Jun 24, 2021


Some people thinks there is a right time to work hard and a right time to rest. The truth is... there's no season for hard work, you have to work hard every single day. It's a culture that you need to build if you really want to become successful. The culture of successful people is to push themselves every single day, it's to work hard even if it's raining or shining. Stop making excuses because it will make you weak, it will pull you down to failure's territory. You need to work hard even if it's raining or shining, you need to push yourself even if there are no results that are showing. It is what it is, it's like punching a very thick wall until it beaks out, you can do it if you will do it everyday, you can make something fall or you can build something, it all depends on how consistent you are. 

Because if you will choose a time to work hard you will never work hard, you will make excuses. It will become your habit to pick the right time that will never come, it will always feel uncomfortable, you will become very lazy and your mind won't work anymore, your body will become very heavy, you will always seek for comfort and this will make you very useless. So the best thing to do is work hard now and keep pushing, don't stop, don't get comfortable, you have to start when it is hard not when it is easy. This is what a mindset of a successful person is. 

Be happy that you're moving. Be a fan of your work, be your number one supporter. Support yourself to keep pushing until the end. Because if you will hate moving then you will never get anywhere, complacency is a sin, 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com

Jun 23, 2021


Never care if they think you're a bum, never care if they think you're not good enough, never care if they don't respect you, what matters is you respect yourself and you know you're doing everything you can to succeed. What they think, what they say and how they see you doesn't matter at all, it's none of your business to control what they're thinking. Because at the end of the day some people will still criticize you even if you're perfect and doing great in life. Never care if you're not doing well, just keep pushing, keep grinding because things will get better in a while, you will find your rhythm, you will find your timing, you will be able to do great things if you push yourself to the limits. Don't be afraid to scratch the surface and see your full potential. You will only see your full potential if you try to work as hard as you can and keep pushing even if you're so damn tired. It is what it is, people will see you as no good, you will have a hard time convincing them that you are good but you don't need to convince them, you need to convince yourself that you can do it. 

Accept that you're no good but keep improving yourself, forget your ego, keep practicing, keep working hard. Never care about what people say because it's only going to hurt you. Focus on getting better, focus on loving yourself and improving yourself. One day you're going to get great too, you just need to believe in this. Your time will come, you will shine, you will steal the show. You just need to keep going now, persevere and weather the storm, grind like hell and see the results coming in one by one. Don't stop, don't settle, don't get satisfied, you have to keep moving forward all the time and see what is possible for your life. See what you can get, always try to put yourself on a better position than yesterday. Just keep believing in yourself and go all out no matter what. Enjoy what is going on, enjoy the struggle, embrace the pain and trust the process. It's going to get rough but that's what diamonds are mad of... through pressure and a lot of traction. 

No matter what happens... keep believing in yourself, keep doing what you're doing and never believe those critics. You will improve if you are consistent, you will find out what is best for you. You will discover the right technique, you will learn a lot and you will become successful. They can say whatever they wanted to say, they can call you a bum or a clown but the end of the day you are improving rapidly because you are giving your best all the time and your intention is to succeed and become the best version of yourself. So be yourself all the time and focus on what you need to do, let them give their opinions because they're entitled of doing that but don't ever forget the main thing, and that is to improve every single day and succeed a little bit. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com

Jun 22, 2021


It really doesn't matter if you lose, it doesn't matter if you fail over and over again. What matters is your mind is still solid and thinking right, what matters is you still wanted to try and prove to yourself that you can do it. You don't need to prove anything to anybody, you just need to prove it to yourself, you owe greatness to yourself, you owe yourself a very good life... a strong and thriving life. Losing is part of the game, if you keep avoiding it then you will never make a progress. Lose every now and then and keep fighting. Lose a hundred times just to win one, this is a journey, it's not a destination. Just because you keep losing doesn't mean you're a loser, the real losers in life are the ones who quit, they are the ones who didn't even try. 

For once in your life just believe in what you do, believe in yourself, believe in your ideas and don't be afraid to lose. Risk it all, give your all, you will see your true self if you expose yourself to failure. Don't be afraid to repeat again because it will only make you better. Repetition is genius, you have to repeat and repeat until you finally become successful. That is what it's all about... not giving up. It's not about winning or losing, it's about not quitting and climbing the damn mountain. It's the climb, it's not about looking god on top... it's about feeling good with the grind. Don't focus on winning, focus on taking actions. If you're too focused on winning then you will never move anymore, you will just think about it, you will worry every time you can't make a progress. Moving is already winning, take massive actions and you will get massive results... as simple as that. The reason why you can't win is because you're too focused on what if's and excuses, you're too focused on blaming something why you can't win in life. Focus on moving and you will have a strong momentum that you can ride on towards success. 

