Aug 31, 2022


You're failing because you're not failing. You're not even trying, you're not risking, you're not risking, your effort was too low, you have a mediocre energy. Stop being a punk, stop being weak and lazy, you have to expose yourself to failures. Keep failing again and again, life is livelier if you're taking this approach. don't be afraid to fail, don't be afraid to try over and over again. You're failing in life because you're always playing safe and acting like you're entitled to become successful right away. If you're not guaranteed to success then you will not even try, that's why you're failing, that's why you can't make a progress. You have to jump in as fast as you can and do whatever it takes to succeed... as simple as that. Go all in today and look for ways to take actions, always look for the next step and stop worrying about anything else. Just keep pushing, always force yourself to move and make it your habit to start fast and finish strong. Never waste this day procrastinating and worrying about how to become successful, make this day very productive, become dominant, do as much as you can and never stop, never complain if you're not making results... just keep pushing until the end. 

You want to win but you're not giving your all, who do you think you are? stop acting like you're entitled to become successful right away without failing. You really need to feel the bitterness of failing, you need to feel the pain because it's the only thing that will make you stronger. You need to look for opportunities where you can take the risks and fail. Stop holding yourself back, don't be afraid to repeat again. failing is part of the process, the more pain you feel the stronger you become. Never forget to move forward, once you fail... stand up right again and try again  Don't be like others who are always complaining that they deserve something, the truth is... they don't. They're just making dramas because they feel entitled of something that they don't even deserve. 

Look for something to do, look for a goal and fail on it. Fail with dignity, don't fail because you slack off, fail while giving everything you've  got. Don't be afraid to try, don't be afraid to take the blame, look for something you can do and push yourself to the limits. It's all or nothing, put yourself on a position or state of mind where you really need to give your all or else you will die. This is where the fun begins... take it seriously and think that your life depends on it. This kind of mentality will make you a beast, it will make you relentless and unstoppable. 

At the end of the day you will question yourself if you really gave your all or not, did you really give your all? did you really push yourself to the limits? did you really make sure you have nothing left in your tank?

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