Feb 28, 2023


All you have to do is replace what is making you weak with what is making you better and you will win, as simple as that. The problem with you is you stick with what is easy but making you worse and that's why you keep on failing. You always choose assurance and comfort over growth and danger. Taking risk is scary, change is uncomfortable but that is where success is hiding. Don't ever get tempted with easy and promising because it is a trap. Nothing will change if you will always choose comfort and security, you have to remind yourself about this, the worse is you will get worse you you will become the worst. You need to check yourself all the time, is what you're thinking and doing helping you to become better? it's harder to get better but it is better than getting worse. 

Replace laziness with hard work, replace playing video games with studying, replace overeating with fasting, replace oversleeping with exercise, replace negative with positive, replace delay with doing it now, replace tardiness with being early, replace complaints with solutions. It's too simple, you need to go the other way. If you don't want to get the same results over and over again then don't change the people or things around you, change your attitude. Replace sadness with happiness, you can do this by overriding your thoughts and tweak the programming inside of your head, just think about the things that you want to happen even if it is not happening and you will feel happier. Replace toxicity with peace, replace the negative people with positive people. You have the power to change, focus on what you can control instead of complaining and making dramas. The world is unfair and it will always be unfair but you have control over your reaction. 

You have to make a decision, do you really want to evolve and become something else? do you really want to feel greatness? if the answer is yes then be ready to feel uncomfortable. The discomfort will be a lot easier if you will take it one second at a time. Feel it. If you fail you fail so be it but don't ever forget that it is not about winning or losing, it's about doing it. It's about trying and giving everything you've got no matter what. So quit being a bum and replace all of your bad habits with good ones, it is possible, it is hard to change but it is harder being a loser and living a life with full of regrets. You still have some time, if you want it then you need to live every single second consciously, you have to be aware of what you're doing and about to do. Most people are living their lives automatically. They live in an autopilot mode that's why it's very hard for them to change. If you will take it one step at a time and take it slowly then you will win, you will change. It's ok to be in a slow pace but don't ever lose your focus. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com

Feb 27, 2023


Like your own work, love your own idea. Even if nobody likes it... still push it to the highest level, continue working on it and try to make it work even if you are failing everyday, even if it's giving you a lot of pain, endure it, persevere until you become successful. Because it's worth it, any belief is worth fighting for. If you really believe it then go for it, never let the outside noise stop you, never let anything derail your success. You can do it if you really want it, you just need to give everything you've got. Grind it out until it becomes real, if it is real then it will never stop, you should make yourself relentless in pursuing it, never let small problems make you feel bad, never let people stop you, you should be the only one who can stop yourself and not anything outside of you. 

Grind like hell, all day long, this is how to know if you can do it or not. Do it for a year, do it for a decade, just don't quit and that's it. If you want to know the truth... always go further. You owe it to yourself to see how strong and good you can become. Stop wasting time making yourself weak. You need to make yourself a beast in order to become successful. Move faster, discipline yourself more, believe in yourself to the fullest and never hold yourself back. If you need to move then make a move, as simple as that. Stop trying to look cute, stop trying to look perfect and just be yourself no matter what. Confidence doesn't come from being perfect, confidence simply means you're not afraid to make a mistake, you're not afraid to repeat again or take the blame. You never feel anything when you made a mistake, you just continue and do your thing. 

You are not here to please people, you are here to please yourself. If you can proudly say to yourself that you give everything you've got then you already won. That's why you need to feel free, you need to express yourself more and stop thinking about what people are going to say. It's on you to become a winner, stop stopping yourself and make yourself a beast now. You need to feel how it feels to become great, you will only feel it if you will grind like hell and give everything you've got every second. test yourself how good you can be, trust me... it's worth it. Forget everything outside of your goal, forget everything that is not helping you at all and just give everything you've got with no regrets. Don't be afraid to fail, don't be afraid to go all in and get zero, just stick with the process and believe that hard work pays off. Believe that everything you do is making you closer and closer to the top of the mountain. Yes it is hard but having regrets is harder, you know you have a potential, you know you can do something great but you didn't do it. What the hell are you waiting for? unleash the beast inside of you know, become hungry, become a machine... be relentless and get addicted to doing the next step. 