Try again every time you lose, stand up fast every time you fall. This should be the cycle of your life... try and try until you succeed. Because that's the only path you've got. If there is an easy path then what is it? you can never take shortcuts if you want success because shortcuts will only disappoint you, you thought it's the answer only to find out that it's a fake path. The real path is simply pushing and pushing and never complaining if the task in front of you is hard. You have to test every possibility, test every idea until you find something that is working. It doesn't matter if you test a million times, it doesn't matter if you fail a million times, the most important thing is you don't stop and you have no plan of stopping at all. Close your mind to criticism, close your ears to hurtful words from other people, close your eyes to frightening obstacles and focus only on the thing that you want to get. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com

Jun 18, 2021


Remember that it's nothing but a feeling. You don't have to make it a big deal, it will come and go. Emotions will go up and then later it will go down. Don't worry about what you are feeling right now, soon it will be gone, it will not disturb you forever, all you can do is endure it and enjoy it as much as you can. Stop making dramas, stop thinking like a victim, you will only feel better if you will entertain positive thoughts. Any emotion can last up to a minimum of 10 seconds depending on how you manipulate your mind, if you keep thinking like a victim then that negative emotion will last for a long time but if you think about happy thoughts then you will feel much much better. 

Feel it, don't shy away from it, don't resist it... just feel it and you will feel much better later. The reason why you feel worse is because you don't want to feel, you're so scared of your emotions. If you're resisting your feelings then you're trying to escape the moment, you're trying to go to the future, you're not living in the present moment anymore. Stop being overly dramatic, stop being too emotional because it will never make you thrive, you will only look like a loser if you keep on broadcasting your emotions. Stop looking for a company, stop looking for someone who will feel sorry for you, because you will never find it. People will see you as weak if you keep complaining about your emotions. 

Telling them how bad you feel, making excuses why you can't perform at the highest level, looking for sympathy, looking for consideration, trying to bait them that you deserve something more, looking needy, always looking for affection... these dramas will never help you at all. If you want to thrive in life then forget your emotions, forget how you feel and keep moving forward all the time. It doesn't matter if you feel lazy, bad, sick or depressed, what matters is you have the commitment to move forward all the time and do what you are suppose to do. There is something you need to do and you're not doing it that's why you feel like a loser all the time. You're not pushing yourself that's why you feel so weak. Keep pushing, keep moving so that weakness will leave your body. What you feel now will soon go away, don't make it a big deal if you feel so bad, it's just a feeling, it will never kill you. 

Do what you think will work, forget about how you feel, forget about how other people feel. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com

Jun 10, 2021


The reason why you feel like a loser is because you have a cheap problem in your life. You have to admit that life will never become perfect, there will always be a problem, you will see something wrong in your life. But the difference between a successful person and a failure is a successful person chooses his problems wisely and a failure is focusing on the cheapest problems that are not even worth it. A successful person will spend his energy looking for a solution on how to become rich, he will spend his energy building houses or buying what he really wants while a failure will spend his energy barking at his noisy neighbor or criticizing people on the internet. If your problem is cheap then it means your mind has not evolved yet, if you're talking about other people's lives instead of focusing on your own life then it means you're choosing the wrong problem. 

Worrying about getting richer or healthier is better than worrying about what people say or doing. Thinking about other people's business is a cheap problem, it's a wrong usage of energy, you're only getting weaker and weaker by doing that, your mental game is degrading by doing that, you need to focus on your own growth if you want to have a really good life. What matters is you're evolving mentally and you can only achieve it by choosing the right problem. It's better to chase goals than to change other people's actions or opinions, it's better to work hard than to constantly think about people that makes you feel bad. Where the focus is residing the momentum is running, the question is... is your momentum going up or going down. 

Upgrade your problem, upgrade your level of thinking, upgrade your results. Instead of thinking about how hard your exam is or how terror your professor is... focus on studying, focus on the solutions of solving the exam, that's a better problem. It's all in your mind. How you think is how you will get results, as simple as that. It's simple about choosing an option that is much better and will give your desired results. It's easier to talk about the cheaper problems, it's easier and more fun to dwell on it but where will it take you? what willy you get by thinking about it? nothing, it will only make your life worse. You need to think smarter, you need to focus on the right and more elegant problem rather than focusing on cheap problems that only gives you headaches. 

