Jun 4, 2021


You will never do it later you punk, you think you will have the energy to do it later? you really believe that later or tomorrow will be the better time to do it? of course not, you will have no more energy to do it later because once you delay it... you will delay it again, delaying means avoiding. Delaying means you really don't want to do it and you have no plan of doing it. Even if you really wanted to do it later... you will have no willpower to force yourself because you already give up. Do it even if you feel so weak and you will have the energy to keep pushing, remember that it's not about feeling good... it's about taking actions and pushing yourself even if you feel so heavy, tired and sleepy. Because nothing will happen to you if you keep on delaying it, you will only attract negative circumstances, you will attract bad luck. 

That's why most people who are poor are always unlucky, it's because they keep on delaying something. This is the number one habit of losers and quitters... they always delay something. They always believe that tomorrow or later will be the perfect time to start it. They always believe that they will have more energy later but the truth is they become weaker even more. Excuses will pile up, you will find another excuse when it's time to do it. But if you will start now even if you feel so bad... you will be able to create that momentum, everything will become easier as the time goes by. 

Embrace imperfections and wrong timing, embrace the suck... that's how to win in life. If it's difficult then you're on the correct path, if it's easy then it means you're not evolving at all. If you wanted to grow then always see to it that you are destroying resistance. Tame yourself to do it now, stop using all of your delaying tactics. Be early, be fast, be aggressive and you will see the difference in your life. You have to execute now before it's too late, stop acting like you have a lot of time. Tomorrow will never come, the break you've been waiting for will never come, you have to create an opportunity on your own, you have to make yourself something. 

If you really want it, if you really wanted to do it then you will start now even if you're seeing a lot of reasons why you shouldn't do it now. Stop looking for comfort and embrace the discomfort, it's just a feeling, it's nothing. Bad emotions will soon be gone, you will feel better later once you are moving. You will become happier if you avoid procrastinating. Procrastination is the root of depression, loneliness and doubt. If you want to feel more confident then you should be fast and bold, do whatever you need to do without any form of hesitation. Learn to understand that it's nothing but a feeling, feelings are so overrated... it's not the most important thing in the world. How you feel is useless, how you feel is always getting on your way. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com

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