You will never fail if you don't quit, just commit and do the impossible. DO what most people are afraid to do, go to the extreme and become the meanest and fastest person that you can be. Don't wait for anything, take matters into your own hands now and force fate. Commit and never let any distraction slow you down, you have to stay on your lane and never mind what other people are doing. It's only just a matter f time before you win, just be patient and take it one step at a time. Enjoy every second that you are doing the process, give your all no matter what. If you fail try again for one more time, keep trying until something clicks. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com

Feb 26, 2023


The reason why you feel stuck and depressed is because you're wasting a lot of your time on things, people and activities that doesn't grow. It's not giving you something yet you waste a lot of energy on it. It's not making your mentality stronger, money bigger and emotions feel better yet you keep on giving it a lot of time. That's why you're not happy. If you need to stop it then stop it even it's too addictive already. People that doesn't make you feel good, foods that destroys your health, activities that makes you broke... you need to stop wasting your energy on these things before it's too late. Even if it's too convenient, comfortable and entertaining... stop it because you will regret it in the end.  Stop wasting your time because you can never get it back. You have to make a stand to discipline yourself to just focus on activities and people that does really matter. Stay away from toxic friends, people, video games, porn that makes you weak and dumb. You need to face the pain of boredom, face the pain of depriving yourself because that's the only way to grow. Stay away from the toxicity of social media, stop commenting or arguing with people that you didn't even know. Stop trying to prove yourself because you don't need it. Focus on what grows even if it's too slow, even if it's giving you less, at least you're getting something from it and at least you have a direction or meaningful purpose. 

Never care if you're losing or what, just focus on the activities that makes you grow. Never care if it feels like you're wasting time because the growth was too slow. It is what it is, you will never know when will the growth become faster, you just need to keep on plodding and avoid wasting time so that you will get faster to reach your destination. Wasting time will only make you slower and worse. Just focus on what you need to do and live and die with it. It's better to be doing something positive than wasting your life for nonsense social media scrolling that is making you lazy and broke. You need to man up, make a stand to stay disciplined and committed. Just focus on the activities that has a potential to make you better and never leave it. At the end of the day your energy will be wasted for something, why not waste it for something useful? time is fast, you will never know what will happen if you try, you need to push yourself to the limits and stay committed on something no matter what. You have to believe and grind, you have to sacrifice and endure. It's not easy but it's worth trying, you need to go all in or else you will never win, as simple as that. 

Life is a game, you can waste it for nothing or you can face the difficulties and grow. It's all up to you. Don't ever cry like a bum and point fingers to anyone or anything why you're not making it in life. You're not succeeding because you're a bum, you're not giving your very best and you always waste your time for useless activities that makes you a loser. Just don't waste time and you already made it, as simple as that. Just don't waste time and you will improve. Choose a different lifestyle, become a doer and not a watcher, become a killer and not a victim. You need to have a hungry attitude, you need to treat every second as an important resources for your growth and journey. The time is now, you need to make it happen, you need to force fate and use your willpower to bend your reality. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com

Feb 24, 2023


Never care if you burn out, never care if you lose, never care if you get nothing... just keep pushing yourself to the limits and never stop until you become successful. Most people were so scared to get tired and that's why they can't make a break through, just a little pain is making them feel weak, just a small defeat is making them so emotional. You will only know how good you are if you will really push yourself to the limits and never leave anything for yourself. Don't sleep until you use all of your energy, you're pampering yourself too much that's why you can't win, that's why you're a mediocre for the last 10 years. You need to step up your game, you don't need to become super smart here, you just need to do whatever it takes to win and use all of your energy and power to win in life. Push as hard as you can and never complain, never let anything stop you. You can become unstoppable if you want to, it's just a matter of deciding that you're going to become unstoppable. 

Just don't stop and you will feel powerful, the reason you feel weak is because you're always stopping. You think you need a lot of rest, you think you're entitled of a long sleep even though you didn't work at all. Stop being so soft and start getting hard, start creating a new you by always moving forward. Do something, never waste a single second, you have to make yourself something special and scary, be faster and bolder, never think that you already did enough. There is more, you need to show more, you need to become a bad ass if you want to thrive in life. Because nothing will happen if you're always waiting, you need to start taking matters into your own hands and do something you haven't done before. Don't get addicted to results, get addicted to process, the results will come by itself no matter what, just keep going and never give attention to anything that will never help you to get ahead in life. 

