Jun 22, 2021


It really doesn't matter if you lose, it doesn't matter if you fail over and over again. What matters is your mind is still solid and thinking right, what matters is you still wanted to try and prove to yourself that you can do it. You don't need to prove anything to anybody, you just need to prove it to yourself, you owe greatness to yourself, you owe yourself a very good life... a strong and thriving life. Losing is part of the game, if you keep avoiding it then you will never make a progress. Lose every now and then and keep fighting. Lose a hundred times just to win one, this is a journey, it's not a destination. Just because you keep losing doesn't mean you're a loser, the real losers in life are the ones who quit, they are the ones who didn't even try. 

For once in your life just believe in what you do, believe in yourself, believe in your ideas and don't be afraid to lose. Risk it all, give your all, you will see your true self if you expose yourself to failure. Don't be afraid to repeat again because it will only make you better. Repetition is genius, you have to repeat and repeat until you finally become successful. That is what it's all about... not giving up. It's not about winning or losing, it's about not quitting and climbing the damn mountain. It's the climb, it's not about looking god on top... it's about feeling good with the grind. Don't focus on winning, focus on taking actions. If you're too focused on winning then you will never move anymore, you will just think about it, you will worry every time you can't make a progress. Moving is already winning, take massive actions and you will get massive results... as simple as that. The reason why you can't win is because you're too focused on what if's and excuses, you're too focused on blaming something why you can't win in life. Focus on moving and you will have a strong momentum that you can ride on towards success. 

Try again every time you lose, stand up fast every time you fall. This should be the cycle of your life... try and try until you succeed. Because that's the only path you've got. If there is an easy path then what is it? you can never take shortcuts if you want success because shortcuts will only disappoint you, you thought it's the answer only to find out that it's a fake path. The real path is simply pushing and pushing and never complaining if the task in front of you is hard. You have to test every possibility, test every idea until you find something that is working. It doesn't matter if you test a million times, it doesn't matter if you fail a million times, the most important thing is you don't stop and you have no plan of stopping at all. Close your mind to criticism, close your ears to hurtful words from other people, close your eyes to frightening obstacles and focus only on the thing that you want to get. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com

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