Stop giving energy to activities that don't have any rewards, stop feeding thoughts that will create a bridge to tragedy. You already knew what will give you a good life, it's just a matter of disciplining yourself to do what is needed. It's going to be a mental warfare between you and your old pattern of thinking, it's going to be hard to change your mind but if you will use your willpower and control you thoughts then your life will change so fast. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com

Jun 8, 2021

just dream big $$

Dream about big houses, dream about nice cars, dream about millions... just dream big. You are allowed to dream as much as you can, if your dreams are not scary enough then you're really not dreaming. Dreaming is free but of course you need to take actions to get it, don't just think about it... use all of your power and skills to make it come true. Always think that every action is the right action, stop being lazy, forget about sleeping and just get it with all your might. Feel free, feel creative while chasing it. Do whatever it takes to get it, this is just a game of life, take your chances while you still have some strength to get it. Challenge the norms, forget all the problems, forget that you don't have what it takes. Of course you do have what it takes, what you have is enough. Detach from the expectations of others and just get what you think you deserve. Always think that it's ok to fail, don't stop when you fail... keep trying, keep moving forward and just face what needs to be faced. Stop clowning around, stop acting like a weak punk, show them your true strength, you can display your prowess by focusing on your strengths and being relentless everyday. Keep pushing, keep grinding, if working 24 hours a day is what it takes to get your dreams then do it. Remind yourself that who can go further will win.

You only have one life, why not do everything you can to make your dreams come true? it's too simple, work as hard as you can and believe big. You need to focus, think only about the things that you want and ignore all the subjects that are not related to success. Your mind is your reality, what consumes your mind will be your reality... as simple as that. So think about getting what you want and don't be scared, give effort, take massive massive actions and forget all the obstacles that are trying to stop you. The power is in your hands, you have the ability to make it real. Don't complain if you haven't given everything you've got yet, stop making excuses why you can't get it. Be creative, be playful with your imagination, you can connect the dots if you will feel invincible, always think that what you're doing is right. Don't judge yourself, don't count yourself out, don't sell yourself short, always think that you will win no matter what. Use your willpower, use your burning desire to do the impossible. You have a chance to win in this thing called life, be playful, show up and give yourself a chance to become triumphant. 

Focus is the key, where the focus go the energy flow. Watch yourself carefully, watch what you are doing, be mindful of what you are thinking. Stop engaging with stupidity an act accordingly. Start now, dream big, do big and never stop. Make huge sacrifices, don't worry if you're not having fun right now, embrace boredom because you can party forever later when you already made it to the top. And once you made it... don't relax too much, party a little bit then go back to grinding again. Hard work never stop, chase another level and keep moving forward all the time. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com

Jun 7, 2021


If that's what it takes then do it, hustle forever, grind like hell, this kind of mentality will show you the way and will open the doors of greatness. Believe in the power of grind, believe in the power of focus and doing whatever it takes to win. Don't push yourself to the limits, stop wasting your time because there are no limits. You are unlimited. Hustle forever, work hard, work like hell and give everything you've got, you have what it takes to become successful. Hustle like there's no more tomorrow, hustle like you don't have food on your table. Believe in the power of hustle, you can do the unimaginable things if you will hustle forever. Be patient because it will take time.

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com

Jun 4, 2021


You will never do it later you punk, you think you will have the energy to do it later? you really believe that later or tomorrow will be the better time to do it? of course not, you will have no more energy to do it later because once you delay it... you will delay it again, delaying means avoiding. Delaying means you really don't want to do it and you have no plan of doing it. Even if you really wanted to do it later... you will have no willpower to force yourself because you already give up. Do it even if you feel so weak and you will have the energy to keep pushing, remember that it's not about feeling good... it's about taking actions and pushing yourself even if you feel so heavy, tired and sleepy. Because nothing will happen to you if you keep on delaying it, you will only attract negative circumstances, you will attract bad luck. 

That's why most people who are poor are always unlucky, it's because they keep on delaying something. This is the number one habit of losers and quitters... they always delay something. They always believe that tomorrow or later will be the perfect time to start it. They always believe that they will have more energy later but the truth is they become weaker even more. Excuses will pile up, you will find another excuse when it's time to do it. But if you will start now even if you feel so bad... you will be able to create that momentum, everything will become easier as the time goes by. 

Embrace imperfections and wrong timing, embrace the suck... that's how to win in life. If it's difficult then you're on the correct path, if it's easy then it means you're not evolving at all. If you wanted to grow then always see to it that you are destroying resistance. Tame yourself to do it now, stop using all of your delaying tactics. Be early, be fast, be aggressive and you will see the difference in your life. You have to execute now before it's too late, stop acting like you have a lot of time. Tomorrow will never come, the break you've been waiting for will never come, you have to create an opportunity on your own, you have to make yourself something. 