You will have more energy if you will push yourself to the limits, you will get weaker every time you listen to your excuses. Success doesn't care if you're tired or not, you need to make a commitment to become a mover and not a watcher, become a processor and not a results waiter. You need to make sure you are committed to the process and will never quit until you win. Time is running, the world will never wait for you. Life will never give you free handouts, you have to go and get it, earn it and deserve it. The world is really unfair but you will get what you deserve, hard work pays off forever, if you're not winning then you're not really working, you're just trying to look cute. You have to make sure you are grinding like hell if you want to see heaven. Believe in yourself, believe in the power of hard work and never give up when t's hard, push harder and do your very best. It's all or nothing, either you get it all or you get nothing, as simple as that.  What the hell are you waiting for? unleash the beast inside of you and g for what you want, nothing can stop you, you are unstoppable. You have an unlimited energy, every time you get tired... push harder and never stop, never let your feelings derail your progress, you have to make yourself a beast. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com

Feb 23, 2023


Your mind becomes weak every time you click on that stupid and nonsense social media posts with an objective to waste your time and get something from you. Your mind gets rusty every time you don't use it for something better. Every time you think about negative your mind becomes negative, every time you think about positive you get better, faster, healthier and smarter. It's on you, you are feeding your mind images and information all the time, the question is... are you feeding it the right way? you need to be mindful of everything that's happening in your mind, you need to block all the thoughts that are not serving you at all because it will affect your ability to become successful. If you really wanted to win then protect your mind and never let anything useless affect it or manipulate it. Don't think about people, things, events that will not help you to get better. Forget the past because it's only wasting your energy, forget the future because it's only making you anxious, you have to focus on the now and do everything you can to make yourself better. 

Keep your belief intact. Once you believe in something great... fully believe on it and never doubt it for a second. You need to keep going and never let any adversity stop you. Stop thinking about thoughts that are only entertaining you but drowning you in real life. Thoughts about the past, trying to change the past, thoughts about the people that you don't like but you still keep on thinking about them, this activity is not going anywhere, it's making you stuck, you will feel weak by doing this. You need to condition your mind to think the right way, think only about the things that you want to attract in your life. Never think about anything that is not serving you. You need to protect your mind, open it to possibilities, make it stronger and healthier by pushing yourself to do the harder thing that gives you power and motivation. 

At least do something, this will make your mind better. Just move and do something positive, you need to be progressing even if it is too slow. A healthy mind means a moving body, you get slower and weaker every time you procrastinate and put things off. Stop thinking about anything that is not serving you because it will accumulate in the end, the more you think negative the more negative you become, as simple as that. The more positive you think the more positive you become so you better step up your game and never waste your time for nonsense information that will only make you weak. You need to think about the life that you want to have and little by little do something to become it. Your mind is a very powerful weapon but it can also become a destructive force if you use it the wrong way. 

Every movie, subject, news, story, images is molding your mind. You have to be aware where you are focusing on because little by little it's programming your mind and you're not aware of it. What you become now is the result of what you hear, speak, believe and looking at. If you don't like what is happening with your life right now. Be selective with your thoughts and never let negativity enter you. You have to protect and guard your mind because it is the determinant of your destiny. You have to make sure you are thinking the right way because it will either make you or break you. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com

Feb 21, 2023


Life is simply a series of fights, you will only win if you don't quit. You will fight your negative mind, you will fight your fears, you need to fight your laziness, you need to fight for what you want, you need to fight for your love... life is a fight so get use to it. Fight for the money fight for your right, fight for the position. Make sure what you are fighting for is worth it. Don't fight for something that has no rewards. You need to choose your battles, pick the battles that will put you on a better position, don't waste your energy for meaningless battles that will wound you but will never give you anything. Fight for something that is meaningful and useful. 

If you will not fight your life will never change, you will get the same results over and over again. Don't be scared to fail, don't be scared to get embarrassed. Just fight and then never care if you're going to win or lose, just give your best, give everything you've got and let the fate decide what are you going to get. Don't worry too much about failing, you can never control it, the only thing you can control is your effort. So keep going, keep fighting for what you want and never give up, as simple as that. Giving up means you really don't want it, never stop, never hold yourself back and just do what you can to put yourself on a better position to succeed. 

The real meaning of success is simply not giving up, it's simply fighting until the end and giving everything you've got. It's not about money, position, fame or anything that you can hold. The real meaning of success is the mindset, you do your philosophy, you execute what you believe and you never listen to people who were just pretenders. They don't know who you are and they don't know what you can do, all they do is talk like a clown that never understand what a real hard work is. Nobody is going to help you, nobody will be there to save your sorry ass, you need to make a stand, you need to do it on your own and stop hiding like a chicken. 

If you want to escape the ugly position that you are in... fight for that small space where you can move and grow. Fight for that small momentum, improvement or growth, you need to be patient all the time, fall in love with the process and never give up, as simple as that. If you want to stay on the same ugly place forever then give up and be lazy. It's your will and mentality that matters not the results. If you can say to yourself that you will never give up then you're already fine, there is nothing else to worry about. 

