Sep 1, 2022


The key to success is don't rest, stop stopping all the time. You only worked for a few minutes and you think you deserve a rest already? stop acting like a clown and act like a king. Dominate yourself, command yourself to take massive actions and push yourself to the limits, do something you haven't done before for a few months and you will see a different result in your life. Stop acting tired all the time, stop all the dramas, create a different energy, you have to push yourself to get better and never stop even if you're tired, You have unlimited energy, you will find the energy to finish it if you will just start it. All you have to do is jump in and forget the outcome, forget the result, you should have freedom from outcome if you really wanted to thrive. 

You will have more energy if you're focused on yourself and the goals that you are trying to achieve. Don't be lazy, don't be a bum, always think that you're going to have a miserable and ugly life every time you want to slack off. Stop being a slacker, you're better than that, you can work hard today and give your very best, give your 120 percent, stop acting like you're entitled to waste your time because it will backfire at you later. You have to value your time and use it only for valuable things and people, never do something just because it is fun, every action should be connected to your goal. If what you're doing is not making you better then you better stop it because it will put you on a bad spot. Don't rest, you know if you really need the rest or not. Most of the time you're making it as your number one hobby, you're resting all the time even if you're not really working hard. Stop being weak, stop thinking that it's ok to waste a lot of time because it's not. If you really want to have a better life then you need to go all the way. It is what it is, it's hard but being broke is harder. It's hard to exercise but being unhealthy is harder. It's hard to learn but being stupid and dumb is harder, it's hard to win but being a loser is harder, it's hard to move but being lazy is harder. 

You can move anytime you want to but the problem with you is you're acting like a baby, you're too soft and weak because you allow yourself to become like that. If you will start disciplining yourself and focus on taking actions then your will have a better life. It's simply about working as hard as you can and not quitting. If you can be the hardest working person on the planet then you will thrive for sure, stop stopping all the time and just do something that will give you some progress, always believe that every action is the right action. Stop doubting yourself, stop acting like a weak punk and just do it. Leave everything behind, trash what is unimportant and do something that will put you on a better position to succeed. 

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