Sep 29, 2022


Even an injured athlete will still compete even if he is feeling a lot of pain because he was so prepared, his mind and body was prepared. Even if he is feeling a lot of pain... he wants to compete because his preparation gave him the confidence he need. A prepared man will never make an excuse, he will show up and capitalize, he will ignore all the pain in his body, he will never care if it is the end of the world, he will finish the business and try to win at all cost. On the other hand, an unprepared man will create all of the excuses in the world, he will even invent a story just to avoid taking actions. An unprepared man is so afraid to lose, he will try to look for a scapegoat or will fake an injury or something just to avoid taking the blame. 

Just show up even if you are not prepared. Because if you will not do it now, if you will not start now then when? it's your fault why you are not prepared, you wasted a lot of time in the past. But it's ok, you can still redeem yourself by showing up and doing what is needed. Don't be afraid to get embarrassed, don't be afraid to make a mistake or fail. Doing it or trying is much much better than making any excuses. Stop using mental health, weather, pain or any unexpected events as an excuse, only cowards do that. You know in yourself what is really going on, you didn't take care of yourself, you didn't do your assignment, you didn't discipline yourself so it's time to pay the dues. But it's ok, you're still in the game, you can still do better next time but you have to show up today and do what is needed. Don't be afraid of what might happen, just be open to any experience, accept what might happen with all your heart and create a momentum from it. Because if you will not face what needs to be faced then you will never make any progress, you will become stuck on that same position forever. You have to fight, perform or just do something regardless if you are prepared or not. Pull the trigger even if you don't have the strength, do it even if you don't know what to do, just try even if you didn't prepare at all. It will serve as a lesson that you must discipline yourself everyday and be serious with your preparation if you want to thrive in life. 

Nobody cares if you're in pain or not, life goes on, the world will still revolve, nobody will wait for you. If you're in pain right now, if you're struggling right now, if you have problems and you got into a fight with your girlfriend... nobody cares. They will never listen to you, you have a business to handle, you have a responsibility to do. Stop makin dramas and using and weak platform to excuse yourself from showing up. Stop being soft because you will become like that forever, if you're making an excuse now then it will become your habit and it will be very bad for your life. Stop talking about your pain, stop telling everyone that you don't have any sleep, stop looking for sympathy because every time you make a drama... you already accepted that you can't win. 

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