It's impossible that you will become stuck forever. If you're really working on yourself, if you're really giving everything you've got then it is impossible that you can never make something better. You can improve your life, you can change the outcome of any situation. If you don't give up then everything in your life will change. All it takes is a strong intention, a very discipline lifestyle and a commitment to do whatever it takes to make your life better. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com

Feb 18, 2023


If you feel so stuck, if you're afraid to start something... just do this, one hour of pure hard work. No social media, no stupid video games, no nonsense talk, no nothing. Just pure hard work, keep pushing forward and be as fast as you can be. Never rest, never make excuses... just push forward and do something that will give you a momentum. If you can work so hard for one hour then you will become more confident, you will feel so good about yourself. Because that's the key to become very productive... to feel good and enjoy the process. And even if you don't enjoy the process... just do the work, never complain, never show a bad attitude, just give your very best and eventually you will feel much better. Just go, step on the gas not on the brakes. It's ok if you're struggling, just don't stop working and you will find your rhythm and timing, something will click and you will start to fall in love with the process. 


The resistance will go away if you will just start, stop acting like a punk, stop acting so weak, you're more powerful than you thought. You can do something now, just do it and stop thinking about the future. Focus on the moment, focus on being present with your work and never try to rush anything. Stop thinking and just start, just do it, do it over and over again until you become successful. You're thinking too much that's why you can't make a progress, you're worrying about nonsense things, you're feeding your fears and that's why you can't move, you need to take actions so that your fears will go away, you need to take matters into your own hands and force fate if you want to make a progress. Always think that you're not stuck, every positive thing you do is helping you to become successful, it's getting you closer and closer to the finish line. 


You really know what to do. You're just too lazy to do it, what the hell are you waiting for? stop looking for any advice and just do the work. You're pretending to be stupid and uninformed but the reality is you know something you're just lazy to start, you're just making excuses. You need to start doing something now, just start and never care about what's going to happen next. Because if you really want it then you will never waste your time acting like a dumb clown that was lost. You know something, you need to do it now and stop wasting time because it will only kill you in the end. Be faster, if you need to work then work, if you need to run then run, never care about perfection and focus on the execution. You don't need to look cute and perfect, you need to get dirty and moving. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com

Feb 12, 2023


If you really believe it then it will never stop, surrender to a belief, believe in something then fully live with it. It means you will do whatever it takes to get it, you will dedicate your life, you will do everything you can to make it real. You will trust from the beginning to the end, you will never do anything outside of that belief, you will impose your will, you will never change your mind, you will do the impossible and you will never get scared of anything that is very intimidating. If you want to believe in something then fully believe in it. IT doesn't matter if it is failing you, it doesn't matter if it's making you struggle even more, it doesn't matter if it's making you feel so stuck and slow... just believe it. Execute the game plan behind it and fully commit from the beginning to the end. Never stop believing, never stop taking actions and always remind that if it is real then it will never stop. 

Start doing something now and never stop, discipline yourself and stop being a punk. Stop being a clown because you owe it to yourself to become great. You need to make a stand of what you believe in and try to bring it into your reality. Believe it with your heart and soul, never give up when something is not working, keep grinding and pushing... just live the journey and give your best no matter what. Stop everything that is making you slow and weak. Build the right habits and thought pattern that will make you successful, start now, change your personality and become something that is far better than who you are. You need to evolve, it will only happen by forcing yourself to change. Do whatever it takes to succeed, make a progress and never stop. Fully believe what you do, believe in the power of focus. 

If something is bothering you fast, if you always get distracted to petty things then you really don't believe it. You're still not decided that you're going to go all in. Because if you really believe it then you will never notice anything that is outside of your goal. You will never care if someone is back stabbing you or making fun of you, you will never care if someone is doing you bad... you will just attack your goal relentlessly and aggressively. 
If you're going to try then go all the way, even if you lose your mind, even if you lose everything... just go all the way, give everything you've got so you won't have any regrets in the end. 

Forget the past and just take actions now. Always thinking about the past is only destroying your belief, you have to live in the moment and do whatever you can to improve your life. Keep pushing, focus on the grind, focus on trying to make yourself a little bit better than yesterday, surrender to the belief and never change directions every time you experience a challenge that is very hard to bear. 

Don't wait for something to happen before you really believe in yourself. Go all in no matter what, give everything you've got and do whatever it takes to succeed... as simple as that. Go hard even if you can't seen any results. If you really believe it then you will take it seriously, you will never care about the things that doesn't really matter at all.      

