Sep 30, 2022


The ability to grind and hustle and try is a blessing, it will also attract a blessing. The fact that you can still move and do something is a big advantage. Time will come and you will become old, slower and weak. If you can still move now and do something positive, if you can still improve now and try your ideas then that is enough. Stop looking for more, stop being needy with the results, stop feeling like a victim that you're working hard and not getting the credit or prize you deserve. Life is a grind, it is a movement, it is a journey. The results will come naturally if you're really giving your all, you're not getting something in return because you're already looking for it before you even begin your grind. You're always looking for an assurance, you're looking for money that you haven't worked for. 

Grinding will make you stronger, sharper and your longevity will increase. It will make your mood better, you will become more confident, you will feel really good and proud of yourself. The key here is to stop checking for the results all the time. Just be confident with the work that you put in, even if you're not getting the results you thing you deserve... just keep going because hard work pays off, you will never get zero, just be patient and look for ways to get better each day. Keep tweaking, keep optimizing and never stop believing. It's on you if you want to become successful or not, the power is in your hands, you have to think correctly and choose your actions carefully. Pace yourself if you need to, you can have more energy and tenacity if you will only focus on the things and people that does really matter. Stop doing a lot of random stuffs that are distracting you from being productive and efficient. stop letting these random posts or entertainment fool you. You have to be mindful and disciplined if you want to get ahead in life. If you want to have a more meaningful life then drop all the negativity, useless information, news, bad habits that are ruining your mind. Detach yourself from the stupid information that is making you dumb, slow and weak. 

Focus on what makes you better. Grinding is what makes you and your life better. Focusing on other people's live won't make you better, thinking that you're better than everyone else is not making you better, getting jealous with other people's success doesn't make you better. You know in yourself if you're making a progress or not so stop using your energy for a lot of things that doesn't even contribute a little bit to your growth. Looking for a revenge doesn't make you better, trying to impress people doesn't make you better, brining people down doesn't make you better, being too sensitive doesn't make you better. Always remember that it's all in your mind, if you're thinking positively and entertaining healthy thoughts then you're good. 

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