haven't done before, it is what it is... it's going to get harder and more brutal but that's the only path to success. If you will never accept that it's hard then you will never make a progress, accept that it is hard and do it anyway. 

Take yourself to another level, don't think that you can't do it. Always think that there is a way and all you need to do is push yourself to the limits, you can take your mentality to another level by always pushing and grinding hard everyday and not stopping... that's how to become one of a kind. You need to outwork everyone, be faster than everyone and never rest. Feel like a lion who is always hunting for his food day in and day out, there should be no stagnancy or any form of complacency, stop wasting your time for nonsense BS that doesn't even matter at all. You need to be matured and serious, if you want to win in life then go all the way, unleash the beast inside of you and never consider yourself as an underdog, always think that you're going to make it no matter how hard it is. It's all in the mind, it's all about how you think of yourself. Anything is possible if you have a powerful mind, just do what you need to do, never stop, never underestimate your skills. 

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If there is something trying to distract you, entertain you, make you spend your money, make you choose laziness... that's an opportunity. It's a sign that growth will happen if you choose to pick the harder option and that's not biting into that trap. If something is trying to offer you fun but useless activity... never do it, don't sign in to that, you need to say disciplined and committed to goal. Because success is not a matter of winning, success means choosing the harder activity that has a potential to give you something back in return. Success simply means avoiding the good times, avoiding the temptations and choosing to get better by doing the right thing that will help you to improve your life. That's the best formula for success... once you find yourself pressing the remote control of your television... stop it, once you stop it... you already grow. Success is very simple, choose to get better, choose to stop wasting your time. If you can use your time for improving then you will get closer and closer to success. It's simply practicing delayed gratification everyday. You stop spending your money, you unsubscribe to netflix, you don't eat desserts, you don't go to parties, you don't procrastinate. 

It's simply about developing a mental muscle to always choose what is more important. If you can just stop scrolling on your social media account, if you can just stop gossiping, if you can just stop watching TV all the time then there is a big change that will happen into your life. All you have to do is embrace the boredom, stop having too much fun because it's making you weak and slow. There is no progress in watching TV or watching porn, there is no improvement in trying to see all the posts in social media. If something is tempting you... don't bite into the trap, stay focused with your goals, stay focused on taking it one step at a time. You need to really get strict on yourself and stop choosing the easier process because it will never give you anything. Chasing success is really hard, if it is easy then everybody will get it, as simple as that. If you really want to become successful then prepare yourself for a lot of stress. 

The key is to be mindful of what you are doing. Always see yourself, watch what you are doing and thinking, you have to accept if something is not making you improve and stop doing it. It's simply a matter of eliminating your bad habits that are easy and fun. Most bad habits are easy and entertaining but it will only make your life harder. You need to push yourself to do the right things that are hard. It is hard because you're not trying to love it, it's hard because you don't even want to try, it's hard because you're not loving it. You have to learn how to appreciate every work if you want your life to become easier. 

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