If you really want it, if you really wanted to do it then you will start now even if you're seeing a lot of reasons why you shouldn't do it now. Stop looking for comfort and embrace the discomfort, it's just a feeling, it's nothing. Bad emotions will soon be gone, you will feel better later once you are moving. You will become happier if you avoid procrastinating. Procrastination is the root of depression, loneliness and doubt. If you want to feel more confident then you should be fast and bold, do whatever you need to do without any form of hesitation. Learn to understand that it's nothing but a feeling, feelings are so overrated... it's not the most important thing in the world. How you feel is useless, how you feel is always getting on your way. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com

Jun 3, 2021


You're asking too much that's why you can't get the answer. Most people are asking too much but once they get the right answer... they will never do it. People will ask an expert how to become successful, how to start, how to win in life but once they get the answer... they will never do it. People were just pretending that they want it but in reality they really don't want any of it. You have to take actions now, use the trial and error method and see if you can get results. It is what it is, you can't have guarantees all the time, you really have to put in a lot of effort to see what will work. You need to use your energy, time and work really hard. Don't be afraid to fail, you have to fail everyday to push yourself to another level. Embrace frustration and try again. 

Don't waste any second overthinking... ever, just do it now, just crush it now, do whatever it takes to become a winner in life. It's about the actions, it's not about the details, it's not about what you know, it's about what you can prove. SO start now and never waste time hesitating, stop questioning if you will win or not and just go all out. It doesn't matter if you fail, what matters is you try with all your might, what matters is you keep pushing and you didn't give up. It's all about the push and not the pull, be courageous enough to put yourself on the best position to succeed. Life is fast, time is fast, you have to do whatever it takes to win now while you still have the strength and opportunity. Time will come and you will not be able to do something anymore and you will regret it, so devour each day and go for what you want, it's only just a matter of time before you win. 

Thinking too much will never get the job done, don't try to look smart by asking questions... just do it. Just try and never feel bad if you made a mistake, it is what it is, life is not perfect, you have to deal with a lot of failures and heartaches if you want to reach the top. It is what it is, it's not going to be easy, it's going to be a lot of work but it's all worth it. Don't be afraid to hustle, don't be afraid to struggle. Just keep going no matter what, it's only just a matter of time before you make it. Allow yourself to make decisions even if you're not sure, allow yourself to fail big time. 

Go all in for something, go all in for hard work, figure out how to make something work, figure it out yourself. You don't need to ask anymore, you just need to try, choose action over hesitation and over thinking, it's better if you are moving now instead of worrying if you will make it or not. Actions will give you clues, make a lot of mistakes and you will figure out what to do. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com

Jun 1, 2021


Don't get fooled by these bums, don't get fooled by their glamour and riches. Don't get jealous with their lives because they're the same human like you, they're no invincible. And the funny thing is... all of them were fakes. You heard me right, they're fakes why? because they're all about business and making money. They will say I love you to everyone who they don't even know, they will pretend that they love their followers but they're not even helping them. These clowns were just putting up a show and wasting your time. They're eating your time and you don't know it, be smart enough to know that time is gold and the more you waste time.. the more your life become miserable, wake up now and stop entertaining yourself too much, become a creator too, create your own show, watch it and enjoy it. Watch your life grow, entertain yourself through hard work. Gain small progress everyday and get addicted with the process. 

They will do everything just to sell what they are trying to sell, they're not real so stop idolizing them too much because they're no better than you, you can also do what they're doing if you put in the hard work and dedication. You too can become successful so stop wasting your time for them, your time is your ticket to success, if you're wasting it then you're going down, as simple as that. Focus on trying to create your own brand, focus on trying to build your own success. You can do anything you want if you believe and work hard. Hard work is the key to become successful, pair it with a strong belief and you will become invincible, you will take control of your life. 

This is the reality, you think those influencers really love you by saying they love you? Wake up, they need your time, they need your attention and they will say everything to make you engage with their show. You're not learning anything from them, all they do is create a fake act that was so corny and unreal, everything they do is scripted and fake. You better learn to watch the real show, you better learn to discipline yourself and use your time for growing, evolving or earning some money. Time is more than just a gold, it is everything, your time cannot be replaced, don't give it to people or things that will not even help you to grow. Every move and thoughts should be calculated, watch yourself... is your actions and thoughts taking you to another level? if not then you better make some adjustments to your life. 

Focus on yourself, focus on your own journey instead of following other people's journey. Reward yourself by giving all of time for yourself, use your time chasing goals and not people. Time is fast, you never know how much time you have left to chase your goals, start now, ignore all of those clowns because all the do is eat your time, yeah they entertain you in some ways but they're not helping you to become richer or better. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com