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com

Feb 9, 2023


Create a new self image, create a new identity... give birth to a new you. If you're so sick and tired of living like a crap, you need to change yourself. If you want your life to change then you must change, as simple as it sounds. Stop making excuses and just do the work, work on yourself, work on our skills, never stop until you become successful. Because that is what living is... you maximize your time and energy for a greater cause. Just take it one step at a time, be patient in creating yourself, no need to rush but don't ever waste time. Your precious time is your most valuable resources in trying to build the best version of yourself. The power of moving forward is real, you will only attract better opportunities if you will use your time wisely. Ask yourself what do you want to be, what do you want to get and go towards it. Never do something that is outside of your goal, use all of your time and energy for trying to improve one day at a time. Watch yourself, guard all of your actions, changing is being mindful and aware of everything that you do. 

You will make mistakes sometimes, you will not follow the process but that's ok, go back your work as fast as you can and forget the past. Never mind and forget what slows you down, forget the past, erase your old self image and create a new you. Starting today, not tomorrow, not later... become the best that you can be. All you need to do is stay away from nonsense thoughts and activities, all you have to do is get strict on yourself and stop doing things that will affect your mentality and progress. Keep progressing everyday by working hard and pushing yourself to the limits. Always think that whenever you are working hard you are gaining something even if you can't see it yet. The results will come on the right time, you just need to be patient and persevering. It will take time so don't get frustrated, remind yourself that you will get it no matter what. You will only get it if you don't stop working hard every single day. Just believe, trust the process and never give up. You have what it takes to win because you were born a winner, nothing can stop you if you will not stop yourself. So what the hell are you waiting for? pull the trigger now and keep going. 

Create the mentality that you needed in order to become successful, you will be able to create it by doing the things that you don't love but you need. You need to take actions now even if the steps are hard and not entertaining. It's better to be doing something than not doing anything at all. You will be able to make a breakthrough if you will grind it out and keep pushing forward. Ignore all the things that doesn't serve you, ignore everything that is making you slow and unproductive. Stay positive and keep the hustle alive everyday, don't skip, don't pass, always embrace the process and never set a limit to yourself. Always feel unlimited, always feel that you deserve something more because you really do. 

If you really want to change then be mindful every second. Look at your mind, what are you thinking, stop replaying corrupt scenarios that doesn't make you better. Maybe you are right, maybe life is really unfair, maybe you really deserve more but if you keep acting and thinking like a victim then you will never blossom into a better individual. You need to change your mind so that your actions will change, stop replaying the same old thought pattern everyday and start to get excited with life, start getting excited with a new beginning. Everyday is a new day, you can experience something new everyday if you will stop repeating the thought patterns that makes you feel like a victim. Avoid the victim mindset and start creating a new you. You can do better now, you can feel stronger now... it's up to you if you will change your life. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com

Feb 8, 2023


You don't need claps, you don't need facebook likes, you don't need money, you don't need fame, you don't need help, you don't need approval. You just work and get better everyday, you do it for yourself and not for others, you do it to please yourself. Your belief in yourself is what matters, your consistency and mindset, your work ethic that cannot be matched... that's all matters. You focus on what you can control, you give everything you've got every single day. Don't focus on the results, focus on the process because that is the only thing that attracts success. Focusing on the results won't make you better. 

Major on the process, stop majoring on minor things like minding other people's business or gossiping or being jealous. Focus on making yourself better even if you're not getting anything. Focusing on you is much much better than focusing on other people's lives. The time you spent for talking about your enemy or celebrity or problems of other people could have been use for exercising or learning or creating a small business. There's so much you can do with your own life other than wasting your time on things that you cannot even control. It's time to think smarter, it's time to get better by taking a few small steps every now and then. If you want to become great then slowly build yourself up from time to time and and never stop. Never settle, never get satisfied, it's time to shower yourself with your own time and energy. Never waste your energy on things that doesn't even help you to grow. 

Trying to become great is a lot of work and sacrifices. There is so much you can do if you will just discipline yourself to become a doer and not a waiter nor a time waster. There is so much time you've been wasting and that is only making you broke and weak. You need to become smarter this time and stop giving any attention to things and people that doesn't even matter. He who mind doesn't matter and he who doesn't mind matters. If you want to become really great then work on silence and never try to give any energy to something that is only making you slow and unproductive. Get rid of the things that is not making you better, one by one eliminate all the garbage in your life and start to build better habits. Greatness is simply trying to build yourself up day by day and not caring about who is winning or losing, it's simply focusing on yourself and giving all of your time for the process that makes you better, faster, smarter and stronger. 

Learn to just do it even if it is uncomfortable, learn to just move forward even if you're not making any result. Being a fast mover will create more opportunities rather than waiting for something to change before you take actions. The time is now, if you want to become great then work in silence, never brag about the victories that you've been getting, never waste time trying to get people's attention and just do whatever you can do. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com