Feb 18, 2023


If you feel so stuck, if you're afraid to start something... just do this, one hour of pure hard work. No social media, no stupid video games, no nonsense talk, no nothing. Just pure hard work, keep pushing forward and be as fast as you can be. Never rest, never make excuses... just push forward and do something that will give you a momentum. If you can work so hard for one hour then you will become more confident, you will feel so good about yourself. Because that's the key to become very productive... to feel good and enjoy the process. And even if you don't enjoy the process... just do the work, never complain, never show a bad attitude, just give your very best and eventually you will feel much better. Just go, step on the gas not on the brakes. It's ok if you're struggling, just don't stop working and you will find your rhythm and timing, something will click and you will start to fall in love with the process. 


The resistance will go away if you will just start, stop acting like a punk, stop acting so weak, you're more powerful than you thought. You can do something now, just do it and stop thinking about the future. Focus on the moment, focus on being present with your work and never try to rush anything. Stop thinking and just start, just do it, do it over and over again until you become successful. You're thinking too much that's why you can't make a progress, you're worrying about nonsense things, you're feeding your fears and that's why you can't move, you need to take actions so that your fears will go away, you need to take matters into your own hands and force fate if you want to make a progress. Always think that you're not stuck, every positive thing you do is helping you to become successful, it's getting you closer and closer to the finish line. 


You really know what to do. You're just too lazy to do it, what the hell are you waiting for? stop looking for any advice and just do the work. You're pretending to be stupid and uninformed but the reality is you know something you're just lazy to start, you're just making excuses. You need to start doing something now, just start and never care about what's going to happen next. Because if you really want it then you will never waste your time acting like a dumb clown that was lost. You know something, you need to do it now and stop wasting time because it will only kill you in the end. Be faster, if you need to work then work, if you need to run then run, never care about perfection and focus on the execution. You don't need to look cute and perfect, you need to get dirty and moving. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com

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